the grid

the grid

Sunday 26 November 2023

TLQ: The Movie (2023 session 3) Week 12, The Storm

I hope you're all enjoying your little treats, because this is a good news/bad news week, or a Fortunately/Unfortunately story. Hang on . . . 

Fortunately, the higher-ups approved all our extra expenses.

Unfortunately, we can't use our credit card because the island has been hit by a massive storm and all communications are down.

Fortunately, we had just received a shipment of supplies, including several kg of baking potatoes, lots of yarn, chocolate, our Secret Gift items, and, oh, I'm not sure, the interns are still unpacking.

Unfortunately, a stowaway kitten tangled all the yarn.

Fortunately, it's ridiculously cute, and young enough that our on-set cats are adopting it as a mascot rather than getting territorial.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough fuel to run generators for all the cabins, yurts, etc.

Fortunately, we do have fuel enough for the generator at the main lodge, so there are cooking facilities, lights, hot showers, and laundry facilities there.

Unfortunately, it's raining buckets so you are pretty much guaranteed to get soaked on your way here.

Fortunately, we also have a large stash of firewood and there's a huge fire going, so pack your things into plastic bags and come on down to bake potatoes and make s'mores. Bring any stashes of food you have in your cabin/tent/yurt and we can make Stone Soup; bring your art supplies and we can either add to the Secret Gifts or wrap them beautifully. (But beware of kitten! Anyone who finds untangling yarn relaxing is going to have a lovely time . . . )

What items or skills can you contribute? What are you hoping the interns will find in our last shipment from the mainland? Faced with a storm, are you more likely to hunker down in your cabin and sleep through it under your down comforter, or come down to the lodge and make the best of things in the group?

We hope you'll check in and let us know how things are going!

Contingent Cassandra (held over)


--Finish grading the lit midterms

--Finish grading the comp proposals 

--Keep up with writing/posting post-conference summaries (including preliminary grades for truly complete drafts; not sure how many of those I'll see)

--Grade at least 2 sets of lit process work


--It would be nice if I got the books boxed, dining table cleared, and the fall/Thanksgiving tablecloth put on.


--Make progress on one church project that is now time-sensitive: write preliminary publicity copy; correspond with potential speakers

--Try for even a modest amount of movement each day: a short walk, some stretching, and/or some weight-lifting.



Data section for other paper

Budget for big association

Lab stuff, get samples in oven

Dame Eleanor Hull

- swim and cardio once each (gym closed most of this week), weights twice, yoga 5-6 times.

- grade a set of papers, plus a couple from mini-class

- research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project; ten minutes a day on KW chapter

- research possible Latin texts for spring reading group

- look at some MS images (being consultant to another scholar)

- take Sir John to a medical appointment

- have relaxing holiday week (my original plan was to get a lot of work done while I didn't have any meetings, but at this point . . .)

heu mihi

1. Get some exercise. My knee hurts because I attempted a wall squat yesterday, so I think that stretching and yoga should be a priority.

2. Work on my book x 5 (can be just reading a little bit!)

3. Enjoy Thanksgiving with my family! Take some time off!

4. Read and prep for Monday's class; read ahead because this novel is long and dense and I also need to recall where I need to issue content warnings


(In recovery mode)


1. Report on PhD thesis and viva on Wednesday

2. Workshop on grants (also Wednesday)

3. Student meetings

4. Finish article revisions

5. Conversation about research assistant.

6. Exercise

7. At least one house job.

8 Start Christmas prep.

9. Read book for book club meeting Friday.

Susan (held over)

1. Finish at least three more papers from Big Collaboration and send them back. If I'm doing really well, I'll do more, but not going to pressure myself.

2. Get the next week of LMS stuff posted before I go.

3. Prepare for conference

4. Have fun at conference

5. Try not to worry too much about what's happening at home.



  1. With this group, I'd come down to the lodge. Whether I prefer to be with people or huddled under my eiderdown usually depends on the people. Some groups just aren't worth getting soaked for!

    Very prosaically, I hope the interns will unpack enough "safe" food for me to get through the storm and following days until the next shipment arrives, along with food, TP, and other essentials to keep us all comfortable! Buckets in case of leaks, for example. But I'm sure our production assistant has taken care of all that, including having secret extra stashes of supplies, because she's awesome that way. I hope there are also some new jigsaw puzzles and board games. I'm among those people who like detangling yarn, so I'll take on that task, though I suspect the kitten will continue to be a hindrance.

