the grid

the grid

Sunday 21 July 2024

2024 Session 2: TLQuest week 10

 Hello everyone from a (hopefully only briefly) very hot UK.  I'm aware our hot is many others' lovely mild day, but between the humidity and the way our architecture is not designed for this, it's been A Bit Much (even Shoutypants the cat has been taking long naps during the day, and making up for it with heat-energised running around busily in the night).  So let's talk about some practical stuff this week - when the weather is tropical (or otherwise the least work-inspiring summer conditions for you), and your animal instincts are to lie in a hammock with a cold beverage under a tree until later, but you're supposed to work, how do you make that happen?  Do you change when you work, where you work, what you work on, or tweak the details of your work environment whether that's a fancy beverage or sitting with your feet on a cooling gel pad designed for pets?  

Oh, and a second question: is there still interest in trying to arrange a virtual write-in this summer?  If so, can you indicate which weeks and which days of the week are either good or no-go for you, so I can do a quick check of what might be possible?


You're all currently lurking some distance from the pool, quietly watching to see if anything happens.  When Scout tossed in the different pieces of food, the fish snatched all three with the same agressive, toothy lunge, which definitely inspired you to back off and have a think.  Martha and Linnet will very quietly move a bit further away from the pool and see if they can find anyone to talk to, whilst Scout and Alice keep an eye on the water and Cornelius has his scary nap experience.  

Martha is looking for some small creature to talk to - I rolled a 12 on the d20, and since Martha has specific skills in this area, it only takes a few minutes for Martha to spot a squirrel, and given her abilities she quickly has half a dozen of them in the tree above her all eager to tell their version of the News Of The Week.  Amongst a lot of squirrel extended family gossip, observations on the weather and the quality of the potential Autumn food surge, a particularly reckless adolescent squirrel will tell her how he saw the "greenery toothery two leggers" carrying a wriggling bundle of canvas towards the pool, stopping to dunk it in the stream several times.  He thinks they buried it as they didn't have it later and he supposes they had a good digging place in mind.  He's rather vague about how long ago it was, but it was some time since the last crop of babies arrived, so quite recently.

Linnet will have gently cast "animal friendship" to help the conversation along, then backed off to give Martha some space and, honestly, because the gossip and chatter of half a dozen squirrels given a new audience is really quite a lot to put up with.  Whilst she's sitting quietly on a large, twisted root, extending her senses into the vibrant wood, a pair of sprites will alight next to her.  "We notice you're not doing anything about the fish yet" one says, "do you doubt our word about it being a problem?  Or are you afraid?"  Linnet will politely reply that you don't want to make anything worse, so are trying to collect more information about the situation.  I'm going to roll a d20 dice to see how much Linnet knows about Sprites specifically - she got a 17, and as a druid and woodland dweller, that is high enough that I think she must have actually had a neighbourly relationship with sprites near her remote cottage.  Linnet is well aware that Sprites are unusually "strait-laced" for fey; they pride themselves on their honour and act as border patrol and protector of their communities, and whilst they do sometimes play tricks on humans they are never malicious or harmful.  

The two sprites look at each other, then the other one says "assuming some of the people you travel with are ignorant, we will not at this point be insulted.  Pray assure them that our nature is highly honourable, unlike some of our fey brethren, and tell them that this fish appeared in our pool all unexpected two moons ago. It must have been brought or magicked, the small folk of the waters would have seen it growing and dealt with it appropriately if it were a natural beast.  The naiads were able to move out along the stream, but are in much distress as the fish ate several of the small fey and of their pet frogs before they realised it was there, and there are still small fey trapped in their underwater nests.  As we said, at the behest of the Ladies we are designing a raid to destroy the creature, there is not enough food for it and it is too dangerous to stay in the pool, but the peoples we can call on here are mostly not fighterly, and we prefer not to jump into its jaws with no chance of success." Linnet will thank them for the information, and ask if there were any outsiders in the area before the fish appeared, since the sprites will surely have noted any movements through their territory.  The two Sprites will look at each other again, and their wings droop a little. "The naiads saw the pair who were patrolling this area fall victim to the fish, defending the small fey, before they were able to report - they may have known more.  All we can tell you is that we have not had a powerful magic-user through the woods for months, that we can state with confidence, but small groups of disorderly humans or goblins pass through quite often, restless creatures that they are, and last winter there was an orc band."  Linnet will assure the Sprites that she will share this information and that she believes the group may be able to help.

