the grid

the grid

Sunday 29 October 2023

TLQ: The Movie! (2023 session 3), week 8: Midterm Check-in

We're gathering in the director's trailer to screen some early footage, in which you all set goals for this session. I love your early enthusiasm! It comes across so clearly and warmly; viewers are going to relate to that. But now we're half-way through the session, and it's time to revisit those goals and see what you've done, what you want to keep (and maybe give more attention from now on), what you have to jettison. How are you feeling about these goals now? To follow up on last week's questions, what advice would you now give your early-September self?

Get a drink and some snacks, find a comfy chair, and settle in to watch our September goal-setting interviews. A massage therapist will be circulating to rub tight shoulders if any of this footage causes you anxiety; just raise your hand and she'll be over to do a little work on your neck and shoulders (and you can book an appointment for a full-body massage later, as well. The hot tub will also be available). 

In the comments, besides reactions to the original goals, of course we'll have the check-ins from last week and goals set for the coming week. Session goals appear first, followed by last week's goals.

Red wine and massage therapist over here, please!

Session goals

Contingent Cassandra

--Keep up with teaching, especially feedback.
--Complete contract renewal.
--Complete study leave application.
--Identify/apply as appropriate for other possible sources of funding for current research project.

--Replace refrigerator (including associated cabinet-moving and hole-patching)
--Get all the plumbing working at once (next up: replace kitchen faucet. Also on the docket: hire plumber to fix/replace shower taps.)
--Plan/implement other work as time/energy allows (this could include ordering/assembling/painting some additional cabinets, shelves, and doors; getting estimates for counter replacement; replacing stove; replacing flooring; additional hole-patching).

--Keep moving: continue stretching program, restart lifting weights, restart walking, take a last swim or two if there are weekend pool hours.
--Keep in regular touch with friends and family, especially young-adult nieblings


Write major grant application
Make progress on one local paper, one student paper, and one giant collaborative paper, and by progress I mean submit at least two out of three
Exercise consistently
Have regular fun with kid

Dame Eleanor Hull

- join a gym, work out regularly, also regular yoga at home
- finish two partially-written chapters
- write an abstract (at least) for a conference paper
- keep up with teaching prep and grade in a timely manner
- organize conference travel
- make progress on house/unpacking projects
- cheer on my fellow TLQers!

heu mihi

1) Finish chapter 4
2) Revise/tie up loose ends for chapters 1-3
3) Plan chapter 5 and/or 6
4) Apply for a grant (deadline 9/20)
5) Write a book review for a book that I have already read (due in November sometime)
6) Write and submit 2 conference abstracts
7) Keep things moving with this festschrift that I am now co-editing (we're in the very early stages, so that basically means coming up with an idea for the chapter that I would want to write and keeping track of who has agreed to contribute).
8) I'm also trying to keep my exercise up, answer emails promptly, and sit daily (weekdays).



1. Self-care. The boring practical stuff that needs to happen because if it goes right it makes everything else easier. Just to feel that I'm consistently touching on each of the important areas regularly would be great.
2. Teaching. The bread and butter of my actual job. Survival will do here, defined as being ahead in prep and not having caused too much havoc via migraines, sick leave* etc. (or if I do end up on sick leave, that I keep my nose OUT of teaching!)
3. Research. Keep things ticking along - immediate goals are to submit three papers this session to journals (all are already well underway), help to organise a workshop in January, and apply for money for a grad student.
4. Admin. I have a fair amount spread across 4 named roles, and I want to keep it and shed teaching rather than the other way around (although the "help" I get offered from my department is definitely the other way around), partly because I can do it in a much more sustainable way in terms of my personal energy budget.
5. Fun. Necessary for self-care but also just necessary. I like to make things, mess around with art stuff, read, and play D&D. Getting back into doing all of those things fairly often was this summer's win, and I want to try & maintain that.


1. Write grant application.
2. Make some progress on writing a journal article.
3. Do revisions to another journal article.
4. Try to be on top of teaching rather than overwhelmed by it.
5. Work on some house projects.
6. Try to get regular exercise, more sleep, eat healthily.
7. Do something fun each week.


1. Survival - right now the term seems overwhelming, so if I'm in one piece on December 16, it will be a success. (I'm teaching 2 classes, have a lot of travel, and the admin load is heavy right now.)

