the grid

the grid

Sunday 7 July 2024

2024 Session 2: TLQuest week 8

This has been a big week in the UK - our general election happened Thursday, and although there are many reasons to be concerned about the incoming government it is is so many ways better than the last lot (and not just by virtue of being new).  Their first actions are sending positive messages, but as the cynics say, it's the hope that will get you!  At work, the new Head of School started - he seems a little "corporate" but that may be an unfair judgement - maybe he just has a presonal style preference for crisply ironed traditional men's shirts even though the field norm is definitely more T-shirts, sweatshirts and a general impression of clean(enough)-and-comfortable rather than corporate, and he comes from the most casual part of the field.  But I'm sure he had lots of meetings with Faculty etc., and maybe he just had a wardrobe issue what with moving from the other end of the country.  And I just started two weeks of Annual Leave (I'm not going anywhere, the plan is to rest, do some small jobs around the house, and also (given impending Large Changes) do some serious thinking about finances and post-academe options, just in case (I like to have a plan).  All of which FULLY justified me ordering a delivery from a well known and exploitative coffee chain with delicious treats.  For this week's prompt - when it's been a busy week, what is your go-to treat?  I do really enjoy an over-priced, over-sugary coffee based beverage, a cinnamon roll, and an afternoon nap* to deal with the inevitable crash once those items properly register with my middle-aged and grumpy system, but what other options might you suggest?

*naps around here now come with added cat since Shoutypants has decided that I am safe enough and he's willing to sleep on the bed with me, not just pop up for scritchies then go somewhere else in the room to sleep.


Last week, Martha found some Singing Nettles, Linnet spotted some Perennewinkle, and some sprites spotted the party.  The sprites are friendly, especially since Alice and Cornelius are being good sports about their mishaps and Scout knows to ask the proper polite questions.  Once you've shown them the token Silas gave you and explain your goal, their tone changes a little.  The main speaker says to Scout "as long as that druid makes sure only the necessary parts are taken, then Silas is welcome to what he needs of Singing Nettle and Perennewinkle,  But the Ladies of the Wood are not going to want to talk to people they don't know, much less show them where the Shadestar is, what you call Feyflax, and let you harvest some.  Are you bold enough to earn an audience?" Scout isn't entirely sure if the Ladies are guardian sprites, some other kind of lesser fey, or another creature altogether, but a polite enquiry about what sort of deed might win an audience seems safe enough, so she asks, The sprite replies "just to pick a random example, if you were to follow the stream against its flow for a short while, you would come to a pool with a waterfall, basking rocks and shimmering lilies in season.  But you would not find any of us small folk enjoying its waters, because a giant, aggressive fish-like horror with rows of sharp teeth and a taste for flesh has taken up residence.  We are planning a raid, naturally, but if big folk like you were to bring its body to the Ladies, they'd have to offer you a favour in return."

What would your characters like to do next?  You might choose to harvest the herbs you already found, ask some more questions, ask the Sprites to give you some privacy to talk among yourselves, or set off along the stream immediately - or whatever else you can come up with!



Two hours of work on difficult paper every day (doable during field work I think)
Keep up with essential admin while away
Read and comment on proposal draft
Read and comment on thesis chapters when (or if) they arrive
Real summer goals are suspended because it is freezing… Making soup and curries to stay warm!


- one more day of vacation, plus necessary travel stuff
- finish off the MS review and send
- six (?) hours on Alms
- one unit Greek
- format and send a thing to my Latin group
- do some unfracking of my habitat


1. It's window week! Wash the windows, bit of paint around bathroom window, clean bathroom curtain and fix son's blind.
2. Another work-through of chapter 5, including reading and incorporating a couple of articles
3. Start outlining/roughing in intro
4. Score 5 papers for assessment thing
5. Vacuum office rug and prep office for floor waxing
6. Work on proceedings essay edits
7. MAKE THAT DAMN PHONE CALL for the recycling pamphlet


I want to wrap up and park a few things because this is the last week of work before a couple of weeks off (already filling up with appointments and stuff, but still, NO WORK).
1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed.
2. fun: play D&D, knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming
3. teaching and administration: two blocks of teaching preparation from my list, comment on chapter draft for one grad student and mid-year review paperwork for another, and attend the relevant meetings
4. research: Slowly Developing Paper or Neglected Paper one hour, all comments on Consultancy Paper (want to send it on before I go on leave).


