the grid

the grid

Sunday 5 May 2019

Spring Intersession - week 6

Now that it's May, it looks like spring really is here. Apple blossoms have bloomed despite the snow of a couple of weeks ago, though less profusely than in warmer years. My semester is winding down, so although this week will see the Last Battle, with lots of exploding things and crazy panicked running in all directions, I know that in no more than nine days it will all be over. Either that, or I will be filing lots of change-of-grade forms and fielding many e-mails from panicky students.

I, DEH, am jumping in this week because next week I'll be away at a conference; JaneB, I hope this doesn't upset your plans.

How are things with all of you? Calming down, revving up, running behind, shifting around? Pick your preposition and find a verb!

Goals from last week:

Dame Eleanor Hull
Blow up three bridges and set explosives for a fourth.
Quickly plot an alternate route while also ensuring the main path is clear.
Kill some leathery-winged avians (take out a nest?)
Placate the talking cats, who are Displeased.

Good Enough Woman
1) Walk three times.
2) Try meditation app.
3) Brainstorm strategies for appreciating the present moment (more than worrying about the future)
4) Help son choose and cook a recipe for extra credit for his Spanish class.
5) Make steady progress on grading (hoping to have the big batches done before Mother's Day).

heu mihi
1) Daily things, rendered near-daily: Write x4, language x4, exercise x4, sit x5.
2) Revise Kalamazoo paper.
3) Read diss chapter.
4) Get on top of end-of-term service things (per to-do list).
5) Buy some plants & plant them.
6) Knit like a fiend.

1 Finish and submit R&R
2 Another batch of grading
3 One paperwork batch for summer

1) self-care - continue to drink a great deal of water. Be kind to self. Make Drs appt
2) go through the last two weeks of emails, catch up, carry over chore lists etc.
3) get on top of paperwork for the Two Big Modules (TLQ this week - TRQ next week - and don't require too much thought so may be very suitable!)
4) ten rows of square
5) mark one late big project. next big pile comes in on Thursday this week, so mostly I get to actively NOT mark and appreciate the absence of it!
6) if I feel like it, start looking at the shape of the summer and do some planning/booking of things.


  1. How I did:
    Blow up three bridges and set explosives for a fourth. ONE? at least I still have two to go (ack); YES, explosives set (= exam written).
    Quickly plot an alternate route while also ensuring the main path is clear. PARTIAL SUCCESS.
    Kill some leathery-winged avians (take out a nest?). YES (some).
    Placate the talking cats, who are Displeased. SOMEWHAT.

    Coming week:
    Grade two sets of papers and an exam.
    Compute final grades.
    Finish K'zoo paper and other presentation.
    E-mail administrator re conference etc., requesting not to get "gentle reminder" e-mail of when grades are due.
    Pack for trip, eat safely and keep up with exercise and stretching while away.

    My preposition and verb are probably "up" and "tidying"---we had two house showings this week, but no one has yet been interested enough to view a second time or make an offer. "Live with uncertainty and work the process" continues to be my guiding principle, frustrating though it is.

  2. Struggling onward.

    We had rain and heavy gray skies for 5 straight days. The sun is out today, but only for one day, and I intend to make good use of it (by not staying in my office, mostly). I have grading to do and a bunch of housework before I head to Kalamazoo, and I can't bear the thought of reading this dissertation chapter that I'm very behind on. Alas.

    Last week:
    1. Daily things, rendered near-daily: Write x4 -3, language x4 -2, exercise x4 -4, sit x5 -1.
    2. Revise Kalamazoo paper -Yes.
    3. Read diss chapter -No.
    4. Get on top of end-of-term service things (per to-do list) -Yes?.
    5. Buy some plants & plant them -Yes.
    6. Knit like a fiend -A very small fiend.

    This week:
    1. Grade
    2. Clean the house, make yoghurt and granola, do the things that need doing at home before I leave town
    3. Create a REALISTIC(ish) summer work plan
    4. Read diss chapter
    5. Start reading book for review

    I'm not going to worry about the formerly-/usually-daily things until I get back. So there!

    1. Love the "very small fiend." I may have some of those buzzing around, along with the leathery-winged avians.

  3. Oh, my preposition and verb is hanging on. I didn't even post last week because it was nuts - I had weekend visitors, then had to prepare for a difficult department meeting which ate up an enormous amount of emotional energy -- to the extent that I didn't dare grade papers for a few days because I didn't want to take my fury at colleagues out on a student. But this is the last week of classes, my final is on Saturday,and my goal is to have grades in next Monday.

    So - from two weeks ago:
    1. Grade the papers (get it done Thursday) Well, turned back last Wednesday, so...
    2. Go to show my colleague is doing in the national park YES
    3. Finish book for paper NO
    4. Walk three times (it makes a big difference!) NO

    As I said, it was crazy. And I'm so tired...

    Goals for the week ahead:
    1. Grade the papers that came in today
    2. Spend one day on Violence revisions
    3. Grade the final projects I get on Saturday
    4. Walk twice
    5. Do something fun

    Trudging through the end of the semester...

    1. Sorry I left you off the list, and thanks for going back and retrieving your goals yourself! Look, you have a second preposition and verb at the end, "trudging through." It shows progress!

  4. I don't have a preposition, but I am enjoying now. Trying not to worry too hard about what lies ahead.

    Last week's goals:
    1) Walk three times. TWICE.
    2) Try meditation app. YES! LIKED IT!
    3) Brainstorm strategies for appreciating the present moment (more than worrying about the future) FOR NOW, DISTRACTION SEEMS GOOD.
    4) Help son choose and cook a recipe for extra credit for his Spanish class. YES! CUBAN BLACK BEANS.
    5) Make steady progress on grading (hoping to have the big batches done before Mother's Day). SORT OF.

    Last week was a good week. Although the Big "C" certainly comes up a lot in conversation, I was effectively distracted by kids and work, and I have been better able to enjoy the present moment and the fact that I feel good right now.

    This week:
    1) Get my act together for my son's b-day, which is Thursday!! I have no presents in hand yet. :( He is difficult to buy for. I will make him a shepherd's pie though.
    2) Pick up the grading pace. Try to get 25 research papers done by Saturday.
    3) Don't work on Mother's Day (unless it's just to prep Lady Susan).
    4) Meditation app 5x
    5) Walk 3x
    6) Make dentist appointment (and maybe OB/GYN appt if I can get one soonish)

    1. Lady Susan is such fun that prepping hardly counts as work! Does your family do lists for birthdays? If not, maybe this is the year to start . . . Good luck!
