the grid

the grid

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Week 7: Midpoint Check-In and Recalibration

I'm sorry to have to tell you that we're about halfway through the session. We might not be exactly halfway--I haven't actually counted--but 7 weeks is usually right around the midpoint.

So let's return to both last week's goals and our session goals, if that suits you, and make any necessary adjustments now that we're well into the summer/winter!

This is also a great time to check back in if you've fallen by the wayside. I hope that everyone's been well and finding nice little pockets of enjoyment in their lives.

Session Goals:

Dame Eleanor Hull:
1, underpinning all the rest, maintain healthy exercise and eating routines.
2, live with uncertainty and work the process w/r/t house.
3, finish 3-year-old R&R.
4, conference paper/part of book chapter.
5, plan all 4 classes for next year.
6, regular reading/study of foreign languages.

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell:

  • Organizing Goals: 
    • Create and execute a clear organization to the scholarly apparatus for Prudence. 
    • Slash and burn through three lateral file drawers.
  • Writing Goals:
    • Edit three pages a day of Prudence. 
  • Health Goals:
    • Get through surgery and recovery.
    • Continue to walk, dance and move.
    • Continue to eat better than I did a year ago.
  • Creativity goals:
    • Write at least fifteen minutes a day on a creative project--novella, novel, or story bible.
    • Knit for at least a half-hour daily.

Good Enough Woman:
1) 5 hours of exercise per week
2) 5x meditation per week
3) 5 hours of writing per week
4) 5 hours of prep work per week
5) 5 hours of house chores per week (organizing, gardening, etc.)
6) 5 new family-friendly plant-based meals to add to the repertoire

heu mihi:
1. Read 20 books (mix of work and leisure)
2. Meet deadlines: (a) submit Death essay by June 15; (b) draft/write/submit up to four conference abstracts (due June 3, Sept. 15(?), Sept. 15(?), and Oct. 1); (c) submit proposal for edited collection by Sept. 1; review copy-edited book MS (June/July-ish--depends on when it comes in)
3. Revise Wonder essay and figure out where to send it next
4. Revise novel draft from NaNo 18
5. Yard work for 3 hours/week
6. Run 6 miles one time
7. Language study (30 minutes, 5 times a week)
8. Sit (in meditation) some amount

1 submit Perform abstract
2 write Perform as if I will present in Fall
3 write and submit Slow
4 develop full outline for Tiny Project
5 organize and outline for December essay

1a - self-care. water (lots), food (eat well), sleep (get into better habits), calm (cultivate it), less noodling (more deliberate choices)
1b - creating domestic order (a sub-class of self-care, but one with particular needs right now). continue to make progress with decluttering, with particular goals of having a kitchen I want to use and to have gotten a series of small handy-person-needed tasks done.
1c) making things. I want to get on with the research-related squares which have been quite neglected, finish never-ending project (which is in cotton yarn so pretty summer-handwork-friendly) and a pair of socks. Work on my NaNoWriMo novel from last year, and if I find the right mental space write some poetry.
2a - research writing. Get ProblemChild2 dispatched if possible to its first choice journal. Fragment (a new project F paper) - this will be a conference presentation in July and should become a complete paper manuscript by the end of the session. And get FlatProjectFirst into a fairly complete draft (assuming the problem I spotted last week is just a quirk and not an oh bug*ger we need to redo everything). Also write equivalent of one research grant application.
2b: teaching prep (to make space for more calm in semester). Key areas are "new" modules (complete rewrites of the GiantFirstYearModules, which I rather resent right now) and setting up a new teacher bag and teaching prep system (I like making systems).
2c: research data and admin things (I need to do some sample analysis on samples from FavouriteIslands, work out some storage solutions for twenty-mumble years of samples which are bursting out of their boxes and implement them, and refresh our collection of teaching/outreach visual materials for my core area, so it comes under research as it will be fun...).

