the grid

the grid

Monday 15 February 2021

2021 Session 1, Week 6: Resupply stop


Hello everyone!

I am glad you all enjoyed the extra holodeck time last week. I am hereby using my executive powers for good and decreeing that we SHALL have a ship-wide ball as suggested! It just sounded too good! We do have a mostly female-identifying crew, so the general conventions for dance partners are out the airlock and anyone who wants to lead is most welcome! For the evening the crew babysitting the albatrosses will be replaced with a force field so they can dome join in the fun too.

We will be stopping at StarBase 423 Alpha for a few hours in a day or so. This is a good chance to replenish things you may need, or pick up any critical equipment you forgot on Earth. We also have a chance to add some personnel to the crew roster so if you have requests we can check if those can be fulfilled. I will prepare a list so below please report on anything you need for the remainder of this journey. What (or who) would you like to have with you? What will make your cabin feel more like home? What would help make this journey more fun and productive for you? (I should add that if this particular batch of space-credit does not get spent it will expire… so go wild, and keep in mind that our replicators do well with the basics but are a little bit reluctant to think outside of the box. So if you’ve always wanted a monkey butler or a palm-frond hammock now’s the time!). What do you need to be successful (and remember you get to pick your own definition of success)?

GOALS from last week:

 Captain Daisy

1) Finish research talk
2) Finish 2 teaching talks, one for honours class thing, and for other thing
3) Write small grant application
4) Review grant applications for committee
5) Do something fun with kid, and something fun with friends

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell

Final edits on Illuminated.
Start a section of Translation. 1x5
Continue with filing. 1x10
Begin outline of Feminae. 1x3

heu mihi

1) Write 3 hours
2) Write paragraph of old conference paper/now March 1 paper to replace the current 4 pp. on the topic
3) Run or ski x5, sit x5, language x5
4) Grade batch of low-stakes thingums
5) Find new reviewer for article; read essay for other journal
6) Read LAST 20 sermons

Humming42 (held over)

1 write terribly late committee letter
2 spend 3 hours fitting tiny lit review items into outline structure
3 read book for upcoming review
4 catch up on teaching things

Karen (held over)

-complete reading list, have welcome section, task 1, and week 1 content online.
-respond to all postgrad writing received by end of Wed
-close out last year big online unit inbox and set to bounce
-research day enforced (4 pomodoros)


1. Keep working on FAMOUS AUTHOR: look at it daily
2. Post readings for class next week
3. Grade drafts students turn in Wednesday
4. E-mail: delete another 200 emails
5. Do tax stuff in preparation for appointment
6. Do Church paperwork.
7. Keep up with exercise
8. Keep up with healthy eating
9. Hang out with friends
10. Try to float like mist!

First Mate T’Melnor
*Make a list of all the class stuff; do something daily.
*Revise schedule to reflect some changes; stick to it.
*Visit the Albatross daily.
*Go to bed by 10.
*Daily stretching, languages, fun things.



  1. What do I need? I need a time-dilation device to help me catch up a bit. But I think I would abuse it and very quickly become addicted, so I’m going to pass. As a healthier choice I would like a personal trainer who will meet me every two days and coach me through a short but intense work-out so I can get back to running regularly without injuring myself again. (Yep, did it again, at least it is a new injury… joys of getting older and competing with one’s younger self!). I would also like a very large knitted poncho to wrap myself in when working at my computer (always freezing, my temperature bears no relation to the number on the thermostat!). I feel like I should make it myself but with my knitting speed it will be ready in the summer of 2024 so I’m going to order one from the StarBase!

    Last week’s goals:
    1) Finish research talk NOPE
    2) Finish 2 teaching talks, one for honours class thing, and for other thing ONE DONE
    3) Write small grant application DONE
    4) Review grant applications for committee DONE
    5) Do something fun with kid, and something fun with friends DONE

    Not a great week for big goals, but the little ones got done at least. I’m super behind with teaching stuff and marking. The two talks this week have to be the priorities, after that I will have a bit of breathing room.

    This week’s goals:
    1) Finish research talk
    2) Finish teaching talk
    3) Plan out grad projects and conference poster for early March
    4) Catch up on some teaching prep
    5) Fun thing with kid on weekend

    1. A cosy poncho sounds like a great idea. I'd help, but have a kid's jumper that's taken over a year still on the needles.

    2. Isn't a starship a time-dilation device in itself?
      Good luck this week!

    3. The good thing is that teaching and time-sensitive talks WILL get done, and then...they'll be done! Fun things are a good idea, too.

