the grid

the grid

Sunday 17 December 2023

TLQ: The Movie! (Session 3 2023) Week 15: PARTY!

 Good morning everyone!

Well, here we are, the last week of our filming schedule… And for a change, everything is going exactly as planned. All that is left to do is have our final wrap party! Suffice it to say it will be epic. We have to use the rest of our budget (use it or lose it!) so we’ve booked the fancy local caterer to so an epic spread in the ballroom. I told them to go hard on the bite-sized snacks so we can try as many different things as possible. We will be watching the first cut of our film, it has turned out beautiful. Some of my favourite sequences are the interview sections, especially the ones that include the moody night-time shots with the fancy castle outfits. If there is anything you really want at this party just let me know!

Session goals are listed below, check in on those and tell us how you did, and please throw in any and every extra win into your report! We are celebrating everything, even if things were not on the original goal list. As we know serendipity doesn’t always read the list… If you are in the mood for an end of year/solstice kind of reflection, tell us about what you want to take with you into the New Year. A big bottle of wine and a hunk of cheese is of course a perfectly valid answer!

Thank you for playing along all session, and thank you to our marvelous director Dame Eleanor Hull who was a wonderfully inspiring presence and made the filming extra fun. Everyone will be taking home a small plush raccoon toy and a sparkly inflatable unicorn to remember the adventure!

Last week’s goals:

heu mihi

1) 8000 meetings and one-on-ones with students; finish grading for all but independent study and possible incompletes
2) Italian final! --Which is itself a one-on-one conversation! I do need to study a bit to make sure that I'm up on all my verb tenses and vocabulary sets....
3) Start hard-copy read-through of ch. 2
4) Work on conceptual framing for ch. 6, which I think I'm starting to get a handle on. Finish reading a relevant book.
5) Miscellaneous website updates ahead of Friday website meeting
6) Work with colleague to finalize departmental equity review
7) Christmas shopping, haircut
8) Seriously, get back into the running regimen


1. 3 more essays for big collaboration
2. Be good in meeting tomorrow
3. Finish last bureaucratic tasks for the semester
4. Prepare for and enjoy my Christmas party on Thursday. Baking, food, friends. The Christmas list is on repeat on Spotify...
5. Reschedule massage and haircut that were postponed when I had COVID. (My hair desperately needs a cut!)


Recovery and rest!


1. Finish marking
2. Finish reading thesis and write report (viva next Monday)
3. Another morning on grant application
4. Resubmit article again
5. End of term admin
6. Claim expenses
7. Daughter's passport
8. House stuff
9. Christmas stuff.
10. Try for something fun (lunch in cafe, some time reading).

Dame Eleanor Hull

- grade ALL THE THINGS and post final grades
- renew library books (TRQ!)
- swim 3x, weights 3x, cardio 3x, yoga 5-6x
- research 2 hr x 5
- write 2 course proposals
- sew the thing, e-mail nephew, write checks & mail them, make appt for eye exam


Enjoy trip
Eat lots of good things on trip
Do lots and lots of work while on trip
Shop for kid and others while on trip

Session Goals 

Contingent Cassandra


--Keep up with teaching, especially feedback (I’ve got 4 sections on two different calendars this semester, both repeats; keeping up with feedback is always the challenge). There will definitely be weeks when this is all or pretty much all I can do.

--Complete contract renewal packet (I’m on 5-year contracts; this is the renewal year. My materials are due in under a week, and I’m nearly done, so this will be an early but crucial “win”).

--Complete study leave application (we just got study leaves for non-tenure-track faculty last year, and there’s limited funding, so competition is stiff)

--Identify/apply as appropriate for other possible sources of funding for current research project (the role of slaveholding in the history of the church to which I belong) (I need to figure out whether actually applying is a good use of time/energy at this stage in the project; also need to figure out what would happen if I got partial funding, since my institution is very resistant to the idea of course reductions for NTT faculty, though some of my colleagues do have them).


--Replace refrigerator (including associated cabinet-moving and hole-patching)

--Get all the plumbing working at once (next up: replace kitchen faucet. Also on the docket: hire plumber to fix/replace shower taps.)

--Plan/implement other work as time/energy allows (this could include ordering/assembling/painting some additional cabinets, shelves, and doors; getting estimates for counter replacement; replacing stove; replacing flooring; additional hole-patching).


