the grid

the grid

Sunday 4 June 2023

Session 2, Week 4

Hello all! Sorry to miss last week, especially as it was a great prompt, Jane, but had a great time on holiday in Greece, Paros to be exact. First time on a Greek island, and it was as beautiful as all the classic photos that get used in adverts. It was a very slow-paced holiday, with a lot of time for reading and enjoying things at leisure. Italy at Easter was great, but we did pack in cultural sights and jump on and off trains, whereas this time, although we did check out the archaeological museum and monastery, and catch buses to different villages, we spent a lot more time on beaches and in cafes and restaurants. I don't think I realised how much we all needed this kind of a break. Anyway, I will stop boasting about travel for some time now, you will all be relieved to hear: we have a week planned in Scotland for late August, but no further trips abroad.

This week's prompt is a bit of fantasy escapism. Our little apartment had a roof terrace with a table and views of the sea, which would have been a perfect place to write if I hadn't been on holiday. I did do a lot of journaling there. It got me thinking that an ideal summer writing break would be to be somewhere like a Mediterranean island. Because it's a fantasy, the temperatures wouldn't get as brutally hot as they actually do in the Med in summer - or, at least, there would always be a cool breeze and temperatures would fall at night. And there would be no mosquitoes. I would have writing time in the mornings, while other people were asleep, then take a break for a swim, leisurely lunch, then maybe some reading or perhaps a bit more writing while it was too hot to go out, then maybe another swim and an evening spent strolling, going for drinks and dinner. In this fantasy, there would be friends to spend time with, but they wouldn't impinge on my writing time. So for this week, tell us about your fantasy summer writing location (or your real location, if you're lucky enough to have one that allows for an escape).

Last week's goals


1) Self-care: baselines, optician's appointment, make next Drs appointment, Pile On Chair and Pile In Hall
2) Researcher: Wish-we-never-started project - at least 5 hours of work. Meet about and do my action steps on returned paper. two "small jobs"
3) Teaching: Keep up with marking process (mostly administration and a few very late pieces may come in this week - mostly that will be next week). Meet with all new MSc students for an hour to get their planning started. Summer list.
4) Fun. Might play D&D - if not, do some D&D planning. Read something. Do some thinking about the next large-and-simple blanket crochet project. Start mini project (I'm trying a sun hat pattern next).
fun. hopefully play D&D this coming weekend (this one was a no-go because of the dread exam season for most of the players), and work on the 'Lithrops' blanke


Redo ALL existing summer plans to fit in new opportunities
Submit ALL expenses for both trips this month
Renew two sets of software licences
Order last bits of kit for lab
Work on samples! NEW samples!!! Yay!! (aka do actual science with actual samples)
Sit down with wine and write down everything I said in conference talks for paper outlines

Dame Eleanor

 Keep 10-3 as "work hours" and do exercise, house stuff, errands at other times
- Finish editing conference paper
- Start reading through tenure-review file
- Process grad applications
- Aim for one creative, one house, and one garden task from Summer Lists


The real agenda is to slide back into a semi-normal life, though part of that will be dealing with more of the administrative part of the estate.
Research - scholarship
1. Read 1 draft essay and one revised essay for Big Collaboration
2. Read 2 articles I agreed to review even though I should have said no.
3. Start reading for book prize
4. Read book (that I want to read) for review that was due in February or March

Admin for work:
5. Work out schedule for summer program for new grad students (due last Friday)
6. Draft budget for next year
7. Get people to work on seminar series for next year
8. Get last people for small task forces
9. Schedule for next spring

10: Mail books to Paris
11. Ship pictures to Paris
12. Clear up last bits of clutter
13. Do something nice for myself/ with a friend

Heu mihi

1. Finish working draft of ch. 2 (there will be much left to do later, but time to move on, I think)
2. Start working up a list of possible texts for ch. 4
3. Make 10 pages
4. Finish reading a couple of things that are sitting around (KM, FT)
5. Maybe take a forest day???

