the grid

the grid

Sunday 28 July 2024

2024 Session 2: TLQuest week 11

Summer weather is finally arriving here and I am not best pleased - if it has to be hot why does it also have to be when I'm working?  At least the change from the last few days to the hotter phase will be smaller than it was so hopefully a little acclimation has happened!  But between the weather, the sense that August is the last month when I might have the chance to do Summer Things, and all the uncertainty and insecurity going on at NorthernUni and in the wider sector (never mind the wider world), I am feeling very unmotivated.  Any tips for keeping going when you're unmotivated but still need to make progress?  I have three weeks until my next block of leave (I booked another week off to sort out more chores, at my slow pace), and I really need to get some solid work done before then.


Given the information from the sprites and squirrels, you seem to have decided to try and take the fish to the Ladies of the Wood without killing it first, and have proposed a plan.

You can see that the stream flows downhill as it leaves the pond, and between the rocky ledges and the presence of the waterfall over rock, assuming the pond has some kind of sill keeping the water in makes a lot of sense.  Scout does have expertise with explosives, and Cornelius has some supplies and some enthusiasm.  So I think we need to do a skills check... Cornelius got an 11, Scout got a 15.  Given your existing expertise, you are feeling confident that this task requires some careful calculations but is perfectly possible.  The sprites are not quite sure they understand how you plan to move the rocks, but they suggest that they could call up a squad of sprite archers so if the fish tries to disturb you they can scare it/distract it back into the deeper water.  They tell you that they know the deepest part of the pool is near the waterfall, and it becomes shallower where the stream leaves it, and they agree that it's more important to get the fish out and save the trapped small fey, and that repairing the pond can be dealt with later.

Cornelius, Scout and Linnet will go carefully to the outlet of the pond, and watched over by a group of about a dozen circling sprites with their tiny bows and needle-sharp stone tipped arrows Scout as your explosives expert wades into the shallow water and pokes around.  You are able to work out that the lip of the basin isn't solid rock, it's made up of tumbled pieces of broken rock, and largely holding water because of the pebbles and clay and silt that has built up in the gaps.  Linnet's woodcraft helps you quickly scout out the limits of this natural dam across the pool, and work out where best to place some small charges.  Scout will get some help from Cornelius to work out exactly how to do this, and in D&D the mechanism to capture one person getting help from another is that the person doing the task gets to roll the dice twice and take the highest score - in this case I rolled an 11 and an 18.  The explosions aren't very loud, and the leaf mold is damp enough that there isn't a great cloud of dust, but a clear trench opens up in the dam and water starts the trickle then flow steadily through the new channel.  Despite warning them what to expect, several sprites embarrass themselves by being startled enough to jerk out of position or exclaim loudly in their own language, but you politely pretend not to see.

Alice and Martha meanwhile will have taken everyone's blankets and rope, found some fallen wood that seems to be quite solid (they aren't sure about cutting any fresh wood in this place), and worked together to create a fish-carrier which will hopefully work well enough.  As you wait for the water to drain, they will soak a couple of blankets to cover the fish.  As the water drains and the pool shrinks, you'll see the fish moving around in the remaining space.  The sprites will fly to the waterfall side and use their arrows, and a couple of brave dashes into action with swords, to try and drive the fish into the shallows where it can beach itself.  I rolled a 12 for them, and they are experienced with their weapons, so the fish half-beaches itself, enough for you to get close enough to throw a blanket over its head to entangle those teeth and try to drag it onto the litter.  I rolled a 1 for Cornelius, a 16 for Scout, a 9 for Linnet, a 12 for Martha and a 1 for Alice.  You all find it quite an effort, and both Cornelius and Alice get knocked into the water and bruised by the flailing fish, but after a lengthy and frustrating wrestling mtch in which you all get out of breath, muddy, and practice your vulgar vocabulary in every language you know, you have the fish secured.  

You are able to drag the bundle through the gap you made into the stream bed, and lay it there with water flowing over its gills whilst you catch your breath and the sprites have a rather fierce discussion over where the ladies might be at this time of day and phase of the moon.  They've just agreed to send a messenger to several different places when you all feel a change in the wood - the light becomes a little more dappled, a waft of petricor and honey scents the air, the small sounds of flowing water seem more musical, and the magic-users among you feel all the hairs on your body stand up as potentials move around you and three figures step out of the trunks of nearby trees.  The sprites all bow midair, and one of the figures asks in a voice beautifully strung together of leaf-rustle and bird-call and bough-creak why you have not killed the creature.

