We're looking at week 16. Next weekend we'll have a post in which to report on our session goals, but this is our last week to post goals. Below, you'll find last week's goals, as usual, and then either updated session goals from midterm, or your original goals if you didn't get around to an update: this is so you can make a last-minute attempt to accomplish something on the list, if you're getting close. Again, we will have a post next week when you can come and tell us how you've done both this week and for the full session.
What are you looking forward to, when you make it through this week? How would you like to celebrate your successes?
Last posted goals:
1) Continue with revisions for paper, just finish it!!
2) Association meetings and individual councilor catch-up meetings
3) Go through Albatross paper material and send things to coauthor for help
4) Try some gentle exercise that does not hurt broken bits
5) Catch up with new project coworkers
6) Do something fun with friends
Dame Eleanor Hull
Health: yoga x6, weights x3, medium walks, bed by 10:30 at least 5x.
Research: continue plugging quotes/citations into outline; Greek and T reading at least 3x each.
Teaching: Grade All The Things.
Life Stuff: renew car registration, finish pockets and replace buttons on a cardigan, order Xmas presents.
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Get better food in the house.
Write better transitions in AYU 1 hour times 4.
Figure out what tasks to do on the Christmas visit to afford me the opportunity to “touch research every day.”
Wrap presents.
Take puppy to vet.
heu mihi
1) Touch research daily
2) Finish grading this paper to clear the decks for a VERY RAPID grading of the final paper (due Friday)
Survive a prospectus defense, a dissertation defense, a promotion
review, and a mini-tenure. Prepare for next week's prospectus defense
4) Exercise at least three times
5) Finish Christmas shopping
1 submit two article reviews
2 set a schedule for grading to wind down rather than race to the finish
3 clear a shelf for new books as part of office cleaning
4 do four things on the 22 before 22 list
5 schedule research priorities and create deadlines for winter break projects
Once my grading arrives, do a little grading every day.
Be KIND - to
students, to myself.
Drink more water, move some more, take time to
Try to work out what is going on with the grant we actually got,
but can't start due to paperwork issues.
Research: have some writing (let's say an introduction) prepared to
share with writing group; have all postgrads up to date on meetings and
Teaching: revised rubrics and up to week 8 on content for next sem online
and home: make Christmas shopping list and get started on it, sort out
garden/pet sitter, yoga x3, beat last week's weekly steps average.
1. Start work on next chapter - outline it, order ILL books
2. Do promotion review
3. Grade stragglers work
4. Work on Christmas service for church
5. Do fun stuff at the weekend
6. Get tree
7. Keep getting good sleep.
Revised session goals:
Finish 5 research papers.
Get new grad student started off well, get current grad students through the rigours of writing a thesis.
Plant bulbs, move hostas, continue exercise program, something creative for sabbatical.
Dame Eleanor Hull
Complete and polish book chapter.
Deliver effective courses, grade promptly, do a little prep of spring courses.
Put the garden to bed. Do at least ten things on my list of Stuff That Will Stay Done.
Take Sundays and at least half of Saturdays off from work, and work more efficiently on weekdays to make this possible.
Manage food and exercise so as to sleep adequately on a regular basis.
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Organization: Bring order to the work office by slashing and burning (only figuratively) the mass of paper inhabiting the space. Go through bookshelf: scan important articles, return any books read/discarded as not useful. File what is left.
Planning: Reverse outline partially written articles. Plan next steps on each, or abandon.
Health: Continue to make doctors’ appointments, scans, and other fun things.
Writing: Write when it is fun or rewarding; read when writing is drudgery.
heu mihi
Take time to stop doing things.
Write steadily and calmly.
Take an Italian class!
Do good things for others.
Teaching: Do the usual. Draft proposal for new program.
Research: Draft DQ book proposal. Write quality presentations for three online conferences. Submit to favorite spring conference.
Creative: Organize existing drafts of poems and flash nonfiction. Create a submission plan. Commit to and enjoy online classes.
Domestic: Finish cleaning office. Build and fill bookcases. Clear all recycling from house and garage
Sad but realistic goal for the session: SURVIVAL (self, students, cat)
Teaching: finish up this semester without getting behind, set up external connections and partnerships for sem 1 2022 unit.
Research: pilot SOTL project and present paper on it, see three PhD/Masters students to submission.
and Home: maintain planting schedule, get out (in some way shape or
form) each week, get home office fully functional given there's at least
one more year of hotdesk hell to come.
Research: get rough drafts of last two chapters of Famous Author; 2 sessions/week.
Teaching: keep up with classes, don't get overwhelmed.
Finish self-study for the graduate program review.
Finish work for book prize, article prize, tenure review, promotion review, jacket blurb, read 2 MSS, stuff related to being president of scholarly organization.
Clean ducts, refinish floor in guest room & paint guest room, landscaping.
Keep up with exercise.
See friends, see my mother, read for fun.