Pooling your information, it seems like it's in everyone's interests to take action - Cornelius' dream interaction may have been with the small fey trapped in the lake, "greenery toothery two leggers" is a pretty good description of goblins for a squirrel, and the fish is clearly not going to be able to live in the pool long term or escape on its own.  So, what are your next steps?



None (other than surviving woods and brooks)


- swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
- finish Alms!
- create syllabus for new class
- re-read conference paper, think about expansion
- Greek 1 unit
- dentist
- defrack habitat


1. Intro work: Do at least two of the four tasks I've written out for myself.
2. Read part of an Italian novel.
3. Start reading essay collection for review.
4. Look at Festschrift document, at least.
5. Email grad student to check in about progress.


1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. Attend eye clinic for lenses, meet with possible garden person, meet with employment counsellor, try to progress one other house project.
2. fun: play D&D, crochet some, draw something, read a lot of somethings, do some paintgemming, write something. Main goal for this second week of annual leave is to do something enjoyable or at least that induces a flow state of mind every day.
3. teaching and administration: NOTHING
4. research: NOTHING


1. Plan for rest of session: read through notes, work out priorities, request readings through ILL.
2. Read at least one book/equivalent articles
3. Work through some archive material related to the article I just submitted abstract for (needs doing even if abstract isn't accepted).
4. Keep email to essentials only.
5. Meetings: 1 x post doc, 1 x PhD student, 1 x difficult undergrad, 1 x university PR (with people from Spanish consulate - not quite sure what I'm supposed to be contributing, but involves fancy lunch and some citizenship points)
6. Bathroom project
7. Life admin: birthday presents for niece and nephew, hairdresser, various extra-curricular stuff for son, kit daughter out for trip with friends in two weeks.


1. The rest of today is fun: going to an exhibit that is vaguely work related, then to see Kiss Me Kate, one of my favorite musicals.
2. Three more chapters of Famous Author, and check the references I've got at Big Library.
3. Follow up with editors
4. Start on forgotten task for Big Collaboration, and see whether we need more help.
5. Keep reading for fun
6. Visits with people
7. Any admin stuff that needs doing...


for real life TLQ - goal check-in and working when the weather is not helping tips/habits

and are you interested in a "write-in" and if so, which week day/week(s) work well or badly for you between now and the end of August? 

for TLQuest: now you can see the big fish, what do you want to do next?  See what you can recall or deduce (effectively ask the DM for more information!)?  Launch into action?


  1. Working when the weather doesn't help: if I have CONTROL of my time then I tend to shift when I work to when I have brain-energy - I am naturally low-energy in the afternoons, and hot weather makes that worse. Ideally I like to work into the night. If I have to do stuff in the day then I use all the usual, fans and closing blinds/curtains, but I tend to feel shut in and very AWARE of the brightness and heat outside regardless and the fan annoys me even as it cools me. I do find changing up my scene-setting can help - changing music to something which goes with soupy hot weather (for me this year that's Ella Fitzgerald or the Dead South) or has momentum, making a seasonal drink with lots of ice and a straw, having a snack like frozen grapes or raspberries, keeping my chocolate in the fridge, and changing up the colours or layouts I use in my notebooks (for some reason I like to switch to a sort of almondy highlighter colour and use a lot of greens for underlining etc. in the summer), and doing some minimal goal setting - if I just do these two smallish things (a paragraph, a reply) then I have done what is NEEDED today and the rest can follow or not. I do also find if I can use really hot weather as reading time, that goes well, somehow taking in and processing information is more compatible with the general summer than other kinds of work. Oh, and the biggest tip - accepting that rest/recreation is important too, planning that around the forecast where I can, and just taking time to enjoy what I can of the weather... it was 'orrible soupy here the last three days, but there were bats hunting outside my window in the hour after dusk, and Shoutypants the cat came up with some adorably impossible sprawling cat-postures whilst sleeping in the sun, and Past Jane had the sense to throw some kiddies yoghurt tubes and smoothie pouches into the freezer so that Hot Jane had some healthy and delicious "ice lollies" to hand!

    I would be interested to try & arrange writing time; I'm on British Summer Time and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays are normally the better days for me to take part (Tu and Wed are my normal work from home days). Happy to do some arranging if we find a time!

