the grid

the grid

Sunday 25 June 2023

Session 2, week 7

 Hello everyone, 

Happy Solstice for the week past - midsummer!  And it's...

time for HALF-WAY CHECK IN (😱) 

That always catches me by surprise in the summer iteration, because it's a shorter session and because the UK and US years tend to be most out of kilter at this time of year - we only finished the formal assessment meetings for 2022-23 this week at NorthernUniversity, but we don't start teaching again until late September.

For this week's topic, let's talk about how we manage our intellectual curiosity and the hydra-like nature of any worthwhile academic project - how do you keep your writing managable?  Capture new ideas so you don't lose them, but also ensure that some things get finished every year?  Does prioritising come naturally and completion feel like a great incentive, or do you work better with several projects to choose from on any given working day?  We can never do everything we want to, and that's especially true of TLQ tasks which have to fit into small pieces of time alongside other parts of our work and life - let's share some tips for how we do (or don't) make those peices of time efficient and productive.

So that means we have three things to write about this week, if you choose (no obligation to do all three!)
  • first, respond to the prompt
  • second, take the opportunity to revisit and update or remove your session goals if you want or need to (listed below)
  • third, report on how last week went. (goals are at the bottom of this post below the session goals

Session goals

  • Submit 2 papers based on conference talks from this week
  • Do analysis and write my part of joint local paper
  • Field work with 2 students
  • Garden project TBD
  • Vacation and regular fun with kid
Dame Eleanor Hull
  • Expand an article into a chapter
  • Cut down a chapter section into a conference paper
  • Make progress on another chapter OR preliminary work towards spring sabbatical project
  • Work with library colleague on new project*
  • Prep fall classes
  • Do some sewing/alteration projects
  • Get some house/garden tasks done
  • Unpack the boxes in the garage
  • House re-organization as necessary to accommodate box contents . . .
  • Sleep enough, exercise appropriately (consider joining a gym), enjoy the warm weather.
Heu mihi
  • Chapter 2 (draft by end of May/early June)
  • Chapter 4 (if not draft, plan and get ready for fall writing). Accept that actually drafting chapter 4, whose contents I haven't exactly figured out yet, may be an unreasonable expectation and result in the production of total garbage.
  • Plan fall course, which is entirely new
  • Proceedings essay--this should be easy, since I'm not planning to make many changes to the conference paper that it's growing out of
  • Promotion review--should also be relatively easy, since I've already read (and reviewed) the book of the person I'm evaluating
  • Make pages for silly handmade book project--more about this below
  • Intentionally take two weeks entirely off???? --We'll see.
  • Finish and submit Boredom chapter, now that editors have a publisher signed on
  • Prepare conference presentation about Squares
  • Draft and submit Squares proposal
  • Prepare conference presentation about Showcase
  • Write and submit Showcase essay
1) self-care: the usual. Building & maintaining good habits, improving my environment, my ongoing wrestling with the healthcare system for diagnoses.
  • 1a) getting back on top of my personal finances (I am embarrassed to admit that I know I pay into a savings thingie every month but I can't remember who with, never mind any of the details about the type of thingie. Which is of course why I have direct debits set up in the first place because I am scatty, but... cringe).
2) Researcher; things which need to happen
  • 2a) poor abandoned multi-author paper
  • 2b) paper with senior grad student
  • 2c) wish-we-never-started-project (ends this summer)
  • 2d) paper using consultancy work (led by the people we did the work for which is nice)
  • 2e) submit a grant application (for my KPIs - fortunately I'm a partner on several, so one might get submitted this summer)
  • and I also want to take some time to read and think about who I am as a researcher and who I want to be for the next decade or so.
3) Teaching:
  • 3a) summer teaching duties
  • i) supervising two PhD students
  • ii) preparing for an MSc by Research student who will start in the Autumn (in an area related to what I do, but I need to do some reading around!)
  • iii) supervising an unknown (small) number of taught MSc student projects on unknown topics (usually these are assigned in March - this year it will be "sometime soon" and there are a LOT of students and a three line whip about everyone taking some on. Sigh! Makes taking proper breaks extra difficult).
  • 3b) preparing for next year.
  • i) establish what I will actually be teaching
  • ii) putting together a "skills resource" for higher level students which makes it easier for them to find handouts etc. from their first year courses when they learnt specific skills or topics
  • iii) getting on top of what my 'new' administrative role ACTUALLY needs from me - I've been almost 100% reactive this year.
4) fun. I know fun is self-care, but it's also just FUN. So every week I want to do at least one thing I can point at and say that was FUN, working up to something every day on any day I have off. Some things that count as fun:
  • 4a) book and TAKE leave
  • 4b) crochet - finish "Lithrops blanket", make an anigurumi, start a new simple blanket project
  • 4c) read things (whilst social media etc. are very good escapism/mild disassociation, reading can do the same thing but in a quieter mode).
  • 4d) do things with words (fiction, poetry, journalling, blogging - non-work things with words always used to be my happy place, so maybe spending time there will bring that back...
  • 4e) dungeons and dragons (playing with Nibling and their friends, and I'd like to try out some different ways of playing with different people & maybe get involved in another long-running game but that depends a lot on how well I am doing mentally/socially - I might not have the energy - in which case I can replace that with reading about D&D and preparing extra materials which will make it quicker to play in term time (basically potter around in my elaborate fantasy city and world settings)).
Session goals: I have research leave this term, until the end of September, so this is space to breathe and see what can be salvaged from the wreckage. The challenge will be to be disciplined about how I use it.

