Weekly goals first (apologies if I've missed any if you haven't checked in for a while). I've not checked in myself for quite a few weeks because everything is TRQ and I can't quite bring myself to set goals, not do them, revise the goals, not do them and get into that kind of cycle.
Session Goals - progress made, alterations necessary/made...with a particular focus on ensuring your goals remain kind and helpful to you rather than a list by which to judge what you've not done.
Weekly Goals:
-plan menus and grocery shop (lets keep this up!)
-exercise 4x
-in bed by 10:30pm most nights
-2500 words of MF
-rewrite query, make progress on secondary MSS, finalize primary MS, get strategy settled
-plan menus and grocery shop (lets keep this up!)
-exercise 4x
-in bed by 10:30pm most nights
-2500 words of MF
-rewrite query, make progress on secondary MSS, finalize primary MS, get strategy settled
Dame Eleanor Hull
1) Self: daily exercise, yoga (2x, preferably), enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely.
2) Research: 8 hours on main project, focusing on product.
3) Teaching: grade one set of assignments.
4) House/Life: tidy/organize in the basement.
5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process.
1) Self: daily exercise, yoga (2x, preferably), enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely.
2) Research: 8 hours on main project, focusing on product.
3) Teaching: grade one set of assignments.
4) House/Life: tidy/organize in the basement.
5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process.
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Repot outdoor plants. (TRQ)
Do a three-things post it every day.
Sign up for NaNo.
Begin to fill out project pages.
Edit at least five pages of the book.
Write at least four pages of the novella.
Walk more than 45 minutes a day.
Work on the grant 1 hour a day.
Do a three-things post it every day.
Sign up for NaNo.
Begin to fill out project pages.
Edit at least five pages of the book.
Write at least four pages of the novella.
Walk more than 45 minutes a day.
Work on the grant 1 hour a day.
Good Enough Woman
1) Write 3x.
2) Take kids to pumpkin patch.
3) Move like water for daughter's Halloween party.
4) Walk 1x, Swim 1x.
2) Take kids to pumpkin patch.
3) Move like water for daughter's Halloween party.
4) Walk 1x, Swim 1x.
heu mihi
1) Helping others: Finish and send off rec letter; start reading dissertation...(300 mostly single-spaced pages! Why??).
2) Research: Read the hagiography that I'm supposed to be writing about; read one essay for the proposed conference paper.
3) ?Fun?: Plan NaNoWriMo. I've never done this before (although I have binge-written a novel, 90k words in 56 days, back when I was on the job market and needed a distraction), but I'm toying with it because I feel like I need some kind of focal point and nothing else is cutting it.
4) Peace of mind: Meditate on the days when Husband puts Kid to bed--about 4 times this week, if I'm good about it.
2) Research: Read the hagiography that I'm supposed to be writing about; read one essay for the proposed conference paper.
3) ?Fun?: Plan NaNoWriMo. I've never done this before (although I have binge-written a novel, 90k words in 56 days, back when I was on the job market and needed a distraction), but I'm toying with it because I feel like I need some kind of focal point and nothing else is cutting it.
4) Peace of mind: Meditate on the days when Husband puts Kid to bed--about 4 times this week, if I'm good about it.
I'm still alive and still coping with work, but also stressed, struggling with my voice and needing to be Very Careful and Sensible about stuff :-(
I am going to do NaNoWriMo though in spite of all the TRQ, work-TLQ etc etc!
I am going to do NaNoWriMo though in spite of all the TRQ, work-TLQ etc etc!
1. Read more of the book for review
2. Get started on my research project
3. Move: walk at least three times
4. Enjoy myself at the conference.
1. Read more of the book for review
2. Get started on my research project
3. Move: walk at least three times
4. Enjoy myself at the conference.
1. IRB for grant project
2. Keep trimming diss paper
3. Get more feedback on grant
4. Work on either PTSD paper or F32 paper, if time (grant is due next week and diss paper draft is due this week - so those are priorities).
5. Journal review (due this week - they only gave me 2 weeks, which is odd).
1. IRB for grant project
2. Keep trimming diss paper
3. Get more feedback on grant
4. Work on either PTSD paper or F32 paper, if time (grant is due next week and diss paper draft is due this week - so those are priorities).
5. Journal review (due this week - they only gave me 2 weeks, which is odd).
-Draft half of my novel
-Develop submission packet for picture books/start submitting
-Finish prep for and teach weekend course (October)
-Develop website for editing
-maintain consistent exercise and eating habits (4x/wk exercise; daily meal planning)
-get more sleep! (7-8 hours a night)
-Develop submission packet for picture books/start submitting
-Finish prep for and teach weekend course (October)
-Develop website for editing
-maintain consistent exercise and eating habits (4x/wk exercise; daily meal planning)
-get more sleep! (7-8 hours a night)
Contingent Cassandra
--Continue working more regular movement into my routine: keep lifting weights on a regular (or semi-regular) basis, get back into habit of walking several times (or more) a week.
--Work more academic reading into my routine (with likely focus on Spring '18 class prep)
--Work in at least some other self-care (eating well, sleeping) and/or financial/household TLQ work when possible.