    This past week was a bit derailed by a lot of "waiting mode" not getting things done - on Monday I had an eye clinic appointment for late afternoon (all went well but that was a day gone), Tuesday I had counselling and a quote for work on the yard which involved waiting for a call as to when they could pop in between jobs, Wednesday I met with an employment advisor who specialises in supporting neurodivergent people (and has worked both in academic services at the university and as a lecturer in HE-at-FE (which I guess is sort of like community college)) which went very well but between counselling and this meeting, my "I'm surprisingly calm about all the chaos at work" feelings started to morph into "I am a raging sea of feelings and can't even name them all but they are not pleasant". Then Thursday to Saturday was a mini heat wave which, naturally, really messed up my sleep on top of the rest of it. So whilst it was a week of no work, it felt less like actual leave and I didn't get a lot of things properly done.

    1. 1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. Attend eye clinic for lenses, meet with possible garden person, meet with employment counsellor, try to progress one other house project. I'll probably hit 50% done by the end of today, no, hopefully two days with today as one of them, no, yes, yes, yes, and have a time booked for an electrician to replace some eldery rocker switches and install new lighting in my kitchen this coming week. I also did some (I think necessary) shopping for supplies for hobby stuff, snack bars to take to work (tasty, filling, healthy, and easy to eat quickly to minimise mask off time or outdoors in the rain time), reading glasses (I only need the basic magnifying ones, and only in poor light/for small print, but I am already expert at mislaying them so thank GOODNESS they are cheap and I could get a multipack), N95 masks for once the students are back etc.)
      2. fun: play D&D, crochet some, draw something, read a lot of somethings, do some paintgemming, write something. Main goal for this second week of annual leave is to do something enjoyable or at least that induces a flow state of mind every day. I'm playing in about half an hour, no, yes, yes, yes, yes if you count working out the general shape of the rest of this D&D arc with nibling - the DM doesn't plot what the players do, but does plot what is going on in the world they are interacting with, so in our TLQuest I needed to know what's going on with Silas and with the fey inhabitants of DarkThorn Wood, and in the longer, more labyrinthine game with nibling I needed to lay out what all the different factions will be doing whilst the main calamity is unfolding - the patrician of the city has decided that the city needs to have a wild dragon bonded to it for its protection, and has recruited the services of some rather dubious people to make this happen which is as dumb an idea as it sounds, and is creating all sorts of magical side effects - and work out the details of the interactions the player plans to have e.g. they said I'm going to check out the mercenary camp outside the city so I need to have a plan of the camp and some idea of the people they'll encounter there and what they will know about what is going on and what they will currently be doing themselves before the player's character arrives), YES to the overall goal
      3. teaching and administration: NOTHING did check email again (no news of course) and respond to a couple of urgent things e.g. a grad student needed a signature on a form, and will be doing some planning tonight for the work week ahead, but otherwise yes
      4. research: NOTHING yes

      Back to work, and I have my appraisal with the new Head of School on the first day... twitch!
      1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, sort the Clothes Pile Of Doom, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. get electrical work done, confirm plans with gardening people.
      2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, write something. 3. teaching and administration: will largely be governed by what I find in my email! So go through my email and process everything. Three teaching preparation blocks, then reviewing where I am in terms of teaching prep versus time left.
      4. research: write a section for the Slowly Developing paper and attend meeting about it, if Consultancy Paper has returned to my desk see what I need to do, spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September, pick up a lot of "nag other people" threads on behalf of researchers I work with

    2. Fingers crossed for a good result on the meeting with the new Head of School! It sounds like you had a productive week. It is definitely hard to go from "calm/numb" to "feeling the feelings and they feel like shit," but it's probably better to unearth them than to have them sabotage you when you're not looking, so it sounds like the employment advisor and counseling meetings both were helpful . . . but I can imagine that the emerging feelings just made the heat effects feel worse. And it's good you took care of the eye appointment and got the electricians scheduled!

    3. Sounds like you got things done, but a shame that leave turned into admin tasks. Echoing Dame Eleanor on the meeting and on the feelings - hope they don't become overwhelming.

    4. Hope the meetings went ok and getting back to research stuff has been rewarding.
      I just love your D+D imagination and all the cool things you build into all your games! Very in awe!

    5. Yes, I'm amazed at how much work and creativity being a DM takes! That sounds like a really satisfying place to rest your mind (or work your mind, rather) when other tasks aren't cutting it.