Julie (carried over)

1. Maximise time in different set of archives Monday and Tuesday (I'm now in Burgos, and thinking of Susan especially, as it's full of people doing the Camino).
2. Claim expenses for trip.
3. Upload photos and write up notes before I forget what everything is.
4. Get ready for holiday next week.


  1. How I did:
    1. Maximise time in different set of archives Monday and Tuesday (I'm now in Burgos, and thinking of Susan especially, as it's full of people doing the Camino). - YES
    2. Claim expenses for trip. - NO (scanned all the receipts at least)
    3. Upload photos and write up notes before I forget what everything is. - NO
    4. Get ready for holiday next week. - YES (inevitably, this was all I had time for in the day and a half I had left after the archives).

    This week's goals
    1. Claim expenses
    2. Upload photos and write up notes before I forget what everything is.
    3. Read Bright but Anxious PhD student's chapter ahead of a meeting.
    4. Finish a database/spreadsheet of rural charities for Burgos
    5. Schedule coffee with a friend and colleague to talk about research.
    6. Keep email catch-up brief

    1. I hope this proves to be an easy, pleasant week! Although I hate the expense forms, an economist once pointed out that doing them was probably the highest hourly rate I'd ever make, which eases the job a little, so I pass it on in case it helps you.

    2. Oh, now I want to know about rural charities in Burgos.

    3. Good luck on chapter reading and expense claims! I love the idea of thinking of claims as payment/hour... Even though they take ages the rate is good!
      And... Travel reporting does not count as bragging, we all love to hear about different places I think!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful holiday and a wonderful fantasy writing location! Assuming it was not too hot and strolling on the beach with the odd paddle could be substituted for swimming I'd love to have the flat next door...

    My fantasy writing location right now is a coastal cottage in the north, Scandinavia or Scotland, and also involves some control of the weather (continual breezes to keep the midgies down especially in the early evening very much needed!). The weather is full of light, but cool enough some evenings that I might need to light a small fire. The views are wide, and there is a sun-trap terrace where I can read, and some good rocks for sitting on along the beach, and also a nice solid farmhouse table near a window with a view of the sea for indoor writing and spreading out of papers which can be left there all week (I am a Delicate Flower & I don't actually like outdoor writing much in practice - there's always a breeze or a sneeze or a noise or it's too hot or too bright or too cold or too buzzy or the light is wrong or a moving shadow). And I would read and write and walk and nap and have a fridge and cupboard full of local deliciousness including excellent cheeses which do not make me itch and shortbread and light crisp spicy lace cookies that don't make me gain weight and a lot of berries and Greek yoghurt...

    1) Self-care: baselines, optician's appointment, make next Drs appointment, Pile On Chair and Pile In Hall ish (mostly today... and some bad eating... yes I made the appointment and have taken the necessary next steps resulting from it, and, well, the piles have all gotten together next to my desk in one pile which is kind of progress (although Fluffball tipped a part-full cup of water over it today which was less than ideal). I also made another couple of necessary medical appointments.
    2) Researcher: Wish-we-never-started project - at least 5 hours of work. Meet about and do my action steps on returned paper. two "small jobs" about three because ugh my brain was stuttering, yes and more to do this week, yes (at least, I think the two jobs I chose counted - one wasn't unambiguously research, but it was on the general list and needed doing, so...)
    3) Teaching: Keep up with marking process (mostly administration and a few very late pieces may come in this week - mostly that will be next week). Meet with all new MSc students for an hour to get their planning started. Summer list. yes, yes, no because apparently lists are one of the things that make my brain stutter right now
    4) Fun. Might play D&D - if not, do some D&D planning. Read something. Do some thinking about the next large-and-simple blanket crochet project. Start mini project (I'm trying a sun hat pattern next). no D&D or planning, finished a light but forgettable novel, have some ideas, and finished the sun hat.