2. Famous Author: Finish my revisions (hopefully by the mid-semester check in. The goal is to send it back to my editor and get it to a press at the start of the new year.

3. Big Collaboration: Read all drafts, work with co-editor on drafting introduction.

4. Do something fun on a regular basis - with friends, or watch movies or something.

5. Continue regular exercise / healthy eating / adequate sleep


Last week’s goals

Contingent Cassandra

--Grade at least ½ (preferably 2/3) of the composition proposals.
--Try to provide reasonable support to composition students who are struggling to catch up without shortchanging those who have kept up and need to move forward based on the feedback I’m in the process of providing
--Make some progress on grading lit process work

--Finish fall sowing in garden
--Measure and mark new location for compost pile and begin turning/moving
--Do at least one thing that gets something out of or better organized/containerized in the apartment

--2x some kind of movement: stretching, weight-lifting, long or short walk
--Continue followup on church committee stuff as needed
--Get covid and flu shots


Complete and submit PITA grant application
Another trip, mostly not fun, at end of week
Edit paper draft from post-doc

Dame Eleanor Hull

- swim twice, cross-trainer & weights twice, walk at least once, yoga
- revise assignments for mini-class; grade a set of papers
- research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project
- do some House Task (or garden, or Life Stuff)

heu mihi

1. Handle excellent grad student's oral exam defense
2. Hold many many meetings
3. Straighten out the final spring 24 schedule problems
4. Get the fall 24 schedule as functional as possible
5. Finish reading through chapter 2
6. Start planning abstract for March conference


a) pace myself, allow time and space for counselling/GP stuff and reacting to counselling, morning pages
b) reinstate some key habits - move intentionally for at least 10 minutes a day, 5 fruit & veg., picking up spaces that get messy, filling in my daily log, taking vitamins. (keeping the last two because it's nice to have some easy wins!)
c) basic environment stuff - catch up with bin emptying, dish washing, filing financial papers. keep up with laundry!
d) do at least one thing from the non-basic environmental stuff list (little jobs)
Work stuff, not divided into three categories for now:
e) do email triage on no more than two week days for no more than 2 hours total
f) write some coherent points for the Individual Risk Assessment/Reasonable Adjustments requests I'll need to discuss on return to work
Fun: (I consider this medicinal in the current circumstances)
g) at least a couple of blocks of time reading, crochet, and playing or preparing D&D. Do the next seven Inktober sketches, never mind which day.
h) make cards, wrap & send two packages - a birthday present for my Aunt and a Hallowe'en care package for my nibling


1. Essential teaching prep.
2. Schedule meetings with dissertation students.
3. Read dissertation proposals (only 3).
4. Look at referees' reports on article, work out which comments to deal with.
5. Prep for seminar and workshop I'm chairing next week for guest speaker.
6. Walks in autumn sunshine if it continues.
7. Book appointments and haircut for kids.


1. Finish at least three more papers from Big Collaboration and send them back. If I'm doing really well, I'll do more, but not going to pressure myself.
2. Get the next week of LMS stuff posted before I go.
3. Prepare for conference
4. Have fun at conference
5. Try not to worry too much about what's happening at home.



  1. I really need the massage. And the red wine. And I'm first in the hot tub...

    Session goals
    1. Write grant application.
    2. Make some progress on writing a journal article.
    3. Do revisions to another journal article.
    4. Try to be on top of teaching rather than overwhelmed by it.
    5. Work on some house projects.
    6. Try to get regular exercise, more sleep, eat healthily.
    7. Do something fun each week.

    This is supposed to be my 'lighter' term and I'm already overwhelmed with stuff that wasn't on the radar when I set goals. I think 2 is going to have to take a back seat so I can focus on 1 and 3. 4, ha ha ha, Covid. 5 is happening, but causing stress of a different kind. 6 and 7 probably need to be in TLQ more often than they are.

    I think all of the goals except 2 ought to still be achievable, if I can get back on track.

    Last week:
    1. Essential teaching prep. - YES
    2. Schedule meetings with dissertation students. - YES (waiting on one to reply)
    3. Read dissertation proposals (only 3). - YES
    4. Look at referees' reports on article, work out which comments to deal with. - Did 2 hours, so a start.
    5. Prep for seminar and workshop I'm chairing next week for guest speaker. - NO
    6. Walks in autumn sunshine if it continues. - NO, hardly any sunshine. Did run the one day it wasn't raining and again today in the rain.
    7. Book appointments and haircut for kids.- YES except dentist.

