Hi all. I dithered about whether this week or next was supposed to be midterm check-in, but decided it might as well be this week. So a time to look back at session goals and reflect on how they are going. Are there any you want to drop? Anything new to add? And how have you been doing with gifts to yourself this session? I need to work on sleep still, and am going to buy myself more candles just as soon as I'm somewhere that sells nice ones. Last week's goals also posted below.
SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* Maintaining good habits - something creative every week, D&D related time
every week, reading regularly, intentional movement, something social with a
non work person even if it's a typed conversation.
* Specific things - reading & journalling through the "self care for
autistic adults" book I didn't do last session.
* Habits - 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, 1 small additional
environment thing a week
* Specific things - researching for the changes I want to make to my downstairs
living spaces this summer, keeping up with garden trimming as and when spring
comes along, creating some better financial habits
* successful teaching delivery (which has to happen, but it will take a good
chunk of time each week so it's going in...)
* productive engagement with teaching redesign process (whilst pushing for my
needs to be met e.g. being allowed to take time to think about decisions not
make them on the fly, information in writing, etc.)
* stay in my lane! (especially with the further reduction in hours and the big
research project having finally started).
* support senior grad student - submission is early March - and external
Research Master's student - submission is mid March - plus other students, but
these two are the priority until late March.
i) measurable progress on at least two papers - two, because this session is
almost 100% teaching weeks for me (there is the inter-semester marking week,
and the week when the second years are on their overseas trips, but those are
realistically going to also be structured by teaching-related needs.
ii) find out my commitments in the small cog in a big project situation and
meet them as I can around my own capacity
1. Research (TLQ)
i) Write article for end of January deadline.
ii) Write longer version of grant application for 1st March deadline.
iii) Spend remaining small grant money.
iv) Figure out some research for after 1st March.
2. Teaching
i) Marking: finish current batch, do next batch mid-February.
ii) Keep teaching prep as minimal as possible.
iii) PhD students: R has submitted, so just viva guidance; I is writing up,
needs carrot; M has extended yet again, needs big stick.
3. Admin
i) Usual round of moderating other colleagues' marking, being a good citizen
etc while also saying no as much as possible.
4. Kids
i) Meet with teachers, advise on subject choices, try not to lean too heavily
on them.
ii) Usual ongoing work of parenting - try to do this with minimal
iii) Encourage family time: films, reading together, make travel plans.
5. House
i) Essential financial stuff
ii) Small jobs, but no impossible goals.
6. Fun stuff/self-care
i) Sleep!
ii) Exercise
iii) Healthy eating.
iv) Read.
v) Creative stuff
vi) Make travel plans for Easter and summer.
Exercise regularly
Finish one new paper, one old one (feels like there should be a borrowed one
and a blue one too…)
Shepherd department through hiring process for critical position (more than one
if we get lucky)
Get my lab and sample archive organized
Teach well and refresh key lectures
Support grad students to finish projects
This week’s goals
Exercise 4 times
Start sample archive project
Sample processing
First week’s lectures and labs
Meet grad students and make term plans
1. Polish and give big public lecture on January 15
2. Submit almost final text of Famous Author to press on Feb 1, and do whatever
further edits are needed after my editor and reviewers read it.
3. Get maps done for Famous Author
4. Get image permissions for Famous Author
5. Take care of whatever I need to do on Big Collaboration (we're waiting on a
few more contributors to cut their essays to the required length, and then it's
in production, so it will be dealing with the copyedited ms.
6. Pick up work on the Rest of My Life project when i recover from January.
7. Keep up with exercise, do more walking
8. Read for pleasure
9. Do fun things
Heu mihi
1. Good habits: Continue with exercise regimen; practice
inversions three times a month; reintroduce meditation into my life to any
2. Read 1 Italian book (I've just ordered "L'amica geniale" from our
local bookstore!)
3. Finish reasonably polished draft of article due in April (for workshop)
4. Final revisions to book manuscript
5. My actual job: Create online teaching supports for grad students; work on
data to advocate for an administrative change
6. Finish two in-progress knitting projects and make progress on my big new fun
Dame Eleanor
- make measurable progress on two research projects
- manage teaching and GTAs effectively
- gym and yoga 5x/week (each)
- be adequate at committee assignments
Contingent Cassandra
--Make substantial progress on Study Leave project (which
has multiple components and possible outcomes, so one of the things I need to
do soon is some more detailed prioritizing and planning)
--Continue exercise habit
--Work on other self-care activities, especially identifying leisure activities
that are truly restorative
--As time allows, make progress on making my home more livable for me, and
workable for having guests over (I've lived in a one-room apartment for the
past 17 years, and, while it has its attractions, and at this point feels like
home, it's also both overcrowded with stuff and in need of some repairs,
replacements, and updates, starting with the fridge and stove).
Contingent Cassandra
--Work out the one thing that still needs to be solved
before I can begin adding documents to study leave site and add at least one
--Assuming that adding a document doesn’t reveal additional issues to be solved
(e.g. with display of files), begin setting up/testing transcription function,
including creating test user account(s).
--Attend virtual transcription event
--Contact friends in conference city; make train reservation; make historical
society reservation
--Get back into pattern of movement: lift weights 3x, regular stretching/body
weight exercises, walking and/or stair climb as weather allows (apparently
we’ve got another spell of stormy cold weather coming)
--Continue trying to figure out workable daily/weekly routines, starting with
establishing an end of day/bedtime routine.
--Mail things I’ve packed; pack some more
--If at all possible, do some work on taxes
Dame Eleanor
keep working on revisions to a chapter
- continue work on slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on the last book
- process at least 4 grad applications (maybe finish?)
- student conferences
- meet with grads
- gym x4, swim x2, yoga x5
- start putting together materials for the Revised Thing
Heu mihi
1. Research: Finish reading that book (1 more chapter!);
reread chapter 1 edits and enter them into the document (also enter Intro and
Preface edits)
2. Finish scheduling online teaching workshop (finding a date is proving
3. Process journal revision #2
4. Work on organizing Big Giant Event with Famous Writer (happening in April)
5. Two sets of inversions????
SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15
minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing -
these should be this week's top priority as it's a lighter work week...
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* comments on Very Long chapter for senior grad student
* planning meeting with new MRes student
* read/comment on latest version of the paper that never, ever ends
* if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
* be on the ball for grad student meetings
URGENT Student thesis stuff continued…
Midterms, set/give/mark…
Exercise twice maybe?
-Catch up with email and everything that slid last week
-review ms for journal
-plan for next month or so of work
-figure out paper that was just accepted for March conference
-get back into exercise pattern
-return to healthy eating
-get good sleep
1. Teaching prep, keep minimal.
2. Work on grant for at least a day.
3. Write abstract for contribution to edited volume.
4. Admin stuff.
5. Feedback on two grant proposals.
6. Read book for book club on Friday.
7. Small house jobs: clean nesting box and buy new bird feeder, clear out some