the grid

the grid

Sunday 4 August 2024

2024 Session 2: TLQuest week 12

Wow, it's really been a week of challenging news and challenging weather.  This is not good for my motivation!  And August to me is always an odd month - it is clearly still summer, but it's also a season of fading and change, as the leaves go dusty then start to turn, nuts swell and berries form, harvests come in and back to school signs flourish.  Even in England, where children have barely started their summer holidays & don't go back until September, and university years start around the equinox, August has a weary-of-this, drifting towards change feel to it.  And this session of TLQ has only two more weeks left to run!

So before the new academic year gets too attention-demanding, let's think about ways to make the most of the summer that we still have - are there a couple of summer bucket list items that you want to prioritise in August?  Things you do to capture a taste of summer for later in the year?  My mum, despite her age and arthritis, always spends a good chunk of time in August jam-making and bottling (canning in US speak) tomato sauce, because home-made strawberry, raspberry or blackcurrant jam or sauce made from the garden is summer whatever the time of year.  Or one or two work things which are also summer treats, and carry the pleasures of the season into the rest of the year?


Last week you extracted the fish from the pond and had it wrapped in blankets in the stream, and then the Ladies of the Wood arrived.  You all tried to show appropriately respectful attitudes whilst one of the Sprites gave a report (you assume - you don't know the language they used).  When the sprites finished talking, the party felt the Ladies' attention fall on them. Cornelius responded to the sense of pressure with a dorky little wave and a "hi, um, we thought this would work? To get the fish out? Because it, um, wasn't in the right place?"  

"Indeed it was not, monk, and not there by any natural or well-intentioned means.  To kill it here might foul the stream further" It's not clear which Lady is speaking to you, or which is also talking to the Sprite in that other language - a small detachment of Sprites dart away purposefully as they finish speaking.  One of the Ladies drifts over to view the state of the dam, another gives the fish a firm kick that shudders the whole wrapped package, and a third crouches down by the pond, making chirping sounds as several small and bedraggled fey creatures cautiously creep out of the water onto the muddy slabs exposed by the lower water or cling to the stems of the irises and cheep or speak back at the high edge of hearing.  You will also be uncomfortably aware that one of the cats is eyeing up the sprites with interest and the occasional wiggle.

After a few minutes, the Ladies will reconvene, stare at each other for a few moments, then turn to you and speak.  "We accept that you intended to do us a service, and you have certainly drawn our attention.  We had noted the lateness of the herb collector, and see you are his agents, and not yourselves ill-intentioned.  But you have wielded the iron world's foulness against our wood, the black-of-heart powder, and that colours our considerations".

At this point, the Talking Cats suddenly freeze, then start to look Very Nonchalent.  The Ladies are looking at something behind you, and if you follow their gaze you will see three great cat-like creatures, sleekly black although the sun dapples call out a starlings-wing corruscation of colour from their pelts, with fine tentacles shifting in an almost prehensile way where the Talking Cats have whiskers, stepping out of the woods to position themselves around the wrapped fish.  Their air of competent lethality makes all of you instinctively freeze, but they ignore you.  As soon as they have dragged the fish a few feet away from the stream the wood seems to wrap itself around them and they and the fish fade from view in what magic users will recognise as localised teleportation magic.

The Ladies continue to talk.  "To restore balance between us, restoring the level of the pond would level the scales for one thing, and we will send a guide with you to collect all the plants you asked for in reasonable measure for the other.  Is this acceptable, or is there some other boon you would have of us or offer to us?"

How do you respond?


Field work with students
Proofread and submit difficult paper
Book two short camping trips for me and kid
Read and edit thesis proposal
Read and edit new thesis chapters
Real summer: two outdoor theater shows, yay!

DAME ELEANOR HULL (and New Cat, welcome New Cat!)
- swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
- finish Alms!
- create syllabus for new class
- create syllabus for other class
- Greek 1 unit
- defrack habitat as energy permits
- dentist (again!)
- vet appt for New(?) Cat

HEU MIHI (may have departed for beach?)
1. Many, many tasks to get ready for the week at the beach (defrost freezer! set up cat sitting! clean the house! pack! shop! cook!)
2. Finish reading book and draft review
3. Draft prologue??
4. (Siiighhh) Help pack up retired colleague's office--it's not clear to me why this is my job, but there's no one else to do it, really, because the colleague (who retired about 3 years ago) has dementia and apparently our facilities people don't do this kind of work....
5. A couple of fun things with friends (lunch on Tuesday, a drink with my erstwhile Italian professor/colleague/hopefully new friend on Wednesday).

