the grid

the grid

Sunday 27 November 2022

2022 Session Three, week 11

We never did collect goals at midterm, because that was A Week all around, and now we're getting close to the end it doesn't seem worth it. I vote to let it go and we'll just see how hard we feel like laughing at the session goals in a few weeks. The plan is that we'll set goals three more times (this week plus 2), and then around 17 December have a how-we-did/end-of-session party where we reflect on the whole session (including on those things that intruded despite not being on the radar back when we started, like roof repairs).

This week's shape is a torus! Otherwise known as a doughnut, in geometric terms it's a curvy shape with a single hole in it. (I am not going to get technical about this: if you're mathematically inclined, you know the details, and if you aren't, I assume that you don't want to know and this hand-wavy definition will suffice.) So a mug or a teacup counts, as the handle is the hole. So do tires, some rings, some bracelets . . . what version will you choose? Let us know in the comments, if you feel like it! Goals are posted below, so also let us know how you did and what you're planning for the week ahead.

EAM, we're holding you and any other TLQers who need it in the light. Though the year itself is still getting darker in the northern hemisphere, that just means that candles and seasonal decorations and SAD lamps are going on and radiating out to everyone! And if you're in the southern hemisphere, then your light is growing and heading for the solstice: enjoy!


URGENT revisions for old paper
URGENT write something for out-of-my-field discussion paper
Finish website and award stuff for association
New conference stuff
Clean house after construction chaos IF that is finished this week
Paint bedrooms if construction is done

Dame Eleanor Hull

- finish the damned essay (now urgent)
- Notes on MET book and C&C read weeks ago
- work on at least one spring class
- do an interesting long walk
- do some tidying, unpacking, or other house task
- do yoga at least 4 times, weights x2, walk x5

heu mihi

-Maybe look at the microfilm I inadvertently ordered from the library?
-Look at vita in reading room
-Reserve reading room spots and MSS
-Journal: Process new MS for review; identify and request reviewers; work through proofs that are due on Monday (but we're still waiting for the authors to look at them); sort out the two even-newer submissions
-Run x 3
-Yoga x 1


Deal with workmen
Sort out some Xmas stuff
keep an eye on Fluffball


1. Teaching prep.
2. Emails (try to be efficient)
3. Write urgent student reference.
4. Maybe do research
5. Exercise - run twice, pilates once, walk other days.
6. House stuff
7. Day off on Friday, probably Christmas shopping with kids.

Sunday 20 November 2022

2022 Session Three Week 10

 Paisley certainly aroused some mixed feelings!  I wonder how much of that is down to the colourways often chosen, or to the relatively complex and asymmetrical nature of the pattern, or both?  I like natural shapes which are complex and asymmetrical, but they are almost always in subdued colours, or a limited palette - maybe full-on psychedelic paisley is just a bit of an assault on overstimulated brains?

A lurid paisley


A subtle but luxuriant Jaccard paisley

Paisley feathers

And finally, the image I found which most appeals to me, a Paisley maple leaf design which combines the flamboyance of the shape with the flame and leaf and nature references and uses a limited colour palette to great effect (embroidery pattern here)

So this week, let's talk about the role of preference in TLQ, and in work in general.  People enjoy different kinds of work - but I've had several awkward experiences with very clever people who should know better, but who assume everyone feels like them - "we all prefer lecturing to practical classes" or "we all love teaching in the field", for example.  Neither is actually true for creaky, chatty me - I value field teaching but I find it very stressful and hard on both mind and body, plus am increasingly aware of the challenges it poses to access and inclusion, and whilst I'll happily rabbit on about just about any subject under the sun, my reading and my experience tells me that many students actually learn better in practical sessions, and designing a good practical is a huge amount of fun for me.  How does preference play into what TLQ actually gets done for you, or otherwise influence your working life?



  • FINISH revisions for accepted paper
  • Keep going on revisions for old paper
  • Write some sections anything at all for out-of-my-field discussion paper
  • Grading!!!
  • Website and award stuff for association

Dame Eleanor Hull

  • - finish the damned essay
  • - Notes on MET book and C&C read weeks ago
  • - Grade more grad drafts and one set of undergrad papers
  • - work on at least one spring class
  • - Walk with friend, eye exam
  • - do yoga at least 4 times, weights x2, walk x5

heu mihi

  • 1. Figure out plans for next (and last) archive visit, sigh
  • 2. Work on research 2 hours x 4
  • 3. Work on getting reviewers for journal article
  • 4. Email catch-up (two things! Do it!)
  • 5. Rest


  • - don't do more than 9 hours a day max. Aim for one WEEK day with NO WORK.
  • - prepare teaching for next week.
  • - work on the neglected paper (sending emails will be enough)
  • - list out some easy steps on the Toy Project
  • - do minimum house chores that keep getting lost.
  • - do something creative - D&D, words on a page, SOMETHING.


