Take one. We're just doing some on-camera testing, checking on lighting and so on, no pressure! Some of the local crew have supplied placid, friendly, outgoing cats for cat-lovers to interact with while we film your reactions to these interview questions. Meet Katja, Leon, and Minou!
CUT! Who let that dog on-set? If that belongs to someone on crew, they're fired. Animal wrangler, whatever your name is---get that dog out of here, then find the cat treats and round up our on-set cats. Not you, you're a camera person! Oh, Katja's yours? OK, carry on then. I thought these were supposed to be placid cats who can deal with other animals and people. How are they going to give the right relaxed impression when they're all poofed up? What are our stars going to think? We'll be lucky if they don't all poof up in sympathy, since they mostly seem to be cat people.
Send them for a brisk walk on the beach followed by hot drinks while we get ourselves re-organized here. And listen: the only on-set animals I'm willing to deal with are cats. No dogs, no llamas, no alpacas, no goats, no snakes, emphatically nobody's pet tarantulas, no marsupials, no birds, no rodents. Are we clear? Cats. Only cats. Nothing that will chase cats or that the cats will chase. We want happy, relaxed cats who will contribute to the stars being happy and relaxed---nobody needs to be traumatized by critters getting mauled. Except that I will personally maul whoever brought that dog in.
Take two. Welcome, stars! I hope you've had a lovely walk on the beach and enjoyed your hot coffee, tea, or cider afterward. You look great, all energized and enthusiastic, ready for a wonderful day on set. We're going to do a little on-camera testing, checking on lighting and so on,
no pressure! Some of the local crew have supplied placid, friendly,
outgoing cats for cat-lovers to interact with while we film your
reactions to these interview questions. Meet Katja, Leon, and Minou!
And while you get to know the cats, we'll just ask you a few easy questions, background stuff, we probably won't use it in the final film (but you never know). Ready? How old were you when you first became aware that your field of study was a professional field, as opposed to just reading or collecting pretty rocks? When did it occur to you that you wanted to work in that field professionally? When you went to graduate school, was that a long way from home for you, either in literal distance, or socially, or any other way you want to take that question?
Don't mind the crew, we'll just be fiddling with light meters and so on while we film you answering the questions. Or if you want to skip the questions, just talk about your goals for this week and how you did last week---that'll be fine.
Contingent Cassandra:
--Catch up with lit feedback/grading; catch up with comp feedback/grading
--Submit contract renewal portfolio (I actually did this a few hours ago, but
I’m putting it on so I can celebrate being finished at the end of the week,
--Catch up with various online trainings that need to be up to date for
contract renewal (all worthwhile, but they do proliferate, and I’ve been
neglecting a few)
--Containerize items from cupboards as the containers I’ve ordered arrive, and
temporarily stow most back in the cupboards
--At least begin moving books and bookshelf sitting where the refrigerator
needs to temporarily live while I’m working on the area around/behind its usual
--Exercise: stretching routine x 2; weight lifting x 2; walk x 1 if
weather/pollen cooperate; swim x 1 if pool is open.
--Friends & family: meet up with friend if we can get our schedules to
work; touch base with NY nephew
Make a weekly schedule with all
major tasks blocked off
Put writing blocks into that schedule and ACTUALLY DO IT…
Finish writing newsletter and collection of people-managing things
Fun dinner out with kid
Finish reading/commenting for student thesis draft
Do two figures for in-progress paper
Do galley edits on paper I’ve almost forgotten writing
Dame Eleanor Hull:
- join the gym I decided on
- grade a set of papers
- do some other teaching prep
- research 1 hour x 5, mainly Alms chapter, also some time on Latin, conference
paper project
- patch holes in kitchen wall
heu mihi:
1) Revise and finish grant
application (due 9/20)
2) Read 3 articles and incorporate them into my chapter(s)
3) Finalize Assignment 1 prompt
Self-care: take proper lunchtime
breaks since this is probably the last week I can for a while. Move
intentionally for at least 10 minutes a day. Next weekend, get the house in
order, lunches packed etc. ready for the first week of students. Go to various
appointments - and continue to proactively ask for a plan to be in place if I
can't cope with being back in person.
Teaching: Get every VLE and module handbook/syllabus ready. Work on first week
materials for the three modules seeing significant changes this year. Feed back
on draft for late MSc student, try to help student in a bit of a mess after
resits sort out their choices for next year.
Research: do comments on Unexpected Paper. Two graduate student meetings. Add
text from long report to consultancy paper draft (aiming to submit end of
month, probably not going to happen). Possibly find an hour for Special
Collection Chapter.
Admin: review minutes from early summer meetings. Ensure intern is keeping
busy! That may be all I can do.
Fun: one each of a chunk of time reading, drawing, crocheting and playing
D&D. Half an hour is enough to be a chunk. More would be good but only
D&D is sure to be longer.
maximise archive time, keep focused
on grant application (this is a taking soundings trip).