the grid

the grid

Friday, 9 September 2022

Interim post, and figuring out when to start

September is here! In the U.S. and Canada, we've passed Labor Day. Down Under, Father's Day has been celebrated. I gather that in the UK, you're awaiting an announcement of a bank holiday to honor the late queen. So I'm not sure if we're quite ready to start up TLQ again, but it does seem like we've been "off" long enough for me to start missing the group.

Here, then, is an interim check-in post for anyone who wants to stop by and chat about how things are going and what you're doing. If you have an opinion about when we should officially start and end the third (and last) session of 2022, let us know that, as well. I'm thinking of starting us out next weekend, that is, 17-18 September, unless someone argues otherwise. JaneB and I (DEH) will be sharing the hosting this session, again, unless something has changed (and if so, please comment here). 

I hope you are all well and floating like mist in this season of mists and autumn fruitfulness.


  1. I'm looking forward to joining the next weekend would be wonderful!

  2. Hi! I missed everyone! Thanks for getting the next sessions started, next week will be great! Lots of things to think about before then about how I want the session to go, and some nice bits of follow-up from the last session to report!