--Keep moving: continue stretching program, restart lifting weights, restart walking, take a last swim or two if there are weekend pool hours.

--Keep in regular touch with friends and family, especially young-adult nieblings

heu mihi

1) Finish chapter 4
2) Revise/tie up loose ends for chapters 1-3
3) Plan chapter 5 and/or 6
4) Apply for a grant (deadline 9/20)
5) Write a book review for a book that I have already read (due in November sometime)
6) Write and submit 2 conference abstracts
7) Keep things moving with this festschrift that I am now co-editing (we're in the very early stages, so that basically means coming up with an idea for the chapter that I would want to write and keeping track of who has agreed to contribute).
8) I'm also trying to keep my exercise up, answer emails promptly, and sit daily (weekdays).


1. Self-care. The boring practical stuff that needs to happen because if it goes right it makes everything else easier. Just to feel that I'm consistently touching on each of the important areas regularly would be great.
2. Teaching. The bread and butter of my actual job. Survival will do here, defined as being ahead in prep and not having caused too much havoc via migraines, sick leave* etc. (or if I do end up on sick leave, that I keep my nose OUT of teaching!)
3. Research. Keep things ticking along - immediate goals are to submit three papers this session to journals (all are already well underway), help to organise a workshop in January, and apply for money for a grad student.
4. Admin. I have a fair amount spread across 4 named roles, and I want to keep it and shed teaching rather than the other way around (although the "help" I get offered from my department is definitely the other way around), partly because I can do it in a much more sustainable way in terms of my personal energy budget.
5. Fun. Necessary for self-care but also just necessary. I like to make things, mess around with art stuff, read, and play D&D. Getting back into doing all of those things fairly often was this summer's win, and I want to try & maintain that.


1. Write grant application.
2. Make some progress on writing a journal article.
3. Do revisions to another journal article.
4. Try to be on top of teaching rather than overwhelmed by it.
5. Work on some house projects.
6. Try to get regular exercise, more sleep, eat healthily.
7. Do something fun each week.


1. Survival - right now the term seems overwhelming, so if I'm in one piece on December 16, it will be a success. (I'm teaching 2 classes, have a lot of travel, and the admin load is heavy right now.)

2. Famous Author: Finish my revisions (hopefully by the mid-semester check in. The goal is to send it back to my editor and get it to a press at the start of the new year.

3. Big Collaboration: Read all drafts, work with co-editor on drafting introduction.

4. Do something fun on a regular basis - with friends, or watch movies or something.

5. Continue regular exercise / healthy eating / adequate sleep

Dame Eleanor Hull

- join a gym, work out regularly, also regular yoga at home
- finish two partially-written chapters
- write an abstract (at least) for a conference paper
- keep up with teaching prep and grade in a timely manner
- organize conference travel
- make progress on house/unpacking projects
- cheer on my fellow TLQers!


Write major grant application
Make progress on one local paper, one student paper, and one giant collaborative paper, and by progress I mean submit at least two out of three
Exercise consistently
Have regular fun with kid


  1. It's been so much fun, thank you for hosting. I have loved the story. And what could be better to take into 2024 than a toy raccoon and sparkly inflatable unicorn?

    I am very tired, and looking forward to a rest, though I am hosting all the in-laws (plus SIL's new dog) so Christmas itself will not be that restful. But I am determined to claw a few days rest and relaxation once Christmas is out of the way.

    1. Finish marking - YES!
    2. Finish reading thesis and write report (viva next Monday) - YES, just need to write final report with co-examiner.
    3. Another morning on grant application -YES, booked an online writing retreat for 3 hours and got a lot further.
    4. Resubmit article again - YES (and it STILL came back. Every time they ask me for something they forgot to mention the last time. Will do final resubmission tomorrow.)
    5. End of term admin - YES (cheated in that finished stuff today)
    6. Claim expenses - YES
    7. Daughter's passport - NO
    8. House stuff - YES
    9. Christmas stuff. - YES
    10. Try for something fun (lunch in cafe, some time reading). -YES

    Session goals:
    1. Write grant application. - PROGRESS
    2. Make some progress on writing a journal article. - NO
    3. Do revisions to another journal article. - YES
    4. Try to be on top of teaching rather than overwhelmed by it. - JUST ABOUT
    5. Work on some house projects. - YES (shiny new kitchen! Though term-time maybe not the best timing...)
    6. Try to get regular exercise, more sleep, eat healthily. - SORT OF, HAHAHA, ISH
    7. Do something fun each week. - NO, not really. Or at least, nothing that memorable. Must work on this for next session

    Overall, not bad. I'm glad to have made some progress on the grant application, as I felt I had a major block there. And once the article is finally resubmitted, that will be something else ticked off. Teaching has been a slog, but it seems to be the same for most people. I really need to work on more sleep and self-care, as I am feeling wrung out and next term will be even harder.

