the grid

the grid

Sunday 13 October 2024

TLQ Season 3 Week 6


Welcome to week 6! The Fall has arrived in earnest in my area this week, the leaves have turned brilliant colours, it is blowing a gale, and every roadside farm stand is overflowing with apples and pumpkins. It is beautiful…

For this week’s prompt, how do you feel about seasons? Actual seasons, different seasons of life, seasonal workflows, anything goes! How do you manage the changes that come with seasons, both pleasant changes and the less enjoyable ones?


Have a great week everyone!


Contingent Cassandra (held over)

--Write two emails having to do with the study leave and the October program (this is not done but really needs to get done tomorrow, so good timing).
--At least begin listing and prioritizing the things I could, should, or must do before the October program and beyond to advance the study leave project


Dame Eleanor

- provide lap for Basement Cat as often as he wants
- 20 minutes x3 on Alms or its larger project
- read at least one chapter in each of two scholarly books
- start grading another set of undergrad papers
- check 2 grad assignments (one from last week, one due this week)
- reading/prep for grad class
- cardio + weights x2, swim at least x2, yoga x4
- power-wash north side of house, maybe the deck as well
- walk with friend on Friday
- get weed-killer on lawn before first frost



Enjoy show run!
Sleep when not playing!
Volunteer at local race and cheer on people who exercise!
Try not to feel bad about not exercising!
Keep work stuff going but don’t add new things!



heu mihi

1. Check in on festschrift. We meant to send in the proposal in August, but apparently we just stopped working on it at some point.
2. Finish and submit RR essay
3. Read ch. 1 and 2 of Dissertation R (because I'm expecting K to come in any day now...)
4. Revise ch. 5 and send the new version to friend who has promised to read it
5. Shop for a new car, because the 20-year-old Jetta has started to make a terrible noise.
6. Keep going with the workouts: run x 3, swim x 2, yoga x 1



1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) read most days
(iii) play D&D with group or with nibling
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes
(v) go to dentist (do not get overwhelmed and reschedule)

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) do more sums/plan summarising related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme
iii) take 5 minutes daily to keep the kitchen looking great

i) at least one teaching block (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week)
ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching - a light load this week
iii) finish chapter for grad student
iv) edit and submit funding application for other grad student (deadline this week & has to go in in my name...)

i) at least two hours on my grant idea plus setting up the online approvals form
ii) at least two hours on part 3 of discussion for consultancy paper - we have a meet pencilled in end of week so it's urgent now
iii) if time, referee paper. Not due until next week.




1. Prep introductory sessions for both modules.
2. Finish adding materials to VLE.
3. Read chapters for two PhD students.
4. Research: work out remaining budget from small grant and what to do with it.
5. Sort tiles (URGENT!)
6. Organise daughter's trip.
7. Book flu jab
8. Enjoy talks at book festival this weekend!



1. Keep going on the paper, keep up the momentum
2. Clean the apartment. I have not done a serious clean for too long.
3. Figure out which book I want to read. I have a pile of pleasure reading, and nothing currently inspires me. :(
4. Have a good time with my SIL and niece on Saturday
5. Get COVID shot. (Dame Eleanor has convinced me not to do the double.)
6. Contact trainer to get going at the gym
7. Figure out how to charge the car.
8. Pick up threads on podcast plan.

Sunday 6 October 2024

TLQ 2024 session 3, week 5

This week's prompt: what do you do when you just can't? Do you give up and go to bed (if you're able to sleep off whatever it is), do you try to power through on caffeine and willpower (and/or bribing yourself), do you figure out the bare minimum and do that, do you take to your couch with a comfort re-read, a cat, and a pot of tea? Have your strategies changed with age or life circumstances? 

Goals for the past week appear below; let us know how you did and what you hope to get done in the coming week. 

(Brought to you by exhaustion following a double vaccination for flu and Covid . . . neither has ever given me more than a sore arm before, but the two together are wiping me out.)

Contingent Cassandra (held over)

--Write two emails having to do with the study leave and the October program

--At least begin listing and prioritizing the things I could, should, or must do before the October program and beyond to advance the study leave project 


Administrative assistant training, yay!!
Explore grant idea and map out draft
Finish popular article on research topic
Read and comment on thesis chapters URGENT
Exercise at least 4 times, two have to be weights

