It's New Year's Eve in the UK as I write this, and I felt an urge to come and say something here, to open up a space in case anyone else wanted to share greetings, encouragement, writing resolve...
My TLQ goals for the coming year, the next three sessions (I hope!). are to live deliberately (although without moving to the woods and taking my washing home to my Mum weekly. pleasant as both might be), think seriously about what being a Slow Professor and living a Slow Life might look for for me, and to enjoy my writing, whatever I write.
In comments to Susan's post here KJHaxton and Dame Eleanor Hull both expressed interest in possibly hosting the next iteration of the group. I've sent KJ an invition to be a site author but don't have DEH's blogging email (email me at mollimog at gmail dot com if still interested) - and as my second semester is slightly less busy than my first I'm also able to step in for any weeks if needed (albeit with some possible timezone issues later in the semester... maybe...). Hopefully they'll be in touch soon with news about a new iteration, and in the meantime, do feel free to comment here if you've withdrawal symptoms...
The purpose of the group is to provide support for people associated with the university world (academics of all shades, grad students, etc.) who find it difficult to prioritise things which are Important but not Urgent (in the Top Left Quadrant of a grid of same). Anyone can come play, just play nicely! We strive to "structure our days/in elegant ways" to make room for what really matters...
the grid

Saturday, 31 December 2016
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Wrapping up, how did we do?
It's hard to believe that we've reached the end of this session, and I nearly decided to extend it a week. But we said December 10, so December 10 it is. The last three months have had triumphs (Good Enough Woman submitting her dissertation!) and challenges (earthquakes, illness, digestive difficulties) outside the usual ones of lurching from crisis to crisis. So this is a time to look back, and see where you are in relation to where you thought you'd be, and maybe get a little bit of steam to lead you over the holidays, whether you celebrate anything or not. I'll list (as much as I can) your session goals (as updated mid-session, I think) and your last week's goals. As you check in, think about what worked for you, and what didn't. We're all endlessly optimistic, and there is something about the teaching semester that almost always gets out of control.
Session goals
Last Week's Goals
allan wilson
(from 4 weeks ago, nature intervening!)
Contingent Cassandra
--keep moving (weights, walks, maybe back to the garden depending on weather)
--keep sleeping regularly
--plan/begin buying holiday gifts, cards (including contact long-lost friend's daughter to make sure I have a correct postal address for friend)
--do some financial stock-taking (in preparation for more work on budgets & paperwork over break)
--make a batch of soup and/or oatmeal if time (this might have to wait until next week)
1) Hills Paper, AGAIN!
2) Cold Paper, complete data section
Dame Eleanor Hull,
1. Self-care: sit 5x, 2 yoga classes, basic stretching 4x, weights 3x, cardio or walking 5x, keep up good work on food/tracking.
2. Teaching: TRQ grading.
3. Research: finish R&R, send e-mails.
4. House/Life: contact handyman, 2 hrs basement, 2 hrs sorting/filing/tossing paper.
Earnest English
Mental Health: Stretch, plan, make key phone calls on Wednesday
Gardening: fall clean up as promised, get garlic in the ground, put beds to sleep
Writing: work in the morning; read
Health: sleep, rest, relax, take supplements, eat well, make sure to bring and eat lunch.
Cooking: Thanksgiving!
Planning: Keep checking in on my goals
Spirited!: Connect and be here now.
Work: grade 5 projects per day, preferably in the morning on days not going to work
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Finish first quarter planning.
Declutter my electronic files ½ hour x 4.
Declutter the paper piles on my desk ½ hour x 4.
Write twenty minutes x 7.
Walk 20 minutes x 5.
Stand at the desk 2 hours x 5.
Good Enough Woman
1) Be efficient with TRQ (grading) to make room for TLQ.
2) Do some viva prep (I think I'll be having a mock viva via Skype in a couple of weeks).
3) Make Christmas gift lists, do some shopping
4) Help daughter make pillows for her friends
5) Put velcro on son's roller backpack and lunchbox to keep said lunchbox from flopping off to the side of said backpack.
1 Bolstered by the group, I will call the pharmacy in the next town over to get the difficult-to-find prescription I’ve ignored for weeks
2 30 minutes recherce 6x
3 30 minutes reading 6x
4 full draft of book review
it's going to be tough.