    However, for now there is relief that I can sign off my email for a while! Wishing everyone a wonderful break, with wine, cheese, naps, books, crafts and music galore!

    1. Maybe the Xmas change will be as good as a rest! And I hope there is real rest after the holiday celebrations. Yay for progress! Forward movement is always good.

    2. Yay for fun things and new kitchen and progress on research things! I hope the break is an actual break, and that you have a peaceful and restorative time, after fun family things!
      Happy you liked our fantasy movie!

    3. It looks like you had a pretty darn good session! Congratulations especially on moving the grant application forward. I hope that you get some good rest after all of the family leaves!

  2. Hello everyone,

    Isn't time peculiar? It's been a really long few months but also, how is it Monday again, and only one week to Christmas?? I'm up and down - most recently I was doing better, then I had the first stage of the autism assessment which was, well, the complete opposite of affirming and the last few days have involved a lot of not being able to get up and random upsets. But I just keep trying to be kind to myself (it's ironic in some ways that the last few years, I've been really emphasising kindness - pedagogy of kindness, kindness as a foundational principle for my work - and I was finding that really helpful as it relates to other people, but now I'm struggling to apply that to myself...).

    1. Self-care. The boring practical stuff that needs to happen because if it goes right it makes everything else easier. Just to feel that I'm consistently touching on each of the important areas regularly would be great. still not there but working on it and better than it was
    2. Teaching. The bread and butter of my actual job. Survival will do here, defined as being ahead in prep and not having caused too much havoc via migraines, sick leave* etc. (or if I do end up on sick leave, that I keep my nose OUT of teaching!) was on sick leave, did not entirely get to keep my nose out but did better than in the past
    3. Research. Keep things ticking along - immediate goals are to submit three papers this session to journals (all are already well underway), help to organise a workshop in January, and apply for money for a grad student Has been very neglected. BUT - two papers were submitted (one rejected - again - at speed) and three if I count one with loads of authors where I am not one of the lead group), and I did apply for money for a grad student before I got sick - in fact we have possible funding under two different schemes. The system is that there are n funded studentships and n+a small number of projects are approved and advertised - students apply, each project identifies the top students, and then those students are ranked against each other and the top n students funded. So we don't know if we definitely have a student until the process is complete... and I haven't been around to advertise etc. & my co-supervisors are all, well, busy to be kind. So we'll see. I think the workshop is dead as a dodo but we'll see...)
    4. Admin. I have a fair amount spread across 4 named roles, and I want to keep it and shed teaching rather than the other way around (although the "help" I get offered from my department is definitely the other way around), partly because I can do it in a much more sustainable way in terms of my personal energy budget. ugh. Mostly ignored, a few bits done because no-one else was picking up and they immediately affected students...
    5. Fun. Necessary for self-care but also just necessary. I like to make things, mess around with art stuff, read, and play D&D. Getting back into doing all of those things fairly often was this summer's win, and I want to try & maintain that. did quite well at this one!

    1. My department had a big meeting to work on a draft of a workload policy (with the goal of making the distribution more equitable, which continues to be. . . .let's say challenging, especially given budget constraints). One of my fellow full-time non-tenure-track colleagues wore a sweatshirt with the word "kindness" repeated in various colors and fonts down the front. I do not think this was an accident.

      But yes, being kind to ourselves is sometimes more difficult than being kind to others. But maybe prioritizing fun counts at least a bit in that department?

    2. Fun! Fun fun fun! Art, D&D, reading, yay! I'm sorry the autism assessment's first stage was not affirming but it does seem like a good thing that you're doing it and I hope it gets better in the future stages!

