the grid

the grid

Sunday, 2 March 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 9


Some crocuses (croci?) as a reminder that spring will be with us sooner or later. It does finally feel springlike here, though still cold first thing and at night.

Today's post is inspired by something JaneB said a little while ago about having Sunday conversations with herself, which I thought was a nice way of putting it. Writing TLQ posts on a Sunday suggests this is a day of preparing for the following week, setting goals etc. But it's also hopefully a day of rest, whether religious or not. How do you balance the two? Is Sunday all about gearing up for the week ahead? Or is it a day for rest, for fun stuff and if so, does that help with the week ahead? What Sunday rituals do you have?

Last week's goals:


1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing (one day this WILL happen)
* get a birthday package in the post for my sister (it includes a plushy baby goat as we have been exchanging screaming goat memes over some parental frustrations lately)
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* nag all tutees about meetings
* mid year monitoring for one grad student, check in with another (who has personal drama going on which has required her to pack up herself and her dog and move back in with her mother at no notice, so is not having a good time and possibly needs to take a study break),
* write applicant letters
* meetings about five differenet obligations will probably take ALL my research time this week... but lets pretend magic will happen and have a couple of "an hour on" stretch goals!
* if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
* if time, look at the Consultancy Paper that is back on my plate, sigh. I am so fed up with this paper...

Dame Eleanor

- measurable work on essay for proceedings volume
- continue work on slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on whatever has stickies sticking out
- fill in two sets of forms that involve money
- catch up with ViLE stuff
- revise syllabus
- yoga x5, swim 1-2 times, trainer session
- finish application for the Revised Thing
- find & print some tax documents
- send birthday cards for two friends
- go to former student's presentation


1. Put final touches on lecture for next week
2. Figure out what I'm doing in the 3 other talks I'm now giving before the end of June, use that to plan my time. (It's all theme and variations, but I don't want them to be all the same.)
3. Read for pleasure
4. Weights x 3, walk to work once, yoga x1
5. Keep up with regular bedtime, earlier dinner
6. Make plane reservations for summer


ENDLESS student thesis stuff
A different grant application
Three student grant applications
Reference letters
Final bits of all musical, all the time…

Contingent Cassandra

--Continue work on site, including getting transcription and user accounts set up; figure out csv export and import (which seem to require two separate procedures)
--Add additional documents to site (and/or divide existing ones into pages for transcription)
--Continue movement, especially strength training of arms/shoulders (since having those as strong as possible going into surgery presumably can’t hurt, though nerve damage is admittedly a somewhat separate issue)
--Do some work in the garden
--Plan/prioritize other household work

--Write paper proposal for fall conference (being optimistic here, but this is a once-every-three-years conference that focuses exactly on my specialty, so I really want to go. Also, it's in a close-by city reachable by train, and mid-fall, so chances of my being able to attend seem good)

Heu mihi

Still travelling?


1. Finish last section of research proposal, send application to colleagues.
2. Do fiddly bits of grant: revising costings etc.
3. Write two references for students.
4. Read student's PhD thesis.
5. Advise other student about viva.
6. Start marking ALL the essays.
7. Research summer holiday options, book train tickets for two weekends away, organise lift-sharing for various sporting events.


  1. Hello everyone!

    My Sunday ritual involves a lie-in, a leisurely morning with a book or a podcast and spending time with the cat, doing a few chores (because despite my best efforts, they NEVER get done earlier in the week at the moment), and taking a shower complete with hair washing and conditioning (my hair is currently long enough it only needs washing once a week at this time of year, and takes a few hours to air dry). In the afternoon I play D&D with my nibling and any of their friends who are free via a video call, then make dinner, pack my lunch for the next week, and have my weekly "meeting with myself"... some weeks it works, some weeks I suddenly wake up about 10pm and can't sleep until 3am or 4am, sigh...

    Looking forward to it being mild enough that the leisurely morning includes an hour outside on the bench with tea/coffee and my book...

    1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
    * habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing ish, yes, yes, yes 4 days, not really
    * 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing (one day this WILL happen) definitely not!, no
    * get a birthday package in the post for my sister (it includes a plushy baby goat as we have been exchanging screaming goat memes over some parental frustrations lately) yes! and the goat is now called Edward and much appreciated
    * prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff yes
    * nag all tutees about meetings yes. Didn't really work, half of them didn't manage to turn up
    * mid year monitoring for one grad student, check in with another (who has personal drama going on which has required her to pack up herself and her dog and move back in with her mother at no notice, so is not having a good time and possibly needs to take a study break) yes, no (planned as I need to contact her anyway on Monday & don't want to crowd her)
    * write applicant letters did applicant letters. This is not an over-thinker-friendly task...
    * meetings about five differenet obligations will probably take ALL my research time this week... but lets pretend magic will happen and have a couple of "an hour on" stretch goals! meetings happened. Some were interesting...
    * if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea no
    * if time, look at the Consultancy Paper that is back on my plate, sigh. I am so fed up with this paper... no...

    Both the grad students approaching submission submitted their theses this week! The admin item did get partly sorted - after I chased it twice daily until Thursday, when a nice junior administrative assistant worked out how to bypass part of the issue and get things set up for the grad student to submit; the signatures are now done but too late for the final approval stage, so the exam will likely be delayed. GAH.

