the grid

the grid

Monday 15 January 2024

2024 Session One, Week One

Hello, and welcome to the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Research Support Group at North of the East Wind State College Of Magical Instruction! I know all of us here at NEWSCOMI are looking forwardokay, I heard that, I know, "same as the Old Scummy," but this is a faculty-oriented group with absolutely minimal involvement from adminicritters. Your facilitators are Susan, whom you know as the Chair of History of Magic, and me, Dame Eleanor Hull, the longest-tenured member of Literature of Magic, so we've heard all the Scummy jokes. In fact, we probably inaugurated some of them. 

We're hoping to forge stronger bonds between faculty in Applied Magic fields and those of us in more, ah, abstract areas, and also to welcome participation from colleagues teaching the Magricultural Extension classes. Some of you may not recall that NEWSCOMI used to be a Magricultural College focusing on Witch Hedgery and Magicritters, but those areas are historically important to us, our students, and the North of the East Wind region. I know we sometimes feel like red-headed stepchildren compared to the State University of Magic (they always get the SUM total of whatever the state has to offer, right? ha ha), but this group is here to help us help each other! We may not have all the resources of SUM, but we haveow, what was that? Get off me!

Oh. I guess the Applied Magic syllabus has got around to the dragon-flies again. If you're new here, that class is only offered once every four years (it's a bit like cicadas), and when the flying critters are done right, they're very pretty and unlikely to set anything on fire, but we need to get this one back to the Mag Quad. I will need an adminicritter for this. No, not you, Associate Dean Fluff, I want a dogin fact, a retriever, not a terrier or anything like thatno, I DON'T trust you with small wounded flying things, you're absolutely right about that. For once. Go hiss at Dean Tabitha, if you must, she likes to snooze on my desk AND she lives with a dog. Who's a good boy, then? You are, you're a good boy, you're going to take this not-quite-working dragon-fly back to the Mag Quad and find the prof who's teaching Engineering Flying Magicritters this term, aren't you? Yes, you are. Thank you.

Anyway, that's enough from me! Let's hear from you! Please introduce yourselves and set some goals both for this session and for the coming week. Goals can be in any aspect of life, although the key focus is often writing tasks that are personally and professionally important but that never quite tip over into important AND urgent. Urgent things sometimes find their way in here too; that is completely okay, and process goals are also most welcome. Most weeks there will be a discussion topic or prompt to write about if you feel so inclined, but skip it if you don't feel like it.

We'll have fifteen goal-setting weeks, a mid-term check-in on session goals, and a final "party" reporting on session goals on 28 April. Anyone is welcome to join! Bring a friend! We aim to be supportive of and generous to all participants, whether they're every-week types or just drop in from time to time. 

If you'd like to take on a persona for this session, please do: Dean of Dragon Studies? Clerk of Rare Books and Grimoires? P.I. for the Philosopher's Stone? Professor of Alchemy? I look forward to hearing from all of our members! Probably introductions and goals are enough for this week, but if you want a discussion topic, tell us about your holidays: did you get into any magical trouble?


  1. Sorry about the font change! Blogspot always trips me up somehow with the formatting. Also sorry this is a little late by UK standards; I've been confused about what day it is. Anyway! Hello again!

    IRL, I think I have one colleague who has been tenured longer than I have, and I'm getting tired of being asked if I'm thinking about retiring. I may be technically "late career," but I'm not ready for retirement. I like teaching, though I'm happy to be on sabbatical this term. I have a three academic projects: a book to finish, a conference paper to construct (it's a collaboration with a friend, and has to do with translation), and the project I'm actually supposed to be working on, to do with a list of medieval manuscripts and their connections to another one. Plus I'll be participating in a Latin reading group and planning at least one new course for next year, so that's quite a lot of academic stuff on my plate. In addition, it would be great to do some unpacking and organizing (maybe even some chucking???) of household goods, I have a serious gym habit, and when the weather warms up I'll have gardening projects. So it will be very useful to have to set some realistic goals rather than hoping to Do All The Things.

