the grid

the grid

Saturday 26 August 2023

Intercession post

If you feel like checking in about what you're doing (or not doing), ranting about anything, or otherwise sharing with the group, here's your chance. 

Daisy and DEH will put up an introductory post next weekend, with the first weekly goal-setting post the weekend after that (post-Labo[u]r Day, for North Americans). We can tell you there will be a theme-story, and it involves travel. Participants can treat it either literally---play along with the story and deal with goals separately---or allegorically---match story elements to your goals.

Or you can ignore the theme if you just aren't feeling imaginative.

I hope that whets your appetite for the third and final session of 2023! Encourage your friends to join us. Former members will be gladly welcomed back!


  1. Well, I hope by next week I will be out from under all the administrivia. My to do list is overwhelming, and there is nothing about my own research on it. (Sorry, start of semester groan)

    1. Ugh, sorry to hear it! Bonne chance et bon courage!

  2. Hello! Administrivia is looming, Start of semester is really grim (and close). And so far my reaction to ADHD meds is... atypical, This week I have had a "paradoxical reaction" most days as in I take the darn things, and instead of the 'mental squirrels' calming down they apparently become completely deaf to all attempts to control them. Thank GOODNESS for the mute and camera off buttons, for colleague-friends, and for a research meeting when we were brainstorming anyway so the squirrels were super-powered! But oh dear, the tedious stuff is not happening (& I'm not enjoying the physical side effects). Apparently this will EITHER all pass off and they'll start to be useful in the next few weeks OR I'm just not suited to them, no idea which yet.

    Whine whine whine.

    On a positive note: I've been invited to join a D&D group as a player online, played for the first time earlier this week, and from the person who introduced themselves by saying they tend to talk too much and sound like they're taking over please tell them they don't mean to before I could even give my own almost identical spiel to the glee with which people have been sharing pictures of their New Dice (new campaign = new character = new dice for many of us) in our chat thread and even the guy who kept disappearing just before it was his turn because his cat wanted in or out... it was comfortable, which for a new social situation is very unusual for me.

    On the other hand, my nibling had a small exams disaster and will not be starting university next month - they didn't get the course of their choice, and decided to try again rather than go somewhere else. They've got good plans on how to have a productive year and be the best possible candidate for their course of choice - now. There's been a lot of texting and messages flying around as my sister tried to navigate it all (because of course Mum has been doing a lot of the supporting and asking...).

    Really looking forward to the new session and theme! Hope everyone else is managing to keep the head above water!

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your nibling's exam problem, though it sounds like they're figuring out a good way forward. Also sorry that the ADHD meds aren't immediately helpful, and I hope they become so---and that the symptoms won't be too bad in the meantime. That situation sounds frustrating. But the D&D news is excellent! It's so great to find a group who feel like one's people.

    2. I'm glad that the D&D group was so good! I hope that that's a bright spot in a [however it turns out to be] term. Best of luck to your nibling, too.

    3. Sorry to hear about the meds and your nibling. It seems as if this has been a tough year for exams. I hope they get there eventually and can look back on this year as a positive one in the end. Glad to hear about the D&D: sounds like the kind of space you need.