  • 1. Grant application. The main aim is to get to archives, do background reading and be in a position to apply for funding that would enable the big project I want to do. So honing research questions, and thinking about project design.
  • 2. Writing. Not sure what form this will take, but want to keep some form going alongside the other stuff, because I will feel happy if I do. So adding bits to articles, crafting the grant application (though that's a harder form of writing).
  • 1. Ongoing PhD students: give them the time they are entitled to, which is not always the same as what they want/need. I have three currently
  • (a) Dream student - works hard, great project, has just gone part-time so deadline has been extended, absolute joy.
  • (b) Bright but needy student - works hard, ok project, tends to ask for more meetings that current amount of written work and stage really need, and my co-supervisor tends to say yes, grrr.
  • (c) Pain in the neck student - should be finishing in the next few months, is very slow with writing the actual thesis instead of trying for journal articles that are mostly mud-slinging at big names. Does have good project, but never listens to my feedback. Suspect he will become a problem and need to avoid having my time sucked away.
  • 2. New module for next year - am going to try to postpone this to the next session so it doesn't distract. Future me may curse present me, but I think this is one ball I may as well place gently on the ground.
  • I have some large projects (new kitchen, bathrooms) and lots of medium projects i.e. things that aren't huge in terms of money or time but still require me to find someone to do a job/buy some equipment/give up a weekend. There are far too many for one session so:
  • 1. Medium/largeish garden projects, since it's summer (or find new gardener - old one only mowed the lawn and I can get kid to do that for much less money)
  • 2. Sort finances
  • 3. One or two medium other projects e.g. framing pictures for my study.
  • 4. Start one big project (emphasis on 'start' and 'one').
Life/self care
  • 1. Holiday already booked in a couple of weeks! Next year Kid 1 has important exams, so travel will need to be reduced.
  • 2. Read good books
  • 3. Try to establish better sleep habits.
  • 4. Start HRT and see if it works
  • 5. Try to reduce the high cholesterol I have recently been told I have 😢 - so exercise, diet.
  • 6. Find dentist.
  • 7. Overall, try for more balance, being more present with the kids and less stressed. Emphasis on try.
  • 1. I am co-editor for a massive collaborative project. We've still got some first drafts to receive from the 31 commissioned; we have to write an introduction; and the whole thing needs to be submitted next March. So the goal for this session is to finish first drafts & draft introduction.
  • 2. Famous author: I have finished the draft of a very short book on a very famous author, and have comments on it. If the world smiles on me, I want to look at the comments and do revisions. In a perfect world I'd send it to publishers later this summer.
  • 3. Book prize. I am on the committee for a major book prize, and that requires reading about 20 books in the first round and then another 15 or so in the second round. First round readings need to be done by the end of June...
Goals: Admin
  • Be ready for the start of the fall semester.
Goals: life
  • 1. Be present with my mother as much as possible
  • 2. Do nice things for myself

Last week’s goals

Daisy (carried over from week 5)

1. Get fancy machine working with help of friendly physicists
2. TRY AGAIN Take one day for writing a couple of paper sections
3. Write outline for joint student paper
4. Write promotion review
5. Write association report
6. Get myself and students ready for field work….