    3. Good to hear from you! I'm glad you got some fun and creative things done, it is absolutely self-care, and absolutely necessary to have something restorative when all the rest is hard. I hope the assessment gets more helpful as it goes on after the rough start.
      Kindness towards self is the hardest one, hang in there and keep practicing!

    4. Thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are. Hope things get easier, and agree absolutely with practising kindness!

    5. So glad that you're doing well on the Fun front--that's important! And that's an impressive little list in your Research section, actually, so congratulations on that!

    6. Sad upodate - my cat Fluffball has cancer & is on paliative care. he did the usual Cat Thing of hiding it until it was bad. I'm very glad I'm not going anywhere for Christmas, so we can just spend some time at home doing normal things (with extra treats and chicken - he has official permission to eat whatever he fancies).

      This is just a normal part of owning pets but I am not impressed with its timing!

    7. Poor Fluffball! And poor you! It is so hard, and I know what you mean about the way they hide it. I hope he enjoys his treats and chicken. Enormous sympathy to you both!

    8. Oh, dear! Poor Fluffball. And poor you. I'm glad you can have lots of cuddle time.

    9. Oh poor Fluffball! And you! I am so sorry to hear that... All the cuddles and all the treats for him.

  3. I’m not going to go through goal by goal because that could get discouraging – and yes, a fair number of unexpected things came up, and elbowed out original goals. So here’s what did happen:

    Professional: The big win here is that I not only completed both the contract renewal and the study leave application, but, as of last week, have seen positive results from both: I have a letter from the provost saying a new 5-year contract is forthcoming, and a letter from my college’s dean saying I have a study leave next year (my choice of term; I’m mulling that over, but will probably, for a variety of reasons, go for Spring ’25. If anybody has thoughts on pros and cons of timing and planning for/maximizing use of such time, please speak up!). So the time I spent on both of those efforts early in the term definitely paid off.

    I also did a reasonably good job of keeping up with teaching prep and feedback until about mid-semester, when the usual crunch created by juggling feedback/support for students who are more or less keeping up with feedback/support for those who have fallen behind kicked in. I’m not sure what the solution to that one is (though more reasonable workloads would certainly help; see comments re: workload retreat under Jane’s post). Students’ skill/confidence deficits that are most likely pandemic-related and the temptation to use AI to make up for same are certainly not helping, and the dropout rates and final grade distributions for the 3 writing classes were pretty discouraging (things went better in the lit class, but partly because I chose to turn a blind eye to some likely AI-generated content there as long as there was evidence that they were engaging with the texts and the central questions of the class).

    Colleagues are seeing the same issues, so I know it’s not just me, but it’s discouraging, and means that I will spend more of the winter break than I would like revising course materials to address in at least a stopgap way some of the major issues with the writing class (which is the only one I’ll be teaching in the spring). We also now definitely know that we’ll be getting a new LMS in ‘24/’25, which is basically good news (we’re overdue), but also one more thing to deal with (and adds a bit of complexity to deciding which term to take the leave; assuming I can be part of the group that begins using the new LMS in the fall, I think I want to accomplish that *before* going on leave, while tech support and perhaps even stipends for such work are most available).

    1. Congratulations on the contract renewal and study leave! That is excellent news. I also would suggest spring for the leave. Fall feels to me like a winding-down time, whereas spring feels like a gearing-up, and then you have the summer to continue work while you're on a roll, rather than feeling that you need the summer to recover from a year of teaching before you can even start work during a fall leave (assuming that you have the summer off and aren't teaching during it, of course). Starting with the new LMS in the fall with most support also makes sense.

    2. Your comment about student work resonates here. Everyone is trying to figure out how to get students to focus. This seems especially bad for the students who started in COVID. Solidarity.

    3. Yay for study leave and contract, that is great news! Also voting for Spring, better use of summer that way...

    4. Study leave is great news! I agree that spring is better, but whichever term you take, try to make sure prep for the following term/leftovers from the previous don't bleed into it.

      Urrgh, students. Same here in the UK, something clearly broke during Covid that hasn't been fixed - writing, meeting deadlines, showing up to class all seem to be optional for them.

    5. Seconding all of the above--congratulations on the renewal and the leave, and ARGH to the AI-generated papers, about which no one seems to know exactly what to do. (Most of the "solutions" I've heard, like "Let them use AI! It's a teaching tool!", seem rather unsatisfactory.)

