Happy almost end of October! I’m looking forward to Day of the Dead and Halloween activities this week, but also gearing up for Academic Writing Month. Are others planning to participate in AcWriMo or NaNoWriMo? If so, it would be interesting to see whether goals are related to time, word count, or project-oriented. I’d like for it to be exciting, not vexing, to think about writing every day. Looking forward to a good week ahead.
Allan Wilson: 1) exercise 4x, 2) redo the last analysis for my FS paper, 3) recheck comments from a colleague critique for FS, 4) eat healthily, with increased protein and vegetables and less carbs, 4 days this week.
Amstr: 1) re-read my article and highlight where changes should go; 2) skim what I read of diss this summer and finish chapter I was on; 3) exercise 3x; 4) work on job app (3x20min); 5) declutter (3x20min).
Contingent Cassandra: (1) try to get back into exercise (walking/weights routine): at least twice on each; (2) cook the rest of the soup ingredients; (3) return to work on garden; (4) some financial work (if this doesn't happen this week, it needs to take higher priority the week after).
Daisy: Traveling this week.
Der Modell Wissenschaftler: 1) Finish paper 1/Chapter 2 and turn in to coauthors. 2) Figure out if we are moving overseas in 6 weeks. 3) Get my planning together to see if it will be realistic to graduate this semester.
Earnest English: 1. Live through it. 2. Take super care of self this week, including getting foods that will keep me from eating really bad food. Sleep. Get the best sleep I can. 3. 3 30-minute sessions with Beloved Field. 4. Turn in assessment plan and get student papers graded.
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell: No goals posted.
Good Enough Woman: No goals posted.
Humming42: No goals posted.
Ivy: 1) continue to try to be zen about the papers. I have a bunch more analyses to do. 2) Keep working on Discussion for Paper 2 - unlikely to happen with sample processing. 3) Processing samples - has to happen so priority!
JaneB: 1) talk to one person about something other than work/work crises for a few minutes every day. 2) 1 x 45 minutes on Crunchier. 3) pull out journal formatting and submission instructions for the target journal for Easy Win paper.
KJHaxton: (1) Start on CPD thing 2 and workout what must be done for CPD thing 3 (my theory is that there is so much overlap in this kind of thing, one might as well do many at the same time). (2) write exam questions for 3rd year module and finalise the content of the other 5 lecture hours for that course. (3) eat properly, remember to drink enough, finish blanket - generally do something not work but that feels productive everyday.
Matilda: 1) Plan for the paper I am supposed to submit in coming May. 2) Revise my book plan with its research theme. 3) Write at least 15 minutes. Exercise 10 minutes every day. Two no midnight snacks day.
Susan: 1. Finish reports -- one on admin role in national organization, a promotion review and a ms. review. 2. Three more sections of the chapter. 3. Three walks and fairly abstemious eating for a few days while I recalibrate my metabolism from the excess of the last three days