--Work more academic reading into my routine (with likely focus on Spring '18 class prep)
--Work in at least some other self-care (eating well, sleeping) and/or financial/household TLQ work when possible.
--Generally try to observe what works -- and doesn't -- in terms of forming new routines, keeping up with existing positive ones, avoiding bad habits (like creeping-forward bedtimes and too much reading on the internet when I'm tired/overwhelmed)
Dame Eleanor Hull (Sorry if I missed a longer list)
Live With Uncertainty and Keep Working the Process
Elizabeth Anne
Session mantra: Organize, plan, contemplate
Continue to organize paper and electronic scholarship files.
Plan future projects.
Figure out my scholarship path.
Two hours on the book.
Walk an hour every day.
Keep up with medical needs.
Continue to organize paper and electronic scholarship files.
Plan future projects.
Figure out my scholarship path.
Two hours on the book.
Walk an hour every day.
Keep up with medical needs.
Good Enough Woman
Goals for the
1) Develop more stress management strategies, including exercise and, perhaps, exploring meditation and telling others how I feel.
2) Submit one article.
3) Either do NaNoWriMo or make another plan for drafting some of a novel, and develop a regular writing habit.
4) Make progress on bags and piles in the garage (this involves sorting and framing art pieces, finding places for supplies and books, and etc.)
1) Develop more stress management strategies, including exercise and, perhaps, exploring meditation and telling others how I feel.
2) Submit one article.
3) Either do NaNoWriMo or make another plan for drafting some of a novel, and develop a regular writing habit.
4) Make progress on bags and piles in the garage (this involves sorting and framing art pieces, finding places for supplies and books, and etc.)
heu mihi
1. Submit my manuscript to the interested publisher. I have a full draft of everything but the conclusion, and I've just reread/re-revised the introduction, but the five subsequent chapters need their own rereadings and re-revisions. I would like to have it sent out by November 1.
2. Plan/outline/research an article that would come out of a conference paper I delivered last year.
3. Submit an abstract to a conference (due late October).
4. Meditate four times a week. It's a habit that I've been wanting to establish, and I need it.
1. Submit my manuscript to the interested publisher. I have a full draft of everything but the conclusion, and I've just reread/re-revised the introduction, but the five subsequent chapters need their own rereadings and re-revisions. I would like to have it sent out by November 1.
2. Plan/outline/research an article that would come out of a conference paper I delivered last year.
3. Submit an abstract to a conference (due late October).
4. Meditate four times a week. It's a habit that I've been wanting to establish, and I need it.
1 As ever, write 5x/week
2 Submit manuscript
3 Submit grant proposal
4 Find funding for December conference presentation
5 Submit abstract for photo essay
6 Submit Snow abstract
7 Catch up with co-author and resume Talk project
2 Submit manuscript
3 Submit grant proposal
4 Find funding for December conference presentation
5 Submit abstract for photo essay
6 Submit Snow abstract
7 Catch up with co-author and resume Talk project
1) self-care, self-care, self-care.
2) Research, money acquisition - get rid of the GrantINeverShouldHaveStarted, get a full draft of GallimaufreyGrant written.
3) Research, writing - don't start anything new until the current horde are out of the gates. I got a lot of stuff pushed from things I ought to do to actively being worked on this summer, so now just to keep it moving... Here's the current list, to be annoying
3a) ProblemChild1 and PC2 - hopefully submitted last week but no news yet from co-authors.
3b) PC3 - waiting for co-author to write their sections next week, then the discussion needs drafting, deadline of end of September for a special issue (AARGH)
3c) Tagalong paper - with co-authors for final checking, should be submitted by the end of September
3d) Gallimaufrey Review - a cast of tens, driving me nuts, but more herding than long slog on my part. end of December submission desired.
3e) MScPaper - a revise and resubmit to a new journal.
3f) Ferrett - needs the figures finalising and a final check of references, then will be ready to submit.
3g) PickyPaper - my baaaaaby, about half drafted and keeps changing shape. This will take up any quality writing time I can get my hands on.
3h) ExcessivePaper and SurprisePaper are both with journals at the moment, so waiting for comments. SpecialIssuePaper is awaiting proofs (submitted the R&R last December, accepted 4th Sept, have 3 days to do proofs sometime during my leave, sigh...)
I have allowed too much to get onto my plate at once, with these, and hope to have a much shorter list by the end of the session.
4) Other Academic Stuff that is TLQ - I'd like to spend a little time working on the new second year modules this semester before they are urgent. I have some ideas about incorporating group work and mini-projects, and know from past experience that with multiple academics involved and general student dislike of group work that this will work a LOT better if it's really carefully designed and planned and practiced, for this first year. And that takes time.
