the grid

the grid

Sunday, 12 January 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 2


Hope everyone has had a good week. Here it has been extremely cold by UK standards. We had snow last weekend followed by rain, before the temperatures dropped, leaving patches of snow that were frozen solid and ice everywhere else. It's been a week of beautiful winter days: cold, frosty but bright sunshine. I've been outside every day, if only briefly some days, just to soak it up. I love bright cold days much more than mild but damp or foggy.

Today's prompt is the not very original one of thinking about light and how we can find as much of it as possible to get through the winter, when many of us feel low energy. The photo above is from a walk yesterday to a nearby ruined medieval priory. I didn't capture the light on the frosty ground as well as I wanted, but hopefully you get the idea. Ideally I would have captured sunrise or sunset, but that would have taken too much planning.

So feel free to share similar photos, or to tell us about how you find light at the moment. Do you get to see sunrise or sunset on the way from/to home? Does the light come into your study or office at a particular time of day? Do you have a favourite place to sit where the light is good?

Last week's goals:


1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel plus three chapters of crusades book, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing (a long thank you/catching up letter to an old friend)
* Specific things - make a PLAN for reading the autistic self-care book
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing
* marking - first year report (all), start second year essay
* go through coming semester and make teaching preparation plan
* stay in my lane!
* read some papers and a chapter for senior grad student if possible (may not complete because...)
* read a whole thesis and write a report for an external examination of a PhD (due later this week)
* go through all my emails and make a plan!

Dame Eleanor

- keep working on revisions to a chapter
- do some scholarly reading
- attend three meetings, one in-person
- process at least 4 grad applications
- draft syllabus
- gym x5, swim x3, yoga x5


1. Revise lecture, make sure slides are right, practice it
2. Start next round of edits to Famous Author, especially since I figured out how to do references. (It's being published as a trade book, and accessibility is key.)
3. Recover from my time at big discipline conference in the city of my birth...
4. Get going on exercise goals
5. Do something fun on the weekend, don't just panic.


Exercise 4 times
Start sample archive project
Sample processing
First week’s lectures and labs
Meet grad students and make term plans

Heu Mihi

1. Make a good start on the essay: Aim for a messy 3000 words (I started the week at about 1200 from the abstract and notes, so this isn't un-doable)
2. Write up a paragraph for this administrative thing
3. Write and send my response to the readers' reports
4. Finish reviewing graduate applications
5. Exercise x 6, sit x whatever I can manage

Contingent Cassandra

--Prepare to group discussion that is at least tangentially related to study leave project; write related publicity and outreach emails
--Keep up with exercise to the extent that weather allows
--Do something new/different/active


1. Research - at least 2 days on article.
2. Draft exam questions by Wednesday.
3. Carry on marking.
4. Christmas decorations away, tidy up house, do one financial thing, book opticians' appointments for kids.
5. Catch up on a TV series with kids.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 1

The Three Magi, Byzantine mosaic c. 565 from Ravenna, Creative Commons, chosen for no other reason than that I liked it (and thought the medievalists might)

 Happy New Year, everyone and welcome to the first session of 2025! There won't be a theme as such, as I don't have the imagination and creative streak of other session hosts. Instead, I will make things up as I go along, with prompts vaguely inspired by particular dates, the seasons changing, and any other random ideas that come along.

For this first session, please feel free to introduce yourselves, especially anyone new (we would love new people to join), and post some goals for the session and for this first week back. Following the pattern of previous sessions, we'll run for 14 weeks, which takes us up to w/c 7th April. Hopefully that works for people. It fits very nicely with (school) term dates here.

If people would like a prompt for the session, today is the eve of Epiphany. In Spain, where half my family is from, Epiphany is the day for gifts, traditionally brought by the three Kings. The evening before, the kings process through the streets and kids go out to meet them. So let's think about gifts. In the absence of strange men bringing gold, frankincense and myrrh, we may have to be the givers as well as the receivers. What can you gift yourself this session? Doesn't have to be a pile of money, incense or soothing oils, though all of those sound nice, and doesn't have to be three things, but something that fits with being kind to yourself as we slog through winter.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Best wishes for 2025!

 Hello everyone!

Just wanted to pop in and send everyone all the best for 2025, may it be filled with joy and peace and fun!

Hope your holiday season has been restorative even with the inevitable ups and downs, and that you have had plenty of time with friends, family, cats, good books, and many cups of tea!


Sunday, 15 December 2024

TLQ 2024 session 3 End of Term PARTY

And 15 weeks later, we've reached the end of our session! Time to celebrate the wins, roll over the on-going efforts, and release the goals that no longer serve us. Also to make plans for the new year! I expect we'll have at least one "interim" post for checking in and chatting during the holidays, and we'll need to get one or two volunteers to manage the first session of 2025. 

We'd love to have any former members of the TLQ collective visit the party and let us know how you are and what you have been up to!

OK: champagne fountain, check; chocolate fondue with assorted fruit and cake chunks to dip, check; little pecan tarts; lemon squares; cheese and charcuterie board with crackers and baguette slices, also vegetarian paté on separate board, check; tea and coffee station, check; table for homemade cookies and other treats brought by participants, check; cups, glasses, flutes, plates, linen napkins (this is an upscale party!), flatware, check. 

And now for the checking in, last week's goals first, then the session goals. How did things go?

Last week’s goals


Mark exams and submit grades
Sample prep and training with students
New student orientation and organizing
Practice for last shows of season
Grad student nomination letter and application edits
Organize something with friends

Dame Eleanor Hull

- Grade All The Things (and pace myself)
- Process grad apps
- Write two letters of recommendation
- Some scholarly reading/note-taking
- Re-establish regular bedtime
- Gym x6, yoga x5, weights x2

Heu mihi

1. Editor's edits of short essay
2. Tie up all the email loose ends, seriously
3. Grade last essays
4. Send judiciously but not overly reassuring, yes-there-will-be-a-curve-but-you-need-to-study-anyway email to students (about the exam--I did a sample multiple-choice section today, and they bombed)
5. Process *other* new journal submission
6. Finish reading that biography of a 12th-c. monk that I've been dragging through forever, just because


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands things
(ii) read at least three days
(iii) do D&D planning (neither game is scheduled)
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes
(v) counselling appointment and other appointment

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) catch up on dishes
iii) wrap close family gifts, work on more UK cards, get friend gifts and first batch of UK cards into the post.

i) notes for putting teaching "to bed" from this trimester
ii) marking - finish big assignment
iii) chase up all students who did not make an appointment/did not attend their appointment for end of term check ins. SIGH
iv) if possible start commenting on grad student chapter.

i) at least one hour integrating other people's comments into the consultancy paper, ugh!
ii) look over files for an outside researcher's project and give them feedback
iii) meeting for rejected paper
iv) last week with international visitor - get the short report ready to submit, plan journal article, make sure we have a Plan for what next.
v) review overdue paper for journal


1. Day in library, read book, work on article.
2. Teach final sessions
3. More marking.
4. Whatever end of term admin needs doing.
5. More Xmas.
6. One final mock university admission interview.


1. Three chapter revisions for Famous Author
2. One day on big talk
3. Last set of expenses
4. Pick up old computer from repair shop
5. Enjoy shopping expedition with colleagues who have promised to provide me with a "kick-ass outfit" for my public lecture
6. Send half my Christmas cards
7. Prepare for party next weekend. 

Session goals (in some cases updated at midterms)


Get back into a consistent exercise habit
Get half-done paper into decent shape
Revise 80% done paper
Organize my samples and lab space properly
Get student through thesis and defense

Dame Eleanor Hull

- spend time with Basement Cat, make his life as pleasant as possible while we have him.
- Draft an essay due at the end of January
- tinker with what was supposed to be my sabbatical project)
- grade All The Things in a timely manner- provide helpful feedback for students
- keep up with reading/notes for the new course
- read All The Things for the major committee I'm on
- continue to indulge my exercise addiction and refuse to feel guilty about the time I spend in the pool/at the gym

heu mihi

1. Deadlines: Last-minute tenure letter due Oct. 1, short weird experimental essay due Oct. 13.
2. Research:
   a) Submit book manuscript!!!!!
   b) Start planning essay due in April (which I think I'm also supposed to give a talk on next semester...maybe try to get out of the talk, that would also be good).
   c) Submit proposal for festschrift.
3. Enjoy Italian! Remind myself that I'm learning and it's great!
4. Exercise: make this my priority. Possibly join a gym (with a pool!) when it gets too dark to run in the morning.
5. Graduate students: Get X defended and out; support G; work with R towards spring defense; others as they arise. 


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing each week (draw, diamond painting, colour, paint, knit, crochet)
(ii) read three non-fiction books this session and at least three novels
(iii) at least one social/creative-with-words thing each week (playing D&D, writing for fun, talking to people on the phone or a proper chat online, writing a social letter)
(iv) journalling through a "self-care for autistic adults" book.
(v) building a more solid exercise habit

i) working on getting better at the regular chores
ii) at least one additional care-for-home-environment thing every week
iii) working on financial things that both bore and scare me

i) successful teaching delivery (TRQ)
ii) prepare the rest of this trimester and for next trimester (one-two teaching blocks a week which are not about the immediate needs of the week)
iii) stay in my lane given my changed responsibilities
iv) support my senior grad student to submission of her thesis at the end of December

i) make measurable progress on at least three papers
ii) write a fairly small grant application to buy out some of my time
iii) find out my committments within small cog project and meet them.