  4. Household: more incremental progress than completion here. I bought a small chest-style refrigerator/freezer for temporary use (which can serve as a small chest freezer once I finally replace the full-size fridge, and can even plug into the car for use as a camping refrigerator, though I can’t claim I have camping plans anytime soon). That’s working pretty well, both for doing its job directly and for producing blocks of ice to keep things like veggies fresh in the old fridge (which still insulates, even though it doesn't cool).

    I also kept up with fall garden-plot maintenance and planting, which should have been on the list, since it always demands some time in the fall, but wasn’t. Falls crops are looking good (or were when I last checked in several weeks ago, but we’ve had rain and mostly moderate temperatures, so I’m hopeful).
    I also bought, but have not yet installed, a temporary stand-in for the kitchen sink and the crumbling cabinet in which it is sitting (basically a small utility sink of the kind you might see in a laundry room or even outside, and which I may eventually use in one of those settings myself, or pass on to a family member who can). It’s more moveable and detachable/reattachable than a regular cabinet, which means I can work on things like the floor and nearby walls while having a working sink that I’m not afraid will collapse if I remove the old refrigerator on which the current sink cabinet seems to be leaning (and which is very tightly wedged into its spot in any case; getting it out, and its replacement in, is going to be an adventure – and is an argument for taking care of things in that area in between those two events).

    I also did a fair amount of containerizing and rearranging of things in the kitchen, which will make life easier as I continue to move things around to allow access to whatever I need to work on next. Finally – embarrassing but true – I spent a fair amount of time trying to knock back the roach population, which had become resistant to both baits and sprays. I finally had what appears to be almost-complete success (fingers crossed) with a combination of diatomaceous earth (new) and insect growth regulators (which I’ve used pretty continuously for some years, but I think I got a bad batch sometime in the last year or so). Stopping up every hole I can find/reach is still a necessity, and a priority (my apartment is in an old building with a lot of pipes, etc., running between units, and periodic incursions of unwanted critters come with that territory), but using the kitchen is more efficient (and pleasant) now that I don’t have to wash everything in sight immediately before beginning a cooking task, and I’m feeling better about bringing in new appliances (and moving the old without the risk of sending creepy-crawly refugees from the kitchen into the rest of the apartment).

    Not sure how much I want to prioritize making progress on these projects during the break (which is feeling short; see above re: curricular revisions) and/or the spring term, but getting the new sink in and buying a new full-size refrigerator would definitely be improvements if I can find/make time for that work and associated projects (and/or arrange things so I can put off some of the associated projects). If not, I can limp along with the systems I’ve got in place until summer.

    And I’m out of time for tonight, so, to be continued with the personal category soon. . . .

    1. Incremental progress is progress!!

    2. Wow, that's a lot of kitchen-related progress! I hope that you're able to do what you need to do over the break.

  5. I can see that I'm going to have to disable the security cameras and sneak into my gym's pool when it's normally closed in order to get full use of the inflatable unicorn! So many nefarious things to do . . .

    How I did last week:
    - grade ALL THE THINGS and post final grades. YES!!!! DONE!!!!
    - renew library books (TRQ!). YES.
    - swim 3x, weights 3x, cardio 3x, yoga 5-6x. NO swimming (pool closed all week for mechanical problem), weights YES, cardio 4x, slacking on yoga (2-3 times).
    - research 2 hr x 5. NO. I really have to schedule this, or track time, or both.
    - write 2 course proposals. NO---carry forward!
    - sew the thing, e-mail nephew, write checks & mail them, make appt for eye exam. NO, NO, YES, NO: carry forward the sewing, e-mail, appointment.

    Session accomplishments:
    I did great with the joining a gym and working out! I have a trainer and she is pushing me hard, and that is paying off in more energy and stamina. I am loving swimming again. I also kept up with teaching prep and grading. It helped that I had a small number of students, although these included three independent studies, which required a lot of reading in order to be a good advisor. All the other stuff . . . well, hey, I can say I'm not burned out! I have baked cakes, read novels, gone to book club meetings, and done a few small crafty things. I've kept trying to slog away at research, even though that's been in fits and starts. I've had several lunches with a new friend, dinner with a visiting nephew and his girlfriend, attended one wedding and made arrangements to travel to another. I've mostly enjoyed the last few months, though they have not seen many big accomplishments. The gym is the biggest thing. Who knew I was such a jock? (Well, gym rat, anyway.)