1. Final revisions to grant application (hopefully!).
2. Start on abstract for call for papers.
3. Admin - tie up loose ends, contact mentees, book annual leave.
4. Mark resit assignment for difficult student who failed, but has convinced university to let him resit.
5. Fun stuff - facials with daughter (her birthday present), 4th July party at American colleague's house (also election day here in the UK), possible picnic and brass festival in local park if weather OK, watch cycling with son.
6. House - visit at least one bathroom showroom, get ideas and quotes.


1. Get through two more chapters of Famous Author
2. Do stuff for Big Collaboration
3. Do any admin stuff that needs doing.
4. Have fun, enjoy people and adventures
5. Keep reading for fun, figure out what to start when I finish (as I soon will) the 5 volume series I've been reading this month.


Your TLQuest prompt is: what would your characters do in response to the new information?

Your real-world TLQ prompt is: what sort of treat do you recommend as a good soother after a full week?  And, as usual, report on last week's progress and set goals for the coming week.


  1. Alice has been figuring out how to survive for some years, so while she is cautious, she also is pretty confident in her skills. She wouldn't go after the fierce fish on her own, but she thinks that she, Scout and Cornelius could probably work it out together. She'll wait for them. It helps that she thinks as humans they would have some advantage in size. And she knows how to fish.

    Treats: I'm not generally good at treats. I carry too much of my years of not having enough money with me. However, I got completely derailed this past week by a passive aggressive email from a colleague who has recently stepped down from a top administrative role on campus. (It was essentially, "I'll do the job you asked for, but everything you've done for the last two years is worthless.") I couldn't concentrate on the work I was trying to do, so I took myself off to a lovely small museum, went into the restaurant, and had a 3 course lunch (including dessert!), and then walked around and looked at an eclectic collection. By the time I got home, I was no longer consumed by the email, and went back to work. These are things that are easier here, because there are lots more places I'd consider treats.

    How I did:
    1. Get through two more chapters of Famous Author ONE and a half
    2. Do stuff for Big Collaboration NO
    3. Do any admin stuff that needs doing. YES
    4. Have fun, enjoy people and adventures YES
    5. Keep reading for fun, figure out what to start when I finish (as I soon will) the 5 volume series I've been reading this month. YES / Not really

    So, not great, but got derailed on one day (as I said above). And while I didn't do as much as planned, I did finish my second ms. review. So that's off my desk. And I dealt with admin stuff, though that was easy this week because of the US holiday, lots of people were off for the week. And then on Friday I was very spaced out because I stayed up too late watching the UK elections (and then listening on the radio). It's the only current election I can bear to read about. I had two days with my stepson and his wife, and then the derailed day, so there was lots of fun in the week.

    I finished my series, and the next book I picked up was a holocaust novel, which I've had to put down. I've got a couple of light things floating around, so will read them as a palate cleanser.

    The week ahead will be *much* less sociable than the past week, so more work. Which is lucky, because I have agreed to serve on a dissertation committee (someone could not attend the defense) so I have to read the dissertation in the next two weeks.

    1. Three chapters of Famous Author
    2. Write again to editors
    3. Actually do the stuff for Big Collaboration
    4. Read dissertation
    5. Plan trip to dissertation city for little archival work
    6. Do something fun
    7. Keep reading for pleasure

    1. That's quite a lot of YES and a lot of fun! Sounds like a good week. Sorry about the passive-aggressive colleague, but a nice meal sounds like a good response in that situation!