A lot of this stuff is probably really TRQ but heck it can all go in one list.
1) referee third paper
2) spend an hour on the Annual Report for Old Admin Job (about 35 pages of bureaucratise. There are bits that can be cannabalised, but it takes energy)
3) make a list and make sure grading is done in order of urgency
4) spend a couple of hours on Christmas stuff (wrapping parcels to mail, cards - at least overseas stuff)
5) leave work early one day to mail parcels, and go into town to replace the box of chocs I accidentally ate whilst marking/brooding this weekend and have a fancy hot chocolate at the fancy coffee place (even if I have to take grading there with me)
6) eat well, exercise, sleep a lot, put self first
7) write conference talk
8) make calls, write emails about stuff for ME.
1. Write x 2 - 25 minutes as a start.
2. Move - try a new yoga class (Thursday night or Sunday)
3. Make the Christmas presents list
4. Decide and write down where I need preparation for next year to be before going on leave. Then plan backwards and consider delegation.
KJ Haxton
1. get out for a walk every day building to 3 miles
2. mark 1st year info ret and 3rd year infographics
3. produce some problem sheets and answers for students
4. tackle literature reviews
5. type in data from house project.
6. make christmas cards
7. work on cookery book
1. Submit revised proofs by tomorrow night.
2. Get index drafted over the weekend
3. Submit proposal for cool spring conference
4. Write response to personnel review
5. Don't get too far behind on grading.
1. Review abstract submissions for 2017 conference
2. Start revisions on rejected paper :(
3. Make outline for paper based on diss
4. Review and edit med student's paper
Session goals
allan wilson
1) to be fitter and stronger physically than I am now, by doing exercise consistently - I find this has enormous benefits for my mental wellbeing, and energy levels
2) to be calm, especially as Christmas draws closer. Not sure yet what my strategies will be here.
3) to resubmit two papers that I have previously completed with the help of this group - both are complete mss, but need reformatting after recent rejections
4)to work on drafts of three other papers, so each has a complete manuscript form
Contingent Cassandra
--increase exercise (walking, weight-lifting, gardening) enough to increase the amount I can do
--make/eat more homemade food
--get enough/more regular sleep (in particular, try to establish/maintain a regular bedtime/bedtime routine)
--do more long-form reading (keep up w/church Bible-reading project, + some additional professional & recreational reading)
--accomplish enough in the garden plot to meet the standard of “active gardening” and to move as much gardening paraphernalia as possible to the plot itself (make fence out of rolls of wire currently occupying part of my living space; assemble storage box ditto & fill will tools ditto)
--make progress on putting up shelves (including temporary assembly of ones that will eventually be painted/permanently installed)
--get financial paperwork in shape for mortgage applications
--gather data for a budget
--research 2nd home/investment property/storage solution
--Follow up on grant project (attend conference, prepare reports, look into addtl funding, maybe write a bit)
--Continue to think about research/writing priorities
--do what I can to keep up/reestablish contact with friends and family, without getting too tied up in whether/how people (especially those in difficult/complicated situations) respnd.
--scan at least an album’s worth of family pictures; move pictures to new, archival album (which will be a birthday/Christmas present for my brother)
write three new papers and finish the hideous revise and resubmit from the last session! The three new ones are for projects that are now slowly maturing and producing things worth writing about.
Revised: 2 papers... R=R over break maybe?
Dame Eleanor Hull
Goals, though: I want to have sent out two R&R projects and done some serious reading/note-taking to provide some theoretical underpinnings for my book-in-progress. (The state of the book is that I've basically done all the writing involving the primary text---or all I can do for now---and now I need to work on theoretical and historical background, with some literary comparisons.) I also need to do some translation-revising (we've achieved a complete rough draft, which is a big milestone). I need to keep up with teaching, which is less challenging than usual (low enrollments = smaller classes). Usually things I consider basic (exercise, food providing) aren't too tricky, but my teaching schedule and recent discovery of some food intolerances means that over the next few months, both of these need more attention than they used to. Finally, there's the house-related sorting/tossing/giving away/storing that I don't really want to do but really need to do. We will both be much happier in a newer, lower-maintenance place, and the only way out is through.