What do you do?



  • Field work accounting for all participants
  • Work on difficult paper every day, GET IT DONE!
  • Essential admin
  • Read and edit new thesis chapters
  • Exercise in some form every day
  • Real summer: read thesis chapters on deck? Anything will count…
  • I feel like I'm sucking at real summer this year... More than usual...


- swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
- finish Alms!
- create syllabus for new class
- create syllabus for other class
- Greek 1 unit
- defrack habitat as energy permits


1. Finish (??) a very rough draft of intro (it's got to be short; the rest of the manuscript is already too long)
2. Read 5 essays from the collection I'm reviewing (I've discovered that none of them [so far] presents an argument as such, which makes it easier to read them quickly)
3. Finish batch of letters for progressive political group
4. Process journal article; find reviewers for other article


1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. get electrical work done, confirm plans with gardening people.
2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, write something. 
3. teaching and administration: will largely be governed by what I find in my email! So go through my email and process everything. Three teaching preparation blocks, then reviewing where I am in terms of teaching prep versus time left.  Appraisal.
4. research: write a section for the Slowly Developing paper and attend meeting about it, if Consultancy Paper has returned to my desk see what I need to do, spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September, pick up a lot of "nag other people" threads on behalf of researchers I work with

JULIE - no check in, on holiday!  Goals listed here to ensure they get carried forward

I have four days, then we leave for a break on Friday. Away the following week, so no check-in this coming Sunday.
1. Finish working through archive material.
2. Finish reading book.
3. Send comments on dissertation proposal to student.
4. If time, read draft article for post-doc (not urgent).
5. Shopping, packing etc for trip on Friday, and for daughter's longer trip (taking her to the airport on the way back for her first solo flight)
6. Bathroom project - two meetings with plumbers.
7. Exercise


1. Archive day in dissertation city
2. Three more chapters of Famous Author
3. Finish forgotten stupid task for Big Collaboration
4. Enjoy outings at the weekend (1 concert, 1 play)
5. Meet with successor in admin role to hand over information etc.
6. Change Out of Office message to reflect sabbatical
7. Eat well/ sleep/ keep walking a lot


Prompt for TLQ - working when the motivation is off on its summer holidays, and weekly check ins
Prompt for TLQuest - what do you want to say to the Ladies?  (I'll try and add some replies in the chat...)


  1. Since I'm already kneeling in the mud and fairly covered in the stuff, at least I don't have far to go and am not really getting any filthier when I prostrate myself and start mumbling into the mud.

    I feel a nearly overwhelming compulsion to start babbling apologies for ruining the lovely pond, promises to restore it (this is what really prompts me to take a mouthful of mud, because while I absolutely intend to rebuild the dam and tidy things up, I do not want to accidentally bind all of us to putting back every tiny pebble exactly where it was before Cornelius and I started playing with black powder), and confused explanations along the lines of "Martha said the squirrels said greenery toothery two-legs and it doesn't feel like a fish to me only I'm not a magic user and I never took the leadership course and we didn't want to hurt any trapped fae and I knew we should have just gone for the goblins instead of the herbs only the sprites said there was this fish thing."

    Please, please, I'm thinking, will someone with some actual charisma step up and explain things more clearly? Or maybe one of the sprites could shoot me in the mouth. (Do it now. Don't wait till you get home.)

    1. You hear the sprite who has mostly lead the conversation with you start to speak rapidly in their own language, not the common tongue. The sprite's speech has a familiar shape, a rapid report on a field situation which is all under control.

    2. I'm not sure the sprite's version of "under control" and mine are the same, but at least someone is doing a proper report! I'm further distracted because I'm seeing something furry out of the corner of my eye . . . are the Talking Cats showing up NOW? Thinking of a nice fish steak?