    2. Sorry about passive-aggressive colleague. It's always worse when these things derail archive or library time. Love your response to it, though.

    3. Ugh, passive-aggressive colleague is the WORST kind of person! Allowing yourself treats can be really hard if you are in a budget mindset - although I'm lucky that I inherited a "treats don't have to cost" mindset (a trip to the library was presented as a treat as kids - new books!). I do struggle with allowing myself to do treat things that take _time_ especially as I'm such a low energy person, I tend to have a lot of guilt around using "do stuff" energy on myself, but I'm working on it!

      What sort of thing are you looking for for your next book series?

    4. I'm currently reading a book about Hadrian's Wall (a friend and I are planning a hike for next summer), and have a light fiction waiting. I find I mostly read non-fiction, but there are fiction authors that I can manage.

      And thank you everyone for commiserations on the passive aggressive colleague. It doesn't help, as my sister says, that he's just jealous of me...

    5. Ugh I have a colleague whose every single email--well, okay, maybe 60% of her emails--derails me. I feel you--we need to erect a kind of protective barrier against such messages!

  2. There's always a catch, isn't there? Of course I thank the sprites for their advice! If they have any further suggestions or information, I'm all ears. I'm going to want to check out the pool---very carefully---but my initial assessment is that we don't want to use fishing rods or nets, but explosives. If a sharp-toothed fishy horror has taken up residence in a small pool, there probably aren't too many smaller fish left to be collateral damage, anyway, and I'd rather work from a distance on such a critter. I can either go back to the village to get the necessary items to rig something crude, or I may have a cache of military-grade material within a day's walk, if I'm reading the ridgeline in the distance correctly.

    We still need to have plans for when things go wrong: what if we just stun it, then how do we fish it out and finish it off? How do we keep from getting hurt on its teeth or spines, even if it's well and truly dead? What will we truss it up in for transport to the Ladies? What if it turns out to be a shape-shifter, or amphibious? Is Martha going to want to try to talk to it? Are the herbs we've already found okay to be picked and carried around while we tackle the Thing, or should we first deal with the Thing, then see the Ladies for permission to pick Shadestar, and collect fresh Perrenewinkle and Singing Nettle on our way back to Silas? I'll defer to Linnet & the other people with strong herb knowledge on that last question!

  3. Martha isn't keen on the sound of the fishy horror, but if the others are confident they can deal with it, she'll go along. She is concerned about how long this might all take: herbs are better fresh. If this is only going to be a day or so, then they could pick the herbs now, wrap them in big leaves, and then they know they have at least some of what they came for. But if this is going to take a while, they should try to mark where the herbs so they can find them again on the way back.

    Treats: it varies, but after a hard week, it might well be a gin and tonic or glass of wine, often either while reading something light, or watching something.

    Last week:
    1. Final revisions to grant application (hopefully!). - I THINK SO?
    2. Start on abstract for call for papers. - NO
    3. Admin - tie up loose ends, contact mentees, book annual leave. - NOT QUITE, YES, YES
    4. Mark resit assignment for difficult student who failed, but has convinced university to let him resit. - YES
    5. Fun stuff - facials with daughter (her birthday present), 4th July party at American colleague's house (also election day here in the UK), possible picnic and brass festival in local park if weather OK, watch cycling with son. - YES, YES, NO (weather awful, so watched football with friends instead), YES
    6. House - visit at least one bathroom showroom, get ideas and quotes. - YES

    It has been a good week in many ways - I share JaneB's views on the election, but if nothing else, we have a more professional and intelligent bunch running the country now. As of this evening, France also seems to be going the right way, which is a huge relief. And an American colleague hosted a 4th July party which was great. American baked beans are far superior to the British version, though not entirely convinced by cornbread. I took Friday off to do fun stuff with my daughter, which made up for her derailing my Tuesday by fainting and knocking herself out after getting a piercing. She was fine eventually, but I was a wreck the rest of the day. Work-wise, I think the grant application is ready to go, which is simultaneously terrifying and a bit of an anti-climax. I am meeting with my mentor tomorrow, and if she gives it the thumbs-up, I will submit it for approval this week! And I also found out that I can carry over money I was awarded last year and didn't spend over to this coming year.