5) Stuff For Me - I want to finish a big crochet blanket/hanging project, and complete NaNoWriMo - I'm thinking of working on several short stories set in my fictional university setting (Department of effectively Magic based in a normal middling sort of contemporary university, which has exchange arrangements with a University in a parallel world where magic/fantasy elements are standard and technology levels lower - what with the talking cats (no-one is sure if that was an accident or an Evil Plan overtaken by events), non-human exchange students and staff, a dragon living in the boiler room (helps with the budget juggling) and students who keep trying to use mobile phones in zones where they really can alter the nature of reality, there's plenty of material, and I haven't worked on short stories for ages, so...)
2) Research, money acquisition - get rid of the GrantINeverShouldHaveStarted, get a full draft of GallimaufreyGrant written.
3) Research, writing - don't start anything new until the current horde are out of the gates. I got a lot of stuff pushed from things I ought to do to actively being worked on this summer, so now just to keep it moving... Here's the current list, to be annoying
3a) ProblemChild1 and PC2 - hopefully submitted last week but no news yet from co-authors.
3b) PC3 - waiting for co-author to write their sections next week, then the discussion needs drafting, deadline of end of September for a special issue (AARGH)
3c) Tagalong paper - with co-authors for final checking, should be submitted by the end of September
3d) Gallimaufrey Review - a cast of tens, driving me nuts, but more herding than long slog on my part. end of December submission desired.
3e) MScPaper - a revise and resubmit to a new journal.
3f) Ferrett - needs the figures finalising and a final check of references, then will be ready to submit.
3g) PickyPaper - my baaaaaby, about half drafted and keeps changing shape. This will take up any quality writing time I can get my hands on.
3h) ExcessivePaper and SurprisePaper are both with journals at the moment, so waiting for comments. SpecialIssuePaper is awaiting proofs (submitted the R&R last December, accepted 4th Sept, have 3 days to do proofs sometime during my leave, sigh...)
I have allowed too much to get onto my plate at once, with these, and hope to have a much shorter list by the end of the session.
4) Other Academic Stuff that is TLQ - I'd like to spend a little time working on the new second year modules this semester before they are urgent. I have some ideas about incorporating group work and mini-projects, and know from past experience that with multiple academics involved and general student dislike of group work that this will work a LOT better if it's really carefully designed and planned and practiced, for this first year. And that takes time.
5) Stuff For Me - I want to finish a big crochet blanket/hanging project, and complete NaNoWriMo - I'm thinking of working on several short stories set in my fictional university setting (Department of effectively Magic based in a normal middling sort of contemporary university, which has exchange arrangements with a University in a parallel world where magic/fantasy elements are standard and technology levels lower - what with the talking cats (no-one is sure if that was an accident or an Evil Plan overtaken by events), non-human exchange students and staff, a dragon living in the boiler room (helps with the budget juggling) and students who keep trying to use mobile phones in zones where they really can alter the nature of reality, there's plenty of material, and I haven't worked on short stories for ages, so...)
1. I have a whole lot of research deliverables (to drop into business speak)
that need to be done before the end of the year: co-authored conference paper,
solo conference paper, co-authored curriculum paper, community project, dowry
grant, grass work. To get these done with any quality and without major panics
I need to make time for progress each week, so the session goal is probably
something about process as well as product.
2. The curriculum project - complete draft needed by end of year to meet timelines.
3. I have grand garden visions, but if I can have a vegetable patch with the complete set of planned summer veg and repeat sowing I'll be happy.
4.Cultivate inner calm by moving, sleeping, declutter/organising and carrying out creative activities.

2. The curriculum project - complete draft needed by end of year to meet timelines.
3. I have grand garden visions, but if I can have a vegetable patch with the complete set of planned summer veg and repeat sowing I'll be happy.
4.Cultivate inner calm by moving, sleeping, declutter/organising and carrying out creative activities.

mantra: be sufficient
1. grapple with the scholarship and research issues and try to reach a plateau if not a conclusion and new direction. The current state of freefall with arms flailing cannot persist.
2. get to Christmas as intact as possible.
3. finish Machair blanket, beach cushions, and tree printing project.
4. Submit an article
1. grapple with the scholarship and research issues and try to reach a plateau if not a conclusion and new direction. The current state of freefall with arms flailing cannot persist.
2. get to Christmas as intact as possible.
3. finish Machair blanket, beach cushions, and tree printing project.
4. Submit an article
1. Finish writing drafts of Chapters 1, 2.
2. Finish writing first drafts of Chapters 3, 4.
3. Finish outlines and structures of Chapters 5, 6.
4. Exercise every day.
5. Eat well.
6. Organise my day.
2. Finish writing first drafts of Chapters 3, 4.
3. Finish outlines and structures of Chapters 5, 6.
4. Exercise every day.
5. Eat well.
6. Organise my day.
1. Finish Way Outside paper, that was a summer goal
2. Write article review for journal
3. Write late book review
4. Do revise and resubmit
5. Get regular sleep, aiming for 7 hours a night
6. Keep moving
7. Make sure I do one thing for fun each week
2. Write article review for journal
3. Write late book review
4. Do revise and resubmit
5. Get regular sleep, aiming for 7 hours a night
6. Keep moving
7. Make sure I do one thing for fun each week
I guess I never set session goals? I'm okay with that - in some ways it is a little freeing.