    Session goals:
    - Finish off two chapters that are close to done (I think!)
    - Outline a conference paper that will form the base of the least-done chapter
    - Write the translation-oriented conference paper
    - Make the Big MS List, with links, and engage in related correspondance
    - Establish and maintain a tidy, organized study
    - Plant up the new Native Plants Bed
    - Detangle the grass and the sedum from each other in front bed
    - Plan new course(s?) for next year
    - Set up sewing machine and do some sewing

    This week's goals
    (Somewhat tentative, because I feel like I might be coming down with something, and if I do, I may wind up not doing much):
    - Devise and turn in Dreaded Annual Review documents
    - Prep for Latin group
    - 3 hours a day of research (reading, writing, outlining, whatever)
    - if well enough, 5 social engagements and at least 4 trips to the gym

    1. The bad news is that I am unwell; the good news is that it seems to be just a cold. I am sulking around drinking tea and working on a jigsaw puzzle today, with the thin excuse that it is a holiday here anyway, but at some point I really will have to do the Documents and the Latin prep. I've cancelled three social things already and we'll see what happens to the other two.

    2. Sympathies. I also have a cold. Luckily my meeting with a PhD student was cancelled, so I had nothing after lunch. A jigsaw sounds very therapeutic.

    3. I'm sorry for all your illnesses! Get well soon!

    4. I discovered online jigsaw puzzles (safer around the Late Lamented Fluffball) before Christmas. Being me, sometimes I jigsaw so long I end up with a lot of ouchies in my mousing hand, lower back and pretty much everything in beween... sigh...

  2. Hello! Thanks, DEH and Susan, for leading this session!

    I'm going to introduce myself in terms of what's going on this semester: I'll be continuing my term as program director, which involves some meetings and a whole lot of organizing things (=my time to shine); I'll be teaching a combined graduate/undergrad seminar that meets once a week; I'm planning to take Italian again (fourth semester!); I have two rambunctious one-year-old cats, an 11-year-old son, and a husband who is once again a minister, so Sundays are moderately busy; and...what else...I make myself run a fair bit.

    Term goals are VERY research-heavy, somehow.

    1. Book project: Finish draft of chapter 6; plan chapter 5; first revisions of chapters 3 and 4; finish up revisions of chapter 2 (possibly this week).
    2. Conferences: One paper (due March 5), one brief and easy roundtable presentation (May).
    3. Article revision--should be quick; I just want to add in a recently-read essay--due March 1.
    4. Abstracts: One is drafted, due Feb. 15; one is nowhere, due April 1.
    5. Health and fitness: Adjust exercise routines monthly in order to accommodate weather and daylight. Run 3-5 times/week; attempt to do some stretching before bed; one yoga class/week.

    This week:
    1. Write teaching rec for colleague who has been nominated for some awards.
    2. 2500 words of chapter 6.
    3. Enter revisions to chapter 2.
    4. Graduate applicant interviews (parts of two days).
    5. Scan readings for seminar.

    And we're off!

    1. (I should note that my class doesn't start until February 7--semester starts on the 1st--so I'm trying to cram rather a lot into these last few weeks!)

    2. It's great you have a few more weeks! I hope you're able to make good use of them, and enjoy the time with your family (including cats) as well as getting a jump on semester preparations and on research.

    3. Good luck with the cramming!

  3. Hello everyone and happy New Year! Thanks to Dame Eleanor and Susan for hosting. I think if I had a magic persona, it would be something junior in the History of Magic. Think your village witch, with basic healing charms, not quite up to the level of the chic, sophisticated witches who run the coven, have perfectly behaved black cats and advanced broomstick skills. And certainly not one of the big name professors who does alchemy and predicts the future for royalty. But maybe my time will come, though probably not this session.

    IRL, I'm an associate prof in history at a UK university, a widow, with a 15 year-old daughter and very soon to be 13 year-old son. We are already a week into term here, and my teaching load is heavier than last term, so I am already in survival-prep-the-seminar-an-hour-before-class-and-hope-noone-notices mode. So goals will be minimal.