    1) Self-care: baselines, sort through the Combined Pile
    2) Researcher: Wish-we-never-started project - at least 5 hours of work. Any new action steps on returned paper. Two "small jobs"
    3) Teaching: More marking (a few late pieces, bureaucracy - we're into the complaints and paperwork part of the process at least). Meet with all new MSc students again (they have a really poorly planned out, tight schedule this year). Summer list.
    4) Fun. Play D&D or do some D&D planning. Read something. Do some thinking about the next large-and-simple blanket crochet project (& estimate how much the yarn will cost...). Plan out and book annual leave this summer.

    1. Definitely book the annual leave! That's important, and you need it and deserve it. I like the sound of your northern island, and would enjoy the long long evenings this time of year, but it's true, the light outside is tricky, especially when screens are involved. Congrats on making the medical appointments; I find once I've done that then it's easier to just go and do the things than to put them off, but I do rather feel like a cat who has been told not only that it has to go to the vet but that it has to walk there!

    2. Medical appointments are such a hassle, especially in the UK at the moment. I second booking the annual leave and making a plan so the time is ring-fenced for something nice.

    3. Love the picture of the cottage with a big table. And including nice rocks to sit on is vital! Definitely book the leave and make plans for it, something to look forward to, and much-needed time to breathe!

    4. Love the cat analogy! Yes, I DEFINITELY feel like a cat told to walk itself to the vets. During one of its Very Important Scheduled Naps. Starting off all ruffled and discombobulated...

    5. Ooh, you've reminded me of my other fantasy, which is a cabin on a private, internet-less island in Finland, with a sauna, lots of good wine and fresh food, and plenty to read....wait, this isn't a writing fantasy anymore. Oh well!

  3. Oooh a fantasy writing spot… Such a fun thing to think about!
    My first choice is a cabin on the Isle of Harris… I was there for field work many years ago, had sabbatical plans but then Covid killed those, and I would love to go back there for working and writing… I think that would be a solo trip, perhaps with a selection of visitors who would really get the landscape and atmosphere…
    Second choice, warm Mediterranean island, not picky about which one! So many brilliant choices, something exactly like Julie’s description would be perfect! Third choice, any cabin on any of the coastlines I’ve worked on the last few years. So many are perfect for long walks, something to look at everywhere, and most are within reach of good food too so bonus! So basically any spot within walking distance of the ocean would be lovely…
    Or alternatively, a small, old-fashioned apartment in any random charming European city where one can walk to parks and fountains and little shops with gelato during writing breaks, and have museums and shows at one’s disposal for evenings. Oh that sounds so nice, I can go right now! Any takers? Let’s make a trip of it!!!

    Last week’s goals
    Redo ALL existing summer plans to fit in new opportunities ONGOING
    Submit ALL expenses for both trips this month DONE!
    Renew two sets of software licenses DONE
    Order last bits of kit for lab ONGOING
    Work on samples! NEW samples!!! Yay!! (aka do actual science with actual samples) ONGOING!
    Sit down with wine and write down everything I said in conference talks for paper outlines TRIED

    I did well with the lab stuff, nothing is ever as simple as when one first hears about it… I dread the words “oh it is easy, you just do X Y Z…” No-one ever mentions that each of A, Y and Z have sub-steps A through M before one can do them… Oh well, progress is good so I am happy.
    I did garden work three days out of the week, that is showing some results, so if I continue that I will have something to show for it by the end of summer I think. It is also time to start exercising deliberately again, got lots of activity going on, just not targeted or organized and I think I need that.

    This week’s goals
    Continue work with samples
    Continue lab set-up and purchases
    Teaching planning meetings for next year
    Take one day for writing a couple of paper sections
    Three reviews, only one of which is overdue
    Do garden work four times
    Exercise in the morning, do something every day
    Plan field work, but do back-up plans of literally everything because everything changes every time I write something down…

    1. I love the idea of a TLQ writing retreat! Maybe someday we can organize such a thing for real. Sympathies on the multiple substeps (they are a reason I often fail to make progress on various Life Tasks), and what a good idea to have back-up plans for all your field work. I'm trying to do a little in the garden every day, which in practice works out to 3-4 times a week; it's not enough but better than nothing. Thank Cat that my husband does the mowing and weed whacking.