    3. OOOHHH the cats!!!! Must talk to the cats... Or even just bring them nice offerings and pay attention to them...

    4. Hmmm, I wonder if the cats have an agenda here...

  2. To add to the "I am not motivated to work" vibe, we're forecast a hot week ahead, and my schedule such as it is is thrown off by having to be on campus on the "wrong days". So I will be falling back on my usual not terribly effective habits, of picking 1-3 things on the day's list which have to be done and telling myself I can give up after that if I need to, of doing things which require limited brain power, of kindness to self. Of doubling down on adding things to lists so I don't forget them or further reduce my already limited brain power by that nagging anxiety over possibly forgetting things or that I have forgotten something. Of prioritising the small things that make the next morning easier (making sure clothes are chosen and laid out ready to grab, packing my bag for on campus days, even picking out a mug and laying out the morning drink things on a work from home day) so there's fewer barriers to getting into the day. And reminding myself that I'm allowed a low productivity day or week now and then, especially in the summer when it's hot and I'm allergic to things and discombobulated.

    This week was... OK. The appraisal was more of a getting to know you chat and the new Head of School is personable (and when I went in in a respirator mask because there are too many "summer viruses" around for it to be at all normal, he pulled a mask out of his bag and offered to wear it too which was considerate). Tuesday my car went in for his annual service and roadworthyness test, and there was a tiny electrical problem which didn't cost much to fix but meant he was in the garage until Friday afternoon. Sigh! So I only went on campus once (because on Friday afternoon the centre of Northern Market Town where I live was closing down for a sporting event and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get back to my house if I went in for the afternoon - I was correct about that, but feeling VERY guilty that the week when I don't meet Interim Head's slightly arbitrary "you must be on campus two days a week every week" criterion is the first week she's on leave! Friday I had the electrical work scheduled, but the electrician had double-booked themself so we are now trying to find a different time (and they didn't realise until i contacted them which, sigh). And the forecast was promising steadily hotter and hotter weather for the days I have to be on campus in the coming week. And there were just some disappointing things and frustrating things - the big grant I'm associated with is due to start next week, already two months later than it was supposed to due to delays in the grant awarding process, but the Official Money Letter still hasn;t arrived so we can't even advertise for the researchers who are supposed to start work next week. The Faculty proposed restructuring document was circulated (promised 12th July) and it was very opaque with few answers. A coauthor on Consultancy Paper got distracted by another meeting and failed to come on a call where only they could answer the last few questions we had before moving on to the next stage. Former PDF, my hugely valued paper writing partner, has found out she has to reinterview for a job in the "revised structure" (her academic unit has been "reviewed" and 1 in 3 posts are being removed. Management have handled that by listing the posts/specialisms they think they want, and telling everyone to apply for whichever of those posts they think they want) and if unsuccessful will be out of work in October. And it just kept going...

    1. 1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. get electrical work done, confirm plans with gardening people. not quite, no, yes, I tried a couple and gave up, sort of but waiting for calls from the garage made daytime rest not really an option, no, no reply from them
      2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, write something. yes - a short game because the nibling was running late then wanted to tell me all about what they were up to in the week and the new furnishings they're accumulating to decorate their room in university halls, yes I started the extra sections I want to knit to fix the shawl, yes, no
      3. teaching and administration: will largely be governed by what I find in my email! So go through my email and process everything. Three teaching preparation blocks, then reviewing where I am in terms of teaching prep versus time left. Appraisal. yes, sort of - I did finish the prep for my honours module but it wasn't very inspired, no that would have been an end of week job got put off because of lack of motivation and brain space taken up by car worry!
      4. research: write a section for the Slowly Developing paper and attend meeting about it, if Consultancy Paper has returned to my desk see what I need to do, spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September, pick up a lot of "nag other people" threads on behalf of researchers I work with yes, no because the meeting was not this week, we had a meeting scheduled but the key person didn;t attend, no, yes. And I met both current PhD students and interviewed a student for a master's by research, and had a really affirming conversation with a colleague at a university at the other end of the UK who I've long wanted to work more closely with in which we came up with two project ideas and agreed a plan to write "pre-grant-proposal documents" for both of them as the starting point to pick one to focus on to build a team for an application - this person is someone I work with in a learned society context and is one of the VERY few people who I completely, 100% know I can rely on to either do what they said or tell me if there's a problem early and clearly