1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. reschedule electrical work done, try to schedule gardening tasks, call dentist, reschedule hospital appointment, go to physiotherapy intake appointment. (Clothes Pile of Doom gets a reprieve this week).
2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, find a corner to read the new Penric & Desdemona story. (Writing is not going to happen outside of work and some ranty journalling)
3. teaching and administration: survive away day. Go over plans for the rest of the summer. Do at least one teaching block.
4. research: do homework for stupid training. Attend stupid training. Attend meeting for Slowly Developing paper (aka venting/support session as all three of us have jobs at risk), spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September and an hour on my "pre-grant documents chore list", chase up application for that masters by research student (which local academic is in charge of graduate recruitment changed lately and this was NOT a change for the better).

JULIE - no check in last week, on holiday!  Goals from week 10:
I have four days, then we leave for a break on Friday. Away the following week, so no check-in this coming Sunday.
1. Finish working through archive material.
2. Finish reading book.
3. Send comments on dissertation proposal to student.
4. If time, read draft article for post-doc (not urgent).
5. Shopping, packing etc for trip on Friday, and for daughter's longer trip (taking her to the airport on the way back for her first solo flight)
6. Bathroom project - two meetings with plumbers.
7. Exercise

SUSAN (leaving for a trip on Sunday)
1. Do final revisions on Famous Author, get as much of Further Reading set up as possible, as many details...
2. Start identifying sources for new project (at least one day)
3. Have some fun, get in touch with people I need to contact
4. Eat/ sleep/ keep walking 


TLQuest: how do you respond to the Ladies (and the Talking Cats)
Real life TLQ: what are your top priorities for the last weeks/month of summer, now we're in August? And check ins.


  1. Thankfully it's been a bit cooler this weekend which has been a relief! Last week was a Bit Much.

    1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, additional intentional movement three days, do physio recommended stretches with great caution at least once, practice rest as needed. reschedule electrical work done, try to schedule gardening tasks, call dentist, reschedule hospital appointment, go to physiotherapy intake appointment. (Clothes Pile of Doom gets a reprieve this week). yes, one, no, yes, yes (this coming week), yes (the gate is fixed, others to be done this week), yes, yes, tried to but it was cancelled due to staff illness so had to reschedule that, and now I have to reschedule the OTHER appointment too. Sigh!
    2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, find a corner to read the new Penric & Desdemona story. (Writing is not going to happen outside of work and some ranty journalling) yes, yes (during Away Day!), yes (card for a family birthday), yes, yes, not yet, ranty journalling happened
    3. teaching and administration: survive away day. Go over plans for the rest of the summer. Do at least one teaching block. survived. Went over plans and felt time pressured. Did a few bits which probably together can count as one block
    4. research: do homework for stupid training. Attend stupid training. Attend meeting for Slowly Developing paper (aka venting/support session as all three of us have jobs at risk), spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September and an hour on my "pre-grant documents chore list", chase up application for that masters by research student done and done. done. not done, not done. done

    Last week was a struggle week - it was hot, I was on campus two consecutive days, i slept badly, and I felt unwell, heavy in all senses and unmotivated. But I did more than none things. VERY frustrated by the physio appointment, as it was a bad pain day and the hottest day of the week, and I missed the cancellation phone call by a couple of minutes (I always like to be early...).

    I'm annoyed because I have another training I have to do - three hours, with role play :-( - which messes up my schedule for which days I have to be on campus, but at least it's not two consecutive ones like last week. I'm feeling the pressure to get teaching preparation done, and the shortage of time, but it's another week with a hot forecast and I can only do what I can...

    1. self-care: 75%+ of regular chores list, additional intentional movement three days, practice rest as needed. electrical work, gardening tasks, reschedule hospital appointment again, get quote for cat fence
    2. fun: play D&D, crochet or knit some, draw something, read something, do some paintgemming, find a corner to read the new Penric & Desdemona story (still no space for fun writing)
    3. teaching and administration: do at least two blocks, check timetable, meet team for handover of final year project module, do homework and stupid training
    4. research: spend an hour writing notes about what my project idea might look like for the grant application that opens in September, an hour on my "pre-grant documents chore list", and set up new version of Slowly Developing Paper. Two articles to referee.

    1. (Susan) I just love calling it a stupid training!

    2. Yay Penric and Desdemona! Bummer about the appointments. I hope this week goes better.

  2. This is Susan. For some reason I can’t login while on my iPad so anyway.

    Alice is paying attention and she thinks they’re all right. She can do what she can and she’s been present. She doesn’t think she’s made much of a difference, but she’s been there And it looks like they’re going to be able to get the herbs they need. I don’t think the challenges have really taken advantage of Alice’s skills.