Dame Eleanor Hull

1. process proofs for article coming out in July
2. expand Alms chapter
3. dead languages 3x each or as possible
4. finish reading book for tenure review
5. read at least 1000 lines of Relevant Romance
6. process at least 3 grad apps
7. at least 2 things from Huge Summer List

heu mihi

1. Finish reading for promotion review and draft letter
2. Read JO, start LMS, skim relevant parts of PL, start BM, read AW
3. Make 10 pages
4. Notes on MM; draft vignettes on JM and MM
5. Process journal article


1) Self-care: baselines, book the Decluttering Lady for sometime soon, make a Drs appointment
2) Researcher: Wish-we-never-started project - at least 5 hours of work. Near-final action steps on very overdue paper. Two "small jobs"
3) Teaching: Feedback to all new MSc students on their project ideas. Make a summer list.
4) Fun. Play D&D or do some D&D planning. Read something. Start the next blanket. Draw something. Make a 
5) summer wish list for non- work days


1. Finish French book
2. More archive searches
3. Read two interlibrary loans
4. Read Difficult PhD chapter
5. Garden - find some chairs for the patio, maybe hire a gardener
6. House - 1-2 small to medium jobs
7. Niece's birthday present
8. Get back on exercise bandwagon.
9. Book trip to Liverpool to meet new other niece.


1. Second article review
2. Read 4 books
3. Spring schedule
4. Finish filling jobs
5. Contact attorney
6. Organize forms so I can figure out what needs doing
7. Keep having fun with friend who is visiting


  1. Ooohh midway already.... Wow!
    My writing is definitely not under any kind of control right now… I feel like I get the best results when I work on one thing with focus and can really see progress. All the papers I really like I’ve done as big blocks, it really helps me to get into them and focus. So… Maybe I should take that as a guide for the next few weeks? I think I can do that… So new session goal – pick ONE paper and do it as a block? It also really helps me to have detailed task lists that are very specific (e.g. make sample table, write two paragraphs on X etc.) so that I can keep going in small increments and don’t waste time redoing old things, or dithering about what to do…

    Session goals:
    Submit 2 papers based on conference talks from this week REVISE TO PICK ONE OF THESE AND FINISH IT
    Do analysis and write my part of joint local paper KEEP
    Field work with 2 students ONGOING
    Vacation and regular fun with kid KEEP, BUT NO PROGRESS YET…

    I completely spaced out of checking in last week but enjoyed reading along as always – I was away in the woods with students. It went ok, we covered lots of ground and then I left them on their own for this coming week so they can do the independent thing without me hovering… I hope it goes well, so far the daily reports (I insist on detailed ones with plans for next day) have been delightful to read.

    Week before’s goals
    Get fancy machine working with help of friendly physicists DONE, THEY WERE GREAT!
    TRY AGAIN Take one day for writing a couple of paper sections TRY AGAIN
    Write outline for joint student paper DONE
    Write promotion review NOPE
    Write association report DONE
    Get myself and students ready for field work…. DONE

    This week’s goals:
    Do finicky difficult lab process for first time…
    Work on joint student paper, naming it CRUNCHY
    Figure out what needs to be done for analytical part of local paper, now named SHINY!
    Write promotion review
    Finish paper review
    Revise and send out association paperwork
    Look into costs and options for some help with landscaping
    Do something fun with kid for end of school year

    1. Trying to figure out if being away in the woods is literal or figurative! If literal, sounds like fun. Good luck choosing which paper to work on.

    2. I hope the woods didn't have too many busy little bugs looking for a scientist buffet!

    3. I know it's work for you, but being in the woods sounds so restorative! I hope it is so for you, even though it's also a work situation.

  2. My writing is not under any kind of control, and I've given up pretty much with trying that for the moment - it's just not how I work unless I'm in a very good place with everything else and... yeah. If I have a longer block of time, I either procrastinate aggressively or do a deep dive - which could be into the work OR into reading/some other idea which starts from the work and just... runs away with me. I always try to end a longer writing session by listing a few very specific next steps like Daisy, so I can make use of pieces of time. I also have very clear preferences for what parts of writing I like & don't like doing! I'm making writing progress so far this summer but it's all thanks to collaborations keeping me moving... I make really strong use of my notebook/work bujo/whatever you call it to capture ideas and incidental thoughts and sidelines, and to keep the things that spin off projects. That helps get them out of the soundtrack in my head, at least!