    1. Teaching: write three new lectures, everything else is same as last year, so try to keep prep to a minimum.
    2. Read and examine PhD for early March (4th since the summer - I tried to say no).
    3. Revise and submit grant application.
    4. Do some research and writing, however minimal.
    5. Health & fitness: work on establishing better sleep, get as much exercise as weekly schedule allows.
    6. Self-care/fun: try to make space each week for reading fiction/TV/baking/other relaxation.
    7. Book holidays - Berlin trip at Easter, think about summer plans.

    This week:
    1. Seminar prep.
    2. Write one new lecture for next week.
    3. Read three dissertation drafts.
    4. Meet PhD student.
    5. Half a day on grant application, ask colleagues to peer review.
    6. Organise birthday celebrations for mother and son.
    7. Exercise

    1. If you're able to make the charms work, you should be in Applied Magic! I suppose there might be people with Applied skills who prefer to study the history or literature of magic, and heaven knows it's useful to know off the bat whether a charm in some old manuscript will work or not, but mostly we have to winkle these things out, publish them, and then hope someone in Applied will give them a shot.

      That sounds like a lot of dissertation drafts this week! Good luck with it all. I'm glad you're back with us, and look forward to hearing about your travels. I think prepping for seminar an hour beforehand is an excellent way to keep teaching prep under control.

    2. Yes, I think I was torn between whether my persona would be researching the village witch or being one. Perhaps I'll try being one, so some Applied Magic for a change.

      Prepping an hour beforehand worked today, though I may give myself a little more time in future!

    3. It's great that you're doing so little new teaching this year! I fully support minimal prep, when it's possible to pull it off!

  4. Hello! The beginning post appeared in my Feedly today, reminding me how I enjoyed the company of this group. I am hoping to join you this session as the Student of Temporal Misuse and Dysfunction. I have serious time management issues, as is clear from my many years of not meeting my goals here. And looking at my document with previous posts, I see this was not my first extended hiatus from TLQ.

    I’m going to set one session goal, although there are other academic things I have committed to that will come up in weekly goals:
    Draft and submit Squares proposal.

    Classes begin later this week, so the return to campus directs my weekly goals:
    Finish and post syllabi (no new preps!)
    Complete faculty activity report for calendar year 2023 (weird, because don’t normally think of the year as August--->May)
    Catch up on uni-related email
    Make a comprehensive plan for Squares

    Hope you’ll have me back!

    1. Absolutely, and your persona will fit right in at NEWSCOMI! We're all about misrule (in fact, I think some of the adminicritters positively encourage dysfunction, but that's a rant for a different day). And who knows, maybe if you set out to be the character who subverts us all, you'll subvert your own tendency to struggle with meeting goals. Could happen! Also, I'm right there with you on the strangeness of calendar year reports when our normal "year" is academic.

    2. Nice to meet you, and I love your persona!

  5. Welcome, from the Distinguished Professor of the History of Magic. I can't do it, but I'm happy to tell you about it. By the time you are distinguished, you can bloviate on ANYTHING. I came to NEWSCOMI from CRUMI (Central Research University Misrule Institute) so I'm well adapted to all the chaos and dysfunction here.

    IRL I am Susan, a senior professor of History at a still newish university whose pretensions far exceed its resources, so we spend a lot of time trying to make things work the way they are supposed to. I am currently chair of an interdisciplinary graduate program, and on a bunch of other committees. But I am not teaching this semester ( I get a course release for my administrative work) so it should be manageable. (Famous last words. The other shoe will drop.)

    Over the break I took a bit of time off, and I went to the big gathering of all historians -- it was nearby, and I saw people, and learned things, and had drinks on the 46th floor of the hotel overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Over the past week I have revised the Policies and Procedures for our graduate program and I have created text for 23 new courses. But they have all been done so I can focus on more interesting work.

    In other, less pleasant news, my cat Tiffany is dying; she spends as much time as possible sitting on my lap, but she's barely eating and probably has cancer. I doubt she will be alive when I post next week.

    Goals for the session:
    I currently have two almost finished book projects which will both go off to publishers during this session. One is Big Collaboration, which is supposed to include 31 essays, but one person pulled out this weekend with health issues. That goes to the press in mid-March. Then there is famous author: queries will go out in the next few days. So that frames session goals.

    Goal #1: Get Big Collaboration and Famous Author out and on their way to publication.