  2. Returning from an unexpected trip to sick-bay! I'm sorry to have missed the holodeck time, but am totally up there for the ball. Make a sparkly new outfit the first item in my resupply list :)

    Other resupply items that might come in handy (apart from chocolate) are an extra-enthusiasm infusion (for dealing with orientation and returning students), vision filters (for blocking out the building site mess when I don't want to see it), and an automatic pop-up holo-yoga teacher who appears every few hours to remind me to breathe and stretch.

    Last (two) weeks:
    -complete reading list, have welcome section, task 1, and week 1 content online. - Welcome section done and live, task one partially complete, week 1 partially complete
    -respond to all postgrad writing received by end of Wed - yes
    -close out last year big online unit inbox and set to bounce - no
    -research day enforced (4 pomodoros) - no

    This week:
    -Have week 1, task 1 complete. Contact all external contributors.
    -Set up folder with all master documents for admin project
    -Return comments on full draft for first-cab-off-the-rank student
    -respect research day (4 pomodoros)

    1. I'm sorry you had to go to sick-bay! But I'm sure you'll be able to get all your desired items at Starbase 423 Alpha!

    2. I'm glad that you're feeling better!

    3. I am also glad you've been released from sick bay.

  3. First up on the resupply stop is a perfectly real, this-world necessity: new glasses. The bridge of my trifocals snapped in two today. The reading/computer glasses are okay, but I do sometimes want to leave my desk! Then I think I'd like Ivan Vorpatril, or near offer, to organize my life for me, complete with fruity girly drinks. Also I want a ball dress. Even if I'm leading, I want something swishy and swirly. I'm thinking periwinkle blue, scattered with pearls and silver trim, plus a mildly magical angora wrap that becomes a blanket when stretched gently, so I can curl up under it in my quarters with a fun book on days I don't feel like coming out.

    How I did: last week I'm not sure I managed ANY of the listed things, except that I stretched 6 days out of 7. I guess I touched my Albatross a couple of times. It was very much a February, don't-feel-like-it, kind of week. Some grading happened. I came down with my more-or-less annual attack of sinusitis (pretty sure that's all it is).

    New goals, hrrmphh.
    Do the minimum and recover.
    Suck less!

    1. Your dress is gorgeous!

      I'm with you in the February, don't-feel-like-it mode. And it's only week 3 of the semester (siggghhhh)....

    2. That dress sounds perfect!

  4. Ohhh, right now I want to order, as impossible as it is, a few weeks of June so that I can work outside comfortably, and the sun will rise earlier and set later, and the air is sweet and warm, and I can GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE. Not the house's fault. But this week I've been waking up despondent and gray, with that oh-god-have-to-do-everything-all-over-again feeling, and I think it's because we're all just HERE all the time.

    My son is on February break this week, which means that he doesn't have structured computer time all day long and is therefore at some loose ends. He *is*, at least, going to an outdoor camp for two hours every afternoon, so hopefully that quiet-at-home time will start to sink in (for me)...but I may be approaching the point where I normally get tired of winter anyway, and the impossibility of going almost literally anywhere is making it much worse!
    I had a pretty productive week last week, though:
    1) Write 3 hours - if I'm honest, 2.5
    2) Write paragraph of old conference paper/now March 1 paper to replace the current 4 pp. on the topic - Yes
    3) Run or ski x5, sit x5, language x5 - Exercise yes, sitting x4, language x3
    4) Grade batch of low-stakes thingums - Yes
    5) Find new reviewer for article; read essay for other journal - Yes
    6) Read LAST 20 sermons - YES

    This week:
    1) Review article
    2) Catch up (again) on essays for the collection
    3) Write 3 hours, working on a semi-final draft of March 1 paper
    4) sit x5, language x5, exercise as weather allows
    5) Mini-course on maintaining good habits
    6) First payment on beach house for summer vacation (!!)

    1. Beach house! How lovely.
      Totally agree about wanting to get away. I cannot tell you how badly I want a long weekend in Arizona, southern CA, Mexico, Florida, or similar RIGHT NOW. I would like at least to be able to go walk on a trail somewhere, but the trails are all deep in snow, so I just keep walking my subdivision and I am so bored with it.
      I hope the mini-course works for you. You are so good at habits and lists, usually---maybe it would help to take a break so you aren't just doing the same thing all over again? But it's not as if there are many other things to do, as we were just saying . . .

  5. My re-supply requests are for a hot-water bottle for the foot of my bed, and an elegant evening gown for the ball that minimizes my WFH/pandemic weight gain. Oh, and dancing shoes that won’t put my ankles at risk. I think the replicator can handle my yen for a new fountain pen, ink, and paper journal.