  2. I knew we should have just gone for the goblins in the first place.

    But I'm glad we found out more, because of the small trapped fae who probably wouldn't survive if we just dynamited the fish. Either we rescue them first (somehow), or we have to go fishing. Since I'm not getting any "animal" vibes from the Thing, I still think it's a shapeshifted Something Sapient, but who knows what---could be a goblin or orc just as easily as anything else. It's interesting that it was transportable in a large wet cloth roll; we could probably come up with something similar and deliver it to the Ladies alive(ish), but first we have to get it out of the pool without getting ourselves chewed up.

    What sort of fish-raid do the sprites have in mind? I'm perfectly willing to take direction from them if they're willing to advise! I am a little disappointed that Cornelius and I can't just blow something up . . . but that gives me an idea: maybe we don't have to go fishing, maybe we could drain the pond? That depends on the specific geography of it, of course, but if there's anything like a dam at the outlet end, maybe we could destroy that, leave the fish stranded in the stream, throw a tent or blanket over it, and haul it out.

  3. On dealing with summer, I doubt I'll be much help, as I live in an area that is well (indeed sometimes over) equipped with air conditioning, so it's always possible to install myself somewhere cool. One of the things I like about the community college campus where I've been working in the past week is that it is not over-air conditioned, so there isn't the extreme contrast between inside and outside that happens in, for example, grocery stores and many cafes.

    About timing the writing retreat, I have appointments in the afternoons of the 23rd and 31st, but am otherwise pretty open.

    How I did:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4: YES, YES, x2 I think (once outside, which was lovely)
    - finish Alms! NO but PROGRESS; I'm working on a complicated bit of "theorizing" which is not an area that comes naturally to me.
    - create syllabus for new class: NO but PROGRESS (reading, thinking, coming up with questions/themes)
    - re-read conference paper, think about expansion: YES.
    - Greek 1 unit: HALF, again. For awhile, Greek was my getting-started ritual, but now that I'm working elsewhere, it tends to get neglected b/c I don't want to haul extra books around.
    - dentist: YES, twice b/c the temporary crown broke after two days!
    - defrack habitat: NO. I felt well most of the week but have not had much sleep or any energy this weekend; our evenings were going to the Tour de France.
    ALSO: bought new pillows, got a massage after first dentist appointment, went to mystery book group, had dinner with friends last night. Reina caught a mouse: left parts that Sir John cleaned up, then threw up the rest of it so I could have some fun, too.

    New goals:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
    - finish Alms!
    - create syllabus for new class
    - create syllabus for other class
    - Greek 1 unit
    - defrack habitat as energy permits

    1. The Tour does tend to soak up evenings! We watch the highlights, but son has also been watching after getting home from school, which is an added distraction. But it was a good Tour - so pleased Cav got his stage win and that Girmay and Carapaz had their victories. I was sorry for Jonas not being on form, as it felt like less of a contest than other years, and he's more modest and likeable than Pogacar. But still fun to watch.

    2. So considerate of Reina to spread the joy of mouse-cleaning to everyone in the house... I laughed very hard at that!

    3. CATS! What little bundles of joy they are. (That's mostly not sarcastic, of course--and I'm typing this with one hand half under Clovis right now).

    4. How kind of Reina! Over-airconditioning can be very unpleasant - when I lived near the Great Lakes, I needed to keep almost winter level cosy clothes at work in summer because of the air conditioning. The huge swings from indoor to outdoor temperature were no fun, they upset my stomach!

  4. Martha's ears are ringing after squirrel chatter, but she's pleased she got some useful info. She's worried draining the pool might have adverse consequences for any other creatures that might possible have survived the fish, but maybe if they drain away some of the water, they can trap the fish in the shallows without causing too much damage. Perhaps they could stun in for long enough to get a harness round it?

  5. It was very warm here Friday and Saturday. It being too hot to work isn't a problem we often have to deal with, thankfully. I try to shift working hours if I can, so early in the morning and then anywhere I can get a breeze going, either with open windows or a fan. And cool showers. Luckily our garden is overshadowed by the neighbour's trees, which most of the time is annoying and potentially illegal, but on hot days does mean there is plenty of shade. I did manage to read outside for a while, which was better than at my desk.