    1. Thank you for being such and lovely co-host!
      I am very impressed with the gym-going! Trainers can be such an amazing help, makes a huge difference for sure.
      Love the reflection that you are not burned out from the term, that is something we all need to try for I think! Nice to look back and see lots of fun things in a session...

    2. Sounds like you had a good session, with a lot of self-care in there.

    3. And I have to mention how fabulously you met the goal of "cheer on fellow TLQers", thank you!!

    4. It sounds like life is pretty pleasant at the moment--which is what we're after, isn't it? Glad you had a good session!

  6. I have always wanted an inflatable unicorn, and my brother & SIL have a pool now, so I have someplace to put it. The plush racoon will join the cats on my bed.

    How I did last week:
    1. 3 more essays for big collaboration YES (finished Monday night, but still)
    2. Be good in meeting tomorrow YES (but the former provost was a misogynist bully, which was not fun)
    3. Finish last bureaucratic tasks for the semester - MOSTLY
    4. Prepare for and enjoy my Christmas party on Thursday. Baking, food, friends. The Christmas list is on repeat on Spotify... YES
    5. Reschedule massage and haircut that were postponed when I had COVID. (My hair desperately needs a cut!) YES (just had haircut today)

    So pretty good on the week. The meeting was pretty good, except for the ex-provost (who stepped down last spring, and actually said, "I haven't been involved for 9 years but I will tell you what you should do", and is clearly having difficulty with the transition to being an ordinary faculty member.) I have a cat who is not eating, and I suspect we will need to do more tests to figure out why. Otherwise, the semester is mostly wrapped up. Friends arrive on Thursday, and then Saturday we leave for the big city down south where I'll be a guest for 5 days...

    Session goals:
    1. Survival - right now the term seems overwhelming, so if I'm in one piece on December 16, it will be a success. (I'm teaching 2 classes, have a lot of travel, and the admin load is heavy right now.) YES. I am still standing, but just barely.

    2. Famous Author: Finish my revisions (hopefully by the mid-semester check in. The goal is to send it back to my editor and get it to a press at the start of the new year. NO

    3. Big Collaboration: Read all drafts, work with co-editor on drafting introduction. NOT QUITE, but in the next few days

    4. Do something fun on a regular basis - with friends, or watch movies or something. YES, did pretty well until COVID.

    5. Continue regular exercise / healthy eating / adequate sleep NO/ YES / SORT OF

    Well, I knew it would be hard. But the administrative stuff was overwhelming, and there never seemed to be a let up. Fortunately I have a teaching release in the spring, and less travel, so I should catch up with life.

    Thank you for being here, especially since I disappeared mid-session for a month. I'm delighted to attend the party: I love nibbling. I'll wear my long velvet dress, and enjoy great conversation!

    1. That was a good week! Administrative stuff does tend to eat one's life. We had an excellent chair step down because she felt that if she continued, she wouldn't see anything of her children before they went off to college. (I hope this means that when they go, she'll be willing to consider resuming the position!)

    2. So sorry you've lost a good chair. We have an amazing chair, but I'm worried he stays on because he's recently divorced and needs money. But he's created an atmosphere of kindness and mutual care, for which I am deeply grateful. (Some of my colleagues have complained about the bad behavior, so I don't have to.)

    3. You got lots done, even with the mid-session illness and everything else. I hope you are fully recovered and can enjoy a break before next term!
      Glad the unicorn and raccoon have both found good homes!

    4. Well done on surviving! Hope you have a good rest this Christmas.

  7. Next session: Back in the summer I said I'd be willing to host or co-host, so just checking if anyone had said they would co-host. I can't promise to match the excitement of movie making, but...

    And since we have made a movie, we should all know that an Oscar weighs more than an Emmy. (This is the kind of thing you learn at LA dinner parties.)

    1. If the group is not tired of me, I'd be willing to continue as co-host with you. I'm on sabbatical in the spring, so I have both some extra time and a lot of motivation to get back to research and get some things finished, for which this group's support is very helpful indeed.