      This week we have a full day of teaching meetings - which will partly be stress-venting, partly trying to work out a coping with AI plan - which thanks to the financial crisis has no food or drink provided AND is on the what is forecast to be the hottest day of the week. I spent a chunk of time this morning making brownies to share with everyone at the breaks - I could only find one brownie tin so it took a while as I made three kinds, a vegan recipe (I think I've now found a go-to standard vegan recipe - these made slightly more than one pan's worth so I got to make myself a mini brownie bar with the bowl scrapings and it was excellently chewy and crispy), one with raspberry compote and freeze-dried raspberry pieces, and one with pecans. It was hot and I was tired, but as each batch baked I got to sit down and read at least! And then I have to do Research Excellence Framework training which feels utterly pointless and patronising (especially as I've done the same effing training every cycle, and especially as it ahs "homework", and because this feels like a particularly stupid waste of staff time given that a good chunk of us probably won't even be here come December, never mind by 2028/29 when the REF actually happens). This is going to require a lot of self-control which I am pretty short of right now, especially with the heat wave (no air conditioning here). So this is an endurance week!

      1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. reschedule electrical work done, try to schedule gardening tasks, call dentist, reschedule hospital appointment, go to physiotherapy intake appointment. (Clothes Pile of Doom gets a reprieve this week).
      2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, find a corner to read the new Penric & Desdemona story. (Writing is not going to happen outside of work and some ranty journalling)
      3. teaching and administration: survive away day. Go over plans for the rest of the summer. Do at least one teaching block.
      4. research: do homework for stupid training. Attend stupid training. Attend meeting for Slowly Developing paper (aka venting/support session as all three of us have jobs at risk), spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September and an hour on my "pre-grant documents chore list", chase up application for that masters by research student (which local academic is in charge of graduate recruitment changed lately and this was NOT a change for the better).

    3. Lowering expectations and entry bars are both very helpful approaches to motivation problems, I find. Speaking of bars, brownies for meetings are also Very Good Things, and yours sound delicious, as well as creative. It sounds like a pretty decent week, especially considering the car worries on top of the heat and the general situation at your uni.

      (I have to admit I am imagining the Clothes Pile of Doom feeling itself freed from any oversight and making plans to expand its dominion. But maybe in the process it will disgorge some very lovely and very comfortable item for you.)

    4. Love your meeting brownies!
      Good luck with sitting through the stupid training, that sounds useless and demoralizing all at once...
      Love that you are keeping nibling's D=D game going. Hope they are excited about their uni plans!

  3. Hm.... I don't think that I (speaking as Linnet) have particularly great charisma. But I've encountered creatures like this before, and I know that a) they can be dangerous, and b) they can also be more flash and fanfare than anything else. It's important to show respect without fear. So I bow but then resume eye contact, keeping a wary eye (and other senses) out for any tricks.

    Someone needs to address them, and I'm not sure that it should be me, but I'll do it if no one else steps forward....

    Last week:
    1. Finish (??) a very rough draft of intro (it's got to be short; the rest of the manuscript is already too long) - YES! I'm not sure that it does what it needs to do, but it exists, and that's something.
    2. Read 5 essays from the collection I'm reviewing (I've discovered that none of them [so far] presents an argument as such, which makes it easier to read them quickly) - YES
    3. Finish batch of letters for progressive political group - YES, last night
    4. Process journal article; find reviewers for other article - YES, and I sort of screwed up so I have too many reviewers for other article, but that's better than too few, right?

    This week:
    1. Many, many tasks to get ready for the week at the beach (defrost freezer! set up cat sitting! clean the house! pack! shop! cook!)
    2. Finish reading book and draft review
    3. Draft prologue??
    4. (Siiighhh) Help pack up retired colleague's office--it's not clear to me why this is my job, but there's no one else to do it, really, because the colleague (who retired about 3 years ago) has dementia and apparently our facilities people don't do this kind of work....
    5. A couple of fun things with friends (lunch on Tuesday, a drink with my erstwhile Italian professor/colleague/hopefully new friend on Wednesday).

    1. Such a lot of yes! Go you! I hope this week goes well. You get brownie points for the office-packing job, and I hope your social events are lots of fun!