1. Teaching/admin
(i) Revise second-year module to a new format, but keep manageable.
(ii) Keep on top of first-year module and try to maintain energy/enthusiasm without setting myself impossible standards (I co-teach with someone who is a bundle of energy so I always feel students are comparing us unfavourably).
(iii) Three PhD students: one submitting in December, so a lot of drafts to read; one seems to be worryingly AWOL when he should be writing; one about a year from submission.

2. Research (TLQ!):
(i) If grant application gets through first round, write longer version. If it doesn't, put Plan B on hold until next session.
(ii) Write journal article for January deadline. This is the most important session goal.
(iii) Work on call for papers for possible collaborative workshop.

3. Kids
(i) Work out new routines, be as present with them as possible and as much as they will tolerate!

4. House/life admin
(i) One big project: new bathrooms.
(ii) Decluttering & small to medium projects.

5. Self-care
(i) Reading
(ii) Exercise: improve fitness
(iii) Healthy eating & more sleep.
(iv) Fun stuff - see friends, try to do more creative stuff.



1. Make progress of Rest of Life (RoL) project, or at least phase 1 of it.
2. If the press takes Famous Author, I will need to add some words. Do it.
3. Do any last work on Big Collaboration that needs doing.


1. Figure out an exercise routine that makes sense and is manageable.
2. Try to not work weekends and evenings
3. Read books for fun
4. Keep up with tapestry projects
5. Buy new car (maybe new used car)

Sunday, 8 December 2024

TLQ 2024 session 3 week 14

 Apologies for the late posting! It was a crazy weekend, three kid concerts and one for me… And we had the first snowstorm of the year so it is now officially winter and the roads are a sloppy mess. Next week she has one and I have three… For some reason this year everything is going on everywhere, busy but fun.

 Here we are at our last goal-setting week! For comments this week, how about we try to give advice to our January selves? What would you like January-you to keep in mind about this year, about planning for next year, and about life in general?

Goals below, session ones coming next week!


Finish all marking and collect all term grades
Set all exams
Compile data for report
Write something for new or old paper, literally anything will be better than nothing…
Unpack new samples, start prep work with students
Keep practicing

Dame Eleanor Hull
- finish commenting grad drafts
- finish note-taking on LA and JG
- prepare for final classes
- yoga x5, gym x5*, weights x2
- process grad apps
- do something fun


Second-to-last week of teaching. Students flagging. Staff flagging. Christmas chores becming more urgent. So. Tired...
1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands things
(ii) read at least three days
(iii) play D&D with nibling or do D&D planning
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) catch up on dishes
iii) wrap/write international cards/gifts, start UK cards and friend gifts.

i) prepare everything for teaching next week (not much)
ii) marking - do the remaining smaller assignment completely and at least 20 of the big assignment.
iii) check next trimester timetable and make edits as needed

i) at least one hour integrating other people's comments into the consultancy paper, ugh!
ii) look over files for an outside researcher's project and give them feedback
iii) spend an hour working on notes for Other Grant Idea ahead of a meeting the following week (I have triple checked that THIS meeting actually EXISTS)

heu mihi

1. prep final exam
2. review editor's edits of short essay
3. CATCH UP ON THE JOURNAL: Second proofs, "new" submission (now weeks old)
4. Final Italian readings (due Tuesday)
5. Prep for rescheduled dissertation defense


1. More marking
2. Teaching prep for last (yay!) sessions of term.
3. Organise transcription/data entry
4. More Xmas.
5. Mock university interviews for my kids' school.
Keeping it minimal again as I have a lot of teaching and meetings scheduled.


1. Get through chapters 1 and 2 of Famous Author working on style
2. Read grad student's dissertation chapter
3. Keep making progress on my public lecture
4. Do something fun next weekend
5. Do expenses for conference travel
6. Get tickets for post-Christmas travel
7. Keep up with exercise/ eat as healthfully as I can

Sunday, 1 December 2024

TLQ 2024 session 3, week 13

I kept re-loading the page looking for this week's post, and then realized it's not up because it's my week and neither had I done it nor had the cats taken over for me. That may give you some insight into the state of my brain. I'm also realizing that my list of goals last week was maybe slightly insane, since the Thanksgiving break amounts to one day not on campus and a couple of cancelled meetings/ appointments on Friday, i.e., I have most of the usual prep, plus a couple of not-usual social commitments. (The semester will end soon . . . then there will be a longer break . . . is this reassuring? Or will I still think I can do way more than time will permit?)

So, along the lines of what IS vs what we would LIKE, here's my suggestion for a discussion topic this week: your actual morning routine vs your ideal morning routine. Define "ideal" as you wish: can be ideal in your current place/situation, or ideal when you retire to an island monastery.