    Last week was survival mode, catching up on all the teaching that had to be rescheduled. It was tough. Some seminar groups were fine and quite chatty, others were harder work, especially the second-year class which is new material this year - that fell very flat. I am feeling very discouraged about teaching at the moment. I keep repeating JaneB's mantra: Never let an 18-year old spoil your day. I think it needs a lot of repetition.

    This week is looking even tougher: another six hours of first-year seminars and two hours with the unresponsive second-years. Already worried that I've chosen reading that is too difficult, but it's too late to change it now. I'm also reviewing progress for a PhD student and chairing and acting as discussant for a visiting speaker's seminar. Kitchen is still unfinished and kids are off school this week and need ferrying round to various Halloween parties and other stuff. So yes please to massages.

    This week:
    1. Teaching prep.
    2. Review for PhD student
    3. Prepare for visiting speaker URGENT
    4. Meet with dissertation students.
    5. Write for two hours (article revisions) - colleague is organising a writing retreat, so will try to keep that slot free.
    6. If kitchen finished, arrange cupboards etc.

    1. I'm with you on the overwhelm, though a lot of mine is self-inflicted. But once it starts, it's hard to get out from under, because of the tendency to thrash! I hope your second-years pull themselves together and surprise you. Also, happy Halloween!

    2. Thank you! Pumpkin and vodka pasta tonight for dinner, pumpkin soup later this week when I get time.

    3. If you complete all but one of your session goals, you're in great shape! I hope that your kids have parties at the same time and you can take an hour or two to relax in solitude. Good luck!

    4. Also, the hot tub is huge and will take all of us at once! Great view of the stars overhead, too!

    5. Good luck with the rough week! Hope Halloween is fun and silly and has lots of leftover candy...
      Great for so many things done this week!

  2. Hard to believe we're halfway through. The massage would be very helpful right now.

    Session goals & progress:

    --Keep up with teaching, especially feedback (better than many recent semesters, but this remains a key challenge)
    --Complete contract renewal (done)
    --Complete study leave application (done, and I’ve heard that there are relatively few, which reduces competition, but will make it more discouraging not to be picked if that happens)
    --Identify/apply as appropriate for other possible sources of funding for current research project (I’ve learned that this won’t really be useful given the funding structure for the leaves, so abandoning this one for the present)

    --Replace refrigerator (including associated cabinet-moving and hole-patching)
    --Get all the plumbing working at once (next up: replace kitchen faucet. Also on the docket: hire plumber to fix/replace shower taps.)
    --Plan/implement other work as time/energy allows (this could include ordering/assembling/painting some additional cabinets, shelves, and doors; getting estimates for counter replacement; replacing stove; replacing flooring; additional hole-patching).
    (Little to none of this done, except that I did buy a small portable refrigerator/freezer as a stopgap measure; don’t really expect to return to any of the more complicated projects until break)

    --Keep moving: continue stretching program, restart lifting weights, restart walking, take a last swim or two if there are weekend pool hours.
    --Keep in regular touch with friends and family, especially young-adult nieblings
    (Very little progress in this area, too, and I forgot to include 2 major areas of focus: garden plot and church work).

    1. Revised/2nd half of session goals:

      --Keep up with teaching, especially feedback

      --Try to make weekly incremental progress on getting something either out of apartment or containerized/organized

      --Get back to moving: stretching, lifting weights, and/or walking at least every other day (gardening counts as movement, too)
      --Get back in touch with young-adult nieblings
      --Get garden plot ready for end-of-season inspection; other winter maintenance as possible
      --Complete 2 major church committee tasks: organizing 2 weeks of panels; identifying and scheduling speaker for one-time talk

    2. The short report on week 7 goals: I got some (but not enough) grading done, did some church committee work, and got the flu and covid shots (with no significant reaction). Otherwise, the week seems to have been swallowed by meetings, student emails, and (worthwhile but time-consuming) a meeting of a local study group of a national organization to which I belong and prep for that.

