Prompt for this week is one we may have had before, so apologies if I'm duplicating, but sometimes reminders can be helpful. I'm thinking of this one as how do you get started when your batteries feel low? I got home this afternoon after a weekend away which was fun, but intense, and because of engineering works on the railway, the journey back today took six hours of trains and buses compared with the usual three to four hours. So I felt completely groggy and found myself sitting vacantly in a chair for a while not knowing where to start with unpacking bag, laundry, writing a shopping list, thinking about this post etc. In the end, I had a shower, read for twenty minutes and now still feel tired, but a bit more awake. Reading something, even if just for a few minutes, is often a way I can summon up a bit of energy. Going for a walk is another option. So what strategies or techniques do you have to get yourselves moving, literally or metaphorically, when you feel brain fogged?
Last week's goals:
Jane B
1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15
minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing (one
day this WILL happen)
* a couple of small things off the list
* prepare remainder of teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* write even more applicant letters
* meet with now-senior grad student to go through their technical terminology
(their phonetic spelling is amusing at times but science also needs
* review article for journal
* if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
* if time, look at the Consultancy Paper that is back on my plate, sigh. I am
so fed up with this paper...
Heu mihi
1. Research: Edit (on paper) chapter 5 and conclusion. Take
a look at article due in April just to remember what I still have to do.
2. Grad students: Read intro and first chapter of a dissertation. Meet with
various people. Plan *and announce* memorial event for student who died in
3. Teaching: Keep it going.
4. Exercise: Do what I can and forgive myself if I miss days.
1. Figure out the paper I'm giving in 2 weeks and write it.
(It's theme and variations with what I've done already, so not as daunting as
that sounds.)
2. Read next journal article for press, deal with the next version of "And
3. Figure out visit with old roommate who was recently widowed.
4. Make plans for conference in Boston the end of next week
5. Weights x 3, one good walk, one yoga
6. Keep up with the reading
7. Maybe do a few of the image permissions?
Dame Eleanor
- continue work on slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on whatever has stickies sticking out
- do some odds and ends of grading and ViLE stuff
- read/comment Thing for a friend
- fill in one set of forms that involves money
- yoga x5, trainer session if I'm healed up enough
- find & print some tax documents
- calls about an insurance bill
- more graduate applications (or maybe I'll leave them till after break!)
- sit outside on warm days
- 90-minute massage
- read something fun
- organize the linen closet; do some other tidying up
ENDLESS student thesis stuff
Learn new music
Midterms, study guides, marking
Plan analytical work
Contingent Cassandra (carried over from last week)
--Continue work on site: figure out csv import; add
additional documents (both full documents & individual pages for
transcription); work on making site more easily navigable, especially from key
landing pages
--Draft call for transcribers and other helpers and run draft and site by
organizational leaders who need to okay distribution of the call via the
organization’s communication channels
--Finish signup directions and guidelines for transcribers, communicate with
people who have volunteered to test the directions/site
--Write department chair, program director, and scheduling coordinator re:
possible adjustments to fall schedule
--Write colleague who has recently dealt with HR/university’s medical leave
system for advice
--Continue movement, especially strength training of arms/shoulders (perhaps
begin using some of the recommended post-op stretches as warmups?)
--Do additional work in the garden (weeding, seed-sowing, mulching,
--Make progress on choosing/ordering refrigerator (and possibly stove), moving
over-fridge cabinet, other fridge-replacement-related moving around of things,
and/or packing/mailing returns.
--Plan/prioritize other household work
1. Finish the marking (due Thursday)
2. Somehow find time to work on grant application.
3. Final proper bit of teaching of term.
4. Finish booking train tickets, apply for daughter's provisional license,
optician's appointment, plan for weekend in London (son in a cross-country race
on Saturday).