Earnest English
Gardening/herbalism: don’t forget about the garden, but do some fall planting, winter gardening or whatever/planning or herbalism learning weekly
Writing: five hours/sessions per week (reading counts!); 6x
Health: sleep!!! (in bed by 11 or earlier on worknights), supplements, good food
Mental health: journal, meditate or yoga and RELAX, listen to audio books during commute; planning instead of panic; create and communicate boundaries
Cooking: one nice meal a week (plan over weekend)
Weekly and birthday/holiday planning: Keep on top of holidays and other events with planning on weekends
Spirited!: keep checked in to his education: at least check notebook every weekend and check in with him; even better? ask daily
Work: be an intentional, slow professor who plods through work
Elizabeth Ann Mitchell
Session mantra: Live purposefully and deliberately
Continue my habit of writing every day.
Finish the neverending commentary for the Prudence book.
Move more--use the brand-new variable desk, walk more, get out of the chair more.
Good Enough Woman
1. Health-Exercise more regularly. 3x a week with walking, swimming, and yoga in the mix. More veggies for the whole family.
2. Home--Get bills, and passwords, and Powerschool, etc. under control. Help kids with various things that are important to them.
3. Research--Submit conference proposal by October deadline. Submit one article. Read 1-2 articles/chapters each week (to stay fresh and ready for the viva).
4. Finish the Slow Professor, and choose various principles and practices for weekly goals (from time-to-time).
5. Family and Friends--various weekly goals as I try to be intentional about doing things for family and friends that will really help them or make them happy.
Humming 42
1 Submit book manuscript
2 Submit two late book reviews
3 Finish and submit Ungloomy article
4 Finish and submit Venus article
5 Read a novel
6 Get grading done in a timely manner
7 Set and maintain a schedule to manage household responsibilities
8 Consider possibility for writing every day
Jane B
1) survive and deliver my classes acceptably, if possible without needing sick leave from teaching
2) Have full drafts of two (closely related) papers from the project I call Problem Child. This requires actual data generation (from simulations) as well as writing
3) Be up to date with refereeing, reviewing etc. (current queue is 2 papers, one book) and minor writing (one 2000 word chapter for an encyclopedia thing, conference talk)
4) look after myself - eat reasonably, spend enough time in bed (sleep is erratic and sometimes elusive, but I can at least rest my eyes and feet for the right amount of time), exercise gently, be kind to myself
5) probably this should be my number 1 - act deliberately. Act with purpose and intent, NOT reactively, and as if I am a person who matters as much if not more than all the things around me. this is the best way I can currently codify in a few words the ideas that have percolated up from continuing to think about the 'Slow Professor' principles, and ideas we talked about in the summer like 'move like water'... I talk a lot in previous iterations about balance, but it strikes me that that metaphor is troubling as it implies an inately precarious situation, something like walking across a narrow beam, high up, whilst carrying many objects. I want a metaphor which makes me feel intrinsically grounded, gives me more feeling of control and agency than of continually just avoiding the brink of disaster, and which helps me do wood-and-forest thinking, switching smoothly between the immediate and the longer term (which reaction, fire-fighting, wobbling on a beam, really doesn't favour).
1. Explore writing rhythms till I get something I can hold
2. Write one conference paper
3. Review co-authored conference paper and knock it through to a complete article draft
3. Get ethics approval up for 2017 SOTL project
4. Find energy that doesn't rely on chocolate (so sleep, mindful eating, movement)
5. Work with co-teachers on 2017 curriculum development to the point where there's defined plans and time allocations for being ready for semester 1. [On hold while waiting for staff to be appointed.]
KJHaxton (Katy)
Goals for the session
1. incorporate regular writing/editing sessions for several projects interspersed with writing fits (1500 words in a couple of hours).
2. Make progress with two research projects: scary and house, mainly by revising and using the research tools on cohorts.
3. Submit one paper and get another one 'nearly there'
4. Make stuff!
5. Be more present in this group - I swing by to check in and keep track but I want to find more time to comment.
1. I have a paper to finish for a conference with pre-circulated papers. It's due this week, and it will be done.
2. I have a long overdue book review that needs to get done
3. I have footnotes to check. Once I've finished the book review, I want to do as much of this as possible.
4. I have a paper I wrote a year ago for a conference/essay collection, but the essay collection has not found a home, so I'd like to publish it. It needs a bit of polishing, so if there's time, I'd like to do that. Substitute: expand talk from summer conference for journal forum.