    1) self-care: the usual. Building & maintaining good habits, improving my environment, my ongoing wrestling with the healthcare system for diagnoses all still very necessary goals<.i>
    1a) getting back on top of my personal finances
    2) Researcher; things which need to happen
    2a) poor abandoned multi-author paper is making progress! I just sent a rewrite of the discussion to the person organising things, and we have another meeting next week...
    2b) paper with senior grad student no movement - they're still dealing with post-COVID health issues and they have a big conference next month, so this is one for August - and therefore within scope for this iteration, so it stays
    2c) wish-we-never-started-project (ends this summer) aargh
    2d) paper using consultancy work first draft appeared last week!
    2e) submit a grant application (for my KPIs - fortunately I'm a partner on several, so one might get submitted this summer)
    and I also want to take some time to read and think about who I am as a researcher and who I want to be for the next decade or so. not at all yet - these need to come to the fore in July
    3) Teaching: so far has mostly been related to undergraduates and their assessment...
    3a) summer teaching duties
    i) supervising two PhD students
    ii) preparing for an MSc by Research student who will start in the Autumn (in an area related to what I do, but I need to do some reading around!)
    iii) supervising three number of taught MSc student projects (sigh)
    3b) preparing for next year.
    i) establish what I will actually be teaching still waaaaaiiiiting...
    ii) putting together a "skills resource" for higher level students
    iii) getting on top of what my 'new' administrative role ACTUALLY needs from me
    4) fun. every week I want to do at least one thing I can point at and say that was FUN I actually did this, working up to something every day on any day I have off. Some things that count as fun:
    4a) book and TAKE leave booked, and already being eaten into by "really urgent" things
    4b) crochet - finish "Lithrops blanket", make an anigurumi, start a new simple blanket project yes, yes, and I have the supplies!
    4c) read things really struggling here
    4d) do things with words (fiction, poetry, journalling, blogging - non-work things with words always used to be my happy place, so maybe spending time there will bring that back... and here
    4e) dungeons and dragons is happening around various end of term/exam/student stuff for my players
    4f) the only thing I'm adding - art - drawing, noodling around with watercolours. For some reason this is happening quite a lot right now & I am having FUN so it should continue!

    1. Oops, italics all over the place, apologies for bad formatting...

      1) Self-care: baselines, book the Decluttering Lady for sometime soon, make a Drs appointment ish, yes, yes
      2) Researcher: Wish-we-never-started project - at least 5 hours of work. Near-final action steps on very overdue paper. Two "small jobs" about 1.5 hours, yes, one (plus some more editing on the joint invited review because we're working on the revisions (yay!)
      3) Teaching: Feedback to all new MSc students on their project ideas. Make a summer list. yes, no
      4) Fun. Play D&D or do some D&D planning. Read something. Start the next blanket. Draw something. Make a summer wish list for non- work days played D&D, no reading, no crochet - it's been HOT, did some messing around with paint and made a D&D in joke themed birthday card for my nibling. no list


      1) Self-care: baselines
      2) Researcher: Wish-we-never-started project - at least 5 hours of work. Meeting and any last bits on very overdue paper. Two "small jobs". Summer list.
      3) Teaching: progress meeting for Junior grad student. Make a summer list. Remind MSc students I'm on leave soon. Set resits, contact my advisee students who have work to make up over the summer.
      4) Fun. Play D&D or do some D&D planning. Read something. Start the next blanket. Draw something. Make a summer wish list for non- work days.

    2. That is quite a lot of YES things, and some major progress on session goals!
      Good luck on all the summer lists, I hope you can get lots of fun things onto it!

    3. Collaboration can be a great boost! I sometimes wish it were more common in my field.

  3. Another UK person thrown by the halfway point! I was at an American colleague's garden party today, someone who is also on leave. We had a conversation about whether the summer is well underway (because in the US schools are out already) and we need to crank up the pressure on ourselves, or whether it hasn't really started yet (because in the UK there is still about a month to go) so we don't need to panic.

    Great prompt, as that's something I'm struggling with in my current research. My previous research has tended to break down naturally into blocks where a particular set of sources goes with a particular question, by and large e.g. changes in land use - look at X set of records, family & inheritance - look at marriage contracts and wills. So it was easy to do things in blocks and write up as I went. This project I do have particular questions and can pull out certain themes, but they are much more tangled up with each other, and the sources will often relate to more than one question. So I'm constantly pulled in different directions. I have tried to organise my reading under headings, and to plan to focus on one heading at a time, but the archival research is more grab everything in sight that might be useful. I need to do more sorting of photos of documents and notes so that I don't forget what material I have that is relevant to which question. I have a notebook, which I've divided into sections, and I use that to jot down ideas & references so that when I come to write, I have some prompts. But deciding which question to prioritise is the real struggle. I've jumped around a lot this year. On the plus side, it is great for my intellectual curiosity. Looking forward to seeing what tips other people have.

