the grid

the grid

Sunday, 23 February 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 8

 Hello everyone! If I'd posted yesterday, this would be very upbeat, as it was suddenly warm and springlike here. The crocuses started coming out, I planted some bulbs, the garden was full of birds, my mother texted happily to say she had hung the washing outside for the first time this year. All the signs of spring...

Today it is wet, the sun has not shone all day, and we have weather warnings for gale force winds. The crocuses (croci?) are probably wishing they'd stayed underground longer, and my washing is on the dryer in front of the kitchen radiator. Heigh-ho.

Everyone seems to have a lot on their plate right now, and it is still February. So today's prompt is inspired by a blogpost I saw recently on 'What is saving your life right now?' What are you turning to for moments of sanity in all the madness, or what hacks do you have e.g. quick and easy meals, postponing things, for getting through busy days?

Last week's goals:


1. Write full draft of grant proposal to send to colleagues.
2. Exercise, sleep, healthy eating.
3. Trip to farm shop (they sell fancy candles).
4. Be kind to myself and focus on the kids.


1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* decide about decluttering & communicate early
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing (one day this WILL happen)
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* schedule individual meetings for all tutees
* write applicant letters
* if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
* if time, look at the Consultancy Paper that is back on my plate, sigh. I am so fed up with this paper...

Dame Eleanor

- tidy up the chapter and send to friend
- continue work on slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on HJ essay
- process at least 6 grad applications (this will not be the end)
- catch up with ViLE stuff
- yoga x5, swim 1-2 times, show up for trainer but try to take it easy
- continue work on application for the Revised Thing
- one appointment; visitation for former colleague; get birthday cards for two friends


1. Actually get to work on moving forward on Rest of Life
2. Finish working on maps
3. Do the easy permissions
4. Clear out more email (it's very satisfying)
5. Start filling out tax information for accountant
6. Exercise: weights x3, walk to work once, 1 yoga
7. Healthy eating and sleep
8. Enjoy being Auntie next weekend


Student thesis stuff
Grant application
All musical, all the time…

Contingent Cassandra

--Continue work on site as time allows
--Continue some movement
--Visit historical society and convey results to nephew (who has an interest in the part of our family history I’ll be investigating)
--Enjoy conference & time away more generally; catch up with friends.

Heu mihi

On holiday, I think, or at least travelling!

Sunday, 16 February 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 7: midterm check-in

 Hi all. I dithered about whether this week or next was supposed to be midterm check-in, but decided it might as well be this week. So a time to look back at session goals and reflect on how they are going. Are there any you want to drop? Anything new to add? And how have you been doing with gifts to yourself this session? I need to work on sleep still, and am going to buy myself more candles just as soon as I'm somewhere that sells nice ones. Last week's goals also posted below.



1)      SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* Maintaining good habits - something creative every week, D&D related time every week, reading regularly, intentional movement, something social with a non work person even if it's a typed conversation.
* Specific things - reading & journalling through the "self care for autistic adults" book I didn't do last session.
* Habits - 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, 1 small additional environment thing a week
* Specific things - researching for the changes I want to make to my downstairs living spaces this summer, keeping up with garden trimming as and when spring comes along, creating some better financial habits

* successful teaching delivery (which has to happen, but it will take a good chunk of time each week so it's going in...)
* productive engagement with teaching redesign process (whilst pushing for my needs to be met e.g. being allowed to take time to think about decisions not make them on the fly, information in writing, etc.)
* stay in my lane! (especially with the further reduction in hours and the big research project having finally started).
* support senior grad student - submission is early March - and external Research Master's student - submission is mid March - plus other students, but these two are the priority until late March.
i) measurable progress on at least two papers - two, because this session is almost 100% teaching weeks for me (there is the inter-semester marking week, and the week when the second years are on their overseas trips, but those are realistically going to also be structured by teaching-related needs.
ii) find out my commitments in the small cog in a big project situation and meet them as I can around my own capacity


