the grid

the grid

Sunday 12 November 2023

TLQ: the movie! (2023 Session 3) Week 10: in which we're all harried

Where’s my production assistant? There you are! We need to—oh wait, let me grab this intern. You, take this angora yarn and polished oak crochet hook up to JaneB’s yurt, and try to talk to her about the shopping list—

Hello? Oh, no, this is a great time, I’ve been wanting—

Have you ever known a movie that wasn’t over budget? We need to—

Stick the hook into the angora and slide them both—

No, I was talking to the intern! About Padraic—

While you’re up in that direction, stop at Cassandra’s cabin and ask if she wants nuts—

No, no, you’re not nuts at all, I understand your concerns! But we’re out here in the middle of nowhere and we can’t replace Padraic now. We need—

Well, if we’d started with the cheap whisky, it wouldn’t be a problem, but he and the raccoons got used to the good stuff and now— The unicorn? Listen, that was a bargain, especially compared to renting the castles, which was such a great idea you had, by the way, and you should see the footage we got with the unicorn last week! I’ll get the production assistant to send over a few minutes of video and you can—

Grab the intern before they leave and have them check with Susan about both the shopping list and cleaning; how often does she want the sheets changed?

I was saying we’ll change the schedule if you insist, but really at this point the cheapest thing is likely to be just to barrel on through, getting all the footage we can while we’re here on the island and Padraic is actually on site (there’s nowhere he can go, right, and eventually he’ll get bored with the raccoons), and then I’ll handle the editing when we’re back—

Hey, you can pre-edit some of the footage for me, right? Put it on your fancy laptop and send a few minutes to the home studio fossils—

Bosses! I said bosses! We really appreciate your belief in this project! One of the talent is knitting you a sweater—

Yes, of course it’s hypoallergenic. HYPOALLERGENIC. I didn’t say a word about hypodermics! Whisky and red wine are the most—okay, I understand, talk to you—

Is the intern out of sight? Yes, make mine a double. And for Cat’s sake, order more before the home office cancels our credit cards. I’m sure it’s an empty threat, but just in case. The home office always gets fussy at about this point in filming, but they booked us in here through the middle of December, they know where we are and what our situation is, it’s not like we’re filming in the studio. Once the Christmas movies start to come out, they’ll leave us alone again. We just don’t want JB to come out himself to check on things.

Check with the cast about what would help the most to get them through the next few weeks. Linen sheets, more cats on site, merino blankets, ice skates, ice machine, snow machine, I don’t care, just keep them happy. Interviews? I guess we could ask them to talk about a rough time in their careers and how they got through it, but be gentle, I think some of them are having a rough time right now. If they’d rather talk about their favorite games or make a plan for something else they’d like to do on the island, that’s fine.

Contingent Cassandra (held over)


--Grade as many as possible of the composition proposals
--Make some progress on grading lit process work


--Finish fall sowing in garden
--Measure and mark new location for compost pile and begin turning/moving
--Do at least one thing that gets something out of or better organized/containerized in the apartment


--2x some kind of movement: stretching, weight-lifting, long or short walk
--Initiate 2 key email exchanges for church committee work
--Get in touch with at least one young-adult niebling


Mark midterms
Mark reports and grad papers
Accounting for community organization
Thesis defense (as external reader)
Paper meeting and revised draft
Introductions for both new papers

Dame Eleanor Hull

- take care of new car problem (already done, actually)
- swim at least once, cross-trainer twice, weights twice, walk at least once, yoga more or less daily
- write another assignment for mini-class
- grade a set of papers
- research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project; ten minutes a day on KW chapter
- look at some MS images (being consultant to another scholar)
- do some mending
- set up and use calendar pages in Moleskine
- work with my husband on winter trip plans

Heu mihi

1. Many many meetings, comprehensive exam session, coffee hour for program, more meetings, BLAH BLAH BLAH
2. Read 25 pp. of advisee's dissertation
3. Work on ch. 6 x 6
4. Ch. 2--more loose ends
5. Accompany kiddo on church youth retreat (I'm hoping that I'll get some work done??)
6. Now that it's lighter in the mornings, run at least a few times!