5. Return to reading fiction: I keep thinking this will happen, and I'm hoping that as my mind gets free of the book, I will do this.
6. Sleep: I work best when I get about 7 hours of sleep a night. One of my feline alarm clocks does not like this, but I'd really like to get to bed early enough so this can work
7. Exercise: I go to an exercise class three days a week; I'd like to add walking twice a week. That depends on the sleep.
8. Friends and family: I need to stay connected to people, just hanging out and talking.
9. Copyediting and proofreading book, complete index
1. Approximately 5 grant applications for project #1 (actual number will depend on my fellowship app currently under review). Most due in November.
2. Intersections paper
3. Discrepant paper
4. Stress Model paper (this may wait as it's complex)
5. Aging paper
6. CS paper
7. Stigma paper
8. 2 grant apps for project #2Last Week's Goals
allan wilson
(from 4 weeks ago, nature intervening!)
1. Reduce second helpings at dinner which have nothing to do with the fact that I am hungry.
2. Use appropriate coping strategies, not eating. Eg, walking, or resting.
3. Have a go at finishing FS.
2. Use appropriate coping strategies, not eating. Eg, walking, or resting.
3. Have a go at finishing FS.
Contingent Cassandra
--keep moving (weights, walks, maybe back to the garden depending on weather)
--keep sleeping regularly
--plan/begin buying holiday gifts, cards (including contact long-lost friend's daughter to make sure I have a correct postal address for friend)
--do some financial stock-taking (in preparation for more work on budgets & paperwork over break)
--make a batch of soup and/or oatmeal if time (this might have to wait until next week)
1) Hills Paper, AGAIN!
2) Cold Paper, complete data section
Dame Eleanor Hull,
1. Self-care: sit 5x, 2 yoga classes, basic stretching 4x, weights 3x, cardio or walking 5x, keep up good work on food/tracking.
2. Teaching: TRQ grading.
3. Research: finish R&R, send e-mails.
4. House/Life: contact handyman, 2 hrs basement, 2 hrs sorting/filing/tossing paper.
Earnest English
Mental Health: Stretch, plan, make key phone calls on Wednesday
Gardening: fall clean up as promised, get garlic in the ground, put beds to sleep
Writing: work in the morning; read
Health: sleep, rest, relax, take supplements, eat well, make sure to bring and eat lunch.
Cooking: Thanksgiving!
Planning: Keep checking in on my goals
Spirited!: Connect and be here now.
Work: grade 5 projects per day, preferably in the morning on days not going to work
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Finish first quarter planning.
Declutter my electronic files ½ hour x 4.
Declutter the paper piles on my desk ½ hour x 4.
Write twenty minutes x 7.
Walk 20 minutes x 5.
Stand at the desk 2 hours x 5.
Good Enough Woman
1) Be efficient with TRQ (grading) to make room for TLQ.
2) Do some viva prep (I think I'll be having a mock viva via Skype in a couple of weeks).
3) Make Christmas gift lists, do some shopping
4) Help daughter make pillows for her friends
5) Put velcro on son's roller backpack and lunchbox to keep said lunchbox from flopping off to the side of said backpack.
1 Bolstered by the group, I will call the pharmacy in the next town over to get the difficult-to-find prescription I’ve ignored for weeks
2 30 minutes recherce 6x
3 30 minutes reading 6x
4 full draft of book review
it's going to be tough.
A lot of this stuff is probably really TRQ but heck it can all go in one list.
1) referee third paper
2) spend an hour on the Annual Report for Old Admin Job (about 35 pages of bureaucratise. There are bits that can be cannabalised, but it takes energy)
3) make a list and make sure grading is done in order of urgency
4) spend a couple of hours on Christmas stuff (wrapping parcels to mail, cards - at least overseas stuff)
5) leave work early one day to mail parcels, and go into town to replace the box of chocs I accidentally ate whilst marking/brooding this weekend and have a fancy hot chocolate at the fancy coffee place (even if I have to take grading there with me)
6) eat well, exercise, sleep a lot, put self first
7) write conference talk
8) make calls, write emails about stuff for ME.
