the grid

the grid

Monday 23 October 2017

Placeholder post for week 7

Sorry, no bells and whistles, but just a brief placeholder post for those who want to check in for week 7.

-plan menus and grocery shop
-exercise 4x
-in bed by 10:30pm most nights
-10 pages of MF
-prep MS to submit to agents, update agent list, develop query strategy

Contingent Cassandra
--catch up with grading (getting-to-be-TRQ to make space for TLQ -- an upcoming conference and planning book orders and course descriptions for next semester)
--fit in a bit of exercise
--work on the garden (fall cleanup deadline is approaching, so this is becoming TRQ-ish)

Dame Eleanor Hull
1) Self: daily exercise, yoga (2x, preferably), enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely.
2) Research: 8 hours on main project, focusing on product.
3) Teaching: grade two sets of assignments
4) House/Life: get estimates on window washing.
5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process.

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Next week’s goals:
Write committee recommendation to send to full council (TRQ)
Return library books (TRQ)
Find and hang out winter clothes. (approaching TRQ with temperatures in the mid-30s next week)
Edit at least five pages of the book.
Write at least four pages of the novella.
Walk more than 45 minutes a day.
Put in ILL request for the research book.

Good Enough Woman
This check-in is late, and my grading stacks are unbelievable big right now, but I'll still post a few goals for Friday-Sunday:
1) Write five minutes (or 50 words), 3x.
2) Finish one stack of essays.
3) Walk 2x.
4) Procure/order necessary halloween party and costume items for daughter and son.
5) Maybe have date with husband?

heu mihi
1) Reread conference paper from June, make a list of possible revisions and expansions, and send it off to writing group.
2) Write in journal daily or close to it.
3) Stay on top of service work etc: Letter of rec, blurb for colleague, all prep for Wednesday's reception, confirm Spring talk.
4) Read 3 articles towards conference paper.

1 get caught up on grading and service
2 finish two book reviews
3 get in touch with people I have not kept up with
4 make task lists for upcoming projects
5 draft outline for blog post

1. Finish revision and writing Chapter 1.
1-1. Finish constructing the outline of Chapter 2 and start to write the draft of Chapter 2.
4. Do exercise (anything is ok) several times a day.
5. Have less bread and less snacks.
6. Write my journal every day.
6-1. No Internet surfing during research time.

1. really finish the grading
2. Start the book -- next week's book for my seminar I've read, so that's good.
3. Walk two times, along with my 3 workouts.
4. Return to reading a real book in bed.

1. Finish a really good next draft of grant and get some feedback (esp on aims and qual section).
2. Write PTSD intro (really bad draft of intro)
3. Read over diss and make outline for pub from it
4. Make progress on all 4 review papers I am part of (ugh).
5. Work on F32 paper.


  1. I kept refreshing this page because I was quite productive last week and wanted to document it!!! :) Part of the pressure to be more productive is that in the past less than month, I have gotten 4 papers accepted. All of these were written late winter/early spring - and I don’t really have any manuscripts in the works right now - and I really need to do a better job of having multiple manuscripts at different stages at all times to get a good publication record (I have 12 peer reviewed pubs right now, and 6 under review - which is decent - but one postdoc has more than 60 pubs and he is only a year ahead of me!). But I remind myself that just 1.5 years ago, I felt hopeless about being able to write things for publication and was considering hiring a coach to help me develop those skills - so I’ve come a long way.

    Last week:
    1. Finish a really good next draft of grant and get some feedback (esp on aims and qual section). DONE
    2. Write PTSD intro (really bad draft of intro). GETTING THERE
    3. Read over diss and make outline for pub from it. MADE WAY MORE PROGRESS ON THIS - HAVE A FULL DRAFT (just need to trim it down)
    4. Make progress on all 4 review papers I am part of (ugh). MADE PROGRESS ON ONE (we had an imminent deadline so I had to drop everything and work on it)
    5. Work on F32 paper. DIDN’T DO, BUT THAT’S OKAY! I did some other things that weren’t on my list!