    3. Goals for Week 8:
      --Grade as many as possible of the composition proposals
      --Make some progress on grading lit process work

      --Finish fall sowing in garden
      --Measure and mark new location for compost pile and begin turning/moving
      --Do at least one thing that gets something out of or better organized/containerized in the apartment

      --2x some kind of movement: stretching, weight-lifting, long or short walk
      --Initiate 2 key email exchanges for church committee work
      --Get in touch with at least one young-adult niebling

    4. And apparently I can't decide whether work in the garden plot counts as "household" or "personal." Could be either, but based on what doesn't get done when I'm concentrating more on the garden (and vice versa), "household" probably makes more sense.

    5. Hey, it's great that you had no reaction to the shots! So much easier to stay productive that way, though I'm sorry to hear about all the meetings and e-mail. Sometimes it seems like I can only manage to get anything done on weekends when those things go away or at least can be ignored.

    6. Wow, a lot going on. Good the shots were reaction free. Almost everyone I know has had some kind of a reaction.

    7. That is a lot! Good luck with grading and all the people stuff! Hope the garden stuff gets some sunlight to do that all.

  3. Red wine and massage please!!! Wouldn’t say no to some cheese either… And sleep, can I have a day to sleep please?
    As always, midterm check-ins sneak up when one is not looking… I guess it is that time… I completed one of them but only because it had a deadline. I’m not doing great on the other goals but there are glimpses of progress so I will keep them. I do feel like I am a bit stalled and burnt out. But it is study break this coming week and even though I have a lab trip which will be fun but busy it will be a nice change of scene.

    Session goals
    Write major grant application DONE
    Make progress on one local paper, one student paper, and one giant collaborative paper, and by progress I mean submit at least two out of three SOME PROGRESS, KEEP
    Exercise consistently HAHAHA NOPE, BUT KEEP
    Have regular fun with kid NOT DOING GREAT BUT KEEP

    My advice to my September self is “SUCK IT UP and do the grant application early!!!!” Not so much advice as command… It would have saved many late nights. It is done though, now I try to forget about it. Also "GET UP AND RUN!!"...

    Last week’s goals:
    Complete and submit PITA grant application DONE
    Another trip, mostly not fun, at end of week DONE
    Edit paper draft from post-doc NOPE

    This week’s goals:
    Another trip, lab fun, for 4 days
    Meet with coauthors and edit paper draft from post-doc
    Do introductions for two papers
    Do one figure for each paper

    1. I wish I had given a similar command to my September self w/r/t the conference paper abstract I need to pull out of my butt now. Here's a day to sleep . . . let's see if we can manage to hand it off via the internet . . . if not, well, blame it on the ether!

    2. Well done on getting PITA grant done! That definitely gets you red wine!

    3. Hey, the grant app is nothing to sneeze at! Glad it's done.

  4. Session goals:
    1) Finish chapter 4 -- Yes, enough
    2) Revise/tie up loose ends for chapters 1-3 -- I've done 1 and am working on 2. This is going more slowly than expected, but 2 is in better shape than 1 was, so hopefully I can move forward more swiftly. (And I'm on track, anyway, if I'm doing all three over the course of the session.)
    3) Plan chapter 5 and/or 6 -- NO: I need to start on this! Thinking of trying to do an AcWriMo to motivate myself, although it doesn't have the clear guidelines of NaNoWriMo (which I'm not doing).
    4) Apply for a grant (deadline 9/20) -- YES
    5) Write a book review for a book that I have already read (due in November sometime) -- YES, early!
    6) Write and submit 2 conference abstracts -- YES
    7) Keep things moving with this festschrift that I am now co-editing.
    --This is a reminder that I need to *not* let this totally drop off my radar. I should check in with my co-editors about formulating some proper guidelines for abstracts!
    8) I'm also trying to keep my exercise up, answer emails promptly, and sit daily (weekdays). -- Pretty good about most of this. Exercise falls apart a little bit in October because of the dark mornings, but November might allow some recalibration. I'm good about emails--better than normal, anyway--but somehow the threshold for an acceptable number of unanswered emails is steadily growing (up to 15 right now...).

