the grid

the grid

Sunday 20 October 2024

TLQ 2024 session 3, week 7

Half-way through! Back in September, we said "fourteen goal-setting weeks," so here we are at midterm check-ins already. So instead of a prompt this week, take a look at your session goals and see if you want to adjust them (delete something? or congratulate yourself on already meeting one or more of them?).

Session goals first, and last week's goals below them. As often happens, I am having trouble with formatting; what's worse, when I select chunks of text to fix the formatting, CoPilot offers to rewrite the text for me. I am trying to refuse its "help," but if anyone's goals don't look quite the way you originally wrote them, that's why. Anyway, apologies, and I hope this will do!


Contingent Cassandra

--plan and to the extent possible make progress on the study leave project (which has multiple aspects)


Get back into a consistent exercise habit
Get half-done paper into decent shape
Revise 80% done paper
Do actual real work on coastal project
Organize my samples and lab space properly
Get student through thesis and defense

Dame Eleanor Hull

- Draft an essay due at the end of January
- tinker with what was supposed to be my sabbatical project
- grade All The Things in a timely manner and
- provide helpful feedback for students
- keep up with reading/notes for the new course
- read All The Things for the major committee I'm on
- continue to indulge my exercise addiction and refuse to feel guilty about the time I spend in the pool/at the gym
- complete at least three House/Life Things from my very long list

heu mihi

1. Deadlines: Last-minute tenure letter due Oct. 1, short weird experimental essay due Oct. 13.
2. Research: a) Submit book manuscript!!!!! b) Start planning essay due in April (which I think I'm also supposed to give a talk on next semester...maybe try to get out of the talk, that would also be good). c) Submit proposal for festschrift.
3. Enjoy Italian! Remind myself (when, as last weekend, I'm spending hours on my homework) that I'm learning and it's great!
4. Exercise: I exercised a lot this summer, and it felt great, so I really want to make this my priority. Possibly join a gym (with a pool!) when it gets too dark to run in the morning (so, like, next week).
5. Graduate students: Get X defended and out; support G; work with R towards spring defense; others as they arise. (Just putting this here so that I can check it off at the end of the session--it's such time-consuming work and I want to record


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing each week (draw, diamond painting, colour, paint, knit, crochet)
(ii) read three non-fiction books this session and at least three novels
(iii) at least one social/creative-with-words thing each week (playing D&D, writing for fun, talking to people on the phone or a proper chat online, writing a social letter)
(iv) journalling through a "self-care for autistic adults" book.
(v) building a more solid exercise habit
i) working on getting better at the regular chores
ii) at least one additional care-for-home-environment thing every week
iii) working on financial things that both bore and scare me
i) successful teaching delivery (TRQ)
ii) prepare the rest of this trimester and for next trimester (one-two teaching blocks a week which are not about the immediate needs of the week)
iii) stay in my lane given my changed responsibilities
iv) support my senior grad student to submission of her thesis at the end of December
i) make measurable progress on at least three papers
ii) write a fairly small grant application to buy out some of my time
iii) find out my committments within small cog project and meet them.


From 1st October, I go down to working four days a week, so part of this session will be working out how to set boundaries and make sure work doesn't spill into 5 days and that there is still time for TLQ stuff. I'll use last session's headings, which I think I stole from Jane B.
1. Teaching/admin
(i) Revise second-year module to a new format, but keep manageable.
(ii) Keep on top of first-year module and try to maintain energy/enthusiasm without setting myself impossible standards (I co-teach with someone who is a bundle of energy so I always feel students are comparing us unfavourably).
(iii) Three PhD students: one submitting in December, so a lot of drafts to read; one seems to be worryingly AWOL when he should be writing; one about a year from submission.
2. Research (TLQ!):
(i) If grant application gets through first round, write longer version. If it doesn't, put Plan B on hold until next session.
(ii) Write journal article for January deadline. This is the most important session goal.
(iii) Work on call for papers for possible collaborative workshop.
3. Kids
(i) Work out new routines, be as present with them as possible and as much as they will tolerate!
4. House/life admin
(i) One big project: new bathrooms.
(ii) Decluttering & small to medium projects.
5. Self-care
(i) Reading
(ii) Exercise: improve fitness
(iii) Healthy eating & more sleep.
(iv) Fun stuff - see friends, try to do more creative stuff.