    Goal #2: Finish way very late book review of book I want to read

    Goal #3: Start playing with my next project, yet unnamed, but the "Rest of my life project"

    Goal #4: Keep program moving, keep working effectively with people

    Goal #5: Plan next year at My Favorite Library, where I will have a research fellowship

    Goal #6: Keep up with exercise and relatively healthy eating

    Goal #7: Do things to have fun

    Goals for the week ahead:
    1. Keep up with the first week of school Administrivia deluge
    2. Get emails re Famous Author off to presses
    3. Spend time with Tiffany, be willing to let her go.
    4. Pay attention to physical wellbeing - sleep, eating, exercise
    5. Do something nice - with friend, or who knows!

    Have a good week everyone!

    1. I am so sorry to hear about Tiffany's decline. I hope the lap time is good for both of you. Great sympathy and best wishes.

    2. I'm so sorry to hear about Tiffany. It's been a tough time for cats. I hope that her end is peaceful for you both.

    3. So sorry to hear about Tiffany. Wishing you peace.

    4. So sorry for kitty and for you... Pets have our hearts but it is so tough when they run out of time...

    5. So sorry to hear about Tiffany! It's just a really hard journey, however much love there is to go around...

    6. Very sorry to hear about Tiffany; may she go peacefully.

  6. Dear NEWSCOMI Faculty Council
    Please accept my application for the specialized remedial program in "Chaos Goblin Control and Rehabilitation" for the upcoming term. I teach Applied Magic Foundations (difficult and non-glamorous but vital) courses and Esoteric Specialty Spellwork. January is only two weeks old and I started this week by forgetting my office keys, forgetting my phone in a different place, losing my car in the parking lot, and then forgetting my kid at school… And then stress-ate half a pound of marzipan left over from my winter trip… The local goblin horde is rampaging through the add-drop deadlines this week and I have two papers due in a week and a half (that is the already extended drop-dead deadline so no more weasling for time, which means no sleep for the foreseeable future) and a conference the weekend after with several student posters and I’m registration guru and we're starting a tenure track interview cycle and I have to do 57 grant applications and something else I forget… Anyway, my ability to deal with Chaos Goblins needs a refresh, so I’d be very grateful to be accepted into the program so I can manage my Goblins as well as my own flaming garbage can of paper writing this term. (Goblin bonfire and smores anyone?)
    Or I could just go eat the other half of the marzipan!

    1. Actual goals for the session are all related to the insane number of half-done papers I have in my life... Some are close to done, others not so much, but getting rid of a few will be amazing. So these are major things I need to do this semester...
      2 Special Volume papers
      1 revision of post-doc paper
      1 small invited paper, my part is important but not huge
      1 languishing-from-long-ago paper
      2 internal grant applications
      1 medium-sized external grant application

    2. NEWSCOMI Office of the Provost

      Thank you for your interest in the workshop on "Chaos Goblin Control and Rehabilitation." Please submit your application through the Hapless Educators' Locational Links portal, and remember that you need an endorsement from the chair of your department as well as two (2) aura-sensitive photographs and a recent (that is, within the past 30 days) chaotic-energy scan of your office and/or laboratory space. As soon as we receive your full application through the HELL portal, processing will begin. Thank you and have a magical day!

    3. NEWSCOMI Office of the Provost18 January 2024 at 03:13

      We are very excited to have an Applied Magical Scholar of your caliber helping to guide the "Chaos Goblin Control and Rehabilitation" specialized program this term! Please see the attachments for all of the following:
      the schedule of workshops,
      the NEWSCOMI faculty and staff assigned to you for individual tutorials,
      your electronic keys for the cafeteria and the temporary office space assigned to you (it is expected that you will hold office hours at least two hours a day, five days a week),
      the guide to setting up and troubleshooting the Virtual Instruction Campus Environment (VICE),
      and your Totally Awful eXecutable (TAX) form.
      We look forward to having you on campus at NEWSCOMI! Have a magical day!