JaneB (held over)

a) pace myself, allow time and space for counselling/GP stuff and reacting to counselling, morning pages
b) reinstate some key habits - move intentionally for at least 10 minutes a day, 5 fruit & veg., picking up spaces that get messy, filling in my daily log, taking vitamins. (keeping the last two because it's nice to have some easy wins!)
c) basic environment stuff - catch up with bin emptying, dish washing, filing financial papers. keep up with laundry!
d) do at least one thing from the non-basic environmental stuff list (little jobs)

Work stuff, not divided into three categories for now:

e) do email triage on no more than two week days for no more than 2 hours total
f) write some coherent points for the Individual Risk Assessment/Reasonable Adjustments requests I'll need to discuss on return to work

Fun: (I consider this medicinal in the current circumstances)

g) at least a couple of blocks of time reading, crochet, and playing or preparing D&D. Do the next seven Inktober sketches, never mind which day.
h) make cards, wrap & send two packages - a birthday present for my Aunt and a Hallowe'en care package for my nibling


1. Teaching prep (one lecture)
2. 3 x meetings (1 difficult, 1 useful, 1 blah)
3. Article revisions
4. Conversation about work for research assistant.
5. Read PhD thesis for viva in 2 weeks time.
6. Find people to fix two house problems
7. Go to farm shop to stock up.
8. Take some stuff to charity
9. Exercise
10. Make soup, try some new recipes.

Susan (held over)

1. Finish at least three more papers from Big Collaboration and send them back. If I'm doing really well, I'll do more, but not going to pressure myself.
2. Get the next week of LMS stuff posted before I go.
3. Prepare for conference
4. Have fun at conference
5. Try not to worry too much about what's happening at home.


  1. Yes, this sums up my life right now. Except perhaps without raccoons, unless that's a metaphor for difficult students, in which case, I have plenty. Linen sheets, freshly changed each day, massage and aromatherapy, fancy herbal teas and chocolate all welcome, please. In addition of course to the wine and cheese, which might have to be a daily staple until mid-December.

    Rough time in my career...Some days it feels like it's been more rough than smooth, though I can look back now and realise there were some successes along the way that I just wasn't in a place to give myself credit for. Right now feels very rough: being on here is one major way of getting through. In general, writing helps, of any kind, but also forcing myself to work, paradoxical though that might seem. At other times, I have had counselling, and eventually admitted to people I was struggling, usually much later than I should have done. I am a bit better at self-care than I used to be, but need to work on it.

    Last week
    1. Teaching prep (one lecture) - YES
    2. 3 x meetings (1 difficult, 1 useful, 1 blah) - YES, as predicted.
    3. Article revisions - Not finished, but progress
    4. Conversation about work for research assistant. - NO
    5. Read PhD thesis for viva in 2 weeks time. - HALF
    6. Find people to fix two house problems - YES to one (but not sure fixed), NO
    7. Go to farm shop to stock up. - YES
    8. Take some stuff to charity - YES
    9. Exercise - Run x 2, Pilates x 1
    10. Make soup, try some new recipes. - YES, NO

    This week is survival mode, since I have 9 hours of teaching and 4-5 hours of meetings.
    1. Teaching prep
    2. Progress review for PhD student
    3. Organise workshop on applying for grants
    4. Finish reading thesis.
    5. Conversation about work for research assistant
    6. Chase house jobs.
    7. Maybe plant bulbs next weekend.

    1. Give your raccoons some whisky? Maybe not a great idea to do IRL, but imagining it might be fun. I know what you mean about writing being a help, and also just getting things done, anything. Sometimes it's a great shot in the arm to see that you can achieve something, even if it's a quite mechanical thing that doesn't require creative thought---but doing it helps you get to the creative thing.

    2. Whisky is far too good to waste on either raccoons or students! I shall stash the bottle for emergencies...

  2. Nuts would be very nice, thank you. I've gotten rather fond of lightly salted pistachios (which I believe are technically a seed?) lately, and considering what else I could be eating while grading (and grading, and grading), they seem like a pretty good option. So more of those, please, and a good supply of teas and milk to go with.

    Difficult time in my career? Well, I'm not quite sure if the form of employment I've held for the last few decades qualifies as a career. Actually, that's one of the stated goals of efforts by non-tenure-track full time faculty at my institution to improve our working conditions -- to make our positions true career positions, with some changes in workloads and responsibilities over time. So far, we've got a hierarchy of titles to which we can be promoted, and minimum salaries which go along with each, which is something, but not quite a true career path. Of course we're free to publish on our own time, do substantial service on more or less a volunteer basis, etc., etc., but any suggestion that more senior NTT faculty should do a bit less teaching to make more time for things like service, mentoring, and evaluation of less-senior colleagues, and/or that all of us need a bit more on-the-clock time to maintain and sharpen the skills we teach, has not been very welcome). So it all feels like it's been difficult, though how it's been difficult varies. What has gotten better is that we're talking more to each other (in part because our numbers have grown; in fact, we're getting close to outnumbering our tenure-track colleagues) and speaking up more to try to improve working conditions. So solidarity/organizing/activism seems like a good recipe for feeling a bit better (though it also takes time, and we're in a "right-to-work" (aka union-unfriendly) state, so there are limits to how far we can get).