    And the teaching observation was not the best session, especially the bit where I pressed the wrong button on the podium and crashed the computer that was presenting my slides, requiring some improv whilst waiting for it to reboot - I've never done THAT before, but there's a first time for everything - but heck, it happened, the handouts/ViLE material/practical activities all worked fine, and students mostly seemed to learn what I hoped they'd learn.

    1. The feedback session on the teaching observation hasn't even been scheduled yet, naturally.

      1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
      * habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing
      * 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing (one day this WILL happen)
      * make card & get presents for Ma's birthday (this is the many-events period of the year)
      next week is Reading Week so no classes for my undergraduates - but the following week is overly full for me with some new material, so I'd like to get ahead. Also that way I might manage a day or two OFF (to catch up on house stuff) next week since apparently my normal weekend isn't enough to do that right now...
      * prepare half of teaching for week after next & do ViLE stuff
      * email all tutees who didn't make the meeting
      * plan some methods training with new masters student
      * check in with student with crisis
      * write more applicant letters (I did all of MINE by the deadline but as ever the reward for doing things is more things and now I need to help out with other people's allocations)
      * meet with now-senior grad student to follow up on their mid-year meeting
      4) RESEARCH
      * exciting new project idea meeting
      * if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
      * if time, look at the Consultancy Paper that is back on my plate, sigh. I am so fed up with this paper...

    2. Sounds like quite a bit of decent progress, by yourself, grad students, and helpful admin types. And at least the observation is over, and sounds like it went well (recovering from unexpected events while keeping things going is, after all, part of the job). Glad the goat was appreciated.

      Your Sunday ritual sounds lovely, and restorative.

  2. Since I’m a regular churchgoer (and a member of the choir, and the adult education committee, and a lay reader, and belong to a small group that meets every other Sunday evening), Sunday is not really a day off for me, though it is the one day on which I don’t check work email (when I’m teaching, I tell students to get questions that need to be answered before Monday in by noon on Saturday. They don’t always get answered in the early afternoon, but I do feel free to snooze anything that comes in later until Monday).

    I also prefer to do errands when I’m already out in the car, which means that Sunday after church if often my grocery shopping time, and my garden plot is in a park across the street from my church (and half an hour away from my home), so I often stop to pick lettuce on the way home as well. Tl;dr: my Sundays are pretty busy.

    I think my meeting-with-self/planning days are more Friday and/or Saturday (preferably Friday for work stuff and Saturday for household stuff). If that doesn’t happen (and sometimes even if it does), Monday tends to get a bit chaotic, since I’m not sure what to do first. I don’t really have a solution. In some cases, designating a day of the week to do certain kinds of things works pretty well (e.g. I do most financial-management stuff on Saturdays), but that system easily falls apart because there are so few truly “normal” weeks (so work stuff spills into Saturday, thanks in part to the email system mentioned above, and then financial stuff gets urgent and spills into Sunday and/or the following week).

    So I guess designating days on which to concentrate on particular things is the closest I have to a workable system for such things, but it still falls apart on a pretty regular basis. I do generally find it useful to start a day (and, when possible, week) with a sense of what I’m *not* going to try to get done that day/week, since there are always more possible things I could do than time available.

    And an actual day off would be a very good idea. I’ve periodically tried to institute some sort of pattern of taking a full day off, or even a full morning or afternoon off, each week, even if it's a different day each week (and/or what counts as a day "off" -- leisure reading, long walk, day in the garden -- varies each week), but that, too, has met with mixed success.

    1. Goals for last week:
      --Continue work on site, including getting transcription and user accounts set up; figure out csv export and import (which seem to require two separate procedures)
      mostly; still need to figure out import
      --Add additional documents to site (and/or divide existing ones into pages for transcription)
      --Continue movement, especially strength training of arms/shoulders (since having those as strong as possible going into surgery presumably can’t hurt, though nerve damage is admittedly a somewhat separate issue)
      --Do some work in the garden
      --Plan/prioritize other household work
      work in progress
      --Write paper proposal for fall conference

      A reasonably productive week. I’m especially pleased that I finally seem to be nearing a point where the transcription site is ready to show to others (though it’s still definitely a work in progress, and I need to pay some attention to making it easier to navigate from various point, as well as to which landing points I direct testers and approvers to).

    2. Goals for the coming week:
      --Continue work on site: figure out csv import; add additional documents (both full documents & individual pages for transcription); work on making site more easily navigable, especially from key landing pages
      --Draft call for transcribers and other helpers and run draft and site by organizational leaders who need to okay distribution of the call via the organization’s communication channels
      --Finish signup directions and guidelines for transcribers, communicate with people who have volunteered to test the directions/site
      --Write department chair, program director, and scheduling coordinator re: possible adjustments to fall schedule
      --Write colleague who has recently dealt with HR/university’s medical leave system for advice
      --Continue movement, especially strength training of arms/shoulders (perhaps begin using some of the recommended post-op stretches as warmups?)
      --Do additional work in the garden (weeding, seed-sowing, mulching, bed-building)
      --Make progress on choosing/ordering refrigerator (and possibly stove), moving over-fridge cabinet, other fridge-replacement-related moving around of things, and/or packing/mailing returns.
      --Plan/prioritize other household work