    2. Good luck with trip tasks! Good to have fun things with friends scheduled.

    3. Lots of yes, and what a pain about the office packing...

    4. Linnet doesn't have much charisma to humans maybe but I think her love and affinity for the woods is clear to the Ladies, and will help to incline them favourably towards the party.

  4. Alice is definitely a follower. She's covered with mud, and she is in no position to explain the decisions of those she sees as leaders (Cornelius, Scout, and Linnet) to anyone. So she will sit there in the mud, with the blanket covering the fish, and say nothing. She has long learned that given a choice, silence is the best strategy.

    Getting things done when unmotivated? I'm a big fan of the eating the elephant advice: one bite at a time. Some days, it's just a bite, some days it's a meal. Feeling that I've done anything useful helps me do something useful the next day...

    How I did:
    1. Archive day in dissertation city YES
    2. Three more chapters of Famous Author YES
    3. Finish forgotten stupid task for Big Collaboration YES
    4. Enjoy outings at the weekend (1 concert, 1 play) YES
    5. Meet with successor in admin role to hand over information etc. YES
    6. Change Out of Office message to reflect sabbatical YES
    7. Eat well/ sleep/ keep walking a lot YES

    That was a good week, or else they were good goals. I have (as of just now) more or less finished the revisions to Famous Author, though I have to go to another library tomorrow to finish some odds and ends. I meet on zoom with an editor on Thursday, so I will be ready for that.
    My day in dissertation city was good, and since the stuff I actually needed to look at was really limited, I started looking at another set of documents I'd worked on. I consulted with a friend, because we've talked for years about doing an edition of them, and that may be a good retirement project. And I got totally lost, walked a lot (and it was hot) and also had tea with people I hadn't seen for maybe 20+ years. So it was good.
    Big Collaboration task is more or less done, and we will meet with the boss editor later this week. My guess is that there will be dribs and drabs of this left, but we're just about to go into production, so .. .
    I AM ON SABBATICAL. I spent two hours with my successor, and went over everything, and have answered a few questions on email, but my out of office message is on, and it's not my problem!
    Lovely concert, and great performance of the play. Lots of walking yesterday, which was hot and tiring, but basically a good day. Even got to an exhibit I wanted to see.

    In the week ahead I'm going to change gears, and start working on the new project. I found out about a dissertation I want to read, and have written the author, but they are an ECR, and have been moving around. A little anxious about that.

    1. Do final revisions on Famous Author, get as much of Further Reading set up as possible, as many details...
    2. Start identifying sources for new project (at least one day)
    3. Have some fun, get in touch with people I need to contact
    4. Eat/ sleep/ keep walking

    Next Sunday I leave for a few days in a tourist city with my sister, who has never been there. That should be both fun and challenging, because over time the things that annoy me about my beloved sister do get more annoying. So I may not check in...

    1. Another great lot of yes! Good goals, hmm, must think about that, as I am definitely seeing the same ones in my posts week after week. I hope this week's goals are as good as the last batch.

    2. YAY for officially being on sabbatical!!
      So impressed with all the academic and cultural and fun people things you are doing, something to celebrate!

    3. Good goals make for a good week, and this sounds like a fantastic week, especially the Handing Over Of Role and putting on the out of office message!

    4. Alice's silence should impress the Ladies with her appropriate humility...

    5. Oooh sabbatical! Hooray!

  5. In actual real life, I may be acquiring another cat, a tabby we've been seeing in the yard for some months now, more frequently lately. Last night she turned up meowing at the back door. We held the line overnight, hoping she'd go home (she has always been wary but friendly, regarding proffered food politely but not with great interest, and seems young and healthy), but when she was there again this morning, also damp because it rained last night, I offered food and she ate like she was really hungry. Now she's in our guest room. Basement Cat is being surprisingly chill with this development (he has always dreamed of being an only child), so we'll see.

    My ideas on motivation when yours has got up and gone are pretty much those JaneB has already listed. I should get the stillroom working on Motivation Mix to go with Bugge Spray.

