the grid

the grid

Sunday 1 September 2024

Another intersession post

Hello! We're still officially between sessions. However, both to mark the passing of another week (where do they go? I imagine some sort of cosmic lost-and-found box full of lost time) and to give you a preview of coming attractions, here's another intersession post. Daisy and Dame Eleanor Hull will take this week to sort out a plan, and perhaps come up with theme ideas (or not, as the case may be). Next weekend we'll put up a post for the first week of the 3rd session of 2024. 

If you're thinking of joining us, or wondering if this might be the time to try an online accountability group to help you get things done, consider this a sign that it IS the time and you are welcome here! Enter any questions you have in the comments box, and we'll get back to you promptly. Past participants, new participants, friends or blog-friends of participants . . . we're not cliquish, we'd love to have you join in.

Whether you've already started teaching, start this week, or still have some time to enjoy a break, I hope you have a good week! Comments are open for making plans and/or reporting on what you've been doing, or just chatting amongst yourselves.


  1. Just moving some conversation here... I have moved down to my sabbatical place, and am mostly unpacked (still stuff that needs to go to my office at the Library). I'm exhausted - I went through piles of stuff at home, through out A LOT, took a huge quantity of clothes to the charity shop, but I got myself out the door. (And I brought too much, for a place with relatively little storage, so there's that.)
    Today is (thankfully) a holiday in the US, so tomorrow I have various orientation appointments and start the new year.

    1. Hope you got some rest yesterday, and can start the new fellowship feeling excited!

    2. Wishing you a very happy start to your sabbatical (school) year,!

    3. I hope all the orientation went smoothly!

  2. Hello hello! Just checking in. It's the first week of classes and I'm baffled by all of the things that I've agreed to do this year (including, just two days ago, write a last-minute letter for a tenure case that will involve "reading" a book over the next two-three weeks).

    I expect that this will be a semester of utter scrambling on my part. But I'm excited about a few of the things I'm doing: I've finally moved up to an Italian *literature* class, and I'll be reading Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio in the original! Very slowly and very poorly, but still! It should be a fun challenge. I'm also running a Scholarly Writing Group that will meet on Tuesday afternoons, so I should be able to do at least one hour of actual writing per week...which I need, since I have a deadline in October. (For something short, mercifully.)

    Enough about work. I hope that everyone is enjoying the week; we've been having glorious weather here, and, although I've spent a lot of it in my office, I do plan to go for a run in the woods in about an hour.

  3. The Italian literature class sounds amazing. Well done on getting to that level. Very jealous of glorious weather. Here it is autumnal in the damp, drizzling fog kind of way, not the crisp sunshine and colourful leaves way.