And here are last week's goals. Whether you did well or were, like me, a little insane in the goal-setting, I expect you'll have company when we report in.


Microscope work
Sample prep work
New thesis figures
Do paper intro and methods
Accounting for all outstanding expenses
Organize new grad student arrival stuff
Practice for upcoming shows

Dame Eleanor Hull

- bake cookies to take to Thanksgiving dinner at my BIL's tomorrow
- get a massage
- yoga x 5, jog/run x 1, swim x1, weights x1, walk/strengthening stuff at home x3 (gym is closed 4 days this week)
- pay bills, change mortgage payment amount
- 1-2 household tasks
- comment on all grad paper drafts
- process grad apps
- finish note-taking on LA, JG, readings for grad class

Heu mihi

1. Finish independent study book
2. Grade set of papers and set of extra-credit assignments
3. Read for Monday and prep lecture (I've never taught the book before; I have a colleague's PowerPoint and notes, but I need to make it my own a little bit, I think)
4. Italian: Mini-essay 5, read for Tuesday after Thanksgiving
5. Draft final exam
6. Submit expanded form for edited collection proposal to press
7. Final edits to short essay due 12/1


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands things
(ii) read at least three days
(iii) play D&D with nibling or the group.
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) stay caught up on dishes
iii) make proper list of remaining Christmas presents to get, wrap/write international cards/gifts

i) prepare everything for teaching next week (not too much)
ii) marking - do the two smaller assignments completely and at least 5 of the big assignment.

i) at least one hour integrating other people's comments into the consultancy paper, ugh!
ii) look over files for an outside researcher's project and give them feedback
iii) spend an hour working on notes for Grant Idea ahead of a meeting the following week.


1. Finish this batch of marking, start the next if time.
2. Read student's PhD thesis ahead of meeting.
3. Teaching prep - keep minimal, but start on final week session.
4. Research: book a short trip to London library, organise some transcription/data entry for remaining funds.
5. Prep for in-laws visiting at weekend.
6. More Christmas planning.


1. Really sit down with the first chapter of Famous Author and see what I can do. (I think this is the real problem chapter.)
2. Purchase stuff needed for medical test next week, and food I can eat for preparation.
3. Keep up with exercise. Healthy eating is a challenge over thanksgiving, and we'll have two pies for 6 people.
4. Continue to love my family, of whom I will have A LOT.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

TLQ 2024 Session 3 Week 12

Hello from a very cold, very rainy, and very windy week in my neck of the woods… Tea and toast inside is really the only sensible thing to do.

So, in the spirit of tea and toast, it is tea party time! We’re all meeting at a cabin for a tea party, and the only rule is that whatever you bring must be easy to make. It can be holiday-themed or just a regular one, so seasonal specialties are welcome. What would you bring? Bonus if you include the recipe!



Set up review labs for classes
Last thesis edits
Do introduction and overview of languishing paper
Finish microscope work for new paper
Pick analytical samples and get at least three done
Make friend plans!

Dame Eleanor Hull
- one household task of some sort
- notes on bibliography from book JG, notes on text of book LA
- read, write up notes for grad class
- prep some discussion questions for undergrads
- read remaining chapter drafts for student A, advise on restructure
- show up for two appointments on Wednesday
- yoga x4, swim x2-3, weights x2
- some fun reading

heu mihi

1. Get back to workouts after last week's cold
2. Start rereading a book for the article due in April--ideally read intro & chapter 1
3. Plan next Monday's lecture, where I think that I initially said I'd talk about what gives life meaning.


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands things
(ii) read at least three days
(iii) play D&D with nibling or the group.
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) stay caught up on dishes
iv) wrap and post advent calendars (a tea one for my Aunt who is ill, because she's definitely a cup of tea helps with anything sort of person and likes trying new herbal blends since she had to give up caffeine, a D&D one for my nibling, and chocolate ones for my parents because they always buy themselves a pictures-only grownup one then go on wistfully about how other people get treats...)

i) prepare everything for teaching next week (a lot)
ii) start marking

i) at least one hour integrating other people's comments into the consultancy paper, ugh!
ii) look over files for an outside researcher's project and give them feedback


1. Teaching prep - keep minimal, but need to think ahead to final skills session, which is new.
2. Read and shortlist eight proposals for postdoc fellowship & chair meeting to select nominee to next stage.
3. Carry on marking.
4. House: more decluttering, buy some Christmas presents, agree who is buying what for nieces & nephews.
5. Self-care: rest, read, exercise gently.


1. Send chapters of Famous Author to a few friends for review.
2. Get through first two chapters of revision
3. Start transcribing a second appendix, write intro for first appendix
4. Organize outline for talk
5. Go for walks, look at art
6. Keep up with exercise and healthy eating
7. Keep up with general kindness to self and others.

Hope the last week of November is decent!