    This week:
    1. Submit grant?!
    2. Write abstract for call for papers.
    3. Plan archive trip for September.
    4. Last bit of admin - report for PhD student review.
    5. Read chapter for PhD student.
    6. Bathroom project.
    7. Life admin - book train tickets, hairdresser.
    8. Read book for book club.

    1. Yay for the grant being ready to depart and the fun day on Friday, although the fainting doesn't sound fun at all. yes, the RELIEF about the second round French election is substantial, and it really does feel like there are normal humans in government again even if some of them have views that make me sad and tired, especially given their party's traditions.

      Everything crossed...

    2. There are many ways to do baked beans, and cornbread as well---regional and familial variations abound. Great news about being able to carry over money from your award!

    3. Congratulations on the grant! That's huge! And sorry for your daughter's fainting; that's scary for everyone.
      American baked beans: with pork fat etc? Or just the molasses kind. Corn bread is great if it's not too dry; there are some that are too sweet, but I always cut the sugar. (And the great treat of my childhood was leftover corn bread the next morning, split in half, toasted with butter, and then covered with maple syrup. ) I celebrated the 4th by staying up most of hte night watching/listening to results.

    4. These beans had pork in, definitely, although were also slightly sweet, so maybe did have some molasses. The cornbread was a bit too sweet for me, but I'm not a fan usually of mixing sweet and savoury - sweet for me means dessert. (Though I do like Chinese sweet and sour.)

    5. Linnet is with Martha on this one.

      Cornbread can be delicious, or dry and boring. Depends on the recipe--don't give up on it altogether! My Kansas-born parents also taught me to love lima beans on buttered cornbread, smothered in a healthy dose of syrup and topped with salt and pepper....

      Congratulations on the grant proposal!

  4. Checking in: I generally have to make my own treats, which removes some of the "treat" aspect, but microwave chocolate cake is a quick and easy option (I usually halve the quantities here:

    How I did:
    - one more day of vacation, plus necessary travel stuff. It was a good last day and smooth trip home. A really great trip!
    - finish off the MS review and send. YES.
    - six (?) hours on Alms. TWO.
    - one unit Greek. NO.
    - format and send a thing to my Latin group. YES.
    - do some unfracking of my habitat. NO: time went on regular cleaning, as due to trip and the 4th, our cleaner skipped two weeks, and I couldn't stand to let some tasks go for three weeks.
    ALSO: cut my hair, swam once, met with trainer (hiking on trip made me stronger!), made cookies, wrote three notes to friends, went to local park for fireworks, watched four stages of Tour de France, found quiet corner in local community college where I can work on my laptop after working out, started to review notes for new class in the fall.

    New goals:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
    - finish Alms!
    - create syllabus for new class
    - Greek 1 unit
    - 2 phone calls
    - 1 trip to campus
    - dentist
    - defrack habitat

    1. That's a very satisfying list of "ALSO!"

    2. Yes, well done on the 'also'. A nice reminder that stuff will often get done that wasn't originally on the list.

    I want to wrap up and park a few things because this is the last week of work before a couple of weeks off (already filling up with appointments and stuff, but still, NO WORK). I thought I'd really over-committed early in the week, but I did actually get a decent amount done and parked
    1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as, no, no, yes - the decluttering person came on Friday, and the week was a long one for various reasons, and since I didn't have to be ready for work on Monday, I didn't do a lot of chores this weekend...
    2. fun: play D&D, knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming no (postponed until today, Monday), yes I finished the shawl - I don't actually like the result, but I did finish it which is a win in itself, yes, yes
    3. teaching and administration: two blocks of teaching preparation from my list, comment on chapter draft for one grad student and mid-year review paperwork for another, and attend the relevant meetings sort of - I didn't spend two block's worth of time, but I did manage to tick off all the tasks I'd tentatively labelled as two blocks worth (we have early access to the ViLE this year so as I updated reading lists and slides I was also able to update the weekly ViLE pages, which i thought would have to wait until September). yes, yes, yes
    4. research: Slowly Developing Paper or Neglected Paper one hour, all comments on Consultancy Paper (want to send it on before I go on leave) no, yes and it's passed on to the third main author.

