the grid

the grid

Sunday 15 September 2024

TLQ Session 3 2024 Week 2


Hello and welcome back everyone!

Time… always a perennial theme for us… I am super short on it right now, so I’m going to leave a short prompt…

What is your favourite time-saving hack? Anything goes, work hacks, life hacks, household hacks? Free reign for ideas!

 Goals for the week below.

 Contingent Cassandra

Get advance publicity for mid-late October events related to the study leave project done and deliver to appropriate person.


None, so great job meeting those!


- finish the grading
- power-wash the north side of the house
- write my sabbatical report (due Monday)
- gym tomorrow

 heu mihi

1. Write a very basic draft of short weird experimental essay.
2. Submit Kalamazoo abstract and apply for funding.
3. Start reading book for last-minute tenure letter, with the goal of finishing enough of it to say something intelligent by the end of next week.
4. Work on edits to ch. 3 of manuscript.
5. Exercise: Run at least 3 times; 1 yoga class.


1 SELF-CARE. Remember I'm still recovering from burnout and be kind to myself.
(i) do at least one mildly creative-with-the-hands thing
(ii) start book about Aztecs, start another novel
(iii) play D&D with nibling (who has moved into their uni flat!
a week early to let them settle in to the city and walk around finding out where everything is before it's chaotic)
(iv) three days of stretchy/bendy type intentional movement for at least 15 minutes
i) at least 75% of regular chore list
ii) declutter kitchen
iii) do some sums related to latest voluntary redundancy scheme and some pension modelling
i) set up new teaching commonplace book/bullet journal thing
ii) list out teaching blocks for the first half of the session; finish blocks for second year module reading lists/case studies
iii) get ViLE content done as far as I can
iv) comment on first half of a chapter for Senior Grad Student
i) at least two hours on part 3 of discussion OR supplementary info of consultancy paper
ii) an hour of notes on my grant idea


1.       Prep for trip to archives next week.
2. Revise grant and submit - this is the grant from last session, which finally came back from the last round of review on Friday, with thankfully only minor suggestions.
3. Meeting with PhD student.
4. Tedious but urgent life admin - car service, get laptop keyboard fixed.


1. Finish dissertation related to what I think is part of phase 1 of RoL project
2. Read some of books that I've piled on my desk
3. Keep up with embroidery
4. Read for pleasure
5. Figure out gym situation

Sunday 8 September 2024

TLQ Session 3 of 2024, week 1

Hello! Greetings! Welcome to TLQ session 3, first week! If you've been around for awhile, or just following along (hey! how about saying hello in the comments?), you know the drill. If you're new, read on. As often happens, I'm borrowing introductory text from previous sessions, with thanks to those who drafted it.

This week, please introduce yourselves and set some goals for the session, as well as for the coming week. Goals can be in any aspect of life, although the key focus is often writing tasks that are personally and professionally important but that never quite tip over into important AND urgent. Urgent things sometimes find their way in here too; that is completely okay, and process goals are also most welcome. 

Most weeks there will be a discussion topic or prompt to write about if you feel so inclined, but skip it if you don't feel like it. Your hosts this session, Dame Eleanor Hull and Daisy, have ideas for prompts, but this will not be a themed session. We've already had two of those this year, and JaneB especially is a hard act to follow! So if you want a more "business-like" support group for getting stuff done, try us out this time.

We'll have fourteen goal-setting weeks, a mid-term check-in on session goals, and a final "party" reporting on session goals on 15 December. Anyone is welcome to join! Bring a friend! We aim to be supportive of and generous to all participants, whether they're every-week types or just drop in from time to time. 

This week's prompt, if you want one: what nice thing could you add to this week, or what tiring one could you take away? Example: I skipped a party yesterday. A party should be a nice thing, but when I thought about driving, packing my own food (as I would need to do), and seeing people I like fine but who are not friends of the heart, it sounded too much like work (I mean literally: those are all things I do on campus days). I stayed home. I went to the gym, graded some papers, did a couple of loads of laundry, and cooked. Not exciting, but overall more restorative than I think the party would have been.

I look forward to working with you during the coming months!

Sunday 1 September 2024

Another intersession post

Hello! We're still officially between sessions. However, both to mark the passing of another week (where do they go? I imagine some sort of cosmic lost-and-found box full of lost time) and to give you a preview of coming attractions, here's another intersession post. Daisy and Dame Eleanor Hull will take this week to sort out a plan, and perhaps come up with theme ideas (or not, as the case may be). Next weekend we'll put up a post for the first week of the 3rd session of 2024. 

If you're thinking of joining us, or wondering if this might be the time to try an online accountability group to help you get things done, consider this a sign that it IS the time and you are welcome here! Enter any questions you have in the comments box, and we'll get back to you promptly. Past participants, new participants, friends or blog-friends of participants . . . we're not cliquish, we'd love to have you join in.

Whether you've already started teaching, start this week, or still have some time to enjoy a break, I hope you have a good week! Comments are open for making plans and/or reporting on what you've been doing, or just chatting amongst yourselves.