    2. I would definitely be up for a real life TLQ writing retreat! Sounds as if the lab work is exciting, even if complicated. My garden is badly in need of some attention - maybe this weekend...

    3. Me three on the writing retreat!

    4. Hmmmmm... this was the moment a great plan started to hatch...

    5. Me four on a writing retreat...

    6. I've been reading a blog by a woman who lives in Cornwall and being amazed by the pictures she posts. Would Cornwall be warm enough/cool enough/interesting enough for all of us?

    7. Well it has fantastic rocks, and what is supposed to be King Arthur's castle at Tintagel, the scenary is wonderful and the weather is reasonably mild. Outside of the school holidays its a beautiful place

    8. Cornwall would be fabulous; I would go.

    9. I've been reading a lot about Cornwall, mainly books about walking the coastal path there. And a few of Patrick Gale's novels are set there, and he makes it sound gorgeous. Agree with JaneB that we need to avoid school holidays. Or find a bit that the surfers haven't colonised yet.

  4. Julie, I have to say that you have exactly described my writing-life fantasy. I would happily return to Kefalonia, where we spent a week last October, and enjoy beaches/sun/friendly stray cats/Greek food & wine in between writing sessions.

    Last week:
    1. Finish working draft of ch. 2 (there will be much left to do later, but time to move on, I think) - Yes; I'm still working on a few of the many questions and loose ends, but I'm also trying to make myself think about the next chapter
    2. Start working up a list of possible texts for ch. 4 - Started...didn't get very far. Some of the things that I'd like to look into are very hard to find (no English translations or even accessible original-language editions in a few cases), and I didn't add much beyond what I'd already thought of. But maybe what I have is enough? Time to start (re-)reading!
    3. Make 10 pages - YES
    4. Finish reading a couple of things that are sitting around (KM, FT) - Yes to KM; decided that it would make more sense to read FT after re-reading the book that it's about
    5. Maybe take a forest day??? - YES! I walked 8.5 miles. Started from my front door and went to, then up, a mountain that I'd heard about but never visited. So now I know where it is and how to get there. (This is a New England-style mountain, which means that it's not terribly rugged or tall, but it did involve a couple of steep climbs.) It was quite lovely.

    This week:
    1. READ. For work and pleasure. The stack of books to be read is getting too big.
    2. Read and take notes on two articles for promotion review.
    3. Make 10 pages.
    4. Comment on grad student's job materials.
    5. Prepare for and enjoy my birthday, which is on Saturday.

    1. Your forest day sounds excellent! I wish I lived near any sort of mountains. I share your need to READ---so many books! Happy upcoming birthday!

    2. A forest day sounds amazing. Happy birthday for Saturday!

    3. Happy Birthday for Saturday!
      We have the same birthday, I am planning a nice brunch out with kid, who will be in charge of baking the birthday cake, and I have a novel saved up to read in one shot on my deck with local cider.

    4. Happy birthday (on Saturday) to you too, Daisy! Hm, that makes at least three of us Geminis.

    5. Oh hey, birthday friend Daisy! One of my closest friends from high school also shares my birthday. It's a good one.

  5. I'll join Julie and heu mihi in the idealized Mediterranean island writing retreat---I don't mind hot weather so long as it cools off at night. I'll add a garden terrace with some trees for shade during the day, and bees buzzing in the lavender to provide soothing white noise for afternoon siestas. I've been thinking about using my brother's house for a writing retreat; it's in a northern area, with a fringe of trees between its windows and water, very comfortable beds, and a handy kitchen. He'd probably let me do this, but in practice I need so many books that writing retreats aren't very easy to organize.

    How I did:
    - Keep 10-3 as "work hours" and do exercise, house stuff, errands at other times. MOSTLY. Some days I have to shift my hours due to other commitments, but it helps to have the principle of dedicated working hours.
    - Finish editing conference paper. YES.
    - Start reading through tenure-review file. YES.
    - Process grad applications. YES.
    - Aim for one creative, one house, and one garden task from Summer Lists. UM. I made a start on one garden task, and started what I guess I could call a creative task, though it's more social than anything else.