    Last week:
    1. Plan for rest of session: read through notes, work out priorities, request readings through ILL. - YES (now have a lot of readings to request)
    2. Read at least one book/equivalent articles - 3 articles, started book.
    3. Work through some archive material related to the article I just submitted abstract for (needs doing even if abstract isn't accepted).- PROGRESS
    4. Keep email to essentials only. - YES
    5. Meetings: 1 x post doc, 1 x PhD student, 1 x difficult undergrad, 1 x university PR (with people from Spanish consulate - not quite sure what I'm supposed to be contributing, but involves fancy lunch and some citizenship points) - YES (more a therapy session), YES (very well), NO (claimed to have food poisoning), YES (made awkward small talk, but earned good citizen points)
    6. Bathroom project - made two appointments
    7. Life admin: birthday presents for niece and nephew, hairdresser, various extra-curricular stuff for son, kit daughter out for trip with friends in two weeks. - MOSTLY

    This week:
    I have four days, then we leave for a break on Friday. Away the following week, so no check-in this coming Sunday.
    1. Finish working through archive material.
    2. Finish reading book.
    3. Send comments on dissertation proposal to student.
    4. If time, read draft article for post-doc (not urgent).
    5. Shopping, packing etc for trip on Friday, and for daughter's longer trip (taking her to the airport on the way back for her first solo flight)
    6. Bathroom project - two meetings with plumbers.
    7. Exercise

    I would love to join a virtual writing session. I'm not around next week, but if August works, then the only days I currently definitely can't do is Friday 9th. Monday 12th I couldn't do the morning, but imagine we're looking at afternoon/evening UK time to fit in with the US anyway? As far as times go, 6-8 pm UK time is tricky, but not necessarily impossible with some advance warning. I wouldn't mind an hour or so after 8 pm UK time, but I'm not good at late-night working any more.

    1. We don't necessarily have to all be on at the same time. OTOH since Susan is in England instead of on West Coast time, it might be possible: I'm now the earliest of all of us, six hours different from the UK. Or Susan, JaneB, and Julie, all on UK time, could be one subset of the writing retreat, and then the North Americans, who span two hours (maritimes, Eastern, Central) could be a second subset.

    2. Have a fantastic break! Hope it is beautiful and restorative and fun.

  6. Alice is paying attention to what's going on. She doesn't really understand about the goblins and sprites (she's very down to earth) but she has practical skills. She can see how they could dam the entrance to the pool to partially drain it, and she's willing to help with that if that's the decision. And she could, of course, help drag the fish in a big cloth or some such: she's strong.

    Heat: Friday was VERY hot here, though hot in London is not hot for my home in California, where it was 41 (105 F or so) over the weekend. Like Dame Eleanor, I mostly live with air conditioning at home. For outdoor exercise, we go out in the morning, when it is much cooler. Here, when it's hot, the key is the fan I bought a few years ago when it hit 40 degrees...

    How I did:
    1. The rest of today is fun: going to an exhibit that is vaguely work related, then to see Kiss Me Kate, one of my favorite musicals. YES -
    2. Three more chapters of Famous Author, and check the references I've got at Big Library. YES
    3. Follow up with editors ONE just followed up with me/ not the other
    4. Start on forgotten task for Big Collaboration, and see whether we need more help. ALMOST DONE, I THINK
    5. Keep reading for fun YES
    6. Visits with people YES
    7. Any admin stuff that needs doing... YES

    I left out the dissertation defense, which took time both preparing for it and doing it. But it was a good week: two visits to the theatre (In addition to Kiss me Kate, a production of The Secret Garden outdoors), I got to see my sister for dinner before she took off on her adventures (blessedly not affected by the computer meltdown.) The friend I went to Kiss Me Kate with is someone I've known but not well for years, and it was a really nice afternoon getting to know each other in new ways. I did a lot of walking, including a lovely walk along the canal in London yesterday, followed by tapas and a paella. And I'm down three more chapters in Famous Author, so...

    Now I just need to not spend too much time trying to read tea leaves about US politics, which kept me up much too late last night.

    Tomorrow I'm going to the city where I did my dissertation research 45 years ago, checking a few references for myself and some colleagues. In addition to the archival work, which will not take very long (I need to photograph stuff), I'm going to be tourist there for the first time in a long time. And also see someone who worked in the archives back when I was there!

