If you're not up for the story business, maybe consider where you feel most conflicted or in need of balance: family/work? You/others? Research/teaching/admin? Project A/Project B? If you feel like it, of course. You can just check in with your report on last week and goals for next, if that's what you want to do!
So here are our goals from last week:
1)Check both papers for current state and decide on concrete tasks to get them going again (actually I just did that and I’m horrified that one of them has not even been opened since last October!! On the bright side, there’s some good stuff in there I guess??)
2)Pick one of them (closest to done?) and work on it!
3)Do outline of conference talk for me
4)Make figures for other peoples’ conference talks (co-author stuff)
Dame Eleanor Hull
Daily stretching, exercise, 8 hours sleep.
Finish and send article, or at least keep writing.
Finish last doc for annual review; some other administrivia.
Grade one set of short papers; write syllabus (due dates, mainly) for independent study.
Open and deal with all the stacked-up mail.
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Register for class.
Rent my books.
Pack for the conference.
Write the update on the special issue.
Finish the plausible schedule.
Good Enough Woman
1. Prep sufficiently while not prepping incessantly. I keep wanting to get SUPER PREPARED and organized to make the semester easier, but then I end up spending twice as much time on stuff as I would have if I had to cram it in the hour before class, which means I feel more prepared but I work more hours to get there.
2. Research and Writing for 2 hours.
1. A friend proposed we have a "high tea" together, so I want to schedule that.
2. Get together with one friend this week--maybe M or C.
3. Send out 3-5 cards or letters.
1. Walk 4-5x
2. Meditate at least 3x
3. Skip evening treat 2x
heu mihi
1. Read 50 pp for research; incorporate 2 sources into Wonder; look up MS history
2. Sit x4, exercise x5, language x5, write x4
3. Service stuff: email re. workshop, letter of rec
4. Activism stuff: email D & A re. upcoming event
5. Good citizen stuff: PTO proposal for a water bottle filler
6. Upcoming travel stuff: Arrange details with driver, find remaining hotels, attempt to make train reservations, follow up re. visa, contact doctor re. vaccinations
1 submit conference prospectus
2 complete this week’s work for online writing course
3 write a blog post
4 plan a schedule for Squares
1) aim to hit most of these habits most days (stop work at 6, bed before midnight, no sugar or bread, packing food for the day, a movement break every 45 minutes when sitting, at least one non-work non-screen thing every evening)
2) Completely prep next week's teaching and make a start on the week after (6x 1 hour classes, 3 tutorials, a lot of paperwork, 3 x 2 hour classes, some bits and pieces. Only about half of it is new...)
3) pick up the threads of FlatPaper1 (optimistic)
4) arrange a Skype with co-secretary to plan out the year
5) have fun with Niece and Sister!
-run x 3, yoga x 2
-write/add 330 words daily Mon-Fri
-reclaim sound equipment and have a play
-have draft briefing, rules, schedule paperwork for course E uploaded to share next week
-get mini greenhouse out of shed and put seedling trays in, finish direct sewing and put in bird protection
Wade through inbox and deal with the necessary stuff
Mark the articles, reflective diaries, group project reports
Finish arranging, and run the staff coffee thing
Tidy up after the outreach event
Write feedback on student questionnaires
Finish course admin and first session teaching materials for sustainable module, rearrange first teaching session as attending funeral.
Write presentation for conference
Try to survive several meetings
Do expenses for external examining, outreach, conference
1) write/work on book, but mostly Ch 7 3x a week, for 2 hrs each- will involve some number crunching, creation of figures, writing and some revision of Ch 3
2) exercise x 3
3) meet with undergrad students/grad that I am advising on lab projects/independent studies etc.
4) finish syllabi, start BB sites for two courses
1. Write 3000 more words on Famous Writer (goal is 10,000 words by the end of January).
2. Keep up with contributor chasing.
3. Exercise 4 times
4. Read two journals
5. Get regular sleep
6. Try intermittent fasting 4 days
1. Revisit Latinx survey - where are we, next steps
a. Brief cope scoring?
b. PHQ?
2. Need to get MST abstracts reviewed
3. R&R
a. Read hsieh paper
b. Revise intro
c. Edit results
d. Re-org discussion
e. Sex of partner in discussion
4. Marriage paper articles
5. After R&R prioritize IRIE paper
6. Set qual meeting
7. Figure out what needs to be done for YRBS paper
8. Make clear list for PTSD paper
Have a good week, everyone!
*Does anyone but me remember a YA book from maybe the 1960s called