    So basically, my remaining goals:
    2) Revise/tie up loose ends for chapters 1-3
    3) Plan chapter 5 and/or 6
    7) Keep things moving with this festschrift that I am now co-editing
    8) Keep my exercise up, answer emails promptly, and sit daily (weekdays)

    Last week: Nearly all of these things HAD to happen last week, so this is kind of a gimme.
    1. Handle excellent grad student's oral exam defense -- YES
    2. Hold many many meetings -- YES
    3. Straighten out the final spring 24 schedule problems - YES, although some things are still Pending, annoyingly, and a new problem reared its head this weekend
    4. Get the fall 24 schedule as functional as possible - YES
    5. Finish reading through chapter 2 - YES
    6. Start planning abstract for March conference - YES; wrote and submitted it

    That makes it look like I was all on top of things last week! Missing are the many Very Stupid Moments that I had towards the end of the week (forgetting that I'd canceled a class and panicking when it didn't show up; complete inability to read a simple budget spreadsheet). I was tired!

    This week:
    1. Work on ch. 2 loose ends
    2. Reread, polish, submit Freiburg paper
    3. Finish and submit teaching award nominations and hiring requests
    4. Start planning ch. 6
    5. Grad students: Read other student's exam essays; read 25 pp. of different student's dissertation
    6. Look over article for secondary journal

    OK, other than teaching prep, that's literally everything I have to do this week. It's kind of a lot (each of those items is fairly time-consuming). We'll see.

    I've also been signing up for ALLLL the workshops this semester. This week, I have a 3-hour yoga workshop on Wednesday evening; a 1.5-hour workshop on dealing with difficult colleagues on Thursday; and I'll make it to the first 20 minutes of a union-sponsored presentation on how AI might affect our teaching workload. Fun times all around! (And I'm getting a badly needed haircut on Friday afternoon, for which I *cannot* wait.)

    Carry on, everyone....

    1. Sometimes it's good to have a week in which all the things *have* to happen, because it feels so good to get them all done and also to have a good excuse to skip or reduce some other things. I hope you enjoy the yoga workshop and haircut, and that the other presentations are useful.

    2. Lots of progress on session goals already! Enjoy the momentum!
      Good luck with the very packed week, hope it will be followed by an easier one!

  5. Oof! I feel like the week is shot already because a large chunk of today went with dealing with a car that wouldn't start, and tomorrow I'll have to retrieve the car from the dealership, plus today being Halloween I'm on standby to serve out candy, though so far we've only had two small trick-or-treaters. It may be too cold for the little cute ones; we've had snow on and off all day.

    But there will be Thursday-Sunday---as usual! I feel like those are the only days on which I get any actual work done. Monday is all meetings and classes, and TW keep filling up with things that are Not Work.

    OK, let's look at my session goals:
    - join a gym, work out regularly, also regular yoga at home. YES, going very well: let's say I've done this one though I will need to keep up with the working out/yoga. Being in better shape is helping with sleep, mood, and feeling like I can tackle things.
    - finish two partially-written chapters: Ha ha ha! Wow. Um. I might have a chance if it weren't for the conference paper (see below). I'm going to cut this back to finishing ONE.
    - write an abstract (at least) for a conference paper. I was relieved to find this week that the due date isn't till near the end of November rather than the 1st! Woot! I can make an effort now to figure out a really good, workable topic. Maybe my original plan will still work, or maybe I'll collaborate with a friend on something we're both interested in. Anyway, KEEP.
    - keep up with teaching prep and grade in a timely manner. KEEP. So far, so mostly good, though I keep forgetting to hit the "post grades" button on Blackboard Ultra.
    - organize conference travel. Not yet, but definitely KEEP.
    - make progress on house/unpacking projects. DUMP. Something has to give! The boxes will still be there after this term ends.
    - cheer on my fellow TLQers! KEEP! I hope I'm doing all right here.

    Last week's report and next week's goals to come separately.

    1. Good call on getting rid of unpacking goal. Boxes keep nicely! Good progress on the others!

  6. And now for the current check-in. How I did:
    - swim twice, cross-trainer & weights twice, walk at least once, yoga. YES to all.
    - revise assignments for mini-class; grade a set of papers. NO, YES.
    - research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project. YES.
    - do some House Task (or garden, or Life Stuff). YES for very small tasks, picking herbs ahead of frost and doing a little mending.

    This week's goals:
    - take care of car problem
    - swim once, cross-trainer twice, weights at least once, walk at least once, yoga more or less daily
    - revise assignments for mini-class
    - research 1 hour x 5, mainly Latin, conference paper project
    - do some mending
    - work with my husband on winter trip plans

  7. Winter trip planning sounds fun, hope the destination is a good one! Glad the research goals are going well, definitely satisfying...