    Last week's goals:
    Final edits on Illuminated. Yes! Now to push it out of the nest..
    Start a section of Translatio. Yes, actually started two over the five hours.
    Continue with filing. 1x10 Only 8 hours, but a good effort..
    Begin outline of Feminae. 1x3 Only two hours. I fell into a rabbit hole with Catherine of Aragon and Erasmus.

    Last week was pretty good--a couple of days of good sleep make a lot of difference. I was grumbling earlier today about being at such a STEM-heavy school I have to ask for so many sources and articles to be scanned, when the Philosopher pointed out that was keeping the Circulation and ILL staff employed and busy. Then I felt better.

    I’m venturing into my workplace tomorrow for the first time in months to take better pictures of a manuscript from 1324 in chancery hand that I cannot quite make out--I’m not great at that period of hand, unfortunately. I’m looking forward to seeing my colleagues and getting to visit the books in the vault, but it still feels very strange.

    Next week's goals:
    Finish up with backing up/combining/archiving the various electronic files. 1x5
    Begin comparing files: paper with paper, paper with electronic, shredding/recycling madly. 1x5
    Write at least 250 words a day on one of the following: Translatio; Feminae; or UnnamedAsYet.

    I am definitely in for the ball. My ballroom dancing was honed in graduate school, but it is in muscle memory, I think. Even if I mostly stand at the side like a Regency chaperone, I am looking forward to it!

    Float like sparkly, iridescent mist, everyone.

    1. ooo, Catherine of Aragon and Erasmus. I can see that.

      And chancery hand is SO hard (I get 16/17th C chancery hand and struggle).

    2. Yes, I knew that Catherine had sponsored Juan Vives, but not that she sponsored Erasmus as well. Definitely a cool rabbit hole.

      Chancery hand is a bear. I studied Carolingian through 12th century paleography, never guessing I'd end up in later centuries!

    3. Send me a picture? I'd be happy to try to help!

    4. Thank you! I think the pictures I have are not clear enough, but I can certainly send them. I can also go back in and take better pictures, if needed.

  6. So, supplies: I need a ball gown: sapphire blue with embroidered leaves in silver thread, fitted bodice, very full long skirt. And maybe we could bring in a dancing master to teach us some new dances? Otherwise, the supply I need is energy and enthusiasm.

    How I did:
    1. Keep working on FAMOUS AUTHOR: look at it daily MAYBE 3 times?
    2. Post readings for class next week YES, but not till Sundsay
    3. Grade drafts students turn in Wednesday YES
    4. E-mail: delete another 200 emails YES!!!
    5. Do tax stuff in preparation for appointment YES
    6. Do Church paperwork. YES
    7. Keep up with exercise YES
    8. Keep up with healthy eating YES
    9. Hang out with friends YES
    10. Try to float like mist! Maybe?


    So I made it through the week, and I'm not sure what I spent my time on. (Well, except when I went through emails, a bunch had things to follow up on.) But I'm chugging along on Famous Author slowly (have also started thinking that this chapter may be two chapters, so. . .) but moving. Yesterday was a holiday, so I finished the tax stuff, which is always a PITA, but am very glad my accountant just sends me an appointment so I don't procrastinate!
    This week the organization I'm president of is making a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, and trying to make sure everything is set for this when the person who manages our website lives in Texas and has no power, and there are lots of other pieces to make sure work, is going to take attention until Thursday when we go live. And then I will be exhausted, but the admin thing that started mid-September will be in a new and less stressful phase.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Get announcement out and all related things
    2. Grade papers
    3. Get class for the next two weeks set up (she says optimistically)
    4. Famous Author: do at least two hours on three days
    5. Delete 100 more emails.
    6. Keep up with exercise
    7. Try to get good sleep (the cats have been getting me up before 5, so. . .)
    8. Do something nice with other people.
    9. Be kind and patient with other people

    1. Yay for so many things done, and a vaccine!!
      Hope all goes smoothly for the week!

  7. Good luck with the big announcement! And congratulations on the second dose of the vaccine--that must feel so good!

    And you got a lot done this week--go you!

  8. Hello everyone!
    Apologies for being absent in the comments. I'm having a week...
    But, in good news, all our orders will be filled! Ball gowns all round, and there will also be a special delivery of Aldebran mead for the event. The requested new crew members will also be joining us for the rest of the voyage, apparently they love the spirit of our journey and are looking forward to joining us.
    Meanwhile, hang in there, keep floating, and remember to keep an eye out of the viewing ports as we pass through the Horsehead Nebula for spectacular views!

    1. OOoooh, are we really getting Ivan Vorpatril on board? Squeeeee! The holo-yoga teacher is a great idea, as is the dancing master, but Ivan . . . I may be married, but I'm not dead. ;-)