ReplyDeleteLast week:
1. IRB for grant project - fully drafted, just need to talk to mentor about some of the tricky bits
2. Keep trimming diss paper - done and submitted to writing seminar
3. Get more feedback on grant - done and the grant deadline has been extended by 1.5 months, so will send to a couple other people for feedback.
4. Work on either PTSD paper or F32 paper, if time (grant is due next week and diss paper draft is due this week - so those are priorities). - Did not do, but these will be a priority this week.
5. Journal review (due this week - they only gave me 2 weeks, which is odd). DONE!
I got a massive smackdown from my new university this week for being too eager to promote our new publication. It made me cocoon for a couple days because I felt upset and disappointed (since I reached out to a couple media outlets, my university told me they are no longer doing a press release). Am really hoping to talk this through with my mentor this week as she has been out of the country but will be in town this next week. The politics and ways of handling things at this new university are a real adjustment. It’s hard being new - and it’s particularly hard being new someplace that tends to hire their own - so they don’t have much diversity and rarely have new people. Hopefully things calm down soon.
This week’s goals:
1. Send grant to the two people who reviewed it for the mock review to see if it is improved
2. Finalize IRB and submit
3. PTSD paper intro
4. Spend some time on F32 paper
5. Spend some time on one of the reviews
Still achieving a lot!
DeleteLearning new processes always takes time, and is harder with your mentor also being new AND rarely being around - I know you think she's excellent, but is it possible to find a secondary, this-is-how-this-place-works mentor somewhere around your new institution? Maybe a junior academic, or a more experienced post-doc (although you did say they were new to having post-docs...), who'll remember what it was like and have a better idea how someone in your position gets things done. Maybe someone in a different department, or faculty, where post-docs are more common?
Wow. Their decision not to do a press release seems somewhat punitive. Did they have a reason for their conservative approach? Either way, I'm sorry about that. I'm sure it was uncomfortable. I hope that you didn't let it ruffle you too much and that you're able to keep charging ahead.
DeleteAnd thanks for the birthday wishes last week!
Your university's approach to PR does, indeed, sound frustrating, and more than a bit odd. As far as I can tell, getting your research into the news is pretty much always a good thing at our university (as long as it's not a story about research malfeasance or something, of course). In fact, the rumor is that the best way to get the university president's attention is to have your research covered in the local news, because he receives a brief of such coverage from the press office (fortunately this is about the only thing our university president has in common with the current POTUS).
DeleteDoes your university offer any training in dealing with the press? If so, would it make sense to take it, to be able to say that you have if nothing else? If not, is there somewhere else you could seek advice (assuming you haven't already)? Just from the shorthand descriptions of your projects, it does sound like they're potentially newsworthy.
Thanks for the comments! Our PR team is going to do a training for us postdocs - so hopefully that will help. I was super bummed about it as the work is so important to me, but I'm better now. I do hope to find mentors here - but I think that takes some time (esp since I'm not yet meeting a ton of people).
I've been absent for reasons of varying validity and relevance. I'm scraping through this semester again; it seemed to start well but I'm ridicuously anxious about everything-and-nothing, which is making stuff hard. And as I said before I'm overwhelmed with a sudden collision of deadlines (almost entirely not my fault, there's been a LOT of moving goalposts on most of these projects which have caused this), which doesn't help. And general chaos as the reorganisation slowly but surely disrupts every aspect of life and things keep falling over and it takes hours to fix because we don't know who to ask or whose job it is, and centralisation makes it that much harder to find out.
ReplyDeletesession goals:
1) self-care, self-care, self-care. mixed. But part of my absence from this group has been cutting down the internet, and being much more thoughtful about evenings-and-mornings on my office days, which is something at least
2) Research, money acquisition - get rid of the GrantINeverShouldHaveStarted, get a full draft of GallimaufreyGrant written. GrantINeverShouldHAveStarted is on its way around the university collecting approval signatures, and I have some very late feedback from an internal referee which is actually very helpful but requires ANOTHER re-write. I am so tired of this... I haven't started the other one.
3) Research, writing - don't start anything new until the current horde are out of the gates. I got a lot of stuff pushed from things I ought to do to actively being worked on this summer, so now just to keep it moving... Here's the current list, to be annoying
3a) ProblemChild1 and PC2 - hopefully submitted last week but no news yet from co-authors. PC1 is still nearly-submitted. Feckin' co-authors and their "oh disrupt your summer to meet this deadline which is absolute oh maybe it isn't for US". PC2 - one of the co-authors wants a change in how a graph is presented which requires redoing half the modelling, which is MONTHS of work given that both PDF and I are in teaching heavy roles and don't have the computer access we have over the summer. But they are adamant. It will be a slightly better graph, but the outcomes of the paper will NOT change and it will NOT fix any of the issues I think there are with what was a three-month pilot study. I am very fed up about this and currently taking a break from it because I get angry when I look at the file. I flipping hate co-authors, especially ones who are basically only there because they held the big grant this is a sub-sub-project of
3b) PC3 - waiting for co-author to write their sections next week, then the discussion needs drafting, deadline of end of September for a special issue (AARGH) deadline moved to 17th Nov. Still may not make it. Need Former-PDF to do her bits, and have a lot of figures to make, and given all the problems with PC2 am really having emotional blocks around it. Also I'm just fed up with the whole thing. It's been a Problem Child from the start and is earning its name seventy times seven...