    ALSO: I spent a chunk of time on preparing papers for my appraisal (the day I get back from leave, with new Head of School, and I wanted to write a "control the narrative" cover page since I've had a rubbish couple of years and who KNOWS what Interim Head has told him), and the decluttering person asked if I'd let her help with a bit of yard work as well as the indoor tasks, and twenty minutes with someone with more mobility and agility than me has made a visually striking improvement in my little yard whicn is a bonus!

    I want to wrap up and park a few things because this is the last week of work before a couple of weeks off (already filling up with appointments and stuff, but still, NO WORK).
    1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. Make appointment for physiotherapy (I've reached the make an appointment point on the waiting list), call handypeople about lights and gate and cat-fence, make appointment to talk to employment advisor at neurodivergent adults charity.
    2. fun: play D&D, crochet some, draw something, read a lot of somethings, do some paintgemming, write something.
    3. teaching and administration: NOTHING
    4. research: NOTHING

    1. It sounds like the decluttering person was a great help, so hooray for that and for getting so many teaching and admin tasks ticked off! Also for finishing the shawl---might it be better after blocking, or is that stage included in "finishing"? The cover page "also" sounds like an excellent idea, and I hope it helps!

    2. Hope new Head of School is sympathetic. I agree with Dame Eleanor that a cover letter is a really good idea.

    3. I love your ALSO list and also your NOTHING goals!

    4. I don't think fully blocking the shawl will fix the problem - I just don't like the shape of it, which I couldn't check going along because it was knitted on a circular needle so once it got to a check-able size it was all bunched up on the needles. I'm actually thinking I might be able to add an additional crochet border which reshapes the overall geometry of the shawl (crochet because picking up stitches on knitting is utterly tedious and I'm bad at it! Plus it might look more intentional). Basically it's a classic triangular shawl - I mostly wear rectangular or split-front drapery, so I wanted to try something different - and I realised on trying it on that that just makes me look fat(ter) and doesn't actually do the right kind of cosy, but something semi-circular probably would. Or I could just add two triangles on the pointy sides and turn it into a rectangle I guess... I could even knit those triangles and sew or crochet them onto the current shawl shape, perhaps in the opposite colour pattern (the shawl is green, then green-brown stripes, then brown - nicer than it sounds, both are shades of "moss" so they blend well) or in a contrast colourway (maybe a sort of subdued rusty orange and grey?). Hmm. As so often, explaining the problem has suggested a possible solution! (and one which involves more yarn buying, always a treat...)

    5. Excellent, another treat idea suits the week's theme!


  6. Cornelius wants to go fishing! He thinks that the party would definitely benefit from the help the Ladies can provide, and figures that having them grateful for fish-monster removal and therefore happy would go a long way toward that...He just happens to have a bit of black powder in his pack that he liberated from his regiment and would be happy to use it, like that someone already mentioned dynamite! He also has a really good recipe for fish stew so that might be colouring his views a bit…

    I love fancy food and drinks so treats skew heavily toward those… Fancy cheese, nice coffee, unusual ciders (found in abundance around here…), the odd snifter of Scotch, basket of ripe local cherries (or fruit of the week)… Love them all… I have no use for makeup or fancy clothes or shoes or housewares, but stationary and notebooks are very enjoyable kryptonite when I run out of food ideas! Bonus for anything that can be used/enjoyed while sitting in the sun on a deck or beach!