  • 1. Spend as much of non-teaching day (Thursday) on research as possible.
  • 2. Go to writing group on Friday and try again for four hours! 
  • 3. Continue with teaching prep for next term.
  • 4. Read a PhD student's work in advance of a meeting.
  • 5. Do only essential admin.
  • 6. House/life stuff - book eye test, start planning Christmas (needs a whole TLQ post in itself).
  • 7. Exercise - no chance of getting to Dame Eleanor's level, but run twice, walk other days.
  • 8. Get to bed early! – 

Sunday 13 November 2022

2022 Session Three week Nine

I’m thinking about a lot of TLQ participants, some of whom are visible in the list of contributors to the right, wondering how you’re doing: Humming42, Karen, Elizabeth Anne Mitchell, and Susan have all been around fairly recently, and we have some idea about you. EAM, I hope you’re staying strong and have lots of real-life support. I’d love to hear from others, including Good Enough Woman and Contingent Cassandra, as well as people who have participated in the past but not become hosts. May you all float like mist, flow like water, and endure like ice.

This week’s shape-prompt: paisley. Wikipedia defines it as a “teardrop-shaped motif with a curved upper end,” and also suggests that it was inspired by almonds or pine cones. It can be psychedelic or subdued. 

What does it make you think of?

Let us know in the comments! Also let us know how you did with last week's goals, below, and what you're going to try for in the coming week.


Revisions for accepted paper
Start revisions for old paper
Write some sections for out-of-my-field discussion paper

Dame Eleanor Hull

- keep smoothing the essay
- Notes on MET book and C&C read weeks ago
- Grade more grad drafts
- work on at least one spring class
- Do some House/Life/Car thing
- do yoga at least 4 times, weights x2, walk x5

heu mihi

1. Finally process journal submission; figure out who's responsible for the next one
2. Edited collection: Edit notes and bibliography for two remaining chapters; offer to do more if co-editor is overwhelmed; email folks who need to translate their Middle English
3. Get a HAIRCUT (which I had planned to do three weeks ago, but Covid)
4. Email clear-out (this is like five things, so really not too bad)
5. EXERCISE! Run x 3, yoga for real x 1, stretch daily to deal with the stiff neck I got hauling a backpack and looking up at church ceilings/Roman ruins
6. Look at a manuscript
7. Schedule trip to German monastery


- don't do more than 9 hours a day max. Aim for one WEEK day with NO WORK.
- prepare teaching for next week
- work on the other paper (which has been neglected since I got ill in April)
- list out some easy steps on the Toy Project and go to the 3 hour meeting
- do minimum house chores that keep getting lost.
- do something creative - D&D, words on a page, SOMETHING.


1. Revise a couple of lectures.
2. Teaching prep for two different lots of seminars.
3. Do some more prep for next term's teaching (see above on trying to stave off inevitable panic)
4. Do research/writing for a couple of hours IF POSSIBLE.
5. Peer review a colleague's grant application.
6. Admin tasks (impose strict time limit)
7. House stuff
8. Exercise - at least get out for a walk.

Sunday 6 November 2022

2022 Session 3 Week 8

 Greetings everyone!  Not quite sure how it is already November, but here we are.  It was Guy Fawkes aka Bonfire Night last night here in the UK, so a noisy evening despite the wet weather!  Fluffball is not too bothered by fireworks - he's much more afraid of plastic bags and running short of kibble.

Last week we thought about arrows, and that led my image searches to some pleasant places:

some directional arrows in an Autumn wood

hand drawn arrows
some free-flowing editing-type arrows by starline from freepik

a beautiful modern interpretation of the quilt block "Flying Geese" pattern HERE

Most of the comments, both specifically about arrows and more generally about our lives and TLW, made me think about the dichotomy between the plan - straight and swift as an arrow, focused, targeted, driven - and real life, whether that's scrawling arrows all over drafts to move things around or make space for notes connected to text, or the wayward paths of being human, in an innately imperfect human body and society, constantly adjusting to do the best we can in the place we are.  So this week, maybe we can talk about that relationship between the crisp lines of the map-plan on the open page and the messy, organic, delicious distractions of the wood it depicts, and for a change let's think about the positives, and how we can better bring the two of them together.  When the wood dominates, it's easy to feel like a failure for being so far adrift from the plan, and when the plan dominates, life can start to feel quite bare and constricted.  The TLQ philosophy is to make space for important before it becomes urgent, to impose a little control on things rather than being entirely in fire-fighting mode (or bramble-bashing/distracted by butterflies mode in my wood analogy), so lets share tips on making those spaces.



  • Incorporate all edits, polish, and submit grant
  • Catch up on ALL the grading and class prep for the next month.
  • Catch up on some dropped balls related to association work and conferences.

Dame Eleanor Hull

  • - keep smoothing the essay
  • - Notes on MET book and C&C read 4 weeks ago
  • - Grade new set of undergrad papers
  • - Do some House/Life/Car thing
  • - do yoga at least 4 times, weights x2, walk x5

heu mihi

Welcome back, we’ve very glad to hear you still got to travel!

  • Recover from travels

Humming42 (carried over)

  • 1 catch up on grading (already!)
  • 2 write 1000 words for Food chapter
  • 3 create module structure for online class
  • 4 catch up on emails and organizing online files


  • don't do more than 9 hours a day max. Aim for one day with NO WORK.
  • prepare teaching for two week's hence
  • work on the paper (it's due next Monday)
  • list out some easy steps on the Toy Project for next week (which is so badly neglected)
  • do minimum house chores that keep getting lost.
  • do something creative - D&D, words on a page, SOMETHING.


  • Minimal teaching prep, but do a bit of work on next term's module while I have more time this week.
  • Do some research.
  • Spend 4 hours at writing group on Friday
  • Referee an article
  • Book Covid jab for son.
  • House stuff.