the grid

the grid

Monday 31 May 2021

Summer session: Just realized that we need a Week 2!

Hello everyone, 

As I was getting ready for bed, I realized that we had not yet posted a prompt for this week. So here's a placeholder version!

Although I haven't caught up on last week's comments yet (due to trip to see family), it's wonderful to see you all! Welcome back, Good Enough Woman!

Here are last week's goals for your check-in. (See, I told you that prompts may be perfunctory this session!)


1) Finish three reviews that are due next week
2) Plan analytical next steps for Project Garnet
3) Open Albatross file and review
4) Get Old project files from co-author and review

Dame Eleanor Hull:

Add at least 3 paragraphs to the Albatross.
Work on the book 30-60 minutes x 3.
Finish moving out of old work office.
Grade a few things to clear a student's Incomplete.
Finish prepping study for paint.
Assorted errands and stuff too dull to list---if I do any 3, that'll be fine.

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell:

This week's goals:
Pull together data to make the most of my day on campus.
Search for the newest articles relevant to Prudence.
Contact at least two doctors.

Good Enough Woman:

1. Complete small grant app for teen writing program
2. Finish flyer for teen writing program
3. Take son to DMV to get permit
4. Contact dog trainer
5. Start developing DIY MFA reading list
6. Two 30-minute writing sessions on the Rambling essay
7. Two 20-minute brainstorming sessions for creative writing
8. Make a list of veggies that I like and that are convenient and easy to prep. Buy some of those veggies.
9. Start shopping for daughter's b-day and my dad's b-day.

heu mihi:

1. Write 4 hours--finish book review; send Death essay off to friendly reader :)
2. Read 25 pages a day of Big Book I Stopped Reading in January
3. Clear at least one article off of my desktop
4. Sit & Latin x4 each
5. Start prepping one article for journal issue 49.1


1 brief music commentary
2 overdue World review
3 overdue poetry review
4 Boredom chapter abstract
5 catalog piece
6 Road review


- finish book review
-book orders
- a little work on the chapter
- exercise
- read for fun
- sleep
- have fun with family


  1. heu mihi, my apologies!

    As far as a prompt goes, a long time ago I was a public information officer at a state agency where one of my tasks was to write impact statements for bills that were proposed to the State Legislature. Toward the end of the session, there are always a rush of bills to declare a particular local thing as the official state song or dance or gemstone. I'm disappointed to see that only two states have an official toy: In Kentucky, it's the Etch-a-Sketch and in Mississippi it's the teddy bear.

    I invite you to declare your official thing for this session. Maybe it's your official reptile or tree or breakfast item. As silly or sincere as you'd like.

    My apologies to all for the disjointed arrangement of goals and prompt.

    1. I love this! I'm going to have to think about it--I suspect that it will be hard to narrow down the Officialdom!

  2. I'm going to give myself some time to think about an Official Thing. In the meantime--so that I can get it off my to-do list--here's my update:

    Last week:
    1. Write 4 hours--finish book review; send Death essay off to friendly reader :)
    2. Read 25 pages a day of Big Book I Stopped Reading in January
    3. Clear at least one article off of my desktop
    DONE (it took me two weeks to read this one article, but okay)
    4. Sit & Latin x4 each - x4, x2, I think
    5. Start prepping one article for journal issue 49.1 - DONE

    Clearly I set last week's bar really low, because I actually got very little done on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, and nothing at all on Friday (when I was visiting family). I guess that's good?

    This week, I will aim a little higher, but our ancient cat seems to be ailing (again), so if things head south, I'll endeavor to forgive myself for not meeting my goals.

    1. Write 5 hours
    2. Finish big book I stopped reading in January
    3. Read 2 articles
    4. Prep 1 article for issue 49.1
    5. Sit x5, Latin x5
    6. Finish first sleeve of cardigan and start the second
    7. Two social things

    Re. #6--I want to knit a lot this summer, so I've decided to make it an official priority.

    1. The Official Knitting Project! Or Official Cardigan!

    2. Done is done, even if you think you set the bar low. I'm striving for reasonable goal setting this session.

      I'm sorry to hear about Ailing Cat and send my best wishes to them.

    3. Official Knitting is a great idea!

      Ailing Cat is still hanging in there--she seems better this week, in fact. But she's extremely old, and the inevitable will happen sooner rather than later.

  3. I have an official mascot. Many years ago, a friend gave me a small toy tortoise, symbolizing the perseverance needed for academic life, especially scholarly writing. It usually sits on my work computer, to remind me that I have writing to do. I brought it home during the pandemic, and it holds a place of pride on my monitor stand.

    Last week's goals:
    Pull together data to make the most of my day on campus. Yes, I managed to pull together 95% of what I needed.
    Search for the newest articles relevant to Prudence. I completed the search, but still have to compile results, discard duplicates, and sort.
    Contact at least two doctors. No. I wanted to find someone I could see this Friday when I'm in the big city, but had no luck with either. Eh, next trip.