    Week ahead:
    1. Archive day in dissertation city
    2. Three more chapters of Famous Author
    3. Finish forgotten stupid task for Big Collaboration
    4. Enjoy outings at the weekend (1 concert, 1 play)
    5. Meet with successor in admin role to hand over information etc.
    6. Change Out of Office message to reflect sabbatical
    7. Eat well/ sleep/ keep walking a lot

    Would love a writing retreat day: I'm free any time next week, and in August I'd be free the 8-9, or 12-13. Then I go home and chaos returns.

    1. Oh, clever: yes, if there's no dam at the exit to blow up, we might be able to construct one at the inlet instead! I like the way Alice thinks.

      I am very much enjoying your accounts of things you're doing in the UK! Have fun revisiting your archive!

    2. I also love hearing about your UK activities, it is inspiring me to start dreaming of actual away-sabbatical in the somewhat distant future!

  7. Quest plans: Cornelius is definitely in favour of the partial-pond-draining and roll-fish-in-sheet plan. Maybe something else needs blowing up later on in the mission?

    IRL: I am no help with summer – I love heat, 30 C is my happy place and I get happier for every degree it goes up… I do have a hard time working inside when it is nice, so bribery in the form of ice-cold drinks on deck while working (printing out things to read/edit helps) is always a good thing. For field days it is not like there are options, if the weather is not dangerous (thunder and lightning is about all we stop for…) so we work as scheduled, but on hot days we try to stop for ice cream on the way back to camp if we are anywhere near gas stations or shops.

    Write-in: would love to – I am home all week July 22-26, and on July 29 and 30, but then it is back to field work. And I’m desperately trying to plan an actual holiday between August 4-9, so the week of August 12-16 is about all I am guaranteed to be home for in August. Maybe 19-23 as well, I had plans but US politics killed those so maybe home, maybe camping, who knows.. So don't work around me for sure :)

    This week’s goals
    Field work accounting for all participants
    Work on difficult paper every day, GET IT DONE!
    Essential admin
    Read and edit new thesis chapters
    Exercise in some form every day
    Real summer: read thesis chapters on deck? Anything will count…
    I feel like I'm sucking at real summer this year... More than usual...

    1. I also like heat as long as it's not really humid, but where I live it often is 'orrible soupy, as JaneB put it. And last week we had a severe thunderstorm, with a nearby electrical thingy on pole shooting out sparks, late at night . . . it was hard to get to sleep after that. Oddly, we didn't lose power till well after the thingy finally burned itself out, but then it was gone for a couple of hours and I woke up when lights came back on and the fridge alarm (i lost power, oh noes!!) went off. I'm sorry our politics killed your plans! Good luck with your difficult paper.

    2. My happy place is about 14-18 degrees C with a bit of a breeze, or anything about about 8 with a light rain. I know I'm weird...

  8. Linnet is on board with the partial-drain-and-wrap plan. She's not really a fan of major violence or explosions, although there is something tempting in the prospect of a single big blast. She's really curious now about what exactly this thing IS--but fear of getting her legs (or worse) bitten off is quite a bit stronger than the curiosity, at the end of the day.

    Last week:
    Visiting my parents was fine, but I didn't get a lot done. This was a pretty light list.
    1. Intro work: Do at least two of the four tasks I've written out for myself. - YES
    2. Read part of an Italian novel. - YES
    3. Start reading essay collection for review. - YES
    4. Look at Festschrift document, at least. - NO!
    5. Email grad student to check in about progress. - YES, took all of 2 minutes, why did I even put this on the list? (To make myself do it, of course.)

    This week:
    1. Finish (??) a very rough draft of intro (it's got to be short; the rest of the manuscript is already too long)
    2. Read 5 essays from the collection I'm reviewing (I've discovered that none of them [so far] presents an argument as such, which makes it easier to read them quickly)
    3. Finish batch of letters for progressive political group
    4. Process journal article; find reviewers for other article

    Heat.... Our basement stays pretty cool, so I can always go down there, but yeah, like many Americans, we have ready access to air conditioning. I don't like using it too much at home because I start to feel cooped up, but getting the humidity out of the air can make SUCH a difference! And sometimes I just give in to the not-working vibe of a really hot day. What are you going to do.

    1. I'm glad you were able to have a light work week and be present with your parents. That sounds like a good Real Summer thing!

      Who even writes an essay without an argument? Maybe I don't want to know!