- have a creative work complete to the point of showing to collaborator
- have a complete first draft of conference paper
- complete WIL project to the point of having report/actions written up
- complete coursework masters internal review to the point of having draft proposal ready for senior leadership group
- do a park run

1. to build in writing time into my schedule. Aim: 1 hour per day.
2. to research-analyse-write deliberately and to a plan. Aim: make a plan for each project
3. to work modestly on teaching prep to make space during semester time for items 1 and 2 on this list. Aim: 1 half day per week
4. to work modestly on admin tasks to make progress, but on a schedule that suits me, not the latest 'emergency'. 

- complete 2.5 chapters of book (or more)
- work on resilence and time paper with colleagues
- widen/strengthen group of local friends/support network
- self care: eat well, garden, exercise 4x a wk

1. Finish Violence
2. Review collaboration paper (almost done)
3. Finish memorial
4. Prepare two semi-new courses
5. House stuff: roof, new floor for bedroom, new ceiling fans? Decluttering
6. Keep (return to) walking
7. Read for fun as well as work

Last week's goals: 

Dame Eleanor Hull:
1, gym/walk/swim x6, stretch x6, usual low-FODMAP cooking.
2, house-showing prep.
3, keep writing/editing R&R.
4, revise translation intro as desired by editors.
5, continue planning courses, ~ 2 hours.
6, drill grammar or vocabulary x 3 in one language.
7, Take steps toward replacing passport.

heu mihi:
1. Language x5, write x5, exercise x4, sit x?
2. Work through all of new draft of Wonder (first, messy round of revisions)
3. Grad student essay
4. Make Summer 2017 albums (2 volumes)
5. Read some stuff

1 Draft Time abstract
2 Write and submit a review
3 Blog post
4 Write for Tiny Project every day

JaneB (carried over):
1a: water, 5-10 minute exercise routines, sleep schedule
1b: pick up the spaces that have been decluttered, make another appointment.
1c: pick up the square I was working on and make some progress
2a: Spend half an hour each on Fragment and FlatProject, review an article, complete application for pointless but potentially gratifying thing
2b: start making some lists, send more emails about the recce visit
2c: Find samples for FavouriteIslands analysis and pass them on to technician
3: extras: half an hour of office decluttering

oceangirl101 (carried over):
1) meet with govt officials, local offices to discuss 2020 project
2) give back analyzed objects and organize at the Museum, discuss idea for exhibit
3) meet with landowners/council of elders to get permissions
4) see my second family (my adopted family at my field sites)
5) travel to a new island and see if I want to work there
6) eat some really yummy fish, swim and snorkel as much as I can, hike, enjoy a beer or two, and generally get away from it all for awhile

Susan (carried over):
1. Finish book orders
2. Finish clearing desk
3. Possibly get some book organizing done?
4. Get reviews into Zotero so all the random clippings can be recycled 
5. Do one manuscript review
6. Pay relevant bills
7. Pack
8. Walk 3 times 
9. Try to be mellow 

So the goals for this week are just about getting my K revision done (drop dead date Wednesday of next week; submitted near final version to grants manager today). I also have to review a predoc NIH grant by Friday. 


  1. I'm going to be away tonight and tomorrow, so I'll go ahead and check in now.

    Last week:
    1. Language x5 -x3, write x5 -x7, exercise x4 -x4, sit x? -x0
    2. Work through all of new draft of Wonder (first, messy round of revisions) -Very very messy. I now have no idea what's interesting about my argument. But at least I met this goal.
    3. Grad student essay - Done
    4. Make Summer 2017 albums (2 volumes) -Done! Arriving Monday. I can't wait to see them--one is from our Scotland trip and we have loads of beautiful pictures; I indulged in an extra-long album and included lots of them.
    5. Read some stuff -Some stuff, read. Sometimes vagueness works for me.

    The week shifted around a bit when my copy-edited MS came in on, oh, Tuesday? I've got through the prefatory materials, intro, and chapter 1, with 4 chapters, a conclusion, and the bibliography to review. I have until Aug. 2, but I absolutely will not take this work with me to the beach, so I'm going to do as much as possible between now and the 19th.

    I feel scattered and fragmented this summer. I suspect that a lot of that has to do with the fact that Bonaventure has been home for three weeks now; it's hard to stay focused when you have a little person popping up and asking for your attention every 15 minutes. We may do another week of camp next year (we've signed him up for 2 weeks this summer); I want him to have lots of unstructured time in which to learn to entertain himself (and read!!), but an extra week of camp wouldn't cut into that too much.

