Good morning to all our crew and passengers! This week we are travelling through the region of space I like to call the “Honeymoon is Over Expanse”… It is far enough away from our departure that the initial excitement has waned, it is too far from the halfway point or the destination to have a real sense of progress, and it is usually inhabited by a fairly featureless cloud of gas that often makes the crew feel an urgent need for shore leave or induces a desire to retrain and work on organic farms in the outer reaches of the Galaxy…
But if we look closely at the cloud there are some wonderfully sparkly bits of planetoids, gorgeous cloud formations, and during some voyages we catch a glimpse of the spiral galaxy hidden in the cloud. We will gather in the observation lounge (yes, the one with the bar!) starting at 6pm to see if we can spot some of these phenomena, guided by our astronomy team.
For this week’s check-in it would be wonderful
if you can share your own sparkly bits that get you through the bland periods
in your voyage.
Note: As a point regarding ship safety, PanGalactic Gargle
Blasters should not be removed from the bar area. They tend to melt right
through the bulkheads on the rest of the ship if spilled and since that happens
with alarming frequency it is best to keep them in the bar where the floors are
reinforced for exactly that eventuality and the new bartender is on hand to
administer first aid.
GOALS from
last week:
*Finish grad syllabus, write and post some new assignments.
*Stick to schedule for research, languages, teaching, admin.
*Make plans B and C for days with interruptions.
*Keep making progress with my Albatross.
*Sleep, stretch, walk, fun stuff (read, visible mending, jigsaw).
Edit at least 5 pages of Illuminated.
Write an hour x 5 finishing the outline for Translation.
Organize desk 1 hour x 5.
Renew my professional societies' memberships.
Captain Daisy
1) Revisions
2) Find the Earth Equivalent of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster and drink the
entire damn pitcher of them!
3) Keep it together… That’s all, just keep it together because I’m pretty close
to losing it…
1) Write 3 hours
2) Read 18 sermons and 2 essays
3) 2 hours of course prep
4) yoga x 2, sit x 5, language x 5
5) Journal catch-up (this week's task: revise submission guidelines)
1 write committee letter
2 submit old creative piece to new competition
3 spend 3 hours fitting tiny lit review items into outline structure
4 draft and submit Boredom abstract
-complete the reading list for new course
-circulate completed Hons documentation for feedback
-spend 2 pomodoros on research project
1. Try to get a bit ahead on class
2. Work on Famous Author every day - touch it
3. Admin stuff for prof org (lots of emails) and for work (that's all starting)
4. Keep up with exercise
5. Keep eating relatively healthfully
6. Take Mom to Dr.
7. Do one hour of garden work on weekend
8. Clear desk before it is defined as a superfund site
9. Start putting together tax stuff
10. Visit with friends