    Next week
    1. IRB for grant project
    2. Keep trimming diss paper
    3. Get more feedback on grant
    4. Work on either PTSD paper or F32 paper, if time (grant is due next week and diss paper draft is due this week - so those are priorities).
    5. Journal review (due this week - they only gave me 2 weeks, which is odd).

    Also, one of the pubs that was accepted (and will get published imminently) is one that I want to get a lot of PR for - and I am struggling with that. My new university is super interested, but because most of the work happened at my previous institution - they aren’t sure they should publicize it. It’s frustrating because it is a very important area (effects of the election on a marginalized group) and super timely - and could potentially get a lot of attention and be really meaningful. I need to figure out how to get attention for it on my own - but that’s a bit overwhelming. But if I can do it, those skills will serve me well in the future.


    1. Congrats on all your acceptances! Woohoo!

    2. Congrats,indeed!

      As for PR, does your new institution have an institutional repository? Academic librarians often point people to the institutional repository (and thereby do some of the PR for you). If not, (or even if they do), you could put the link on your LinkedIn profile, and/or your Facebook profile. Just some thoughts.

    3. Ditto the above, and nice work on you diss manuscript!

  2. Last week's goals:
    Write committee recommendation to send to full council (TRQ). Yes.
    Return library books (TRQ) Yes.
    Find and hang out winter clothes. (approaching TRQ with temperatures in the mid-30s next week) Yes.
    Edit at least five pages of the book. No.
    Write at least four pages of the novella. Yes.
    Walk more than 45 minutes a day. Yes.
    Put in ILL request for the research book. Yes.

    This was a pretty good week, because I managed to interleave a few social/personal events into the week. I didn’t get everything done, but I did nearly everything. I took some time to step away from all the chaos and drama to do some things for myself. A friend has been inviting me to go to the local chapter of a professional writers’ organization. After turning her down several times, I screwed up my courage and went to a program. The program was very helpful, and all the members of the chapter were friendly, so I’m glad I finally convinced myself to go. I’m going to a writing group this evening as well, which feels self-indulgent, but hey, it’s not as bad as chocolate, right?

    I’m also going to try something new with housework.I am not very energetic at the end of the workday, so I am going to try morning housekeeping. It will invade some of my writing time, but I can still think and plan. And, thanks to Amstr’s comment to Waffles last week, I am going to resurrect the “three-things” post it. It has worked well for me in the past. Now the trick will be to back off from the work chaos to take the time to make the calls and appointments and the like. Actually, I’d love everyone’s ideas on how to push away the TRQa that breathe their sulphurous vapors down one’s neck, without letting them slide too much.

    Next week’s goals:
    Repot outdoor plants. (TRQ)
    Do a three-things post it every day.
    Sign up for NaNo.
    Begin to fill out project pages.
    Edit at least five pages of the book.
    Write at least four pages of the novella.
    Walk more than 45 minutes a day.
    Work on the grant 1 hour a day.

    Have a wonderful week, everyone.

    1. It sounds like you made a lot of progress! I'll be curious to hear how the morning housework goes. I'm definitely not a morning person, but housework in the evenings makes me cringe. (So my house is pretty cluttered.)

      Horray for 3 things post its!

    2. A definite hurray for 3-things post-its.

      After two days of morning cleaning, it is going pretty well. It turns out I can think and put clothes and dishes away, but I am a lark. Even if you are not, it might work for you--there's very little consciousness involved. :)

  3. There you are! I was getting worried.

    Last week's goals:
    heu mihi
    1) Reread conference paper from June, make a list of possible revisions and expansions, and send it off to writing group. DONE. This was a pretty quick task, actually.
    2) Write in journal daily or close to it. DONE--6 of 7 days. Brief entries, but it feels good to recommit to this practice (which I've been keeping up since I was about 14--yikes!).
    3) Stay on top of service work etc: Letter of rec--DRAFTED, blurb for colleague--DONE but needs revision, all prep for Wednesday's reception--DONE, confirm Spring talk--DONE.
    4) Read 3 articles towards conference paper. READ 2.