    How I did last week:
    1. Do final revisions on Famous Author, get as much of Further Reading set up as possible, as many details... YES,
    2. Start identifying sources for new project (at least one day) yes,
    3. Have some fun, get in touch with people I need to contact yes
    4. Eat/ sleep/ keep walking yes

    I had a good conversation with the editor: I have work to do, but it’s doable, and he seems to like my ideas for padding out the length. Having someone who is working with me feels good. My attempt to ge5 going on New Project didn’t turn up much, but that means I need to do some different digging.
    This was a less social week, but I took one day and went to an exhibit I was interested in, and then went and spent some time in a site where Famous Author probably performed. So that was interesting!
    I’m now in a Very Touristy City with my sister, so it’s a low key week.
    Have fun on mini-break
    Start reading dissertation that may help with New Project
    Prepare to go to exhibit I’ve agreed to review. I’ve been but hav3 been sent a PDF of the catalog, so need to look at it.
    Send some things back home?

    1. Reviewing an exhibit sounds like a fun task! It sounds like last week went well and like this one will have fun family and touristing things. Enjoy!

  3. I'm . . . wondering WTF is going on, because I feel like I've wandered into the edge of someone else's story. On one hand, I realize that the Ladies' suggestions are more than fair, and that if they're even hinting that we might make some other arrangements, then they're more in our debt than they're really letting on. On the other, I'm now really eager to get the Talking Cats out of here and back to, say, the village's fish pond, because I don't want them fishing in a stream that is both magic and potentially polluted, AND I know that I am going to be hearing for months if not years to come about "that time you caught us a Really Big Fish and Immediately Let It Get STOLEN From Under Your Nose." (If I point out that they saw those magical cat-things, the Talking Cats will just reiterate, "you let our Really Big Fish get STOLEN": you know how cats are.) On someone else's hand, I need to stay here and do what I can to restore the pond. Sigh. Now the Talking Cats are wandering nonchalantly up to Alice, probably because she's just sitting quietly not looking at anyone. Or maybe she smells like fish, having been among the victims of the thrashing fish tail. Maybe she and the Cats could escort each other back to the village? And away from the tempting sprites.

    Or, wait . . . I'm a bit slow sometimes . . . Alice is a thief, what has she snaffled from whom? the fish, the tentacled cats, the Ladies? Something lying around on the bottom of the pond near where she wound up? And come to think of it, did my Talking Cats manage to call in these otherworldly fish-snatchers? No, come on, they're just cats who talk, that's all there is to them. Still, the idea of removing them and Alice from the scene while the rest of us indicate that we're just well-meaning herb-seekers (happy to re-dam the pond and collect our herbs under guard, I mean with the help of a guide) sounds better and better to me.

  4. Back to an earlier week's prompt about things like notebooks, I've bought myself a new calendar for the academic year. For some years, I've relied on a combination of a large monthly calendar (8.5x11", closed) and a pocket-sized Moleskine that I set up in whatever ways seem most useful. But for at least a year, I've had more and more trouble making myself do any set-up at all, and I think maybe I need to outsource that part, at least for the time being. So I now have a medium-size planner, about 6x8", with both monthly and weekly pages. It runs from April 2024 to June 2025, so I can use the past-due pages for notes. And if I find it doesn't work for me, well, at least I tried something different, and I can always go back to my old system.

    How I did:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4: CLOSE ENOUGH (swim x2, yoga at least x3, weights x2).
    - finish Alms! NO, but still PROGRESS.
    - create syllabus for new class: NO, still in PROGRESS, did some reading and decided not to use an essay I was considering.
    - create syllabus for other class: ROUGHED OUT.
    - Greek 1 unit: NO. (At the beginning of the summer, I was sure I could do at least one unit a week. What happened?)
    - defrack habitat as energy permits: PROGRESS? Getting a new cat was probably a step in the wrong direction. However, I have re-potted African violets, bought and installed small lights to improve their access to light, and processed a lot of herbs that have been drying in the garage for the last year (probably inspired by our adventures!).
    - dentist (again!). YES. One more appointment in a couple of weeks.
    - vet appt for New(?) Cat. YES: one quick visit plus made an appointment for a proper exam this week. There was some confusion about where the cat belonged (see comments last week), but it has resolved as the cat wanted. She's a tabby, and we're calling her Mor.

    New goals:
    - swim x3, weights x2, yoga x4
    - finish Alms!
    - finish syllabus for new class
    - run some assignments for other class through one or more AI text generators to see whether I need to tinker with them
    - Greek 1 unit
    - defrack habitat as energy permits
    - campus run (scanning, library, office sorting)
    - take Mor to vet

    If ten weeks of imaginative story-telling is necessary to prompt me to work on a task like getting dried herb leaves off their stems and into bottles, I had better get to work telling myself stories about some other things I need to do!