Dame Eleanor Hull

- provide lap for Basement Cat as often as he wants
- call washer hotline
- 20 minutes/day Alms, plus one longer session
- read at least one chapter in each of two scholarly books
- finish grading undergrad papers
- check grad bibliographies
- get flu/COVID boosters
- cardio + weights x2, swim at least x2, yoga x4
- pay bills

heu mihi

1. Start reading the next diss (R); write down my questions for X (first diss)
2. Begin revisions to ch. 5; format ch. 4 biblio; write to friends who are supposed to be giving me feedback on a couple of chapters and ask them whether they still want to
3. Catch up on Italian! (Purgatorio 30, Paradiso 2)
4. Ask neighboring colleges about participating in spring event
5. Grad students: Send out call for applications for summer teaching; make promised website updates
6. Have a nice weekend with son while husband is out of town
7. A full slate of workouts! (Run x 3, swim x 2, yoga x 1 class)


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) read the novel I started (& possibly start another non-fiction)
(iii) play D&D with group or with nibling
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) declutter kitchen
iii) do more sums/plan summarising related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme 

i) at least one teaching block (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week)
ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching - more chasing up of other people, sigh.
iii) read chapter for grad student - now urgent
iv) read funding application for other grad student (when it arrives at the end of the week)

i) a couple of hours on my grant idea - I have to do more or I won't make the deadline
ii) at least two hours on part 3 of discussion for consultancy paper - we meet about it week after next so I need to get on with it
iii) resolve issues for Visitor and check we do have a plan
iv) meet with Former PDF to talk about the revisions for the Chapter


1. Finish editing module handbooks, decide on final readings and assignments.
2. Update VLEs for both modules.
3. Meet with TAs for first-year module.
4. Finish call for papers for workshop next year (five of us working on this, so a lot of back and forth in two languages).
5. Choose tiles if time (probably not).
6. Start organising stuff daughter needs for half-term trip.
7. Enjoy walking weekend.


1. Catch up on a gazillion emails that I'm behind on.
2. Read draft chapter of dissertation
3. Organize books and resources for November paper
4. Read for pleasure
5. Finish organizing things I brought back/clean the kitchen
6. Figure out more of how this new car works
7. Enjoy the show/ time with friends
8. Do something fun at the weekend

Sunday 29 September 2024

TLQ 2024 Session 3 Week 4


This week’s theme: what is something important that you try to fit into busy times?

(I know, if a cat fits it sits…)

When we were chatting about time hacks a couple of weeks ago DEH reminded me of the well-known story of a professor/teacher/whatever who put rocks in a jar, then little rocks and gravel that settled between the big ones, and then sand that filled the gaps, and eventually a liquid. The lesson of the story is sometimes “put the important things in first because if you stuff the jar full of sand there is no room for the bigger things”, sometimes “remember there is always stuff that doesn’t fit in the jar and that’s ok” and so on… During my second year undergrad one of my profs actually told demonstrated this story, I had not thought of it in years… But in his version he went through rocks to gravel to sand, but when he got into the liquid part he opened a beer (a very cheap one, didn’t waste good stuff), poured in in and said “No matter how full your life gets, you can always make room for a beer with your friends!”

I think that is a lovely take on the story… So for this week’s theme, what are some of the things you feel like you can always make time for? Five points to your house if you go out and do one this week, especially if it makes some of the unexpected crud recede a bit...

Goals below, check in with whatever you want to!

Contingent Cassandra (held over)

--Write two emails having to do with the study leave and the October program (this is not done but really needs to get done tomorrow, so good timing).
--At least begin listing and prioritizing the things I could, should, or must do before the October program and beyond to advance the study leave project



Finish popular article on research topic

Three field trips

Read and comment on thesis chapters URGENT

Begin sample organizing process

Exercise at least 4 times, anything counts



- Basement Cat to vet
- call washer hotline
- 20 minutes/day Alms, plus one longer session
- read at least one chapter in each of two scholarly books
- grade undergrad papers
- check grad bibliographies
- go to medical procedure, allow self the rest of the day to recover
- cardio + weights x2, swim at least x2, yoga x4

 heu mihi

1. Finish LOR for grad student
2. Loose ends for ch. 3; start editing ch. 4
3. Finish town document thing
4. Add ch. 3 to master document and fix notes; make progress on bibliography
5. Catch up with teaching stuff; schedule appointments with suspected AI-using students


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) continue book about Aztecs, finish or set aside current novel
(iii) play D&D with group or with nibling
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) declutter kitchen
iii) do more sums/plan summarising related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme

i) at least one teaching block (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week) ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching
iii) read chapter for grad student

i) an hour of notes on my grant idea
ii) at least two hours on part 3 of discussion for consultancy paper
iii) make mutually agreeable plan for first few weeks with Visitor


1. Teaching prep for two modules
2. Admin: organise a viva & a meeting with new TAs.
3. Progress review for a PhD student.
4. Organise photos & notes from trip.
5. Workshop to discuss a colleague's major grant application.
6. Fill in new diary for academic year.
7. Choose tiles for new bathrooms.
8. Exercise, eat healthily, sleep.