3c) Tagalong paper - with co-authors for final checking, should be submitted by the end of September submitted, awaiting news
Delete3d) Gallimaufrey Review - a cast of tens, driving me nuts, but more herding than long slog on my part. end of December submission desired. This one ALSO attracted a "write this other paper which I want" long comment from a very senior co-author who does not accept that they are asking for too much work - because they have a lab of 10 people who they can deploy on tasks, and a job with NO TEACHING because their research is SO IMPORTANT (and they run a research centre), and who definitely has the attitude that if I was actually any good and serious about my career I too would have resources - absence of resources = absence of merit. Gah! Have largely cooled off now, and at least checking around the co-authors of sections is next on the list for some attention
3e) MScPaper - a revise and resubmit to a new journal. untouched
3f) Ferrett - needs the figures finalising and a final check of references, then will be ready to submit. untouched
3g) PickyPaper - my baaaaaby, about half drafted and keeps changing shape. This will take up any quality writing time I can get my hands on. touched just enough to find another methodological error. Don't have time to decide whether to go with it (it's not so much an error as a choice I made from three options and I now think I chose the less good option) or redo again
3h) ExcessivePaper rejected, being rewritten for a third journal by lead author - we've had some phone chats and have a plan and SurprisePaper rejected, with encouragement to resubmit once revisions are made. But the referees comments lack detail and are contradictory, and I think it's a waste of time (and not a useful paper), but LikesMaths wants to please their former and possibly future PI (they've been kind of hintingly promised a post-doc position...) who is really keen to get into this particular journal even thoguh the paper isn't relevant to her, my or LikesMaths research foci. I've expressed my opinion - if we do try again we should get someone else in to do the maths because LikesMaths and I don't have the time (it's outside our specialist areas and we don't have time to do the reading needed to work out what we can actually do) - and the ball is in their court. SpecialIssuePaper is OUT. Yay, ONE THING off my plate!
I have allowed too much to get onto my plate at once, with these, and hope to have a much shorter list by the end of the session.
4) Other Academic Stuff that is TLQ - I'd like to spend a little time working on the new second year modules this semester before they are urgent. not yet!
5) Stuff For Me - I want to finish a big crochet blanket/hanging project I've done half a row, but I have all the supplies and a space for working on it set up, just need to get in the mood - cooler weather will help, and complete NaNoWriMo starts this coming week. Just went into town to fetch a repeat prescription - third try - and the key med wasn't in, so I was really upset, and accidentally went into a stationary shop and bought a new, expensive notebook and pen (and some caramel filled chocolate which didn't taste very good but I ate it anyway because it's been that sort of week) - so that feels like a committment! My user name on the site is "easily distracted" if anyone wants to buddy/IM me?
And I didn't even mention BlackSummerProject or a couple other research things which aren't actually papers which are going on right now.
DeleteAnyway. Goals for this week:
1) keep up the good practices around evenings-and-mornings, and get off my phone earlier
2) finalise various travel arrangements, and make a decision about submitting an abstract for a conference in January
3) look over where GallimaufreyReviewPaper is up to, and email an update to everyone to check in
4) Put agreed BlackSummerProjectPaper dates into diary
5) Spend an hour on ProblemChild3's text, and make contact with FormerPDF to divide up the work on the figures that needs doing.
6) enjoy starting NaNoWriMo
7) survive all the class stuff, grading etc. etc. - without wasting emotion on it.
Happy Birthday JaneB! I hope you have had a wonderful day and created space for leisure and joy.
DeleteHappy birthday, a little belatedly!
DeleteSomehow in my reading, I missed the birthday part. Happy Birthday! Mine was the 27th. When was yours?
DeleteRelying on other people can be a real pain in the ass.
And congrats on accidentally buying a lovely new notebook and pen. I would love to join you with NaNo, but I've decided that there is NOTHING in my history to suggest I can successfully do it. But, go, JaneB, go! I want to read your novels someday!
I am so glad I have an existential goal for the session and not a product goal, because I'm meeting the session goal just fine, and will keep it for the remainder of the session . . . but I'm not doing so well on products. I can't control my husband or his work flow, the real estate market or other people. I can just do me.
ReplyDeleteActually, some days I don't feel like I can do me, but that's anxiety, guilt, and frustration talking [waves at JaneB . . . can I come over and we can do parallel play with nice notebooks and pens?]. I am still working on revisions to the MMP*. I got a new set of revisions last week. I still have a set of revisions that are now two years old that I have not got around to doing because of Other Commitments that always seemed more compelling but now I wonder what.the.hell. I really really need to work on translation revisions because of another deadline. All these things buzz around my head like furious hornets and make it very hard to pick one and settle down to it.
Anyway. How I did last week:
1) Self: daily exercise, yoga (2x, preferably), enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely. MOSTLY. Not so good on sleep; got behind with Greek.