1. Make progress of Rest of Life (RoL) project, or at least phase 1 of it.
2. If the press takes Famous Author, I will need to add some words. Do it.
3. Do any last work on Big Collaboration that needs doing.

1. Figure out an exercise routine that makes sense and is manageable.
2. Try to not work weekends and evenings
3. Read books for fun
4. Keep up with tapestry projects
5. Buy new car (maybe new used car)


Contingent Cassandra (held over)

--Write two emails having to do with the study leave and the October program (this is not done but really needs to get done tomorrow, so good timing).
--At least begin listing and prioritizing the things I could, should, or must do before the October program and beyond to advance the study leave project


Production files for accepted paper
Galley proofs for in-press paper
Popular article on research topic
Book Covid and flu shots
Reference writing
Department newsletter (bane of existence for months)
Curriculum stuff
Thesis comments/rewrites

Dame Eleanor Hull

- provide lap for Basement Cat as often as he wants
- 20 minutes x3 on Alms or its larger project
- read at least one chapter in one scholarly book; finish taking notes on another
- grade a set of undergrad papers
- file reports on a couple of students who aren't showing up
- do the 3 mandatory annual trainings
- finish off grad comments, post them
- reading/prep for grad class
- write a letter of recommendation
- cardio + weights x2, swim at least x2, yoga x4
- another walk with friend on Friday, weather permitting
- check another store for weed-killer
- look up some Greek for a novelist's spell

heu mihi

1. Review article
2. Read chapter 4 of dissertation R
3. Keep up with workouts: run x 3, swim x 2, yoga x 1
4. Work out grad students' spring teaching schedules
5. Prep for RR workshop (read & comment on one submission; start reading other submissions)


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) read most days
(iii) play D&D with group or with nibling
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) do more sums/plan summarising related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme, make decision.
iii) wash all the towels (as well as clothes laundry) (I'm down to the odd colours/nearly worn out towels now...)

i) two teaching blocks (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week)
ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching - quite light this week
iii) another chapter for grad student

i) decision about grant idea. If yes, at least two hours on the text.
ii) at least one hour doing my tasks for the consultancy paper (I'm also waiting on others)
iii) referee paper - now urgent!


1. Prep teaching - none of it new, so should be minimal.
2. Read a dissertation proposal.
3. Read PhD chapter.
4. Research: work out remaining budget from small grant and what to do with it.
5. Use one of the short bits of time to read an article for research.
6. Book flu jab
7. Daughter's trip
8. Eat healthily, try to get some walks in, go to bed reasonable time.
9. Read new book.


1. Keep going on the paper / research
2. Finish task I should have finished before I went on sabbatical, a revision of our policies
3. Start writing letter of rec for colleague
4. Write report on use of endowed chair funds
5. Enjoy conference on Friday-Saturday
6. Schedule flu shot
7. Walk to work 1 day, do workout with trainer, follow up.
8. Keep reading, figure out what to read when I finish this book tonight.