1. Write x 2 - 25 minutes as a start.
2. Move - try a new yoga class (Thursday night or Sunday)
3. Make the Christmas presents list
4. Decide and write down where I need preparation for next year to be before going on leave. Then plan backwards and consider delegation.
KJ Haxton
1. get out for a walk every day building to 3 miles
2. mark 1st year info ret and 3rd year infographics
3. produce some problem sheets and answers for students
4. tackle literature reviews
5. type in data from house project.
6. make christmas cards
7. work on cookery book
1. Submit revised proofs by tomorrow night.
2. Get index drafted over the weekend
3. Submit proposal for cool spring conference
4. Write response to personnel review
5. Don't get too far behind on grading.
1. Review abstract submissions for 2017 conference
2. Start revisions on rejected paper :(
3. Make outline for paper based on diss
4. Review and edit med student's paper
Friday, 9 December 2016
Thinking ahead
Usually, a few weeks before the end of a session, we put out a call for conveners for the next session. Instead of folding that into tomorrow's "End of Session" discussion, I'm putting it out here today. So we need someone (or better two people) who are willing/able/interested in leading the group in the spring -- usually running from mid-January to some time in May -- please note it down below.
What's involved? Usually we've had two conveners, who take turns posting. It's just keeping track, thinking of things that might help us all think about our work and focus on TLQ. It's rewarding, and interesting to think about these issues, I've found. It's not an enormous time commitment: I usually work about 1/2 hour on drafting my posts the week I do them.
So, if you're interested and able, please note it below.
What's involved? Usually we've had two conveners, who take turns posting. It's just keeping track, thinking of things that might help us all think about our work and focus on TLQ. It's rewarding, and interesting to think about these issues, I've found. It's not an enormous time commitment: I usually work about 1/2 hour on drafting my posts the week I do them.
So, if you're interested and able, please note it below.
Friday, 2 December 2016
Week Ten: Runaway metaphors
Hi TLQers!
As I type, my building has been taken over with preparations for the institutional end of year function. At home, we've started the advent calendar, I'm inflicting the Michael Buble Christmas CD during car trips, and outdoor swimming is possible without freezing.
That means the end of the year is in sight - so for this week's topic I'm shifting to silliness and asking if you have a favourite runaway metaphor for the downhill slope till the end of the year, and for some, till the end of semester. Sledding? Rollercoasters? Slippery dip?
allan wilson
(from 3 weeks ago, nature intervening!)
Contingent Cassandra
--find some way to move a bit between conferences (short walks, calisthenics, etc.)
--get as close to a full night's sleep as possible each night (the key to this is coming home directly after the last conference, even if I still have things to do)
--fit in additional family/friend contact as possible
--make the rest of the parsley into pesto
--set up meeting for grant project
--finish novel I began; get back on track with Bible reading
1) Hills Paper, AGAIN!
2) Cold Paper, complete data section
Dame Eleanor Hull
1. Self-care: sit 5x, 2 yoga classes, basic stretching 4x, weights 3x, cardio or walking 5x, keep up good work on food/tracking.
2. Teaching: write final exams.
3. Research: finish R&R, send e-mails.
4. House/Life: restore study furniture, 2 hrs basement, pay bills.
Earnest English
Mental Health: Stretch, plan, make key phone calls on Wednesday
Gardening: fall clean up as promised, get garlic in the ground, put beds to sleep
Writing: work in the morning; read
Health: sleep, rest, relax, take supplements, eat well, make sure to bring and eat lunch.
Cooking: Thanksgiving!
Planning: Keep checking in on my goals
Spirited!: Connect and be here now.
Work: grade 5 projects per day, preferably in the morning on days not going to work
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Make remaining three doctors’ appointments
Spend half-hour per day on the 2017 planner (this has goal setting and journaling rolled into it)
Declutter the work space half-hour x 3
Write SOMETHING for fifteen minutes x 7
Good Enough Woman (2 weeks ago)
1) Get some grading done so that the week after T-Giving isn't a nightmare (presentation grades plus one set of essays *at least*).
2) Review chapter one to plan basic cuts for conversion into an article.
3) Exercise 3x.
4) Move like water with in-laws.
5) Make Christmas lists.