1. Research (TLQ)
i) Write article for end of January deadline.
ii) Write longer version of grant application for 1st March deadline.
iii) Spend remaining small grant money.
iv) Figure out some research for after 1st March.
2. Teaching
i) Marking: finish current batch, do next batch mid-February.
ii) Keep teaching prep as minimal as possible.
iii) PhD students: R has submitted, so just viva guidance; I is writing up, needs carrot; M has extended yet again, needs big stick.
3. Admin
i) Usual round of moderating other colleagues' marking, being a good citizen etc while also saying no as much as possible.
4. Kids
i) Meet with teachers, advise on subject choices, try not to lean too heavily on them.
ii) Usual ongoing work of parenting - try to do this with minimal shouting/resentment.
iii) Encourage family time: films, reading together, make travel plans.
5. House
i) Essential financial stuff
ii) Small jobs, but no impossible goals.
6. Fun stuff/self-care
i) Sleep!
ii) Exercise
iii) Healthy eating.
iv) Read.
v) Creative stuff
vi) Make travel plans for Easter and summer.


Exercise regularly
Finish one new paper, one old one (feels like there should be a borrowed one and a blue one too…)
Shepherd department through hiring process for critical position (more than one if we get lucky)
Get my lab and sample archive organized
Teach well and refresh key lectures
Support grad students to finish projects
This week’s goals
Exercise 4 times
Start sample archive project
Sample processing
First week’s lectures and labs
Meet grad students and make term plans


1. Polish and give big public lecture on January 15
2. Submit almost final text of Famous Author to press on Feb 1, and do whatever further edits are needed after my editor and reviewers read it.
3. Get maps done for Famous Author
4. Get image permissions for Famous Author
5. Take care of whatever I need to do on Big Collaboration (we're waiting on a few more contributors to cut their essays to the required length, and then it's in production, so it will be dealing with the copyedited ms.
6. Pick up work on the Rest of My Life project when i recover from January.
7. Keep up with exercise, do more walking
8. Read for pleasure
9. Do fun things

Heu mihi

1. Good habits: Continue with exercise regimen; practice inversions three times a month; reintroduce meditation into my life to any extent
2. Read 1 Italian book (I've just ordered "L'amica geniale" from our local bookstore!)
3. Finish reasonably polished draft of article due in April (for workshop)
4. Final revisions to book manuscript
5. My actual job: Create online teaching supports for grad students; work on data to advocate for an administrative change
6. Finish two in-progress knitting projects and make progress on my big new fun one

Dame Eleanor

- make measurable progress on two research projects
- manage teaching and GTAs effectively
- gym and yoga 5x/week (each)
- be adequate at committee assignments

Contingent Cassandra

--Make substantial progress on Study Leave project (which has multiple components and possible outcomes, so one of the things I need to do soon is some more detailed prioritizing and planning)
--Continue exercise habit
--Work on other self-care activities, especially identifying leisure activities that are truly restorative
--As time allows, make progress on making my home more livable for me, and workable for having guests over (I've lived in a one-room apartment for the past 17 years, and, while it has its attractions, and at this point feels like home, it's also both overcrowded with stuff and in need of some repairs, replacements, and updates, starting with the fridge and stove).


Contingent Cassandra

--Work out the one thing that still needs to be solved before I can begin adding documents to study leave site and add at least one document.
--Assuming that adding a document doesn’t reveal additional issues to be solved (e.g. with display of files), begin setting up/testing transcription function, including creating test user account(s).
--Attend virtual transcription event
--Contact friends in conference city; make train reservation; make historical society reservation
--Get back into pattern of movement: lift weights 3x, regular stretching/body weight exercises, walking and/or stair climb as weather allows (apparently we’ve got another spell of stormy cold weather coming)
--Continue trying to figure out workable daily/weekly routines, starting with establishing an end of day/bedtime routine.
--Mail things I’ve packed; pack some more
--If at all possible, do some work on taxes

Dame Eleanor

 keep working on revisions to a chapter
- continue work on slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on the last book
- process at least 4 grad applications (maybe finish?)
- student conferences
- meet with grads
- gym x4, swim x2, yoga x5
- start putting together materials for the Revised Thing

Heu mihi

1. Research: Finish reading that book (1 more chapter!); reread chapter 1 edits and enter them into the document (also enter Intro and Preface edits)
2. Finish scheduling online teaching workshop (finding a date is proving difficult)
3. Process journal revision #2
4. Work on organizing Big Giant Event with Famous Writer (happening in April)
5. Two sets of inversions????