    1. Goals for the last two weeks, as it turns out (thanks for holding over):

      --Grade as many as possible of the composition proposals (progress; still working)
      --Make some progress on grading lit process work (ended up focusing on the midterms, which are almost done)


      --Finish fall sowing in garden (done, and did -- I hope -- enough clearing/cleaning up today to pass end of season inspection; may still do a bit of transplanting of seedlings and other have some other winter chores on my list, but this can mostly go on the back burner for now)
      --Measure and mark new location for compost pile and begin turning/moving (yes; in progress)
      --Do at least one thing that gets something out of or better organized/containerized in the apartment (started sorting some family books passed on by my stepmother; they're currently in piles on the dining table, but that's something, I guess. Found a book inscribed to my grandmother by my great-great-grandmother; that was cool)

      --2x some kind of movement: stretching, weight-lifting, long or short walk (at least 1x over 2 weeks, which isn't great, but beats 0x)
      --Initiate 2 key email exchanges for church committee work (this one is still languishing, and one is becoming urgent)
      --Get in touch with at least one young-adult niebling (one of them got in touch with me -- so sort of done?)

      Mostly, it was a very busy teaching/grading period (aka typical early November), with a couple of minor personal/household emergencies, all resolvable and mostly resolved, but they took time and energy.

    2. This week and the beginning of next will be focused mostly on draft conferences for the big semester-long-project with 60+ composition students, so goals other than keeping up with that (and trying to catch up with some grading for the lit students, who are getting justifiably anxious about grades) need to be modest.

      --Finish grading the lit midterms
      --Finish grading the comp proposals (yes, for the projects they're currently drafting; in my defense, quite a few came in late, and a few haven't yet come in at all, but the students are resistant to the idea of giving up and concentrating on their other courses; it's too late to officially drop)
      --Keep up with writing/posting post-conference summaries (including preliminary grades for truly complete drafts; not sure how many of those I'll see)
      --Grade at least 2 sets of lit process work

      --It would be nice if I got the books boxed, dining table cleared, and the fall/Thanksgiving tablecloth put on, but we'll see. Household stuff other than the very basics of meal prep and cleanup isn't really a priority this week.

      --Make progress on one church project that is now time-sensitive: write preliminary publicity copy; correspond with potential speakers
      --Try for even a modest amount of movement each day: a short walk, some stretching, and/or some weight-lifting.

    3. The book sounds so cool. I would love to find something like that. Agree completely on solidarity as helping with rough times, even if it's an uphill struggle to win concessions. (Our latest union ballot for action here in the UK failed to meet the threshold for a mandate, so we're in a pause, organising-wise.)

  3. Oh I loved this vignette of chaos!! Brilliant!

  4. Post-tenure, I had a few years in which I didn't publish anything but book reviews (due to a combination of ill-health and bad luck), and then I shifted my focus in a way that felt pretty substantial. When I finally had an article, well, more of a note, in the new field ready to go, I had a huge lapse in confidence: who was I to think I had anything to say on this topic, especially since I hadn't published anything in years? I knew I had to send out my little essay, but I had to get a trusted colleague to talk me down from this particular ledge. The piece did get published, and the new direction made a lot of sense for me, particularly because it provides an excuse for that thin patch on my CV: I was learning a new field!

    How I did:
    - take care of new car problem (already done, actually). Fortunately it was a quick and easy fix, though that was not how I was planning on spending my Monday afternoon.
    - swim at least once, cross-trainer twice, weights twice, walk at least once, yoga more or less daily. YES. I am so glad I joined my new gym.
    - write another assignment for mini-class. NO---still trouble-shooting the last one.
    - grade a set of papers. YES.
    - research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project; ten minutes a day on KW chapter. NOT SURE about the 5 hours, but the ten minutes a day (often a bit more) are definitely adding up.
    - look at some MS images (being consultant to another scholar). NO. Ack.
    - do some mending. YES.
    - set up and use calendar pages in Moleskine. YES.
    - work with my husband on winter trip plans. NO; scheduled for tomorrow.