    A minimal set of goals, but my day on campus was busier with researchers than I expected. Even so, I managed to get most of my tasks done.

    Next week's goals:
    Set and breakdown June goals.
    Finish peer review.
    Read two articles on Prudence, making notes, and tracking citations.
    Make appointments with two doctors.
    Email co-editor.
    Write and mail thank-yous and birthday cards.

    Happy June. I hope everyone has a lovely week. Float like mist.

    1. Tortoise is a great metaphor! The perfect mascot for these sessions, slow and steady moves us forward...

    2. Yay for a productive day on campus and pushing forward on Prudence!

      I agree with tortoise as an excellent mascot. If I had an official song, it might be Shawn Colvin's "Steady On," which is a phrase I write in morning pages at least once a week.

  4. I'm trying to think of "official" things *for this session,* not my usual items and habits, like my Official Tea Supplier, which hasn't changed in years (since they do mail-order).

    So, my Official Drink this summer is Mint Water (pick some sprigs of mint, put in a pitcher, pour water over, put in fridge), and here is my Official Brownie Recipe (it may be Official for years, but I've only recently worked out the substitutions to deal with my food sensitivities):
    3 oz unsweetened chocolate
    1 stick margarine
    2 eggs (room temp)
    1 cup sugar
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 tsp vanilla or almond flavoring
    sprinkle cinnamon or to taste
    1/3 cup potato flour or instant mashed potatoes
    2/3 cup rice flour

    Melt the chocolate & marge together & let cool to room temp.
    Beat eggs, sugar, salt & flavorings together.
    Mix the two semi-liquids together, then stir in the flours.
    Spread in a greased 8x8" pan and bake at 350 if your pan is metal, 340 for glass, for about 40 minutes.

    1. Oooooh love the official Brownie! Every session should have an official desert!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. How I did:
      Add at least 3 paragraphs to the Albatross. YES.
      Work on the book 30-60 minutes x 3. YES.
      Finish moving out of old work office. YES.
      Grade a few things to clear a student's Incomplete. NO (forgot about this one! Lists don't help if you don't look at them, same as calendars).
      Finish prepping study for paint. NO, but made progress.
      Assorted errands and stuff too dull to list---if I do any 3, that'll be fine. YES, 3.

      New goals:
      Get Albatross complete enough to send to RL writing group and another more specialized reader.
      Start work on Domestic chapter.
      Read a friend's essay & comment.
      Latin & Greek each x4.
      Grade things & change student's Incomplete to grade.
      Buy supplies & paint my study.
      Regular exercise & stretching.
      Campus run to pick up books.
      Pay bills, write letters, iron linen clothing.

    4. Delighted to think about official brownies! And to see Albatross moving off your desk and potentially out into the world.

      It's also good to see that we're moving back out into the world again, to campus, to run errands, to buy paint.

  5. Official objects! Fun! I’m going to put up some nominations for review…

    Official toy: slime… as in the kind you can buy in jars or make from borax and various other kitchen chemicals… Because it is extremely satisfying to handle, provides touch-oriented sensory input, is excellent for relaxing small hand muscles that cramp up from typing in terrible postures, and most adults have not played with it in years so it is a lovely memory-inducer!

    Official flower: thistle or dandelion! Because they just keeps going and going and going… Other contenders could be the bishop’s weed or creeping bellflower from sessions past – as annoying as they are to gardeners one has to admire the tenacity! Would they be good examples to follow or just terrible reminders of gardening trouble?

    Official animal: griffin… badass and awesome! Slight drawback of being mythological, but since perfect papers are also mythological we can overlook that I think?

    Last week’s goals:
    1) Finish three reviews that are due next week DONE, SOME EVEN EARLY!
    2) Plan analytical next steps for Project Garnet NOPE
    3) Open Albatross file and review DONE, IT IS WORSE THAN I THOUGHT…
    4) Get Old project files from co-author and review DONE, INTERESTING…

    Not a bad week, my goals were pretty modest. I still feel like I’m recovering from the term but the fog is lifting a bit. The Albatross is pretty bad, I forgot how huge and overwhelming it was… I will keep working on how to deal with it. This week I’m sorting out possible field work as our area loosens restrictions, I really hope that works out!

    This week’s goals:
    1) Check on or get official permission to do off-site research
    2) Plan analytical next steps for Project Garnet, prepare and mail samples
    3) Do sample photography for Project Garnet, do detailed descriptions
    4) Go through all field gear and check/replace/organize as needed (aka buy new pants because old ones don’t fit after this year!)
    5) Sort out roles for new councilors on national organization
    6) Do something fun with kid to celebrate school opening again!