1. Enjoy presentations at symposium Monday and Tuesday
2. Meet with curator to talk about art
3. Go pick up computer at depot
4. Make inquiries about trade-in of current car
5. Pick up stuff at home
6. Enjoy concert and talks related to it
7. See friends

Sunday 22 September 2024

TLQ 2024 session 3, week 3

Topic of the week: the task that turns into multiple unanticipated steps. Sometimes I have a suspicion things will work out this way, so it turns out that "procrastination" was actually saving the task for when I really would have time for it; other times, it's totally unexpected. See the commnts for my not-as-anticipated experience with power washing the mossy side of the house!

Here are last week's goals; let us know how you're doing, especially any happy successes even if they weren't on your goals list. Also feel free to rant about the Unexpected Crud!


Contingent Cassandra

--Write two emails having to do with the study leave and the October program (this is not done but really needs to get done tomorrow, so good timing).
--At least begin listing and prioritizing the things I could, should, or must do before the October program and beyond to advance the study leave project


Finish popular article on research topic
All accounting for August
Read and comment on thesis chapters URGENT
Begin sample organizing process
Exercise at least 4 times, anything counts

Dame Eleanor Hull

- finish the undergrad grading, comment on grads' short things, start next round of grading
- power-wash the north side of the house
- write my overdue sabbatical report
- establish a schedule for working on research, at least 20 minutes a day on book project
- prep grad class
- swim 2-3 miles, cardio/weights x2, just cardio x1

 heu mihi

1. Full draft of little essay
2. Finish tenure review book
3. Administrative: Get spring schedule in order; get requests for fall '25 schedule; find out about this person who wants to teach for us; finish faculty report; review colleague's tenure file
4. Exercise: Run x3, Yoga x1, Swim x2--this will keep me sane
5. Town service committee: Finish putting together little brochure
6. Enjoy being outdoors sometime this weekend, while *not* running


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) start book about Aztecs, continue current novel
(iii) play D&D with nibling (or at least hang out and chat!)
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) declutter kitchen
iii) do more sums related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme and some pension modelling


i) at least one teaching block (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week)
ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching
iii) get the instructions for placement year reporting all approved and on the ViLE


i) at least two hours on part 3 of discussion for consultancy paper
ii) an hour of notes on my grant idea
iii) abstract for Very Slowly Developing paper


1. Maximise time in archives.
2. Keep email and other work stuff to the absolute essentials, even if next week will be manic as a result.
3. Enjoy time away!


1. Keep digging to find out where the sources I want *are*. It's amazingly opaque.
2. Prepare for fellows symposium next Monday and Tuesday
3. Keep reading
4. Read for fun
5. Tapestry
6. Take advantage of events here
7. Go to the gym,
8. Get to medical test that has taken ages to schedule.

Sunday 15 September 2024

TLQ Session 3 2024 Week 2


Hello and welcome back everyone!

Time… always a perennial theme for us… I am super short on it right now, so I’m going to leave a short prompt…

What is your favourite time-saving hack? Anything goes, work hacks, life hacks, household hacks? Free reign for ideas!

 Goals for the week below.

 Contingent Cassandra

Get advance publicity for mid-late October events related to the study leave project done and deliver to appropriate person.


None, so great job meeting those!


- finish the grading
- power-wash the north side of the house
- write my sabbatical report (due Monday)
- gym tomorrow

 heu mihi

1. Write a very basic draft of short weird experimental essay.
2. Submit Kalamazoo abstract and apply for funding.
3. Start reading book for last-minute tenure letter, with the goal of finishing enough of it to say something intelligent by the end of next week.
4. Work on edits to ch. 3 of manuscript.
5. Exercise: Run at least 3 times; 1 yoga class.


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) start book about Aztecs, start another novel
(iii) play D&D with nibling (who has moved into their uni flat!
a week early to let them settle in to the city and walk around finding out where everything is before it's chaotic)
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes
i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) declutter kitchen
iii) do some sums related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme and some pension modelling
i) set up new teaching commonplace book/bullet journal thing
ii) list out teaching blocks for the first half of the session; finish blocks for second year module reading lists/case studies
iii) get ViLE content done as far as I can
iv) comment on first half of a chapter for Senior Grad Student
i) at least two hours on part 3 of discussion OR supplementary info of consultancy paper
ii) an hour of notes on my grant idea


1.       Prep for trip to archives next week.
2. Revise grant and submit - this is the grant from last session, which finally came back from the last round of review on Friday, with thankfully only minor suggestions.
3. Meeting with PhD student.
4. Tedious but urgent life admin - car service, get laptop keyboard fixed.


1. Finish dissertation related to what I think is part of phase 1 of RoL project
2. Read some of books that I've piled on my desk
3. Keep up with embroidery
4. Read for pleasure
5. Figure out gym situation