    4. The Office of the Provost has been closed in order that its carpet may be replaced (it looks as if someone used it for a scratching post, as does the Provost, who is on medical leave for at least two weeks), and during this closure some of the Provost's duties have fallen to me. Please consider this your acceptance to the Chaos Goblin Control and Rehabilitation program. Direct any questions to either Dame Eleanor or the Chair of History of Magic.

      Associate Dean Fluff has located your office keys, and would appreciate salmon-flavored snacks as a reward.

    5. As the Chair of the History of Magic, we are delighted to have your participation, and welcome anyone who can help in spellwork.

      (In December I forgot two separate meetings, even though they were on my calendar. Commiseration on the chain of challenges!)

    6. Chaos Goblin Resident Scholar19 January 2024 at 13:28

      Dear Chair Susan and Dean Tabitha
      Thank you so much for kind welcome. I did submit all the materials through HELL (except for the aura-sensitive photo which was flagged as containing a dangerous level of radiation) but then got an email from the Irrationally Tetchy (IT) department saying that due to the crazy low temperatures this week their servers were all frozen over...
      Please convey my appreciation to Associate Dean Fluff, I will be bringing the right flavour of snacks and I'm sure we'll get along wonderfully.

  7. Hello everyone. I am going to lose track of acronyms and alter egos and I apologise in advance! I can't keep track of the real world acronyms at NorthernUni. My role is probably some kind of awkward visiting scholar who mostly hangs out with the four-legged members of staff and is particularly keen to meet all the local draconids... My expertise is in some obscure overlap area between Applied and Theory - I work on exploring the limits and flexibility of established charms and basis spells, and making them more accessible to a wide range of magic users... and I hope my modified charm to create fresh-baked animal treats in a wide range of flavours from any kind of basic kibble will help me get along with the Associate Dean.

    I'm JaneB, and I've started a very slow phased return to work from burnout sick leave (doing 2 hours per day for my usual 4 days a week, fully remote, until mid-Feb to "see how it goes"). I was diagnosed with ADHD in November 2022 and am now actually In The System for an autism diagnosis (spent about 10 hours last week doing intake forms and things I forgot to add keep popping up). It's not going very well so far, two weeks in - but between the autism intake, a broken filling (now fixed), an eye clinic appointment at a novel location (just the first step in the process of transferring the contact lens care I need to attend every year to the local hospital), a day with the decluttering lady and trying to live around the hole left by Fluffball, I need to give myself grace as whilst pre-2020 JaneB would have been able to manage all of that and work 45-50 hours a week, she would have also been just as exhausted and irritable as current JaneB is this weekend!

    We have added stressors this period and next, Head of School is stepping down from the role at the end of January, the challenge to work with which is Teaching Tsar is stepping up as interim Head of School until end of June, then we will get a new Head of School appointed from outside the University. Which... aargh! I don't do change very well. And I'm really scared about a new person arriving whilst I'm this broken and messy and needy, with them having no idea of my strengths and how much I poured into this place over the last two and half decades. It does explain WHY it's been impossible to start the conversation about accommodations for my neurodivergence and burnout, they've been putting it off until they know who will be doing what.

    They've only JUST started the process of finding someone to take over the Teaching Tsar role (current Teaching Tsar is due to step down this summer anyway, but the cover person can't be appointed long term because of the convention that the new Head of School can change anyone in the exec team when they start at will, regardless of length of term. Which is a stupid convention, but... in normal times we had a good 6 month overlap between Heads of School, and the new person had been with the School for at least a year so handovers were smoother...