    How I did:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4. YES to all, did yoga outside twice, which was nice.
    - finish Alms! STILL IN PROGRESS, but progressing.
    - create syllabus for new class: ditto
    - create syllabus for other class: ditto
    - Greek 1 unit: NO
    - defrack habitat as energy permits: NO
    ALSO: made an appointment I've been putting off; cut my hair; made up a work/exercise schedule for the fall that I think is realistic but who knows. I'm feeling a little panicky, as classes start in four weeks and it feels like WAY too soon.

    New goals, mostly the same:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
    - finish Alms!
    - create syllabus for new class
    - create syllabus for other class
    - Greek 1 unit
    - defrack habitat as energy permits
    - dentist (again!)
    - vet appt for New(?) Cat

    1. awwww new kitty!! Hope adjustment goes ok...
      I cannot contemplate syllabi yet, I will implode if I add that to my brain right now so hats off for doing something about that early... Yay for Alms progress!

    2. Yay for new kitty. But so sorry they are hungry and homeless. And glad to see progress on so much...

    3. Oooh new kitty! Once they got rained on, clearly they had to come in. I hope it all goes well... and yes, the stillroom should have a go at Motivation Mixx

    4. Please all cross your fingers for us! The cat is chipped (done by a feral rescue org) and registered to a business 20 miles away. We very much hope that she was placed as a semi-feral mouser and that the business will sign her over to us, but no one was answering the phone there this afternoon and the vet we saw sent us home with the cat. It's possible that someone associated with the business took her home as a pet, in which case it seems like they'd be more likely to want her back than would a business from which she's gone AWOL. But she wants us and we want her!

    5. We have a cat! The business building was demolished and she was left homeless! But she's home now. I'm so glad she chose us. I would not have gone out looking for a cat, as we decided years ago it was too hard on Basement Cat, but since he gave the nod, it seems we are fated to have this one.

    6. YAY!!!!! So glad kitty has a new home!!!
      Definitely looks like fate, she ended up where she needed to be...

    7. Congratulations to you all! The cat distribution system was working just as it's supposed to, nice to know some part of the world is still functioning.

  6. Cornelius is squelching around in the mud, but wouldn’t mind talking to the Ladies. He is decent at talking to humanoids, and exudes a “little bit crap but tries really hard” vibe that most people find reassuring and definitely not intimidating or threatening. Also hard to be threatened or intimidated by wet, muddy, slightly dizzy robe-wearing monk… Mind you, with his current record of success some moral support would be wise… He thinks being 100% honest with them is the best option, we have nothing to hide and have no nefarious plans. Maybe that is naïve but he’s a bad liar so…?

    IRL: right now unmotivated is my default state… Bribery of the “finish this then you get to go make coffee” type works ok, also rewarding myself (more celebratory than bribes) so got outdoor theater tickets for finishing revisions on the frankenpaper from hell… Panic at deadlines is also very helpful. It really helps to have an inventory of small tasks on paper lists that can be satisfyingly and defiantly crossed off (sometimes I use a red sharpie just for that!) and crumpled up before chucking into recycling bin when complete.

    Last week’s goals
    Field work accounting for all participants DID IT!!!!
    Work on difficult paper every day, GET IT DONE! DONE!!!!!!!!!!
    Essential admin ONGOING
    Read and edit new thesis chapters SOME
    Exercise in some form every day HAHAHAHA NOTHING
    Real summer: read thesis chapters on deck? Anything will count… MEH…

    This week’s goals
    Field work with students
    Proofread and submit difficult paper
    Book two short camping trips for me and kid
    Read and edit thesis proposal
    Read and edit new thesis chapters
    Real summer: two outdoor theater shows, yay!

    1. Well, you got some things that have been hanging over you DONE. And it's summer. I keep reminding myself that we are *supposed* to take vacation. (Mine has been odd days here and there, but still, a break!)

    2. celebratory rewards for the win! It is summer... and doing the accounting sounds like a really big win (if only because the systems are so tedious yet need a lot of careful attention...).

    3. When the sprites have finished talking, the party will feel the Ladies' attention fall on them. Cornelius, it seems to me, is the kind of person who might respond to the sense of pressure with a dorky little wave and a "hi, um, we thought this would work? To get the fish out? Because it, um, wasn't in the right place?"

    4. Totally nailed Cornelius, that is exactly how he would say it :)