  1. Gah, where is the year going? Long days, fast weeks.

    1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself. I'm still very day to day, and "crashing" at least one day a weekend. NOT helped by the "People Change Process" of course... But plodding along...
    (i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing each week (draw, diamond painting, colour, paint, knit, crochet) yes, definitely doing this weekly, and it is a Good Thing
    (ii) read three non-fiction books this session and at least three novels I have already met this, if I count biographical writing as non-fiction - not sure I do as these were two very easy-read biographical books, humour rather than anything more complex! Now aiming for at least six novels, and would like to read at least one more "substantial non-fiction" book. Making a place to list "did not finish" books seems to have helped me make the decision to stop reading things I'm trying and not enjoying - I think it makes it feel more like I'm parking the book and might come back to it rather than throwing it out!
    (iii) at least one social/creative-with-words thing each week (playing D&D, writing for fun, talking to people on the phone or a proper chat online, writing a social letter) between obligatory once a week parent calls and D&D, this wasn't a very ambitious goal, and I am easily meeting it, but it's good to have "keeping up a good habit" goal in the mix
    (iv) journalling through a "self-care for autistic adults" book. not started!
    (v) building a more solid exercise habit still a work in progress but I haven't had a week with NO intentional movement so, could be worse?
    i) working on getting better at the regular chores sigh... at lesat I'm checking in on them?
    ii) at least one additional care-for-home-environment thing every week no, but it's not so scary I need to get rid of it as a goal
    iii) working on financial things that both bore and scare me yes. Forced to, but I am DOING IT. Very very very slowly
    i) successful teaching delivery (TRQ) who knows? Still in the quiet and easy zone
    ii) prepare the rest of this trimester and for next trimester (one-two teaching blocks a week which are not about the immediate needs of the week) feeling quite on top of things in that sense right now. But my first grading arrived at the end of this week so that will likely change!
    iii) stay in my lane given my changed responsibilities ish. It's HARD especially when colleagues are happy to let me drift into their lane if it means they can get work done by others... and I do feel kind of guilty about my lighter workload (which is only the workload I'm supposed to have, just, everything is stretched so THIN right now)
    iv) support my senior grad student to submission of her thesis at the end of December ugh. She's not going to make that deadline, but she's making progress. I'm just really struggling to read and comment appropriately - it takes a lot of quality brain power and I often only have that a couple of times a week... and she can't have it all sadly!
    i) make measurable progress on at least three papers this is actually happening - the summer work felt very slow but it is flowering now
    ii) write a fairly small grant application to buy out some of my time Head of School recommended against it, and then the deadline for applying to not be made redundant was announced and the process will involve more paperwork than my pessimistic self thought, so this goal gets deleted. sigh!
    iii) find out my committments within small cog project and meet them.we're STILL not allowed to announce it publically and hire the researchers, so we've just been getting all the paperwork for hiring and announcements lined up ready to hit the ground running. It's getting stupid - this was supposed to launch August!
    But the goal still applies.

    1. LAST WEEK:
      Fairly light at work on paper but there was stress. And my Aunt is now officially terminally ill, and I am feeling a lot of guilt about not visiting my parents more, but I just don't have the capacity to do so and to be any use at all (I love my Aunt and Uncle but we've never spent much time together and I feel like notes and little gifts in the mail are about the right level of support from afar - they have a very strong church and friends network in their town and are multiple hours away). And we now have a deadline for all the paperwork to keep (or not) our jobs, and there's a Lot Going On Under The Surface there (and indignation - we have just over two weeks to get the many-page paperwork completed, and some of my colleagues are away for a week with students in a remote field centre next week so have a lot less time for the paperwork...). I'm also having a lot of Feelings about how well nibling is settling in at university - delighted for them, but working through a lot of sadness and anger and grief for my past self and all the support and opportunities they didn't have. On top of all the work stuff, it's not surprising I've been very short of energy and patience for work!

      On the positive side - my second grad student got some analytical results from an external service and (despite some panic on their part because it wasn't exactly what they expected) they plotted up pretty nicely. My visitor finally has a desk to work at, and their first results are just text-book levels of good. And my first year tutor group are attending and engaging and overall a pleasure, which makes such a nice change.

      1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
      (i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing I'm doing Inktober (daily one word doodle prompts) again - some of them are turning out quite well & it's keeping me doing SOMETHING which is nice
      (ii) read most days maybe three days. Moved one book to the not finishing it now list, started something new which is going much better
      (iii) play D&D with group or with nibling both
      (iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes two days

      i) at least 75% of regular chore list nearly but not quite
      ii) do more sums/plan summarising related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme, make decision. yes. Not applying for VR but there are other things possibly afoot...
      iii) wash all the towels (as well as clothes laundry) (I'm down to the odd colours/nearly worn out towels now...) nah, just the clothes. Maybe tomorrow... (work from home day)

      i) two teaching blocks (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week) yes! I'm now fully prepped for all the totally new content this trimester, which is one worry dismissed
      ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching - quite light this week yes, I think so
      iii) another chapter for grad student no