2) Research: 8 hours on main project, focusing on product. NO. Two hours? Not very much.
3) Teaching: grade one set of assignments. YES.
4) House/Life: tidy/organize in the basement. NO.
5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process. YES.
My non-campus days got eaten up with dentist and endodontist appointments, as well as window-washing and gutter-cleaning. On-campus days were usually blurry from not enough sleep. I've had worse weeks, but I just felt like I never could get a grip.
New goals:
1) Self: daily gentle exercise and stretching in 2-3 small chunks, enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely.
2) Research: 7 hours on main project, focusing on product. 3 hours on translation.
3) Teaching: write/edit two assignments.
4) House/Life: tidy/organize in the basement.
5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process.
*Macedonian Marginalia Project. Search my blog for "MMP" and you'll find the multi-year history of this mess. I should have just written a book.
DeleteDefinitely you can come over! Writing in parallel is always fun... and admiration from a knowledgeable audience of nice stationary is too
DeleteOkay, how the heck did we get to Week Eight already? Like many of you, I have found this semester quite challenging so far. I am trying to keep my self-care up and running, as well as keeping some “me” time in the mix as well. I am falling down on the same things week after week, so I need to address why that happens.
ReplyDeleteLast week's goals:
Repot outdoor plants. (TRQ) Yes
Do a three-things post it every day. 5 out of 7, not too bad
Sign up for NaNo. Yes
Begin to fill out project pages. Yes
Edit at least five pages of the book. No
Write at least four pages of the novella. No
Walk more than 45 minutes a day. Yes
Work on the grant 1 hour a day. Yes
Analysis: Last week, I did several “me-centered” things, not without guilt, but I did them anyway. I signed up for NaNo, and I joined both the national RWA (Romance Writers of America) and the local chapter. I’m an associate member, because I do not meet the qualifications for a writer pursuing a serious career, but I still can go to all the programs and receive most of the benefits. Also, joining makes me more likely to invest the time in the programs and in the writing.
On the down side, I had to navigate between administrators who can’t seem to handle even big-picture decisions and the staff who are crushed by the train gone amuck. Added to that was the unwelcome news that the Senate committee I was persuaded to chair on the promise that it was not a big workload, has (surprise!) a big workload this year.
On a better note, I did a better job keeping track of calls I had to make and chipping away at the grant. Also, DH got a unanimously positive note from the university P&T committee, so his stress levels (and his sharing of same) has plummeted. The morning housework is going far better than I expected, in that things are getting done. I need to work more on saving some time for writing, but not facing housework after dinner has improved my mood immensely.
Session goals:
Session mantra: Organize, plan, contemplate
Continue to organize paper and electronic scholarship files.
Plan future projects.
Figure out my scholarship path.
Two hours on the book. REVISED: Five hours on the book every week.
Walk an hour every day. REVISED: Walk an hour and a half every day.
Keep up with medical needs.
ADDED: Three hours on fiction every week.
No sugar--not in any form
Analysis: I’m doing pretty well with the mantra. I don’t contemplate as much as I would like, but what I manage is beneficial. I seem to fight the paper tiger anew each week, but I am no longer drowning in paper, at least in the home office. The work office needs some attention.
I have been contemplating my scholarship path. I have one commitment to an article that no longer fits, but it should be dealt with soon. The focuses of future scholarship are becoming clearer, which is exciting.
My health concerns are getting better slowly. I have a procedure in early December that will put me out of commission for a few days, but is necessary, and,I hope, helpful. I have painfully identified the foods I need to avoid, and am slowly doing better at avoiding them. I revised some goals and added others.
Next week’s goals:
Do a three-things post it every day.
Start NaNo on Wednesday.
Spend five hours on the book.
Spend three hours on fiction.
Walk 90 minutes a day.
Work on the grant 1 hour a day.
I hope November brings some abatement in the stress everyone seems to be feeling these days. Here’s to some deep breathing, meditation, and exercise.
EAM, you might feel like you are falling down on the same things each week, but I just see success after success! And I'm super impressed by all of your walking. That has got to have so many benefits. I am impressed by your achievement this session! Kudos! Gold stars!
DeleteGood luck with NaNo!
Reassessing the term seems useful. As I've probably mentioned too many times, I submitted both my book manuscript and my tenure file earlier this month, and I've been at loose ends ever since: all I see are the many small, necessary but unsatisfying tasks attending to teaching and service, and without any clear goals or deadlines for research projects, I don't feel like I'm getting anything done. There's no narrative through-line to my work, I guess, or at least not a compelling one ("teaching my classes" isn't compelling at this stage).
ReplyDeleteSo on a bit of a whim I've decided to do NaNoWriMo, acutely aware that my novel idea is pretty vague (although I always love the process of letting characters and scenarios unfold), and, more seriously, that I haven't actually written fiction in a little over a decade.