1)      SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing - these should be this week's top priority as it's a lighter work week...
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* comments on Very Long chapter for senior grad student
* planning meeting with new MRes student
* read/comment on latest version of the paper that never, ever ends
* if possible, spend an hour on reading/writing for vague grant idea
* be on the ball for grad student meetings


URGENT Student thesis stuff continued…
Midterms, set/give/mark…
Exercise twice maybe?


-Catch up with email and everything that slid last week
-review ms for journal
-plan for next month or so of work
-figure out paper that was just accepted for March conference
-get back into exercise pattern
-return to healthy eating
-get good sleep


1. Teaching prep, keep minimal.
2. Work on grant for at least a day.
3. Write abstract for contribution to edited volume.
4. Admin stuff.
5. Feedback on two grant proposals.
6. Read book for book club on Friday.
7. Small house jobs: clean nesting box and buy new bird feeder, clear out some drawers.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 6

Posting a bit later than usual - I assume it doesn't matter too much to the US members of TLQ but apologies to JaneB. This was a busier Sunday than usual as we went to see a live screening of Macbeth, which was great, but it has meant my usual Sunday sit-down was pushed back to now.

It's damp and cold here, and February for me is a tougher month than January, so today's prompt is, not very originally, thinking about signs of spring or other things that remind us that winter won't last forever. I think I'm not the only fan of Persephone Books on here - for anyone who hasn't come across them, they are a small independent publisher here in the UK who specialise mostly in republishing forgotten novels by women, especially inter-war fiction, in beautiful editions. They also publish a monthly 'letter' online and a daily 'post' which you can sign up to as an email alert. The posts always have a weekly theme. I love them, because they are often quirky, or original and usually come with pretty pictures, so it's a nice start to the day finding one in my inbox. This week's theme was snowdrops:

My favourite is the Mary Delany one, mainly because I love the idea of starting something creative in your 70s. There are snowdrops out here in a lot of gardens, and for me, that's usually the first sign of spring.

So, for a prompt, what signs of spring do you look for each year? Or what else reminds you that winter won't last forever?

Next week will be mid-session check in already!

Last week's goals:

Heu mihi

1. Find a total of 3 hours to work on book MS.
2. Read 2 more chapters of research book (really 1.5, since I'm halfway through one).
3. One set of inversions.
4. Administrative madness: Process journal revision; begin organizing online teaching workshop #1; review grad student evals from fall; finish and send out newsletter; revisit graduate student apps before Monday; Gen Ed review; deal with email mountain
5. Exercise. Work in at least a tiny little bit of meditation. Have lunch with a friend.

Dame Eleanor

- keep working on revisions to a chapter
- start slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on the last book
- process at least 4 grad applications
- write and post more assignments, post links or files for reading
- gym x4, swim x2, yoga x5
- Basement Cat to vet


URGENT Student thesis stuff – if I do nothing else at least do this…
Conference prep with students
Campus visit, not really a goal, but whatever…
Exercise 3 times


Vacation/ have fun


1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* Specific things - make sure I eat at least 5 portions of at least three types of fruit/veg a day and don't dive into the bread-and-butter-and-biscuits beige comfort food pit too deeply
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing
* acquire gifts, make card, send package for Dad's birthday
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* finish comments on full draft for MRes student
* prepare for rescheduled project meeting
* read/comment on latest version of the paper that never, ever ends
* be on the ball for grad student meetings

Contingent Cassandra

--Continue making as much progress as possible on setting up site to hold study leave project documents

--Keep moving, given constraints of weather and a couple of scheduled medical procedures: lift weights 1x and walk and/or climb stairs as weather, time, and energy allow.

--Continue trying to figure out workable daily/weekly routines, starting with establishing an end of day/bedtime routine.
--Take advantage of upcoming spell of warmer weather to complete some gardening tasks that got interrupted by cold snap
-- Continue work on packing up & mailing packages (mixture of returns & gifts for family members I didn’t see over Christmas)
--Make travel and lodging reservations for upcoming conference; contact friends in conference city


1. Really finish and submit article.
2. Grant application: check requirements for this stage, make plan, contact possible referees.
3. Teaching prep: keep minimal.
4. Review form for meeting with Head of Department.
5. Book remaining travel for Easter.