    1. Griffin! I like the way you think.
      I'd go with thistle for the flower. They keep going; they're pretty; they're defensive (protect your time!); they provide nutrition for wildlife---goldfinches love their seeds. So they're usefully symbolic for writers in various ways.
      I cannot bear to think about creeping bellflower. There are some campanula varieties that are just as tenacious but not invasive.

    2. I was at favorite library/botanical garden this weekend, and the herb garden had these amazing artichokes that had gone to flower, and so yes for thistles!

    3. "Thistle" is also really fun to say.

  6. The official thing is a challenge for me too! Right now, I’m with jelly fruit slices as the official candy of the session. There’s an artist I’ve bought a few pendants from, including a small ceramic face that I’ve been carrying around like a talisman. I think I’ll put that on the table here and make it an official companion.

    Regarding goals, getting half done is ok with me. I really do need to complete the last three before the end of the week due to a conference I’ll be attending online. I’m hopeful I can engage there and still do some other pressing things but that will be next week’s goals.

    Last week:
    1 brief music commentary: done
    2 overdue World review: working
    3 overdue poetry review: thinking about
    4 Boredom chapter abstract: done
    5 catalog piece: done
    6 Road review: reading

    This week:
    1 overdue World review
    2 overdue poetry review
    3 Road review

  7. Well, I suspect the long weekend kind of messed up everything: I suddenly realized this afternoon that it was Wednesday and I hadn't come to look.

    Official thing:
    Activity: nap
    Animal: Swan -- I love the way they look so pretty and are also fierce. They protect themselves and those they care for.

    How I did:
    - finish book review YES
    -book orders NO, but started
    - a little work on the chapter: Kind of
    - exercise YES
    - read for fun YES
    - sleep YES
    - have fun with family YES

    So, having set very limited goals, I did pretty well. I have mapped out the fall semester in my undergrad course, and just need a bit of time to decide what books to actually order, but I'm close. I didn't actually start the new chapter (well, I put a rough outline together) but I've just joined a zoom writing group that meets just to write once a week. This morning I managed 2 hours where I went back over an earlier chapter and thought about minor revisions to what I've written. But it's good to see the project as a whole, so I count that a win. It was a good weekend, and took the twins (now 7) to one of my favorite places, so that was good. But I got home late Monday, and since then I've not only done shopping for my mother, but also done one (cancelled) virtual appointment and another IRL dr. appointment. So lots of interruptions. But in addition to writing today, I started drafting the self-study for program review. So I count this as a win.

    Goals for the week ahead (not long, since I'm late, & I've got my own, my mother's, and my cats dr. appointments)
    1. Get book orders in
    2. 2 x 2 hours on Famous Author
    3. 2 more (formulaic) sections of self study
    4. Start reading when I get my assignments for book prize (In good news, I've learned that they divide the pile up, we read our group, and nominate up to 4 for everyone to read.)
    5. Exercise, sleep, read
    6. Do fun things with humans

    My work schedule may be reshaped by my mother's medical needs, but that's for next week.

    1. Most excellent to have nap as your official activity. Even when I really need a nap, I feel guilty about it, which is just silly. Official naps can only be praised.

      You have so much yes for last week and it's important to note there are many things on which you made good progress. Working on things is a huge yes, even without goals.

  8. I need to think about my official things. Right now I'm on the last night of a 3-day getaway (about 40 minutes from my house in wine country), and this is now my official getaway spot. It's in the trees, and I feel like I'm in Colorado. The deck is PERFECT for reading. Even though the weather is hot, the shade and breeze make the deck just right.

    Last week's goals:

    1. Complete small grant app for teen writing program. DONE.
    2. Finish flyer for teen writing program. DONE.
    3. Take son to DMV to get permit. DONE (he passed!)
    4. Contact dog trainer. DONE. Had our first session.
    5. Start developing DIY MFA reading list. DONE.
    6. Two 30-minute writing sessions on the Rambling essay. HALF DONE.
    7. Two 20-minute brainstorming sessions for creative writing. DONE.
    8. Make a list of veggies that I like and that are convenient and easy to prep. Buy some of those veggies. NOT DONE.(But I had a great salad today that I want to put on the list.)
    9. Start shopping for daughter's b-day and my dad's b-day. DONE.

    I also cleaned out two drawers.

    This week: We're already towards the end of the week, so I'll keep it light. Plus next week, between my two kids, I have a 16th b-day and a high school graduation, so I need to do a lot for that this weekend.

    1. Draft 500 words of Rambling essay.
    2. 2 30-sessions on creative writing.
    3. Do all the things for all the celebrations (my daughter's 16th b-day on June 8 and my son's HS graduation and my dad's 80th b-day on June 9th). Try to accept that preparations and celebrations will take most of my time.

    You know, I'm going to be realistic and leave it there, knowing that #3 will suck everything up (and rightly so).

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