    Session goals.
    I won't list them again - I think I want to keep all of them. Most are in progress, a few not started on the life/self-care and house parts, but there's still time. I do need to do more writing than I have been doing.

    Last week's goals
    1. Finish French book - YES
    2. More archive searches - YES
    3. Read two interlibrary loans - NO (most of one, was more detailed than expected)
    4. Read Difficult PhD chapter - YES
    5. Garden - find some chairs for the patio, maybe hire a gardener - MAYBE and YES
    6. House - 1-2 small to medium jobs - YES (electrician in to fix things)
    7. Niece's birthday present - YES
    8. Get back on exercise bandwagon. - YES (run x 2, pilates x 1)
    9. Book trip to Liverpool to meet new other niece. - YES accommodation, still need to book trains.

    This week:
    1. Finish one interlibrary loan, read at least one other.
    2. More archive searches.
    3. Spend a day writing.
    4. Exercise
    5. Small to medium house job.
    6. Financial stuff.

    1. what a great number of YES on last week's list! It always trips me up that solstice is so early in the summer too...

    2. My work almost always involves different sources coming together. A slightly older scholar I met when I was a young Ph.D. candidate did cross references for all his notes (it is not surprising that he wrote relatively little, his note taking was amazing but that's it.) But when I'm ready to write I try to go through all my notes and create a document with all the references that might serve each chapter, which I can go back to when I'm writing that chapter.

      I love the idea of a garden party!

    3. I'd like to get to the point of having garden or deck parties! In my imagination, I have summer dinner parties on our deck, which are filled with sparkling conversation and empty of mosquitoes.

    4. The garden party was rained on about halfway through! But it was nice while it lasted.

  4. Ugh! Halfway! Noooo!!!

    --With that out of my system:

    I actually think that I usually focus pretty closely on one project at a time. At least, in terms of intellectual curiosity; I'll pick up other projects as the occasions arise, but then I typically find myself struggling a bit to figure out what I'm going to write about. At the moment, though, I actually have some possible spin-offs suggesting themselves to me, and I'm taking on a second co-edited volume (a festschrift for my just-retired advisor), and I have...ideas. Little ones, anyway. We'll see how that goes.

    I do like having projects at different stages of completion--ideally, something that I'm researching and writing; something that's out for review; something that I need to revise/finish for publication. But that's not usually the reality!

    Session goals so far:
    1. Chapter 2 (draft by end of May/early June)
    --Yes; much work left to do, but there is a draft that exists.
    2. Chapter 4 (if not draft, plan and get ready for fall writing). Accept that actually drafting chapter 4, whose contents I haven't exactly figured out yet, may be an unreasonable expectation and result in the production of total garbage.
    --I have a plan. It might result in garbage anyway, but I must venture forth regardless.
    3. Plan fall course, which is entirely new
    --Very, very little work done on this so far...must start thinking about it in earnest soon.
    4. Proceedings essay
    --Haven't started. Hope to get this worked out pretty quickly in July (my conference paper is the draft, and I don't think there's too much work to be done on it).
    5. Promotion review
    --Very nearly done--hope to finish this week.
    6. Make pages for silly handmade book project
    --Pages made! Now for the complicated engineering part.
    6. Intentionally take two weeks entirely off???? --We'll see.
    --Jury is still out.

    Keeping the same goals. Carrying on.

    Last week:
    1. Finish reading for promotion review and draft letter
    2. Read JO, start LMS, skim relevant parts of PL, start BM, read AW
    --Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Mostly
    3. Make 10 pages
    4. Notes on MM; draft vignettes on JM and MM
    --Yes; Yes and Sort of (I'm changing direction)
    5. Process journal article
    --Partly; have read it, but haven't determined whether it's a good enough fit to send for review.

    This week:
    --Is the only week that my son will be at camp, so I need to Get Stuff Done.
    1. Finish AW and take notes on it; start BM; start TB; read LMS
    2. Finish and send promotion letter
    3. Freewrite and/or 1000-1500 words on ch. 4
    4. Bind text block
    5. Journal proofs to co-editor
    6. Finish processing journal article

    1. That looks like some great progress!

      Having multiple projects at multiple stages is very nice when it happens (although I find something always comes back from referees at a busy point in another project) - and it is nice to be able to pick task type depending on the day e.g. the hard but fun work of putting together a first draft or the attention-needing detail work of polishing an alomost ready piece...

    2. Multiple projects at different stages is definitely inspirational, makes one notice the progress more when there are other stages to compare to I think!
      Good luck with the Getting Stuff Done plan!

    3. The projects at different stages is definitely a goal to aspire to! I also hope to make the stages work out well with my seasonal energy changes, so that in the winter I can do tasks that will get done just by putting in the time, and save creative thinking for months with more daylight/energy. But it doesn't often work out that way.

    4. Definitely food for thought here. I just got an article back from referees, right while I'm in the flow of something else, but thinking that saving it for a low energy moment is a good strategy.

  5. Half way? Really? Well, there goes the summer!

    Anyway, I work best when I'm focused on one thing at a time, so the current situation when I have Big Collaboration and Famous author going simultaneously is hard for me. I am endlessly curious, but not good at multitasking.

    Session Goals -- I'm not going to change them, but obviously I'm behind because my mother's death has really thrown me off. But the goals were sufficiently vague that I will keep them. So far:
    1. I am co-editor for a massive collaborative project. We've still got some first drafts to receive from the 31 commissioned; we have to write an introduction; and the whole thing needs to be submitted next March. So the goal for this session is to finish first drafts & draft introduction. STARTED
    2. Famous author: I have finished the draft of a very short book on a very famous author, and have comments on it. If the world smiles on me, I want to look at the comments and do revisions. In a perfect world I'd send it to publishers later this summer. SOON?
    3. Book prize. I am on the committee for a major book prize, and that requires reading about 20 books in the first round and then another 15 or so in the second round. First round readings need to be done by the end of June... READING

    Goals: Admin
    Be ready for the start of the fall semester. DOING MY BEST

    Goals: life

    1. Be present with my mother as much as possible I HOPE I WAS
    2. Do nice things for myself YES

    Last week's goals:
    1. Second article review YES
    2. Read 4 books YES
    3. Spring schedule NO
    4. Finish filling jobs NO
    5. Contact attorney YES
    6. Organize forms so I can figure out what needs doing YES
    7. Keep having fun with friend who is visiting YES

    Well, simple goals were achievable. I had a great time with my friend, including visits both to a winery and to our Local National Park, which is amazing, especially because we had lots of rain and the waterfalls are incredible. And I'm beginning to feel in control of the stuff. Still a few admin goals to meet, but that's boring

    GOALS for next week
    (Very limited, as there's a conference and I need to get ready to fly to London for 5 1/2 weeks. My "To Do" list is VERY long.) The conference is one that happens every 3 years in my thematic specialization, and I kind of wish I wasn't going, but it's less than a 2 hour drive away, and I'll see people, and if I need to leave early, I will. Breathe.
    1. Read last 3 books of which I have physical copies (There are 2 that I only have as ebooks)
    2. Organize all the things for travel
    3. Last bits of Admin (jobs, spring schedule)
    4. Actually read program for Big Conference
    5. Enjoy time at Big Conference/visit with friends
    6. Get on plane in one piece on Sunday afternoon.
    7. Breathe.

    Not sure when I'll check in next week, because right now I can't see past getting on the plane!

    1. There's still a goodly amount of summer left, especially with your long trip coming up! I hope you have a wonderful time, and get some rest and peace as well as inspiration!

    2. So glad you had a good time with your visitor!
      Hope the big conference is fantastic and restorative and energizing, and the perfect send-off before your big trip!

    3. I cam imagine the waterfalls---how lovely! I hope the conference is inspiring and that you manage to do all the necessary things before you head off to London. And please keep us informed about that trip so we can enjoy it vicariously!

    4. Hope the conference is a boost, and yes, keep us posted on the trip. Let us know if you have any plans to head north when you're in the UK.

  6. Count me as another who is horrified that we're halfway through already, though I had been working that out on my own, looking at what remains of the summer. Only it's different when someone else says it.

    I don't think I do manage to keep my writing manageable. My book project started as a conference paper that was going to become an article, only section one of the article came in at 6000 words. Last year I was working on a chapter that was going to be on General Topic, which then became two chapters each on a single aspect of that topic; then one of those chapters, which was going to deal with two characters, expanded to four characters . . . I hope that chapter will now stay put, but I'm worried about what will happen to its companion chapter. I have many many files, and some are named so that I can easily find what I am looking for, but sometimes a file labeled "outline" turns into "notes and quotes," or an entry in "bibliography" starts developing an argument. A few times in the past I have considered something like Scrivener, but when inquiring about how it works, have felt that it would drive me nuts and I'd be better off sticking with my files and searchable folders.

    1. I tried scrivener, and it didn't work for me -- and moving stuff to a word document was a pain. It's optimized for macs, so if you use a mac, you might have a very different experience!

  7. So, let's look at session goals.
    - Expand an article into a chapter: In Progress.
    - Cut down a chapter section into a conference paper: DONE
    - Make progress on another chapter OR preliminary work towards spring sabbatical project: KEEP
    - Work with library colleague on new project: In Progress.
    - Prep fall classes: Barely started, but gestures made. KEEP
    - Do some sewing/alteration projects: KEEP
    - Get some house/garden tasks done: KEEP
    - Unpack the boxes in the garage: KEEP
    - House re-organization as necessary to accommodate box contents . . . KEEP
    - Sleep enough, exercise appropriately (consider joining a gym), enjoy the warm weather. KEEP

    Various house/garden things have happened; others need to, but have to wait for appropriate weather or energy. Sleep has been problematic of late, as has focus (probably a relation there!). It seems like the more I read apparently helpful posts at and resolve to pay attention to what I'm doing and make healthy/useful choices, the more I stay up late futzing around, try to do multiple things at once, and generally degrade in performance. To be fair to myself, I'm spending a lot of time thinking through various family-related issues that seem to be part of the process of grieving for my dad, so emotionally I'm kind of not-all-there (and I hate this, it feels ridiculous to be going back to this work at my age, but there it is, families are sometimes complicated and removing one person shifts everything; and there's similar stuff happening in my husband's family, so we're getting it from both sides). Back to the house, I've decided that Thing One is to inventory the remaining unopened boxes, to figure out how many are books, china, etc., then work out what sort of storage we need to clear or acquire. Buying more bookshelves will probably become an action item before long! Since we are in an area with terrible air quality due to fires in Canada, this seems like a good week to work on indoor projects rather than outdoor ones. Joining a gym would also give me safe air to exercise in, so step one is to visit one or more to tour and maybe take up a short-term sample membership.

    1. I was just thinking about the way a parent's death reconfigures everything. So thank you for the update from 6 months on in this process. And I so get the there/not there thing.

    2. Grief work is tough, sympathies. I think sadly it's inevitable as we get older that our lives get reconfigured by losing people. My parents both lost brothers a couple of years ago, and it was surprising to all of us what a shift that involved, including revisiting stuff from the past. Given how inevitable it is, we ought to be better as a society at talking about it and understanding what it means for people.

    3. Thank you, Julie, that's helpful to hear, and makes me feel better about going back to therapy to talk about my brothers. For a long time I have not really allowed myself to have Feelings about one of them, because we had to work together to care for aged parents. We were close when young, but, well, Stuff.
      Susan, it is definitely a process and it helps to recognize it from before; also I don't feel I had unfinished business with my dad; but re-shaping the family is its own ball of wax.

  8. And now the report on last week's goals, and setting some for this week. How I did:
    1. process proofs for article coming out in July. YES
    2. expand Alms chapter. NO (I may have written a sentence or two, but mostly I've had documents open and then just not done anything)
    3. dead languages 3x each or as possible: YES for one, NO the other
    4. finish reading book for tenure review. NO (this is about to move to TRQ)
    5. read at least 1000 lines of Relevant Romance. NO
    6. process at least 3 grad apps. YES
    7. at least 2 things from Huge Summer List: ONE, I think?

    Last week was difficult; I had side effects from my second shingles shot for two days, with a headache another day that might have been a last effect or maybe a separate thing, but required a long nap and no screens. I've been reading more fiction, which is a pleasant thing, but I sure have a lot of scholarly reading to tackle.

    And here it is already Wednesday, so this week's goals should probably be scaled back to reflect that. And yet . . .
    - expand Alms chapter
    - dead languages 3x each or as possible
    - finish reading book for tenure review
    - read at least 1000 lines of Relevant Romance
    - process at least 1 grad apps
    - at least 2 things from Huge Summer List (pick things I can knock off quickly!)