    2. Definitely not tired of your hosting! SO fun!

  8. My trip was great fun, I definitely fitted in as much as possible (and that includes food!) and scientifically it was a success all round. Very happy I got to do that. The day I got back I had my exams, everything is marked and done and grades are submitted so I’m back to working on papers, and have spent some time organizing a million things.

    Last week’s goals
    Enjoy trip YES!
    Eat lots of good things on trip YES!
    Do lots and lots of work while on trip YES!
    Shop for kid and others while on trip YES!

    Session Goals
    Make progress on one local paper, one student paper, and one giant collaborative paper, and by progress I mean submit at least two out of three LOTS OF PROGRESS, LOTS OF WORK, LESS ON THE SUBMISSION BUT ALL ARE PRETTT CLOSE SO I AM HAPPY-ISH
    Exercise consistently LITERALLY NOTHING
    Have regular fun with kid DECENT

    I feel reasonably ok about accomplishments this session, except for the exercise part which was a dismal failure. That will have to be a priority for the next term which is more teaching and more travel so I need to be organized about things.
    Thank you to everyone for playing along, and to DEH for being a lovely director and great writing partner! It was a fun session for sure!

    1. So glad the trip went well, and your session was pretty good. It's always difficult to figure out what is reasonable during the semester!
      And thanks for hosting!

  9. Thank you for hosting! Sounds as if your trip was a great way to finish the term.

  10. Thank you, Daisy and DEH, for hosting! This was a really fun session.

    It's been a busy semester! Readjusting to the unsabbatical life is a bit of a challenge.... I miss being able to actually focus on my research, although I also like having administrative responsibilities, oddly enough. And I like working with colleagues from the other programs in my department. (I've also learned which colleague in my own program is likely to be a problem for the rest of my time as director. This wasn't a surprise, but I'd hoped she'd be okay with me.... Clearly, however, she is not.)

    I don't know what else to report, though. I'm hoping to get a lot done between now and February 1, when our classes start up again (winter break might be a little bit *too* long; I'd rather end earlier in the spring, but this is a recent change made by our administration). It feels like a nice long time, but I'll also be doing graduate admissions in January, which I keep hearing is *very* time-consuming. Ah well! Onward and upward.

    Last week:
    1) 8000 meetings and one-on-ones with students; finish grading - YES
    2) Italian final! - YES (it was scheduled, so it had do happen.) The conversation was fun; I think that I'll eventually be friends with my colleague/Italian professor. I managed to talk about article abstracts--or rather the need to write them--in Italian!
    3) Start hard-copy read-through of ch. 2 - NO
    4) Work on conceptual framing for ch. 6, which I think I'm starting to get a handle on. Finish reading a relevant book. - YES
    5) Miscellaneous website updates ahead of Friday website meeting - YES, some
    6) Work with colleague to finalize departmental equity review - YES; we did it over whiskey drinks, which was fun
    7) Christmas shopping, haircut - YES
    8) Seriously, get back into the running regimen - MOSTLY; it's a work in progress

    Session goals:
    1) Finish chapter 4 - PRETTY MUCH? I have a feeling that it's a hot mess, but I haven't looked at it since September.
    2) Revise/tie up loose ends for chapters 1-3 - Chapter 1, yes. Chapter 2, mostly. Chapter 3, not started.
    3) Plan chapter 5 and/or 6 - A plan is forging for chapter 6. I now have a framework for chapter 5, although it's very much unplanned. New chapters are SO hard!
    4) Apply for a grant (deadline 9/20) - YES
    5) Write a book review for a book that I have already read (due in November sometime) - YES; deadlines work
    6) Write and submit 2 conference abstracts - YES
    7) Keep things moving with this festschrift that I am now co-editing (we're in the very early stages, so that basically means coming up with an idea for the chapter that I would want to write and keeping track of who has agreed to contribute). - SORT OF; there wasn't much to do. I do not really have an idea for my chapter yet. But we might extend the deadline, so....
    8) I'm also trying to keep my exercise up, answer emails promptly, and sit daily (weekdays). - DID PRETTY WELL on all these fronts. My inbox was kept to a manageable size (I tried to keep it under one screen, which means no more than 10 messages in the inbox that functions as a "to do" list).

    1. I am in awe of all the great stuff you did! Especially in a very busy session, with lots of admin going on with everything else.
      Hope you have a great break with restorative activities and fun before it all starts up again!