    How I did:
    - swim and cardio once each (gym closed most of this week), weights twice, yoga 5-6 times. YES.
    - grade a set of papers, plus a couple from mini-class. YES.
    - research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project; ten minutes a day on KW chapter. Not doing so well on the 5 hours, but keeping up with the ten minutes a day; some correspondance regarding conference paper.
    - research possible Latin texts for spring reading group. YES.
    - look at some MS images (being consultant to another scholar). NO. Oh the shame. When am I going to get to this?
    - take Sir John to a medical appointment. YES.
    - have relaxing holiday week. YES. Read a couple of fun 1940's kids books (thank you,, am slogging through a recent book for my SF/F group this week (unappealing characters, somewhat dystopian), have done a lot of cooking (achieved excellent gf crumb cake/coffee cake, very more-ish). I wish I'd done a jigsaw puzzle and some sewing, but it's been pretty good.
    ALSO: ordered some presents for my husband for Xmas, did a lot of laundry and some cleaning (housecleaner had the week off), received note from great-nephew and invitation to a housewarming in a couple of weeks.

    New goals:
    - swim twice, weights twice, cardio thrice, yoga 5-6 times
    - grade two late-with-permission papers
    - research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project; ten minutes a day on KW chapter
    - look at some MS images (being consultant to another scholar)
    - write two new-course proposals
    - finish book for book group
    - sew a thing

    1. Wow, that's an amazingly productive week and sounds like a really nice break as well.

    2. Glad you had some quiet time along with all the stuff that got done!

  2. I would join the group--that's a very tempting description of a cozy, fun time!

    Skills-wise, I'm pretty good at untangling yarn and also have a fair bit of experience keeping fires going. So I could do that.

    Last week:
    1. Get some exercise. My knee hurts because I attempted a wall squat yesterday, so I think that stretching and yoga should be a priority. -NOT REALLY; I only ran on the weekend. Luckily my knee feels fine now.
    2. Work on my book x 5 (can be just reading a little bit!) -VERY LITTLE! OK, I did something on 5 days, but it wasn't terribly impressive.
    3. Enjoy Thanksgiving with my family! Take some time off! - Yes. But it was also really good to get back home.
    4. Read and prep for Monday's class; read ahead because this novel is long and dense and I also need to recall where I need to issue content warnings - YES. I'm so done with this class. I'm pretty sure that the students have, for the most part, stopped making any effort at all.... Not really excited to teach in 20 minutes! This is the problem with Thanksgiving break, see--it comes so late in the semester that now I just want to wrap it all up!

    This week:
    1) Prioritize exercise! Classes will mostly take care of themselves. (I did read ahead.)
    2) Research and writing: Add article to ch. 2; clear up some more ch. 2 loose ends; read for ch. 6

    That's all I'm going to say right now--it's as far as I can think. Semester, end already!

    1. Ugh, students not engaging. I feel mine are also basically done with term. Which I get, but come on, I'm still prepped for class, so why aren't they? Glad Thanksgiving was good.

    2. The years when we have only one week after Thanksgiving are particularly hard; no one wants to do anything. This year, there are two weeks, so while we're definitely in the home stretch, there's less of that "aren't we done already?" feeling. Little bits on five days do add up, so well done there!

    3. Glad you had some enjoyable time off!
      Maybe you can lead a lodge yoga session, we promise to be attentive and interactive for some teaching satisfaction...

  3. First, please note that I am not dead, but the last weeks have been crazy. (I traveled three weekends in a row -- not a great idea -- and after the third trip, got COVID.) I am now emerging but, well, let's see the semester has pretty much gone off the rails.

    Anyway, I'd join the group, but bring a cozy throw so I could potentially snooze off in a chair in the corner. I'll bring the cans of beans I've stashed in my cabin, along with the almonds. I don't have wild skills, but I'm a reasonably good cook, and can generally do something with lots of pantry staples. I'm not sure I can meet Dame Eleanor's dietary needs (what's in the pantry is very important) but I can try.

    Actually, sitting in the main room with lots of other interesting people sounds great right now, as long as I'm allowed to take my nap! I'll bring my needlepoint, and I have bags of yarn for things I cannot knit any more because arthritic hands. But maybe given the kitten that is not the best idea!

    Anyway, how I've done since I last checked in:
    1. Finish at least three more papers from Big Collaboration and send them back. If I'm doing really well, I'll do more, but not going to pressure myself. NO: I think I've finished and returned 3 or 4 total
    2. Get the next week of LMS stuff posted before I go. YES
    3. Prepare for conference YES
    4. Have fun at conference YES
    5. Try not to worry too much about what's happening at home. YES

    Well, as noted above, there were three trips in 3 weeks, 2 of them cross-country trips. During the second trip, Mr. Ginger George (alpha cat) stopped eating, which necessitated trip to the vet, and I boarded him while I was away on the second trip. He's now officially an old man, with kidney disease, so I've been introducing the cats to a new food...

    As for work, I've done what I had to do, but when what I thought was a cold turned out to be COVID, I just stopped trying to kill myself. I spent what was supposed to be a quiet and productive week of Thanksgiving sitting on the sofa wrapped in a throw, sleeping, comfort reading, and sometimes watching TV and movies. I managed to more or less keep up with email, but beyond that, not much. Next week is the last week of classes, so everything is up on my LMS site, so at least the prep is limited.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Catch up with admin stuff and lots of meetings
    2. Read 2 more essays from big collaboration
    3. Don't work too hard
    4. Do something fun

    I'm sure there are other things, but right now I feel as if it's just "all the things" and I'm not alert enough to separate them all!

