the grid

the grid

Sunday 24 February 2019

Week 8: Self care

I tend to be completely ineffective at self care, but I am here in the actual afterglow of using a face mask. I’m proud of myself for doing this simple thing after trying to think of what I could do to feel a bit more content and even cheery. Many TLQers regularly post self-care items on their lists for the week...what is something you could do for yourself that would be deeply, deeply gratifying? I’m thinking of one of Brian Eno’s oblique strategies, which is “go to an extreme, come part way back.” Consider the outrageous thing, then think of how it could truly be accomplished (or added to future plans) this week. 

Last week’s goals: 

Contingent Cassandra (carried over) 
--At least 1 walk, 1 stretch session, and 1 weight-lifting session, preferably on 3 different days. 
--continue editorial & peer review followup (group email and individual emails as necessary  
--Finish second individual contribution to curricular project 
--Do at least one more editorial review for curricular project 
--Continue morning writing on weekdays I'm at home (probably mostly individual contribution; possibly some FLC work and/or question-brainstorming) 
--Plan/schedule/perhaps begin work on proposal for curricular project conference poster 
--Take a day off  
--aim for lights out no later than 9:30 each night (with wind-down reading beginning at 8:00 if at all possible) 

Dame Eleanor Hull 
Health: exercise, stretch, sleep, eat safely. 
Research: keep up with language work; more translation style checking; edit introduction based on new editorial comments (last two are moving to TRQ).  
Teaching: grade gen ed papers; make up new writing assignments for both classes.  
Admin: assemble committee questions and schedule Thing.  
Life Stuff: more dull tasks (pick any three). 

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell 
Write 500 words a day.  
Draw one picture this week.
Write and post a snippet of the novella. 
Knit half an hour a day. 

Good Enough Woman 
1) Float like mist at my son's event on Saturday. 
2) Help my daughter with acquiring dress for the dance (if necessary). 
3) Get some rest. 
4) Get as much grading a prep done this weekend so that I'm ready to review applications next week. 
5) Pay bills. 
6) Get plane ticket for conference.
7) Do check in by Sunday night. 

heu mihi 
1. Weekly accounting 
2. Language x3, sit x4, write x4, exercise x4. 
3. Write 2500 words unless I get to the end first. 
4. Work on revisions to intro; check original language for chapter 4. 
5. Malory to p. 500. 

humming42 (carried over) 
1 Submit book review 
2 Submit article review 
3 Submit other article review 
4 Post to reading group 
5 Promotion for big conference 
6 Confirm date for small conference 

1) Teaching: prepare for next week, read and feedback on pile of looooong drafts, Set first half of exam Qs for new module, set up resit exam for first year module  
2) self-care: do something not-work every evening other than stare at the phone, go to bed early every night, drink 1.5-2 l of water a day and focus on hitting >5 fruit and veg portions a day, cut down refined sugar.  
3) research: Continue ProblemChild2 analysis. Model runs for FlatProject (slightly cheating as these are just chugging away on my computer and won't finish until next weekend at the earliest). Reply to difficult email about Gallimaufray. deal with latest set of queries about Crispier and ProblemChild1. Probably don't finish draft of grant idea for circulation to collaborators. 
4) making stuff and being creative: finish test swatch. Look for rest of yarn for colourwork block, start that.  
5) domestic chaos reduction: Get boiler fixed and serviced. Catch up with washing up. book more sessions with decluttering woman. 

1. Catch up on teaching prep and grading 
2. Write small travel grant for next conference 
3. Look at book figures and set up meeting with drafter 
4. Figure out help with statistics for R and R 
5. Look at R and R even if you do nothing 
6. Exercise x 2 

1. Grade papers 
2. Draft proposal for summer fellowship  
3. Get back to exercise 
4. Keep getting good sleep 
5. Enjoy my visit with family and friends 

1. Review student's paper 
2. APA grant (due Friday - ha ha) 
3. Gender review (dragging my heels bc I am likely to reject it - this will be my 4th review of this paper) 
4. Scoping review flow chart 
5. PTSD paper - pull together and figure out next steps 
6. Next steps for psych program project 
7. Next steps for couple ID analyses