Last week's goals:
1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15
minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing (one
day this WILL happen)
* get a birthday package in the post for my sister (it includes a plushy baby
goat as we have been exchanging screaming goat memes over some parental
frustrations lately)
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* nag all tutees about meetings
* mid year monitoring for one grad student, check in with another (who has
personal drama going on which has required her to pack up herself and her dog
and move back in with her mother at no notice, so is not having a good time and
possibly needs to take a study break),
* write applicant letters
* meetings about five differenet obligations will probably take ALL my research
time this week... but lets pretend magic will happen and have a couple of
"an hour on" stretch goals!
* if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
* if time, look at the Consultancy Paper that is back on my plate, sigh. I am
so fed up with this paper...
Dame Eleanor
- measurable work on essay for proceedings volume
- continue work on slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on whatever has stickies sticking out
- fill in two sets of forms that involve money
- catch up with ViLE stuff
- revise syllabus
- yoga x5, swim 1-2 times, trainer session
- finish application for the Revised Thing
- find & print some tax documents
- send birthday cards for two friends
- go to former student's presentation
1. Put final touches on lecture for next week
2. Figure out what I'm doing in the 3 other talks I'm now giving before the end
of June, use that to plan my time. (It's all theme and variations, but I don't
want them to be all the same.)
3. Read for pleasure
4. Weights x 3, walk to work once, yoga x1
5. Keep up with regular bedtime, earlier dinner
6. Make plane reservations for summer
ENDLESS student thesis stuff
A different grant application
Three student grant applications
Reference letters
Final bits of all musical, all the time…
Contingent Cassandra
--Continue work on site, including getting transcription and
user accounts set up; figure out csv export and import (which seem to require
two separate procedures)
--Add additional documents to site (and/or divide existing ones into pages for
--Continue movement, especially strength training of arms/shoulders (since
having those as strong as possible going into surgery presumably can’t hurt,
though nerve damage is admittedly a somewhat separate issue)
--Do some work in the garden
--Plan/prioritize other household work
--Write paper proposal for fall conference (being optimistic
here, but this is a once-every-three-years conference that focuses exactly on
my specialty, so I really want to go. Also, it's in a close-by city reachable
by train, and mid-fall, so chances of my being able to attend seem good)
Heu mihi
Still travelling?
1. Finish last section of research proposal, send
application to colleagues.
2. Do fiddly bits of grant: revising costings etc.
3. Write two references for students.
4. Read student's PhD thesis.
5. Advise other student about viva.
6. Start marking ALL the essays.
7. Research summer holiday options, book train tickets for two weekends away,
organise lift-sharing for various sporting events.