    1. Sorry you got Covid. Hope it hasn't been too bad. Rest up and pace yourself.

    2. I'm sorry you got sick, but very glad to hear from you! I hope this week will see you feeling better; it sounds like sleep and comfort reading/watching was exactly right for you last week. Since you've dealt with 3 or 4 papers, I'd say that's a YES, as "at least 3" was what you'd signed on for!

    3. Welcome back, glad you are on the mend after all that! Definitely take things easy still, recovery is important!

  4. I don't have many camping skills, but I have wine and cheese left, and like making soup, so I'll throw in what veg I can find. I'll happily detangle yarn, and I love jigsaws. I also love the sound of being round the fire with interesting people.

    Last week:
    1. Report on PhD thesis and viva on Wednesday - YES (candidate passed with minor corrections, external was lovely, so an easy experience)

    2. Workshop on grants (also Wednesday) - YES (and saved from the prep by super-efficient colleague putting together a Powerpoint before I got round to it. Another win.)

    3. Student meetings - YES, not too painful.

    4. Finish article revisions - YES (and submitted, yay, though stupid online system has rejected it because it seems to think it's a new submission, so now waiting on reply to grumpy email to editorial office.)

    5. Conversation about research assistant. - STILL NO

    6. Exercise - run x 2, pilates x 1.

    7. At least one house job. - YES

    8 Start Christmas prep. - YES (made lists, couple of small purchases)

    9. Read book for book club meeting Friday. - YES (it was very short and fluffy)

    This week is the last week of seminars for me. I will have a few student meetings and other things next week, but by 4 pm Thursday I will be done teaching for the term. So survival mode for this week, mostly.
    1. Start marking assignments (will have about 70 in total by the end of term)
    2. Teaching prep for this week.
    3. Schedule meetings for dissertation students.
    4. Grade posters for conference URGENT
    5. Post two Christmas parcels.
    6. Renew daughter's passport.
    7. At least one house job.
    8. Take a couple of hours Friday to go to annual Christmas fair (lots of craft and food stalls).

    1. That sounds like an excellent week! And I like the balance of things you have for this week, including the Christmas fair.

    2. Soup-making is an excellent skill to bring! Nothing better for stormy days... In fact that makes me want to go make more soup...
      Great week for getting stuff done, and a nice one planned, have fun at the fair!

  5. Production Assistant29 November 2023 at 16:17

    Welcome all! The lodge is definitely the place to be during this storm. We have all the supplies, and I would specifically like to point out that if you could all eat a good part part of the recent cheese shipment so that there is room in the fridge to keep the white wine and cider cold. You'd be doing a public service really, thanks!
    I also have to admit that I accidentally (on purpose) doubled the order from the local chocolatier, so it would be good to get rid of the evidence. Kthanksbye!

  6. Definitely coming to the lodge for this storm! I am excellent at making baked potatoes and other things in firepits so I’m sure that will translate to fancy lodge fireplace. Love untangling yarn. And my pillow fort skills are outstanding so I’m sure I can find stuff to do… I have a e-reader with a very long battery life so I’m set for at least a while, I would also bring some knitting. I am trying to learn how to do socks with the scary double-pointy needles so I am going to ask all of you for advice! And then maybe knit some socks… And also puzzles, totally bringing all my puzzles!

    Last week’s goals
    ONE PAPER!!! DO IT!!!! Not talking about this one…
    Data section for other paper DONE
    Budget for big association DONE
    Lab stuff, get samples in oven (this sounds easy but is actually 6 hours of work…) SO MUCH WORK, BUT DONE, WITH MORE THAN PLANNED

    This was a rough week, so many things time-sensitive… But mostly good things. I was in the lab every night last week getting stuff done, same for this one so far… But I have two big shows this week and next to be ready for so after tonight I’m stopping the lab stuff until next week. T’is the season for Ceremony of Carols and all kinds of fun choral/orchestra shows around here, and I seem to be playing in most of them, and the ones I’m not in my kid is part of… We actually get to play in the same show for the first time ever (not counting the ones where I do accompaniment for kiddie concerts, this time she’s in a legit good orchestra). So all good things even if I am very stretched to get to everything. So I’m keeping this week’s goals minimal. Begged for a paper deadline extension by inviting the editor to a show – I know she would like it so good trade.

    This week’s goals
    Several concerts with logistical challenges
    More lab stuff, so much lab stuff…
    End of term class stuff, mark, set exams, do review sheets etc.

    1. Sorry, I can't help on the socks, as I don't knit! It sounds like you did a great job on all the time-consuming lab stuff, so okay, we will not mention that paper (oops, I did mention the paper but I think I got away with it). What fun to play in the same show as your kid! And what a great idea to use the show as a trade for the deadline extension!

    2. Busy week! But the concerts sound lovely, especially playing alongside your daughter.