    1. So, goals. The usual list really with a small set of things:
      1) Survival and self-care (covering chores, healthy eating, movement, sleep, all the Necessary Tedium). This will possibly include the recruitment of a new occupant of the role of Feline Supervisor
      2) Fun - a sub-category of self care which I find easy to ignore (have already had it slip the last couple of weeks) - fun things include small social interactions, D&D, handicrafts and art, writing for fun and reading.
      3) Workplace boundaries - working on accommodations and returning to work and all that jazz. This will cover NOT doing too much on teaching and admin, and keeping SOME space for research (already a bone of contention - but my obligations to research students, external colleagues and my own career needs are real and important, as well as the more mundane duties).
      4) Research goals - these are small. I am co-author of a contribution for a "mixed volume" - it's going to include contributions from all the academic disciplines and artists and community groups on the theme of a particular cultural landscape through time - which is due end of January (after many extensions) so I need to do what I can. I then have a paper where I'm second author after a post-doc, which has come back with major revisions from a journal (but they all look doable), and we have a month to deal with that. Mid-Feb another paper where I am one of a list of authors will require my input (again, this is getting substantial revisions following feedback, & as the most senior native English speaker on the author list I do have a useful role to play!). After that, my senior grad student and I have two papers to get out as soon as possible, and there's another modelling project I'm working on which will need to wake up and be active by March. But I'll worry about that then. I also have the application process to be part of for three different possible PhD positions - this may mean three new people come September or none, but they all have processes with multiple deadlines between now and the end of February, and I need to play my part (e.g. sifting, interviews, internal forms...).

      In short form for copying to the master list (if AD Fluff is requiring one) or using in later posts:
      1) Survival and personal and environmental self-care habits - health focus, with health defined broadly
      2) Fun - making sure that every week I spend quality time with at least two of the activities that refill the well.
      3) Workplace Boundaries - formally agreeing appropriate accommodations, navigating a phased return which focuses on my wellbeing not the immediate needs of the school, and never going more than 20% beyond the hours I am scheduled to work by my GP (which is... hard, because even at my normal full time I do at least 50% beyond my hours in term time).
      4) Care and Feeding of the research - mixed volume submission, R&R for the never-ending paper, R&R for the many author paper, senior grad students' immediate papers (Consultancy and Method), processes for three PhD students (Consortium, Northern and Exotic).

    2. Not setting week goals as it's Saturday evening!

    3. Welcome, JaneB. I've been worrying about you. We do need someone to hang out with the critters, and I think you and Daisy can work with the spells.
      So sorry about fluffball. It's so hard.

    4. These sound like very wise goals -- especially prioritizing research and recruiting an new Feline Supervisor when you are ready. The mixed volume sounds intriguing -- and like the sort of thing that strengthens uni/community relations, which is a good thing, right?

      Commiserations on all the departures and arrivals of adminicritters. Change of that sort is hard, especially when you're trying to get people to agree to reasonable boundaries and procedures.

  8. Checking in very late, for which I apologize:

    I think I’ll stick with Cassandra, since a prophet has some claim to at least a magic-adjacent realm (and, at least historically, may have been in some danger of being pursued as a witch).

    As I noted in the fall, I’m a late-career full-time, non tenure track teacher of mostly composition at a large state university in the U.S. My research specialty in 19th-century American literature, with an emphasis on antislavery authors, and, more recently, local/institutional African-American history (specifically, the history of slaveholding among members of the church to which I belong). Toward the end of last semester, I got word that my application for a study leave next year was successful, so part of what I’ll be trying to do in the next year (I decided to take the leave in the spring; thanks to all who gave advice about that) is to try to do some planning and build some momentum on my study leave project (actually a small cluster of closely-related projects), so as to make the best use of that time.

    Teaching will be demanding this semester (as usual, though I have more like 1.5 than 2 preps – 2 sections each in two different formats of the same class rather than 2 different classes – which I hope will help a bit), and I’m still trying to make progress on kitchen and other infrastructure in my apartment, but I’ve decided to track fewer, more truly TLQ, things here, at least on a full-term basis (others may creep in in weekly goals).

    --Write conference paper (due to the panel chair, if the usual patterns hold, in early March). (This is related to the study leave project, and I suspect might lead to an article, but is not one of the formal “deliverables” described in the leave proposal).

    --Finish creating Omeka site to hold documents related to study leave project and begin populating it (my plan is to spend at least a bit of time on this each week, even if it’s only adding or preparing to add one document).

    --Engage in some sort of purposeful movement – short or long walks, stretching, weight-lifting, stair-climbing, maybe bike-riding – at least 5 out of every 7 days (preferably more, especially if I choose one of the shorter options some days). I actually made some progress on this over the break, so here, too, I’m trying to build/maintain momentum.

    And since I’m very late signing on, and the week 2 prompt is up, I will post goals for the coming week there.