6. Life admin: put dates in calendar, cash a cheque. 

Sunday, 2 February 2025

2025 Session 1, Week 5

Sounds like it's been a difficult week for many people - commiserations and hoping this coming week is better. I started this week with churning anxiety about finishing my journal article, on top of a whole bunch of other things, including a tax return (which I hate doing) and teaching a topic which I don't really feel I have a strong grasp on. It's to first-years, so knowing the basics is usually as much as I need, but every year I breathe a sigh of relief at getting through without being found out. (Every year I vow to read up more on the subject, and of course every year I fail to do so.)

Normally, churning anxiety induces paralysis, especially when it comes to writing, and for a while, that's how it felt. Then somehow, I don't quite know why or how, a gear shifted and I found I was calmer. I kept going back to the article every time I had a couple of hours free. In the other gaps, or in the evenings when I was tired I did the other stuff, including the tax return, which I did alongside cooking dinner one night.

I haven't quite finished the article, but I enjoyed the writing process, once the paralysis eased. I will be scrambling to finish it and submit it tomorrow, hopefully before the editors start chasing me. But although I haven't ticked off that goal yet, I feel better about the article than I would have done if I'd let the anxiety take over and just churned out words as quickly as possible. Instead I got to sink into the writing and spend time looking through sources again, and finding other things to say.

All this is a long-winded introduction to this week's prompt, which is about celebrating the process of working towards goals, rather than the completion of the goals. We tend on here to make lists and report each week on how many things we've crossed off, and there's good reason for that. But for this week, may also reflect on something you didn't complete in the time you set, but where the process of working on it felt like an achievement in itself. Something where you got more out of doing it than you might have expected, or learned something along the way.


2. Keep up with some kind of exercise / healthy activities
3. Keep up with morning prayer
4. Clean the house
5. Do something nice at the weekend.

Contingent Cassandra

--Finish reading documentation and exploring models for project site; make as much progress as possible on setting up site to hold study leave project documents; creating tracking spreadsheet for documents; and adding at least one document to site.
--Keep moving: lift weights 3x and walk and/or climb stairs regularly as weather allows.
--Continue trying to figure out workable daily/weekly routines, starting with establishing an end of day/bedtime routine.
--Take advantage of upcoming spell of warmer weather to complete some gardening tasks that got interrupted by cold snap
-- Continue work on packing up & mailing packages (mixture of returns & gifts for family members I didn’t see over Christmas)

Heu mihi

1. Re-review grant applications and submit ratings
2. Read next 1/3 of book I need to read + 35 pages of Italian book
3. LOR for excellent grad student
4. Do one more inversion practice before the month ends!
5. Draft program newsletter
6. Get ready to teach again!

Dame Eleanor

- keep working on revisions to a chapter
- do some scholarly reading
- process at least 4 grad applications
- write and post assignments, post links or files for reading
- gym x4, swim x1, yoga x5
- talk to someone about the expectations for the Revised Thing


Two long-ish writing sessions with no other activity (booked them on calendar)
Exercise 4 times
URGENT Student thesis stuff
Major admin task
Conference prep with students
Class adjustments
URGENT 2 grant applications


1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel plus three chapters of crusades book, intentional movement 15 minutes x 3 days, a social thing (a long thank you/catching up letter to an old friend)
* Specific things - make sure I eat at least 5 portions of at least three types of fruit/veg a day and don't dive into the bread-and-butter-and-biscuits beige comfort food pit too deeply
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing
* write and send an appropriate condolence card/letter to Uncle (I find these things HARD)
* marking - first year essay one, first year essay two, all the "had an extenstion" third year essays, moderation and spreadsheet admin stuff.
* prepare classes for next week and do ViLE stuff
* stay in my lane!
* go through full draft for MRes student and comment lightly.
* final final proofs of accepted chapter
* prepare for project meeting
* read/comment on latest version of the paper that never, ever ends
* try to be positive and productive when meeting new research student (whose start was postponed due to the (still not fully resolved) job uncertainty within the School).


1. Finish article and submit!
2. Finish teaching prep.
3. Read 4,000 words of student's dissertation by Friday.
4. Essential admin stuff.
5. Tax return: due Friday!
6. Book Easter travel

7. Son's birthday: bake cake, finish wrapping presents, celebrate!