    Where I am with session goals:

    1. Read 20 books (mix of work and leisure)
    --I've read 7 books (4 for work) and read a lot of Proust. Not hugely impressive, but I think that I can finish the volume of Proust that I'm (Sodome et Gomorrhe) on before we go on vacation, which will feel like a milestone in itself! I'd like to be reading more. Must push this to the forefront.
    2. Meet deadlines: (a) submit Death essay by June 15 -DONE;
    (b) draft/write/submit up to four conference abstracts (due June 3, Sept. 15(?), Sept. 15(?), and Oct. 1)--June 3 done and accepted; one of the Sept. 15 ones isn't happening, so I only have 3 abstracts total/2 to go
    (c) submit proposal for edited collection by Sept. 1; review copy-edited book MS (June/July-ish--depends on when it comes in)--Waiting on essay abstracts for the collection proposal; working on copy-edits
    3. Revise Wonder essay and figure out where to send it next - Working on this. Not happy with the essay as it is.
    4. Revise novel draft from NaNo 18 - Might not do this. Thinking of waiting until NaNo 19.
    5. Yard work for 3 hours/week - Sometimes
    6. Run 6 miles one time -Have lost interest in this goal.
    7. Language study (30 minutes, 5 times a week) -Usually.
    8. Sit (in meditation) some amount -Technically, yes, but I'm not impressed.

    REVISED session goals:
    1. Read 20 books
    2. Meet deadlines: (a) submit Death essay by June 15; (b) draft/write/submit up to three conference abstracts (due June 3, Sept. 15(), and Oct. 1); (c) submit proposal for edited collection by Sept. 1; review copy-edited book MS (June/July-ish--depends on when it comes in)
    3. Revise Wonder essay and figure out where to send it next
    4. Yard work for 3 hours/week
    5. Run 6 miles one time
    6. Language study (30 minutes, 5 times a week)
    7. Sit (in meditation) some amount

    This coming week is going to be very busy; I'll have about 2 days to actually work. Nonetheless, I'm always up for trying.

    1. 5 hours of copy-editing
    2. Two thirty-minute sessions on Wonder
    3. Language x 4
    4. Sit x 3 (please!!)
    5. 2 hours of yard work
    6. Clean the house in preparation for Saturday visitors
    7. Finish reading monograph; 30 pages of Proust

    Pardon the length of this comment and the enormous number of lists.

    1. It still sounds like you're getting enormous amounts done. Maybe the problem is that you want more big blocks of peaceful time and instead you're having to deal with interruptions and making the most of bits of time, the way we have to during the semester. Good luck this week!

  2. Topic: In the spirit of last week's topic, I am going to look at the half-full glass. Actually, my inner nerd has always said that every glass is full, whether the top half is liquid or air. It would be very easy to fall into the Slough of Despond, but so far I'm resisting the urge.

    Clearly, I have not gotten to everything, but the reminder that I slated these projects is helpful. I have let my work troubles bleed into my life, but from now on, I refuse to give such a petty, vindictive person such power over me.

    Session goals:
    Organizing Goals:
    Create and execute a clear organization to the scholarly apparatus for Prudence. No
    Slash and burn through three lateral file drawers. No

    Writing Goals:
    Edit three pages a day of Prudence. No

    Health Goals:
    Get through surgery and recovery. Yes
    Continue to walk, dance and move. Yes
    Continue to eat better than I did a year ago. Yes

    Creativity goals:
    Write at least fifteen minutes a day on a creative project--novella, novel, or story bible. No
    Knit for at least a half-hour daily.Yes

    Analysis: My surgery, combined with a less-than-graceful faceplant on our slate porch last week, slowed me down more than I expected.

    However, I am doing well on health goals and reasonably well on creativity. With this reminder, I'll be putting emphasis on the writing and organizing goals for the latter half of the summer.

    Work continues to be rife with verbal abuse and petty "emergency" assignments, but I am becoming better at not letting it get to me. Trust me, very little bibliographic work is emergent.

    My plan going forward is to look for escape hatches while keeping my mouth shut and prioritizing writing and organizing. These tasks will lead to a better quality of life.

    Next week’s goals:
    Contact Associate Dean.
    Contact Department Chair.
    Contact supportive administrator.
    Call for doctor's appointment.
    Finish job application.
    Finish peer review.
    Two hours on Prudence apparatus.
    Three hours on file cabinet.

    I thank you all for being in this group, and for the supportive ambience you create. Float like mist, everyone.

    1. Health underlies everything, so congratulations on progress there! I approve whole-heartedly of working on better quality of life!

  3. Thanks for doing this, heu mihi! I came intending to do a post, but after the week+ I've had, I am glad to find it done. And being halfway through is actually reassuring: that means there's still time to catch up!

    Session goals:
    1, underpinning all the rest, maintain healthy exercise and eating routines.
    I am doing well with this. I aim to stretch and get some cardio in every day; stretching seems to average 5/7 days, and cardio usually 6 or even 7/7. There have been some food hiccups, but at least they provide data about what doesn't work, and I did great during last week's travels.
    2, live with uncertainty and work the process w/r/t house.
    Still uncertain! We had a showing yesterday, the first in 3 months. I'm not getting my hopes up. It would be a good thing to purge more stuff from the basement, but with all the work deadlines, I'm not sure I want to distract myself with that.
    3, finish 3-year-old R&R.
    Rrrr. Still working on it. The return of translation work is eating into time that might go to this, although it is also prompting thoughts about pieces of the R&R.
    4, conference paper/part of book chapter.
    Must make serious progress on this in the coming weeks.
    5, plan all 4 classes for next year.
    In progress . . . not so far along as I'd like to be, but any progress now is work I don't need to do during the term.
    6, regular reading/study of foreign languages.
    Well, I'm keeping at least one from going totally to pot. Vocabulary and verb endings really do not stick in my head the way they did when I was younger.

    Other accomplishments: family visit over with no bloodshed; arrangements made for 2 August trips; the garden is tolerably tidy; I've done quite a bit of fun reading.

    1. Goals from last week:
      1, gym/walk/swim x6, stretch x6, usual low-FODMAP cooking. x7, x5, YES.
      2, house-showing prep. YES.
      3, keep writing/editing R&R. NO.
      4, revise translation intro as desired by editors. YES.
      5, continue planning courses, ~ 2 hours. YES.
      6, drill grammar or vocabulary x 3 in one language. x2
      7, Take steps toward replacing passport. YES (downloaded and printed forms, got pictures taken).

      New goals:
      1, gym/walk/swim x6, stretch x6, usual low-FODMAP cooking.
      2, pay bills, make an appointment for maintenance.
      3, keep writing/editing R&R.
      4, further translation editing.
      5, continue planning courses, ~ 2 hours.
      6, drill grammar or vocabulary x 3 in one language.
      7, make appointment to get replacement passport.

  4. Sorry for not reporting in last week; I was away from early Sunday morning to Friday morning, and planned to report in remotely, but I had a migraine the previous Friday (dear hormones, GET LOST, thanks, JaneB) so missed multiple meetings and was still rather blurry on the Saturday and generally Very Behind. The trip was OK. I think I wasn't a good traveller though, and am still Very Behind, possibly Behinder...

    Woffled a bit about this over at my blog. Minor changes only.

    Session goals:
    1a - self-care. water (lots), food (eat well), sleep (get into better habits), calm (cultivate it), less noodling (more deliberate choices), move (more)
    1b - creating domestic order. continue to make progress with decluttering, with particular goals of having a kitchen I want to use and to have gotten a series of small handy-person-needed tasks done.
    1c) making things. get on with the research-related squares, finish never-ending project (which is in cotton yarn so pretty summer-handwork-friendly) and a pair of socks. Work on my NaNoWriMo novel from last year, and if I find the right mental space write some poetry.
    2a - research writing. Get ProblemChild2 dispatched if possible to its first choice journal. Fragment (a new project F paper) - will be a conference presentation in July and should become a complete paper manuscript by the end of the session. And get FlatProjectFirst into a fairly complete draft (assuming the problem I spotted last week is just a quirk and not an oh bug*ger we need to redo everything). Also write equivalent of one research grant application.
    2b: teaching prep (to make space for more calm in semester). Key areas are "new" modules (complete rewrites of the GiantFirstYearModules, which I rather resent right now) and setting up a new teacher bag and teaching prep system (I like making systems). More may get imposed here...
    2c: research data and admin things. sample analysis on samples from FavouriteIslands, work out some storage solutions for twenty-mumble years of samples and implement them, and refresh our collection of teaching/outreach visual materials for my core area. declutter my office.

    next week's goals:
    1a: 5-10 minute exercise routines, track noodling and sleep (as a step towards changing the habit), journal daily
    1b: pick up the spaces that have been decluttered, make another appointment.
    1c: park the square I was working on and start a new version. Touch one other crafty project
    2a: Spend a day on Fragment and send emails about FlatProject, review an article, complete application for pointless but potentially gratifying thing
    2b: start making some lists, send more emails about the recce visit
    2c: Find samples for FavouriteIslands analysis and pass any that need it on to technician. Clear off my lab corner so I can start analysis on the ones I didn't finish last summer.
    3: extras: half an hour of office decluttering

  5. Sorry for not checking in last week -- I was traveling, and arrived in the UK to three days of activity, so just forgot. I'm now over jet lag, and can check in for the session and last week.

    Session goals:
    1. Finish Violence DONE (for now)
    2. Review collaboration paper (almost done) DONE
    3. Finish memorial WORKING ON IT RIGHT NOW
    4. Prepare two semi-new courses - Books ordered
    5. House stuff: roof, new floor for bedroom, new ceiling fans? Decluttering ; one roof estimate, some decluttering (it turns out there is a surface to my desk!)
    6. Keep (return to) walking - Yes, and I think I can keep this up.
    7. Read for fun as well as work - Doing this

    I'm on a pretty good pace. It helps that all my goals were modest! My overall goal is to get the three papers that need to be finished out by the end of July when I get home, at which point I turn to teaching stuff.

    Goals from two weeks ago:
    1. Finish book orders DONE
    2. Finish clearing desk DONE. It's amazing
    3. Possibly get some book organizing done? NO, but that was a pipe dream!
    4. Get reviews into Zotero so all the random clippings can be recycled DONE (it helped clear the desk!)
    5. Do one manuscript review - NO, and I heard from the journal that they don't need it so. . . (I've never had that before. I guess the other reviews were sufficiently negative and/or positive.)
    6. Pay relevant bills DONE
    7. Pack DONE
    8. Walk 3 times 4x. I did a lot of walking that week.
    9. Try to be mellow - not sure I managed that, but I think I didn't do badly.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Finish edits on text of Memorial. (I got comments from the editor, which were "BE BOLD", so . . .)
    2. Start working on footnotes for Memorial (There are a lot of placeholder ones)
    3. Keep walking
    4. Enjoy London
    5. Keep reading for fun

    On Friday I take a long weekend holiday, so it's a short week; next week I get back on Monday, go to a conference on Tuesday, and have a mixture of work and play. (Actually, that's the theme of this month -- it's my time away from home not worrying about my mother, and I'm working, but I've got vacation in there too.)

  6. Showing up late as ever, but I wanted to reflect on session goals. I am rolling forward my goals from last week, since they are the same (although a different review and a different blog post).

    Session goals:
    1 submit Perform abstract: Done. I’m hopeful that will be accepted.
    2 write Perform as if I will present in Fall. Keeping this one on the list.
    3 write and submit Slow: I think this had its name changed to Time, the abstract I keep putting off.
    4 develop full outline for Tiny Project: Can be done by the end of summer.
    5 organize and outline for December essay: Keeping this ahead of me, although I had an abstract accepted for an essay with an earlier deadline that will require more work.

    This week:
    1 Draft Time abstract
    2 Write and submit a review
    3 Blog post
    4 Write for Tiny Project every day

    Summer teaching begins next week. I am not sure how to feel about it yet.

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