  5. Wow, a lot has been going on at the pond while I've been away. Martha isn't sure what to think. She doesn't want to offend the Ladies and is keen to get on with gathering the herbs, since that's something she does know about. The fish being removed seems like a problem solved, but she's smart enough to suspect a catch somewhere: what are these weird creatures and what might they do with the fish? Having helped capture it, does the group have a responsibility to making sure it doesn't become someone else's problem?

  6. Last week was a good time to be away, given the weather. It was quite an emotionally intense trip in some ways, as time with my in-laws just emphasises my husband's absence for the three of us and especially this time, since we were celebrating his parents' golden wedding anniversary. But on the positive, I am very grateful that we continue to be part of the family: good relationships with in-laws are sadly not a given for many widows. We had a long weekend at my sister-in-law's which included some decadent stuff like clothes shopping and a spa pedicure, and then a very Real Summer experience of three days at the beach which was perfect timing given the weather. A lot of time in the water, meals outside in the garden, Prosecco, and fish and chips (British seaside summer essential). On the way back, we had a couple of nights in London, which involved a fantastic exhibition on women artists (at Tate Britain in case Susan is interested), and sunset over the city skyline from a local park.

    Week 10 goals:
    1. Finish working through archive material. - NO
    2. Finish reading book. - NO (in my defence, it is over 600 pages. I am skimming, but still...)
    3. Send comments on dissertation proposal to student. - YES
    4. If time, read draft article for post-doc (not urgent). - POSTPONED
    5. Shopping, packing etc for trip on Friday, and for daughter's longer trip (taking her to the airport on the way back for her first solo flight) - YES (absolute nightmare dealing with teen girl packing, but done and she is safely in Italy).
    6. Bathroom project - two meetings with plumbers. - YES
    7. Exercise - run x 2, pilates x 1

    This week:
    Already feeling a bit overwhelmed - can very much identify with the feeling of time slipping away. Deep breath...
    1. Finish going through archival material.
    2. Finish reading book.
    3. Mark resit assignment for difficult student.
    4. Chase even more difficult PhD student
    5. Chase plumber for bathroom estimate.
    6. Exercise
    7. Eat healthily.

    Real summer priorities: I still have stuff to look forward to - weekend away with son, trip to open-air theatre to see play by Susan's Famous Author, holiday at the end of the month...Maybe some garden work next week if time.

    1. That sounds like an intense but good week, and the seaside is especially good Real Summer! I noticed I let Real Summer priorities drop by the wayside this week (except for my obsession with swimming, which I do year-round anyway), so thanks for the reminder, and I hope you enjoy yours!

    2. I can only imagine how intense it was to be with your inlaws last week, but it sounds like a good visit (prosecco, beach, dinner outside) which you were largely not responsible for! And I loved the women artists exhibit. Now off to review the Six Wives exhibit at the NPG.

    3. That sounds like a LOT. I hope you got to get your feathers together and have space to process this week...

  7. Cornelius is still pretty flustered… He doesn’t pick up on subtlety very well, and he is reluctant to bumble into something over his head. On the surface it looks like letting the pond refill from the stream and cleaning it up a little will do, but the Cats are confusing and a bit scary, something seems missing… He has noticed that Alice seems uncomfortable and he thinks we should ask her for an opinion on course of action.

    How to get more Real Summer into the leftovers of Actual Summer? I managed to squeeze two trips with kid into the next few weeks, a three-day quick jaunt up to our old town this week to go hang out with friends, and also camp a bit, and a four-day one in the second last week of August before I teach field school. I’m a bit grumpy that those are my only breaks this summer but that was totally my own fault so I will just try to remember this next year when planning time comes around.

    Last week’s goals
    Field work with students DONE
    Proofread and submit difficult paper DONE!!!!!
    Book two short camping trips for me and kid BOOKED!!!
    Read and edit thesis proposal DONE
    Read and edit new thesis chapters ALMOST
    Real summer: two outdoor theatre shows, yay! DONE!!

    It was an ok week for getting things done. The Difficult Paper is officially back to the journal, bearing no resemblance to the original… I learned a lot from that one, mainly how I do not even want to work again. It was kind of a frankenpaper cobbled together from multiple sources, but I wasn’t in charge of any of the groundwork, so was left to stitch together a bunch of disparate things. I think it will turn out ok, but never again… Managed two outdoor theatre events, one great fun and very good, other one very good but also depressing AF so good balance I guess? Field work was fun, but exhausting in really tough terrane and in 40-degree heat. It was great, totally worth doing.

    This week’s goals
    Admin interviews and decisions
    Read and edit new thesis chapters
    Easy grant report
    Countless small but important admin things
    Real summer: 3-day trip

    1. Look at all that DONE! Most excellent! You tamed the Frankenpaper!

      I'm glad you'll get a couple more trips in. I would love to go somewhere else before the end of summer, but the month has filled up already!