    2. 4 RESEARCH
      i) decision about grant idea. If yes, at least two hours on the text. it was a no. Feeling complicated about it. BUT this week an invitation to be part of an spplication for a PhD studentship at another university (with two colleagues I've known for decades) on a really interesting, worthwhile topic (not worth many local brownie-points though) and did some email mentoring of an international researcher who has run into a problem using the software my group wrote a decade ago - so I did some newish research things which was not very "career relevant" but was good for the field
      ii) at least one hour doing my tasks for the consultancy paper (I'm also waiting on others) yes. And their parts arrived in my inbox so, sigh, I have to do that now. I am so bored with this paper and it feels like it's becoming less and less publishable as we work on it, not more.
      iii) referee paper - now urgent! no. this paper is just putting me into such a bad mood, and there isn't much objectively that I can point at, I just Do Not Like It. It feels like it is lecturing me. So it's a one page at a time, think twice comment once job, and I've not really had the energy to deal with it. Now overdue.

      One heavy teaching day in some difficult spaces, and a lot of meetings on work from home days, so I'm not looking forward to it! And I need to get the draft of my redundancy pool paperwork to my Head of School for comments before the end of the week. Sigh...

      1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
      (i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
      (ii) read most days
      (iii) play D&D with nibling (group has a week off) and prepare a one off Hallowe'en game...
      (iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes

      i) at least 75% of regular chore list
      ii) wash all the towels

      i) one teaching block (3-4 hours) on non-urgent teaching prep (non-urgent = happening AFTER next week)
      ii) do all the needed things to be ready for next week's teaching
      iii) mark lab reports
      iv) another chapter for grad student

      4 RESEARCH
      i) at least one hour integrating other people's comments into the consultancy paper, sigh, not a job I like.
      ii) referee paper - now urgent!
      iii) do preparation for local seminar - now urgent! Sigh.

    3. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt's diagnosis. I think notes and little gifts in the mail are the right thing, in the circumstances: ways of showing you care, without requiring much of the recipients. If it's a good day, she can enjoy them, and if it's not, she doesn't have to respond in real time. It's hard, though, and I wish you and your family the best.

  2. Half way through? Where did the time go?
    I think I'll keep my session goals, because they all still feel relevant.

    1. Make progress of Rest of Life (RoL) project, or at least phase 1 of it. YES, IT'S MOVING
    2. If the press takes Famous Author, I will need to add some words. Do it. STILL WAITING TO HEAR
    3. Do any last work on Big Collaboration that needs doing. YES, IT WILL GO TO PRESS MAYBE THIS WEEK?

    1. Figure out an exercise routine that makes sense and is manageable. ON ITS WAY
    2. Try to not work weekends and evenings MOSTLY
    3. Read books for fun SOME
    4. Keep up with tapestry projects SOME
    5. Buy new car (maybe new used car) DONE

    Generally, I'm doing what I hoped to be doing, so that's good. I'm in conversation with a bunch of different curators in relation to the work, and I feel as if there will be something ultimately to this Part I. I wish I'd done more reading and more tapestry, but that's fine.
    Goals from last week:
    1. Keep going on the paper / research YES
    2. Finish task I should have finished before I went on sabbatical, a revision of our policies YES, DONE
    3. Start writing letter of rec for colleague YES
    4. Write report on use of endowed chair funds NO
    5. Enjoy conference on Friday-Saturday YES
    6. Schedule flu shot NO
    7. Walk to work 1 day, do workout with trainer, follow up. YES
    8. Keep reading, figure out what to read when I finish this book tonight. I HAVE IDEAS

    So everything is pretty much chugging along. The only thing I have to do is a report on the endowed chair funds, mostly because I think the records are incorrect and so I need to get that sorted out before I can finalize the report.

    I came down with a cold/flu (not COVID, at least right now) yesterday afternoon, so goals for this week will be modest. I leave Friday for a trip that is a combination of visiting a friend and research/conference, so...
    1. Keep working on paper for November
    2. Sort out endowed chair funds stuff
    3. Draft letter of rec for colleague (Why a senior position requires a letter at the start of the process is a mystery, down to the HR rules that shape our lives.)
    4. Get better. Maybe work out
    5. Read, sleep, pack

    I'm certainly forgetting something, but that's life.