    Not a bad week, the weather cleared and we got a ton of boat work done. There is a week left in current area, then we switch to a different place. I came home for the weekend to pick kid up from one camp and deposit them at different camp, a great time was had by all. Have to order a new laptop charging cord because one of the cats attacked mine…

    Last week’s goals:
    Two hours of work on difficult paper every day (doable during field work I think) MOST DAYS, PROGRESS!
    Keep up with essential admin while away DONE
    Read and comment on proposal draft SOME
    Read and comment on thesis chapters when (or if) they arrive NO SIGN OF THEM
    Real summer goals are suspended because it is freezing… Making soup and curries to stay warm! DONE
    Extra: got additional revision on previously submitted revision done and submitted, so it is FINALLY DONE! Next time I see it will be for galleys, yay!

    This week’s goals
    Work on difficult paper every day, goal to get it close to done
    Essential admin
    Read chapters maybe
    Real summer: beach with kid after next camp pick-up

    1. Lots of "done". Sounds like a good week! Especially congratulations on the "Finally Done"!
      Re. curries and soup: I bought a down jacket a few weeks ago because I'd been so cold here. Meanwhile, where I live it will be 110 later this week.

    2. Cornelius! What great thinking, liberating that black powder when you mustered out (went AWOL, whatever). Let's nerd out discussing explosives and creative uses for them!

    3. Ohhh, fresh cherries... such a luxury!

    4. Glad the weather cleared up! It is pouring down again here, though yesterday was lovely. It seems we get a day every now and then to tease us with summer, but then it rains again.

  7. It's already Thursday.... For some reason I have had a Block around doing TLQ this week, maybe related to the Block that I have around writing my introduction (which is the main task that I need to get started on). So I haven't even read the above yet--my son needs my computer in a minute so I'm just going to check in, then I HOPE go back and read the rest!

    Last week:
    1. It's window week! Wash the windows, bit of paint around bathroom window, clean bathroom curtain and fix son's blind. - YES--my son actually did a bunch of the window-washing for a small fee, so that was really helpful.
    2. Another work-through of chapter 5, including reading and incorporating a couple of articles - YES
    3. Start outlining/roughing in intro - NO
    4. Score 5 papers for assessment thing - YES, actually did 11 and finished the task
    5. Vacuum office rug and prep office for floor waxing - YES
    6. Work on proceedings essay edits - YES
    7. MAKE THAT DAMN PHONE CALL for the recycling pamphlet - YES, but it was fruitless

    This week:
    1. Finish proceedings essay edits
    2. Revise Festschrift paragraph
    3. Overcome my fear of working on my intro
    4. Finish stacking wood
    5. Add website page for grad students
    6. Work out a bunch

    1. well done for finishing the assessment thing and making the phone call even if it was unproductive - and paid assistance is always a good thing! I hope the block melts quickly...

  8. Cornelius was searching for herbs near the scary fish pool, and sat down under a lovely tree for a moment. Of course he fell asleep... He had a really odd dream in which he felt like an entity was trying to talk to him, and it seemed like the communication was coming from the scary fish pool? He got the strong sense that someone was trapped and trying to get out, and getting desperate... He came running back to the group and is now in a flat panic thinking the fish is really not a scary fish at all and maybe we need to talk to it before we try to blow it up or anything! He's not the most intuitive of humans (and he knows this) so if he is getting vibes from the pond maybe there is something to it...

  9. IRL: no report, no goals, will get back to it this weekend when I'm home and not knee-deep in assorted foliage crawling up and down scary steep brooks and slopes....
    Books because I can always think about those even if I have to type on my phone:
    Fluffy and fun but good: Book Lovers, The Sunseekers
    Scary on existential level and still in my brain from book club months back: We Spread by Iain Reid, really interesting premise/construction/theme
    Good any time, varies from light to serious: anything Lesley Crewe, also brilliantly place-specific