    This week:
    1) Helping others: Finish and send off rec letter; start reading dissertation...(300 mostly single-spaced pages! Why??).
    2) Research: Read the hagiography that I'm supposed to be writing about; read one essay for the proposed conference paper.
    3) ?Fun?: Plan NaNoWriMo. I've never done this before (although I have binge-written a novel, 90k words in 56 days, back when I was on the job market and needed a distraction), but I'm toying with it because I feel like I need some kind of focal point and nothing else is cutting it.
    4) Peace of mind: Meditate on the days when Husband puts Kid to bed--about 4 times this week, if I'm good about it.

    There are also the Ten Thousand Things, ongoing, that must be done, but those really aren't TLQ, so I'll try leaving them off.

    1. What a productive week! But,gah--a single-spaced dissertation? My sympathies!

      I'm signed up for NaNo--I've never won, but it makes me feel more accountability, and I do usually get about 30,000 words that I didn't have at the beginning of November. I am always a rebel--I always work on pieces I've already started. It might give you the focus you want.

    2. I didn't even know that you can win. Is that what happens when you hit 50k or whatever? And it hadn't even occurred to me to sign up...but maybe I will! I do pretty well when I have some sense of accountability.

    3. Yes, reaching 50,000 makes one a winner, which gives some benefits--discounts on Scrivener software and other things, plus a nifty badge. I didn't participate for years, feeling the goal was not attainable for me, but I do get a lot written, and figure that is the point, after all. It is a pretty good community, and one can create a buddy list of friends and likeminded folks.

    4. I had thought about doing it this year, but my lack of progress over the last couple months (combined with my stacks of grading) suggests it's unrealistic. BUT, I'm thinking about trying to write SOMETHING every day. My baby-steps version of Nano.

    5. I like the idea of baby-steps version of Nano. You can have your own version of NaNoWriMo.

  4. Like Heu Mihi, I was getting worried...

    Goals from Last week:
    1. really finish the grading DONE (yesterday, but DONE)
    2. Start the book -- next week's book for my seminar I've read, so that's good. YES , I've done it.
    3. Walk two times, along with my 3 workouts. YES-ish. Two walks, 2 workouts. I had a mini-bug on Friday, so just vegged out.
    4. Return to reading a real book in bed. NO

    So it was an OK week, but lots of interruptions. So I feel pretty good about things, THB. I'll be continuing to stick to modest goals as he semester chugs along.

    This week I'm heading off for a conference, so mostly about keep things moving.


    1. Oops, that posted too soon.
      Goals for the week
      1. Read more of the book for review
      2. Get started on my research project
      3. Move: walk at least three times
      4. Enjoy myself at the conference.

    2. I hope the conference is fun and rejuvenating!

  5. Hiya!

    -plan menus and grocery shop--YES. this is becoming more of a priority anda habit.
    -exercise 4x--YES. somehow magically.
    -in bed by 10:30pm most nights--NOT REALLY. I took a 3 hour nap this morning, which tells you have successful I've been.
    -10 pages of MF--NO. Only 2.5 pages. But got into understanding why I'm not meeting this goal.
    -prep MS to submit to agents, update agent list, develop query strategy--ISH. I still have to work out a little more strategy. And my query needs a huge overhaul.

    I feel like I got a bit more focused and intentional this week. I still have a ways to go, but I'm at least headed in the right direction.

    Was it someone here who recommended the book Growing Gills by Jessica Abel (about integrating creative practice into life)? It's fabulous--just what I need right now.