    1. It's good to hear that things are moving as you hoped they would! Also that you've crossed off one big thing (the car) and don't have to think about it again. I hope you're able to rest and recover this week, so that you're in good shape to enjoy the conference and visit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Session goals:

    1. Deadlines: Last-minute tenure letter due Oct. 1, short weird experimental essay due Oct. 13.
    2. Research: a) Submit book manuscript!!!!! b) Start planning essay due in April (which I think I'm also supposed to give a talk on next semester...maybe try to get out of the talk, that would also be good). c) Submit proposal for festschrift.
    a) I wish I could! Just waiting on friends to read chapters...grr....
    b) Ugh, I should start this. The research decks are otherwise cleared.
    c) Waiting on co-editors to finish their proposal parts. (b) is the only research goal under my control, and I Dont Wanna, but I Will.
    3. Enjoy Italian! Remind myself that I'm learning and it's great!
    -Trying! It's so much work! But fun, too.
    4. Exercise: Possibly join a gym (with a pool!) when it gets too dark to run in the morning (so, like, next week).
    -Joined gym, going pretty regularly, even though it means getting up at the ungodly hour of 5.
    5. Graduate students: Get X defended and out; support G; work with R towards spring defense; others as they arise.
    -X is defending next week.
    -R has sent me some chapters.
    -Both X and R are on the market, as are G and Ka, so I'm awash in letters to write (Ka probably doesn't need any from me, at least). Then there's Kr, whose dissertation should have come in two weeks ago, but where is it, I wonder?

    So I'm making good progress, and I'll keep all of these.

    Last week:
    1. Review article - DONE
    2. Read chapter 4 of dissertation R - He asked me not to read it yet, so I won't! Then Ka sent me a chapter, which I should read this week.
    3. Keep up with workouts: run x 3, swim x 2, yoga x 1 - x2 (but the second one was twice as long as usual), x1, x1. I had my monthly headache last week, so I slept in a little later and didn't exercise on a couple of days.
    4. Work out grad students' spring teaching schedules - DONE! Just need to send it out.
    5. Prep for RR workshop (read & comment on one submission; start reading other submissions) - NO; moving to this week

    This week:
    1. Prep for RR workshop
    2. Send out teaching schedules
    3. Give away old car to colleague
    4. Start review of F25 schedule
    5. Read diss chapter
    6. Grade batch of papers
    7. Full slate of workouts

  5. We had a Fall break week, so I got caught up on a lot of stuff that had been languishing in the background. The show run finished, and it was a blast all the way, I’m really glad I said yes to that!

    Last week’s goals:
    Production files for accepted paper DONE, YAY!!
    Galley proofs for in-press paper DONE
    Popular article on research topic STARTED
    Get Covid and flu shots BOOKED
    Reference writing STARTED
    Department newsletter (bane of existence for months) NOT DONE
    Curriculum stuff DONE
    Thesis comments/rewrites ONGOING

    The theme for the week is “finish stuff” from the long list of almost-done things… I have a student conference and a new concert this weekend, so I’d like to be finished with those tasks. But it is also a heavy teaching week, and I’m still covering classes for a colleague and doing lots of admin training, so here’s hoping.

    This week’s goals:
    Guest talk abstract/title/prep
    Finish popular article on research topic
    Finish reference writing
    Finish department newsletter (bane of existence for months)
    Finish thesis comments/rewrites

    For session goals, well… Not much to say about those except my did those week pass quickly… I suspect it will be slim pickings at the end of the session, but I do want to keep most of them.

    Session goals
    Get back into a consistent exercise habit MINIMAL PROGRESS, KEEP
    Get half-done paper into decent shape NO PROGRESS BUT KEEP
    Revise 80% done paper NO PROGRESS BUT KEEP
    Do actual real work on coastal project REMOVE THIS ONE
    Organize my samples and lab space properly NO PROGRESS BUT KEEP
    Get student through thesis and defense PROGRESS, KEEP