    New goals:
    - swim twice, cross-trainer twice, weights twice, walk at least once, yoga more or less daily
    - write another assignment for mini-class
    - grade a set of papers
    - research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project; ten minutes a day on KW chapter
    - look at some MS images (being consultant to another scholar)
    - assorted meetings and admin work I don't want to do
    - set up and use calendar pages in Moleskine
    - work with my husband on winter trip plans
    - dig up compost-heap potatoes

    1. Always inspiring to hear about people changing direction and it working out. Looking forward to hearing about winter trip plans!

  5. I just looked at my last week's goals and couldn't believe that they were for *last week*--it seemed like much longer ago!

    We're at That Point in the semester, aren't we? Perhaps we've been there for some time. All of my routines have been more or abandoned lately, and I'm trying to bring them back: meditation, exercise, writing!! Even just getting work done in a Timely Fashion. Yesterday I was stuck on campus for three hours waiting for an evening event, and it was actually really good for just pushing myself back into line, so to speak.

    Last week:
    1. Many many meetings, comprehensive exam session, coffee hour for program, more meetings, BLAH BLAH BLAH - YES, although I think that that coffee hour was actually about two years ago.
    2. Read 25 pp. of advisee's dissertation - YES
    3. Work on ch. 6 x 6 - NO, maybe x4? And some of the "work" was pretty lame (e.g. 5-10 minutes of reading something). But Oh Well.
    4. Ch. 2--more loose ends - I can't remember whether I did this or not.
    5. Accompany kiddo on church youth retreat (I'm hoping that I'll get some work done??) - YES, and didn't get any work done (other than reading a very small bit for class). It was a good experience for him and I'm glad we went, but wow was it exhausting. The best part was the spectacular night's sleep I got on Sunday, when we had returned!
    6. Now that it's lighter in the mornings, run at least a few times! - ONCE; I spent most of the week feeling like I was getting the cold from which my son was recovering, but apparently I did manage to fight it off! Still, the scratchy throat, even if short-lived, kept me from exercising much.

    This week:
    1. Work on ch. 6 x 6; aim for some more focused work/at least two longer stretches of writing and/or research
    2. Run x 3
    3. Grade batch of papers
    4. Reformat citations for paper due at end of month; submit paper
    5. Make progress on departmental equity review

    1. This resonated - every week feels like a year at the moment. Good luck staving off colds and getting routines back.

    2. I still think it's September and am completely baffled as to how it got so close to the end of the term.
      But it's amazing how much regular ten minutes-es stack up.

  6. I actually quite like November, contrary to most of the people I know. I like that it is not full-on crazy holiday season yet, classes are happily ticking along and are advanced enough that we’re getting to the interesting material, the twinkly lights and decorations are starting to appear, I have every excuse to make soup, and in my neck of the woods the fresh Fall produce is still amazing…

    Hard career times for me were times where it was just too much trying to do real research at a place where it was not supported or valued, so came and went over the last decade. With spikes of anxiety and desperation around job rejections – each one of the major ones threw me off track for a bit. The worst one was just at the start of Covid, I was a mess for about 4 months because I was so close to a great job and was passed over for someone less qualified in every way. But… looking back now? Every one of those major failures (as I saw them at the time) saved me from something huge (like closed programmes, awful colleagues etc.), and set me up for my current wonderful place… So long run grateful for sure, but they really were awful at the time!

    Last week’s goals
    Mark midterms DONE
    Mark reports and grad papers DONE
    Accounting for community organization DONE
    Thesis defence (as external reader) DONE
    Paper meeting and revised draft PROGRESS ON DRAFT
    Introductions for both new papers HALF OF ONE

    Catch-up week went ok, I was more or less caught up, but then the new week happened and here I am checking in on Thursday... Oh well.... I am making progress on a bunch of things so not unhappy at all. Will keep goals to the ones I’m actually working on!

    This week’s goals
    Paper meeting and revised draft
    Finish introductions for both new papers
    Finish data section for one paper
    Fun with kid

    1. Oh, yay, look at all that DONE! Congratulations!
      I remember when you missed out on that one job just before Covid, and was/am impressed at how well you picked yourself up and kept going. So glad that it worked out and you can look back and see it all as leading to something better.