    Goals for the week:
    -plan menus and grocery shop (lets keep this up!)
    -exercise 4x
    -in bed by 10:30pm most nights
    -2500 words of MF
    -rewrite query, make progress on secondary MSS, finalize primary MS, get strategy settled

    1. I think I heard about that book on a podcast and then recommended it here. Unless that's not at all true and I heard about it here because someone else recommended it. Either way, sounds like I should read it.

      Congrats on the healthy lifestyle TLQ and the insight on the writing!

  6. Last week's goals:
    1) Write five minutes (or 50 words), 3x. ONCE.
    2) Finish one stack of essays. NOT DONE.
    3) Walk 2x. ONCE.
    4) Procure/order necessary halloween party and costume items for daughter and son. COSTUMES, yes. PARTY, no.
    5) Maybe have date with husband? DONE! (Blade Runner 2049)

    Y'all, the stacks of grading are SO MANY AND HUGE. Right now I have four classes that all have required writing of 6,000-8,000 words for the semester, and I have essays from three of the sections (and one midterm) currently in hand. And, this week is my birthday week so, you know, I don't wanna.

    This week:
    1) Write 3x.
    2) Take kids to pumpkin patch.
    3) Move like water for daughter's Halloween party.
    4) Walk 1x, Swim 1x.

    With all the grading, I think I'll leave it at that. By the end of this week, I'd like to be finished with 1 stack of essays, the midterms, and about half of another stack.

    P.S. It was over 100 degrees here yesterday and will likely be so again today. It sure doesn't feel like fall!

    1. Happy Birthday!!! I don't really dress up for halloween - but this year, I have been tempted by this surplus of "cozy" costumes (I will paste links below in case anyone is interested). But I'm pretty sure if I got one, it would just end up being my work-from-home outfit - which would likely make my housemate think I am even more eccentric!

      How do you feel about 100 degree weather? It is in the 70s here and I am cranky - I WANT TO WEAR TIGHTS AND SCARVES NOW!!!! :)


      Cozy fawn:
      Cozy goldfish:
      Cozy bat:

    2. Happy Birthday! I hope you will have something nice for yourself and a time to relax.

  7. How I did:
    1) Self: daily exercise, yoga (2x, preferably), enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely. YES.
    2) Research: 8 hours on main project, focusing on product. 7 hours, I think. Closing in, but not there yet.
    3) Teaching: grade two sets of assignments. NO. Half of one. By now I have one paper left from that group, and haven't yet started the other.
    4) House/Life: get estimates on window washing. YES. Better yet, scheduled the work.
    5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process. I remind myself of these daily. It helps some.

    I'm doing better at self-care than anywhere else, I think. I know everything falls apart if I don't look after myself, but I still feel vaguely guilty for going for a walk or to bed rather than finishing the grading or writing. I suppose I'm stressed because it is October, Exploding Head Month, and I feel awful about taking so long with one set of revisions and about not keeping up with translation revisions in the face of a deadline of next May for the whole thing. But there's House Stuff still looming, and I'm worried about my dad, who just had a car accident. No one was hurt, but he should really stop driving before something bad does happen. At least one of my brothers has talked to him, but he's got his stubborn on. Or up. Whatever you do with stubborn. I just feel vaguely anxious a lot of the time.

    Anyway, next goals, a lot like the old ones:
    1) Self: daily exercise, yoga (2x, preferably), enough sleep, work on at least 2 languages, do the necessary cooking so I can eat safely.
    2) Research: 8 hours on main project, focusing on product.
    3) Teaching: grade one set of assignments.
    4) House/Life: tidy/organize in the basement.
    5) Remember my session goals: Live with uncertainty and work the process.

  8. Self-care is very important and I think it is the best way in a longer perspective, so I am thinking of focusing more on my self-care.
    It is a very difficult decision when to stop driving, as my parents are getting older and still they drive. I understand your anxiety.

  9. I'm still alive and still coping with work, but also stressed, struggling with my voice and needing to be Very Careful and Sensible about stuff :-(

    I am going to do NaNoWriMo though in spite of all the TRQ, work-TLQ etc etc!
