We never did collect goals at midterm, because that was A Week all around, and now we're getting close to the end it doesn't seem worth it. I vote to let it go and we'll just see how hard we feel like laughing at the session goals in a few weeks. The plan is that we'll set goals three more times (this week plus 2), and then around 17 December have a how-we-did/end-of-session party where we reflect on the whole session (including on those things that intruded despite not being on the radar back when we started, like roof repairs).
This week's shape is a torus! Otherwise known as a doughnut, in geometric terms it's a curvy shape with a single hole in it. (I am not going to get technical about this: if you're mathematically inclined, you know the details, and if you aren't, I assume that you don't want to know and this hand-wavy definition will suffice.) So a mug or a teacup counts, as the handle is the hole. So do tires, some rings, some bracelets . . . what version will you choose? Let us know in the comments, if you feel like it! Goals are posted below, so also let us know how you did and what you're planning for the week ahead.
EAM, we're holding you and any other TLQers who need it in the light. Though the year itself is still getting darker in the northern hemisphere, that just means that candles and seasonal decorations and SAD lamps are going on and radiating out to everyone! And if you're in the southern hemisphere, then your light is growing and heading for the solstice: enjoy!
URGENT revisions for old paper
URGENT write something for out-of-my-field discussion paper
Finish website and award stuff for association
New conference stuff
Clean house after construction chaos IF that is finished this week
Paint bedrooms if construction is done
Dame Eleanor Hull
- finish the damned essay (now
- Notes on MET book and C&C read weeks ago
- work on at least one spring class
- do an interesting long walk
- do some tidying, unpacking, or other house task
- do yoga at least 4 times, weights x2, walk x5
heu mihi
-Maybe look at the microfilm I
inadvertently ordered from the library?
-Look at vita in reading room
-Reserve reading room spots and MSS
-Journal: Process new MS for review; identify and request reviewers; work
through proofs that are due on Monday (but we're still waiting for the authors
to look at them); sort out the two even-newer submissions
-Run x 3
-Yoga x 1
Deal with workmen
Sort out some Xmas stuff
keep an eye on Fluffball
1. Teaching prep.
2. Emails (try to be efficient)
3. Write urgent student reference.
4. Maybe do research
5. Exercise - run twice, pilates once, walk other days.
6. House stuff
7. Day off on Friday, probably Christmas shopping with kids.