Posting a bit later than usual - I assume it doesn't matter too much to the US members of TLQ but apologies to JaneB. This was a busier Sunday than usual as we went to see a live screening of Macbeth, which was great, but it has meant my usual Sunday sit-down was pushed back to now.
It's damp and cold here, and February for me is a tougher month than January, so today's prompt is, not very originally, thinking about signs of spring or other things that remind us that winter won't last forever. I think I'm not the only fan of Persephone Books on here - for anyone who hasn't come across them, they are a small independent publisher here in the UK who specialise mostly in republishing forgotten novels by women, especially inter-war fiction, in beautiful editions. They also publish a monthly 'letter' online and a daily 'post' which you can sign up to as an email alert. The posts always have a weekly theme. I love them, because they are often quirky, or original and usually come with pretty pictures, so it's a nice start to the day finding one in my inbox. This week's theme was snowdrops:
My favourite is the Mary Delany one, mainly because I love the idea of starting something creative in your 70s. There are snowdrops out here in a lot of gardens, and for me, that's usually the first sign of spring.
So, for a prompt, what signs of spring do you look for each year? Or what else reminds you that winter won't last forever?
Next week will be mid-session check in already!
Last week's goals:
Heu mihi
1. Find a total of 3 hours to work on book MS.
2. Read 2 more chapters of research book (really 1.5, since I'm halfway through
3. One set of inversions.
4. Administrative madness: Process journal revision; begin organizing online
teaching workshop #1; review grad student evals from fall; finish and send out
newsletter; revisit graduate student apps before Monday; Gen Ed review; deal
with email mountain
5. Exercise. Work in at least a tiny little bit of meditation. Have lunch with
a friend.
Dame Eleanor
- keep working on revisions to a chapter
- start slides for at least one conference paper
- do some scholarly reading, take notes on the last book
- process at least 4 grad applications
- write and post more assignments, post links or files for reading
- gym x4, swim x2, yoga x5
- Basement Cat to vet
URGENT Student thesis stuff – if I do nothing else at least
do this…
Conference prep with students
Campus visit, not really a goal, but whatever…
Exercise 3 times
Vacation/ have fun
1) SELF-CARE (recovery and self-kindness)
* habits: something creative, D&D, read a novel, intentional movement 15
minutes x 3 days, a social thing
* Specific things - make sure I eat at least 5 portions of at least three types
of fruit/veg a day and don't dive into the bread-and-butter-and-biscuits beige
comfort food pit too deeply
* 75% or more of the weekly minimal chores, tidy up the upstairs landing
* acquire gifts, make card, send package for Dad's birthday
* prepare teaching for next week & do ViLE stuff
* finish comments on full draft for MRes student
* prepare for rescheduled project meeting
* read/comment on latest version of the paper that never, ever ends
* be on the ball for grad student meetings
Contingent Cassandra
--Continue making as much progress as possible on setting up site to hold study leave project documents
--Keep moving, given constraints of weather and a couple of scheduled medical procedures: lift weights 1x and walk and/or climb stairs as weather, time, and energy allow.
--Continue trying to figure out workable daily/weekly routines, starting with establishing an end of day/bedtime routine.--Take advantage of upcoming spell of warmer weather to complete some gardening tasks that got interrupted by cold snap
-- Continue work on packing up & mailing packages (mixture of returns & gifts for family members I didn’t see over Christmas)
--Make travel and lodging reservations for upcoming conference; contact friends in conference city
1. Really finish and submit article.
2. Grant application: check requirements for this stage, make plan, contact
possible referees.
3. Teaching prep: keep minimal.
4. Review form for meeting with Head of Department.
5. Book remaining travel for Easter.
6. Life admin: put dates in calendar, cash a cheque.