Seeing everyone collect bonus points last week for contacting some lovely supportive people was great! As the session moves on and things get even busier and scarier we really need those connections. So, more bonus points on offer this week for each friendly, non-urgent, just-for-pleasure thing you do this week, anything from contacting a friend you’ve not spoken to in a while or doing something just for you or doing something just to make someone you care about a little bit happier.
This week is a session goals review one, so we’re leaving our constructions crews to do their thing. Next week they will likely start asking about indoor aspects of cabin building so feel free to fantasize while checking your session goals!
Last week’s goals
FINISH paper
Finish 2 draft abstracts for next conference
Finish student feedback for thesis chapters
Do grant accounting
Set up purchases for new grant
Something fun with friends
Dame Eleanor Hull
Keep core work hours.
Health: cardio daily, stretch x6, track bedtime.
Research: 30 min x6 (various projects), dead languages x3 each.
Teaching: write more assignments, keep building VILE sites, grade another whole
bunch of stuff.
Life stuff: collect tax stuff, do something fun.
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Read and annotate one articles.
Write at least three pages of the guide.
Outline the remaining article.
heu mihi
Respond to editor about accepted article
2) State taxes and start visa application
3) Two Gen Ed reviews
4) Grad class: Notes on next week's reading, at least read the new stuff for
the following week (so I can decide if I need to ditch it)
5) Research: Last pass on vignette 1; very short vignette on JNST
1 work on tiny project competition submission (or decide
whether to do so)
2 grade all the things due this week
3 work on March conference presentation
4 latest book review
5 monitor fiction reading to avoid dangerous levels of distraction
1) call GP about anxiety etc., go to dentist.
2) do teaching prep for week 5
3) make time to read or do D&D prep 4 days
4) Do some literature searching for Why (I have a write in for my final year students
so have a bit of time!)
5) nag people about the May Training Course
6) do latest batch of marking (drafts)
1. End week with all VILE discussions cleared and week 2
and 3 checked and ready
2. Finish postgrad exegesis and sorting examiners
3. 3 x KL writing focus/500 words
4. Keep things ticking over with household, go to bed by 11.
4 days on Famous Author
start reading ms for friend
Yard stuff (contact another contractor)
Keep up with exercise, healthy eating
Do something fun
Talk with friend
Session Goals Check-in
Below are all the session goals we picked a long 8 weeks ago… You can report on how these are looking right now, chuck the ones that no longer serve you, replace with better ones, or add anything that will be satisfying!
Stretch goal: Finish my Albatross paper! This has been an ongoing goal for ages but the paper keeps changing and is constantly being shoved aside for more urgent things.
Analysis and paper on fun Local Project
Make progress on Small Book Project (delayed from old grant)
Get fancy new grant project started off well
Support students through thesis proposal and writing stages
Dame Eleanor Hull
Stay healthy, sleep a lot.
Grade efficiently.
Finish WH chapter, work on FC chapter, work on introduction, write prospectus.
Write conference paper for April.
Do fun stuff!
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Mantra style goals: Connection, gratitude, and self-care…
heu mihi
1) Things that will happen, because they must:
a) Invited essay due in February
b) Kalamazoo paper due in early May
c) Stay on top of new graduate seminar
2) Research and write a series of vignettes (this is easier and less stressful
to conceptualize than a chapter!) on relevant medieval
theologians/philosophers. Make steady progress; work on this weekly.
3) Establish a good early-morning routine, with full awareness that this will
change once it gets light enough to run in the mornings, and/or that it may not
be identical every morning of the week. Build in flexibility, in other words.
4) Stretch and write in my journal at least every other night.
5) Keep the step-counter in perspective. It serves me; I do not serve it.
6) Sabbatical prep: Rent an apartment in France; rent out our house (I don't
actually have control over this, but I'll do my best!); apply for visas; enroll
Bonaventure in school or, if that's not possible, create a concrete plan for
doing so.
1 write Boredom chapter
2 write Food chapter
3 write Roma conference presentation
4 organize all the Tiny Project drafts
5 submit DQ proposal
1) Survival-with-kindness in teaching
2) self-care - the big thing to deal with here is putting time for things I
enjoy ahead of spending time on not-100%-essential-things for work (reusing
some of last years recordings, not always fixing the auto-captions...)
3) be ready for Teaching Toolkit and Society Course by the end of this block
4) work steadily on Why and Annoying Chapter, & resist the urge to feel too
responsible for any delays
1. Submit co-authored KL article
2. Have VILE (also love and am adopting that misread acronym) ready for sem 2
3. Have all marking for sem 1 turned around in two weeks
4. Have winter garden planted and cared for
5. Finish one making project per month
1. Finish first draft of famous author, begin revisions
2. Start drafting essay for June conference related to Persistence
3. Keep up with teaching, don't get overwhelmed.
4. Do stuff for professional organization
5. Do garden stuff so I can plant new tree
6. Spend time with my mother
7. Spend time with friends
8. Read for fun