I started my novel on Thursday, actually, spurred by some misgivings about my ability to get much done in November and also by the fact that I had an opening scene in mind, so why wait? And now I think that my session goals are going to be dominated by this project--at least until/unless I decide that it's a boring waste of time. So far, so good, though; I'm 5k words in after 4 days, which isn't half bad, although the writing may be more than half bad.
Last week:
1) Helping others: Finish and send off rec letter; start reading dissertation.
*Rec letter due 11/1 sent; need to submit others, too, while I'm at it. Have read 17 single-spaced pages of the dissertation, but not even close to one full chapter.
2) Research: Read the hagiography that I'm supposed to be writing about; read one essay for the proposed conference paper.
*Read the hagiography. Did not read the essay.
3) ?Fun?: Plan NaNoWriMo.
*Haven't planned, but started writing!
4) Peace of mind: Meditate on the days when Husband puts Kid to bed--about 4 times this week, if I'm good about it.
*3 times. That's something.
Preliminary session goals:
1. Submit my manuscript to the interested publisher. I have a full draft of everything but the conclusion, and I've just reread/re-revised the introduction, but the five subsequent chapters need their own rereadings and re-revisions. I would like to have it sent out by November 1.
*DONE! On October 6!
2. Plan/outline/research an article that would come out of a conference paper I delivered last year.
*So far: Have sent conference paper to writing group, with a list of notes for revision/expansion; we meet on Tuesday. I've also read the other primary source that I need to read for this. I'm not uninterested yet, but I'm not especially motivated to keep working on it at this stage.
3. Submit an abstract to a conference (due late October).
4. Meditate four times a week.
*Doing a dreadful job of this so far. I've managed once or twice, but then I just let the goal drop for a while out of irritation and exhaustion. I'm trying to get it back on the schedule.
Revised session goals (omitting accomplished ones):
1. 40k words of NaNoWriMo novel--not enough to "win," but plausibly realistic?
2. Start running again when daylight savings ends and it's not actually dangerous to do so in the mornings.
3. Make some kind of headway on planned article. (This is a terrible goal because it is vague and unmeasurable, but whatever.)
4. Meditate 3x week, but build it into a genuine self-care routine, which may sometimes include blowing it off to lie in bed with the heating pad on my neck watching Netflix instead. I've had too many stress headaches this semester.
Oh, and goals for this week!
Delete1. To 10k of novel.
2. Meditate x 3.
3. Read essay for proposed conference paper.
4. Finish ch. 1 of dissertation.
5. Prompts for remaining undergrad assignments.
6. Read ahead by 1 week.
I hope the NaNo progress is going well and helps you feel a bit more grounded. Lots of NaNo writers in the group. I thought of doing it but then realized I just wouldn't. So I thought about writing at least a little (five minutes?) every day. But I missed yesterday. Maybe I will start today . . .
DeleteAnyway, Here's to pressing the "reset" button!
Even after missing a check in, I still didn’t manage to meet my goals. I think I’m spending a lot of time on grading, but I have done a good bit of research too. I am happily surprised to see that I’ve met a lot of sessions goals, although many of them had deadlines that are already in the past. This is a good time to revise my session goals and maybe figure out what I want to accomplish during the next 8 weeks.
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks ago:
1 get caught up on grading and service: grading yes, service no
2 finish two book reviews: finished and submitted one
3 get in touch with people I have not kept up with: kind of
4 make task lists for upcoming projects: not yet
5 draft outline for blog post: not at all
Session goals:
1 As ever, write 5x/week: not even close
2 Submit manuscript: done!
3 Submit grant proposal: done
4 Find funding for December conference presentation: submitted and waiting
5 Submit abstract for photo essay: done and published
6 Submit Snow abstract: done and rejected
7 Catch up with co-author and resume Talk project: yes, she’s busy until winter break
New session goals for the next 8 weeks:
1 write and submit blog post
2 send letter of inquiry about February article
3 submit Buildings abstract
4 draft Camp article
5 finish and remaining book reviews
This week:
1 finish one book review
2 make task list for upcoming projects
3 contact 2 people related to blog post
Congratulations on the good progress!
DeleteSorry for the very late check in. It's been a week.
ReplyDeleteWeekly goals:
-plan menus and grocery shop (lets keep this up!)--more or less
-exercise 4x--3x
-in bed by 10:30pm most nights--big fail!
-2500 words of MF--much lower, but some
-rewrite query, make progress on secondary MSS, finalize primary MS, get strategy settled--YES
Session Goals:
-Draft half of my novel--Now aiming for a quarter.
-Develop submission packet for picture books/start submitting--YES!
-Finish prep for and teach weekend course (October)--DONE!
-Develop website for editing--YES, but modified: develop new website/platform
-maintain consistent exercise and eating habits (4x/wk exercise; daily meal planning)--keep
-get more sleep! (7-8 hours a night)--keep
I'm definitely making less progress on the novel than I'd like. But I'm making some. I'm super overwhelmed by my house this week, but I started out the week with super fun hike-in camping with the fam.
Goals for the week:
-catch up on MF goal (3000 words)
-submit to 5-7 agents
-menu plan/grocery shop
-get hallway cleaned; schedule some time for dreaded house project
No apologies necessary! I've not checked in for a few weeks now.