    New goals:
    - Observe principle of 10-3 as "work hours"
    - Create PowerPoint for conference paper
    - Return to work on Alms chapter
    - Continue reading through tenure-review file
    - Aim for one creative, one house, and one garden task from Summer Lists

    An update: the note I wrote to EAM's family came back as undeliverable, so I'm going to send it to the funeral home with a request to forward it to the family if possible.

    1. And another more urgent goal: go through the proofs for an article coming out this fall!

    2. Sounds as if you got a lot done this week. Well done on mostly keeping set hours for work.

    3. Love the vision of the garden terrace with lavender and bees!

    4. Mmmm, I can just hear the bees now if I close my eyes...

  6. Fantasy writing retreat? I would move a good research library to a lovely location (maybe a beach somewhere beautiful, or perhaps somewhere in the British countryside, either my old haunts in Dorset or in my fantasy Scottish highlands, or I'll join Daisy in a charming European city) with space, good internet access, nice walks, and good food. Like JaneB, I actually can't really work (even read) outside - I get too distracted. But I like to be outside. Meals would appear, and I wouldn't have to think about them. There would be interesting people to talk to when I wished, but no pressure. And there would be a library if I needed to look something up so I didn't have to rely on ebooks.

    Back to reality:
    Research - scholarship
    1. Read 1 draft essay and one revised essay for Big Collaboration ONE ESSAY READ
    2. Read 2 articles I agreed to review even though I should have said no. READ ONE< Haven't finished writing review
    3. Start reading for book prize YES, 2 down
    4. Read book (that I want to read) for review that was due in February or March NO (but the journal was kind so I feel no pressure)

    Admin for work:
    5. Work out schedule for summer program for new grad students (due last Friday) HALF DONE
    6. Draft budget for next year NO
    7. Get people to work on seminar series for next year NO
    8. Get last people for small task forces NO
    9. Schedule for next spring NO

    10: Mail books to Paris YES
    11. Ship pictures to Paris NO
    12. Clear up last bits of clutter YES, mostly
    13. Do something nice for myself/ with a friend YES

    So, I did pretty well on research, not so well on admin, and pretty well on life. I consider the week a success. Just have to email a few more people and get things nailed down. (For instance, 2 people have turned me down for small task forces, so I have to figure out who to ask next.) There are just a lot of small interruptions.

    Goals for this week: (somewhat limited because I am going south to the big city on Thursday afternoon, driving back up Monday, and spending the weekend with my brother & family, which will be decidedly NOT work. Am hoping to head to My Favorite Library (TM) to do some writing but also see friends.

    1. Finish 2 article reviews
    2. Read 3 more books for book prize
    3. Start writing introduction to Big Collaboration

    1. Finish summer schedule/ contact people
    2. Contact people for limited fall jobs
    3. Draft budget for next year
    4. Submit spring schedule

    1. Pick up all stuff from Funeral Home (photo, ashes, death certificate) so I don't have to deal with them any more.*
    2. Start filing for life insurance and other stuff
    3. Contact attorneys for probate.
    4. Have fun in the big city, enjoy the kids and the family.

    * There is no way to overstate how annoying the cloying sweetness of the funeral home is, always talking about "your loved one".

    I guess it's more of "easing back into things"

    1. Edinburgh! I once had a wonderful 10 days there, working at the NLS and going for walks up to Arthur's Seat after work. It was heaven.

    2. Ooh, yes! That would be lovely. But I could be happy in many places! (I mean, a small city in Italy with good pasta? Heaven.)

    3. Just have to say, one thing among many I love about this group is that it is made up of people who all have a Favourite Library (TM)!!!
      Good luck with the admin and organizational things, I hope there is space for some restorative things.

    4. My favo(u)rite is probably the Bod, but the NLS definitely has the most wonderful setting!

    5. I *LOVE* Edinburgh! I think that my favorite library at this point, though, is the KBR in Brussels.

  7. Since some of us are "into" stationery, I wanted to share this post, which I hope you will enjoy as much as I did:
