Welcome back! I hope you had a productive and restorative week. We're already at our session mid-point, so this week you'll find your session goals as well as your goals for the past week. In keeping with last week's prompt about leaving things behind, maybe there's a session goal you want to dump. Or maybe you can report that you've already achieved one! I hope I haven't left anyone out. We're a small group this time around. Thank you for being here!
Once again, I'm going to combine our "preparing for the future" session theme with a bit of advice from Julia Cameron, who asks the question "Who will you take to the war?" If you don't like the war analogy, try journey, or camping or shopping trip! The point is that there are people who are good for us/our writing, and people who hinder us. Even if they're lovely at social gatherings, or they're family, or whatever, they wind up sapping the writing energy. So think about the people in your life: are there supportive, calming, helpful people you'd like to see more of? Are there people whose presence you need to limit? If you have to interact with them anyway, how could you plan to counteract their negative effect on you?
And at the risk of triggering Good-Girl-Itis, are there people whom you want to nurture? That is, are you or could you be someone else's Person You'll Take? You don't have to be. But maybe considering the question could be helpful. I try to be that person for my grad students.
Session goals:
Pack up my entire life and office (ten years of rocks is a LOT!) and move…
Get child settled in new place…
Adopt cats
Finish one almost complete paper, preferably before the moving stuff really hits
the fan and I start field work again because then everything else is off the
Do a decent job on new project paper with colleague I really want to help.
Finish conference finances and wrap-up reports for giant and totally awesome
conference that just finished.
Write conference how-to guide with all new hybrid meeting stuff.
Field work and all attached writing things with student.
Last week’s goals:
Do big batch of data processing for report
Anything on old paper will be a win
Deliver goodbye cards and gifts to office people
Migrate emails and documents
Write report for committee where chair bailed
Dame Eleanor Hull
Session goals:
- keep regular office hours for research/writing and teaching
- keep moving forward, rotate projects, don't get stuck
- do one significant Life Stuff task per week
- plan weekly Fun Activities
Last week’s goals:
- some exercise daily (I'm having foot problems, so yoga etc
rather than walking), bed by 11
- read book, write book review
- reading and notes for my own book
- revise assignments for fall undergrad class
- finish cleaning closet, plant seedlings, 2 social events, read Bk 2 of Shadow
Campaigns & return to library, pay bills, get new phone, tend mental health
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
carried-over goals
Finish up the loose ends of the
training, moving into the revision phase of training.
Get through a meeting-rich week.
Finish the “listen to me sing my own praises” report.
Read a few chapters on women translators.heu mihi
Session goals:
1. Revise intro for WH and resubmit manuscript.
2. Messy zero draft of chapter 1.
3. Substantive notes regarding what might find its way into the other chapters.
4. Letter of recommendation; tenure letter.
5. ... all the things. Touch up paint here and there, paint counters, clean
garage, clean workroom, dispose of all recyclable/donate-able stuff, thoroughly
clean Bonaventure's room, wash windows and screens, make steps and path in the
garden, stack firewood, clean EVERYTHING, and pack stuff away to make it
hospitable to the renters.
6. Car inspections, wash cars, possibly get "Real" driver's license
(finally), move secondary car to mom's house.
Last week’s goals:
1. Tenure letter: Finish articles; read part (NOT ALL) of book;
draft letter.
2. House stuff: Finish going through my son's stuff (with his help; he's doing a
great job of purging); donation trip to thrift shop; wash windows; weed hill;
weed and mulch lilacs
3. Trip prep: Find out when friends might visit; contact departmental business
manager about setting up a meeting
4. Research!!: Return to my chapter; notes on super long book; read short book
5. Fun: Read novel; make a new diary
Session goals
1 edit summer online class
2 outline fall online class
3 complete spring online class
1 submit abstract for lit-lit
2 finish food chapter
3 outline boredom
4 lit review for dark
5 draft cfp for mind
6 write proposal for DQ
7 write presentation for Life
carried-over goals:
stay current on writing classes
submit an overdue book review
sort out bookmarks for Tiny Project
continue working on media literacy class
a new one: drink more water
Session goals:
1) Personal
replenishment household rescue, reviewing my finances, thinking through
some things, getting some counselling, moving more and eating better and
working on my sleep schedule2) Reducing the pressures next year - I need to do as much teaching
preparation as I can, in a more systematic way, especially for the heavy points
in the trimester - whatever I can do to not have to work quite such long hours.
If it happens, I will also be applying to be Teaching Tsar, which would come
with a lot of work but also teaching reallocation. This one will also involve
working on my campus space and on feeling safe and confident on campus, which
is both about never having liked or enjoyed my current office which was never
properly unpacked when I moved into it multiple years ago and the whole lack of
COVID precautions and greater awareness of how unhealthy our indoor spaces on
campus are (and worse anxiety about windowless teaching rooms).
3) Minimising my research expectations I'm part of two research grant
applications which will hopefully get submitted this summer, and have one paper
where I'm lead and need to do a last round of edits/comment incorporating
before it is submitted. I'd also 'like' to write a PhD student project
application for later summer but that's not essential.
4) Write for pleasure, read for pleasure, do something crafty, and play
Last week’s goals:
1) work no more than 20 hours
2) make some lists for smaller things that fit under the areas of personal
replenishment, reducing next year's pressures and fun/creative stuff.
3) replenishment: back to basics - keep it up! Eating plenty of fruit and veg,
drinking enough water, a small exercise habit (10 minutes a day of deliberate
exercise), a small chore habit (5 minutes of picking up or one of the recurring
chores like a load of laundry each day), journal daily.
4) pressure reduction: if I have room in the 20 hours, review my honours module
and decide what can stay from this year's iteration and what I can easily and
quickly refresh. Add no more meetings
5) fun/creative: write a letter to a friend/read for half an hour at least 3
days/do at least two crochet stripes on the "desert colours" blanket
project/play D&D AND write another job board game/play with watercolours a
couple of times.
Session goals:
- Complete first draft of KL article
- Grant application done
- Start semester 2 with VILE eight weeks ahead
- Keep attending to self-care
carried-over goals:
- Finish syllabi, get materials/tech
requests in, make progress on first module VILE content
- Write on my own research each day
(read for my own research each day)
- (if permitted by gatekeepers), get
draft grant complete
- conference paper proposal in
- 2 x yoga (livestream classes from