DeleteYou've made some good progress towards your session goals - I'm really impressed. And also that you've revised a few so hopefully they'll be achievable as well.
Well I haven't been checking in much because I didn't want to make a to-do list then have to report every single week that I wasn't making any TLQ progress. I have made some however! I have:
ReplyDelete- given a research seminar in my own university on two works in progress, and been invited to give another one in a different department
- made some progress on three research projects, not much but some
- survived some horrid scheduling
But I'm pretty knackered and still just trying to get by.
Session Goals
mantra: be sufficient
1. grapple with the scholarship and research issues and try to reach a plateau if not a conclusion and new direction. The current state of freefall with arms flailing cannot persist.
2. get to Christmas as intact as possible.
3. finish Machair blanket, beach cushions, and tree printing project.
4. Submit an article
I have done a bit of 1, finished the Machair blanket in 3, but no progress on the article.
Revised session goals:
1. continue grappling with scholarship and research
2. get to Christmas as intact as possible
3. finish beach cushions and tree printing project
4. submit an article or ethics form
Thanks for the encouragement!
DeleteAnd congrats on making bits of progress despite!
Goals from 2(2.5?) weeks ago:
ReplyDelete--catch up with grading (getting-to-be-TRQ to make space for TLQ -- an upcoming conference and planning book orders and course descriptions for next semester)
--fit in a bit of exercise
--work on the garden (fall cleanup deadline is approaching, so this is becoming TRQ-ish)
--I've more or less caught up on grading, then fallen behind again, several times since I articulated that goal, and am now somewhere in the middle, with one book order in, one to go, and at least one course description to write. The conference has been attended, and was well worth attending, for the break from routine, for the larger ideas discussed, and for some specific things that can be applied to the classes I'm planning.
--The only real exercise has been gardening, but there's been a substantial amount of that. Oh, and I walked a bit while at the conference -- not a huge amount, but more than a usual day on campus or at home.
--The garden is pretty much ready for inspection (give or take a few annuals that I can't bear to cut down until we get frost, which we haven't yet).
Goals for this week (nearly over):
--complete 1st course description and make progress on 2nd book order
--walk a bit while on church retreat this weekend
--continue garden work
And the session goals still look about right to me (as long as I'm gentle with myself about how much I actually accomplish). I'm headed into a very busy time of the year, with long days of student conferences (and short days in the sense of light available for walking). On the other hand, most weekends in November (with the exception of the upcoming one) are free, and there are fewer small preparatory assignments to grade at this time in the semester. Once the fall inspection is over, I also have more choice about how much I do in the garden plot, and when. And getting book orders in will mean that I've narrowed the choices of things I *might* read/read about in preparation for spring classes somewhat, and can focus on preparing to work with/around the decisions I've made.
DeleteThere's also a wildcard in the form of the pastor search. We've reached the equivalent of the campus visit stage with a few candidates (local interviews, possibly sermons delivered at semi-local churches other than our own), but, unlike an academic search, we're also still accepting applications, keeping the pipeline going in case the first few candidates don't work out So that's sort of unpredictable, but may well eat up some of the clear spaces I'm seeing in my schedule.
So we'll see. The goals remain worthy goals, and I'll do my best to fit in at least bits and pieces of progress on them in the coming weeks.
Better late than never?
ReplyDeleteSession Goals:
1) Develop more stress management strategies, including exercise and, perhaps, exploring meditation and telling others how I feel. NOT REALLY. I've done a bit more of the last thing, but being back to a normal schedule has helped. Weirdly, summer was very hard of me because of marriage dynamics, but now that we're all back to a more balanced partnership, things are better for me.
2) Submit one article. HA! No.
3) Either do NaNoWriMo or make another plan for drafting some of a novel, and develop a regular writing habit. See revision below.
4) Make progress on bags and piles in the garage (this involves sorting and framing art pieces, finding places for supplies and books, and etc.) NOPE
Analysis: Summer threw me for a loop, and so I think as fall began, I was just recovering. Then I got shingles and was tired. Now, I'm back on track but am crushed by grading. Nevertheless, the current obstacles feel much more normal than marital strain and shingles, so I guess that's better! And I've been doing a LOT of leisure reading, which makes me happy. Also my current schedule makes exercise challenging, and I haven't figured out how to deal with that. I've just been really lazy.
Revised Session Goals:
1) Move more (more being "some").
2) Write at least five minutes every day in November (starting Nov. 2).
3) Decide on a journal target for the article. Complete one revision pass. Create bib of needed sources. (I have a lot of internal conflict about doing the article, so . . . )
4) Get bookshelf for the witch hut so I can clear some books out of the garage.
Last week:
1) Write 3x. Just 2x
2) Take kids to pumpkin patch. DONE.
3) Move like water for daughter's Halloween party.DONE!
4) Walk 1x, Swim 1x. SWAM
For the remainder of this week:
1) Write every day for at least 5 minutes.
2) Start Christmas gift lists
3) Finish two stacks of essays (one RPO and one WA) and all quizzes by Sunday