1 finish the TRQ revision
2 30 minutes recherce 6x
3 30 minutes reading 7x
4 start drafting book review 1
1) referee second paper
2) spend an hour on the Annual Report for Old Admin Job (about 35 pages of bureaucratise. There are bits that can be cannabalised, but it takes energy)
3) grading
4) finish writing last week of the new statistics teaching
5) declutter house a little more
6) spend a couple of hours on Christmas stuff (wrapping parcels to mail, cards)
7) eat well, exercise, sleep a lot, put self first
8) write every day to end of NaNoWriMo
9) plan out December travel, conference talk writing etc.
And for a later date:
10) make eye care appointment (don't think opticians like being coughed at from close quarters)
11) work through another revise and resubmit (we have until mid-December)
12) write one section and edit all sections of a grant, so it can go off to internal referees
13) draft my bits of the second Problem Child part one paper
14) comment in detail on last of the close to submission manuscripts
1. Write x 2 - 25 minutes as a start.
2. Move - try a new yoga class (Thursday night or Sunday)
3. Make the Christmas presents list
4. Decide and write down where I need preparation for next year to be before going on leave. Then plan backwards and consider delegation.
1. mark distance learning course assignments
2. create sample work for distance learning course assignments
3. mark 1st year information retrieval exercises
4. respond to distance learning student emails
5. hand crafted items
6. get out for a walk every day, building up to 3 miles by end of week.
1. Finish proofs. Have draft of index before I check in next Monday.
2. Get healthy. (Yes, it's just a cold. Right now I feel like death warmed over.)
3. Sleep. Start exercising slowly
4. Start reading
Work on NIH revision
As I type, my building has been taken over with preparations for the institutional end of year function. At home, we've started the advent calendar, I'm inflicting the Michael Buble Christmas CD during car trips, and outdoor swimming is possible without freezing.
That means the end of the year is in sight - so for this week's topic I'm shifting to silliness and asking if you have a favourite runaway metaphor for the downhill slope till the end of the year, and for some, till the end of semester. Sledding? Rollercoasters? Slippery dip?
allan wilson
(from 3 weeks ago, nature intervening!)
1. Reduce second helpings at dinner which have nothing to do with the fact that I am hungry.
2. Use appropriate coping strategies, not eating. Eg, walking, or resting.
3. Have a go at finishing FS.
2. Use appropriate coping strategies, not eating. Eg, walking, or resting.
3. Have a go at finishing FS.
Contingent Cassandra
--find some way to move a bit between conferences (short walks, calisthenics, etc.)
--get as close to a full night's sleep as possible each night (the key to this is coming home directly after the last conference, even if I still have things to do)
--fit in additional family/friend contact as possible
--make the rest of the parsley into pesto
--set up meeting for grant project
--finish novel I began; get back on track with Bible reading
1) Hills Paper, AGAIN!
2) Cold Paper, complete data section
Dame Eleanor Hull
1. Self-care: sit 5x, 2 yoga classes, basic stretching 4x, weights 3x, cardio or walking 5x, keep up good work on food/tracking.
2. Teaching: write final exams.
3. Research: finish R&R, send e-mails.
4. House/Life: restore study furniture, 2 hrs basement, pay bills.
Earnest English
Mental Health: Stretch, plan, make key phone calls on Wednesday
Gardening: fall clean up as promised, get garlic in the ground, put beds to sleep
Writing: work in the morning; read
Health: sleep, rest, relax, take supplements, eat well, make sure to bring and eat lunch.
Cooking: Thanksgiving!
Planning: Keep checking in on my goals
Spirited!: Connect and be here now.
Work: grade 5 projects per day, preferably in the morning on days not going to work
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Make remaining three doctors’ appointments
Spend half-hour per day on the 2017 planner (this has goal setting and journaling rolled into it)
Declutter the work space half-hour x 3
Write SOMETHING for fifteen minutes x 7
Good Enough Woman (2 weeks ago)
1) Get some grading done so that the week after T-Giving isn't a nightmare (presentation grades plus one set of essays *at least*).
2) Review chapter one to plan basic cuts for conversion into an article.
3) Exercise 3x.
4) Move like water with in-laws.
5) Make Christmas lists.
1 finish the TRQ revision
2 30 minutes recherce 6x
3 30 minutes reading 7x
4 start drafting book review 1
1) referee second paper
2) spend an hour on the Annual Report for Old Admin Job (about 35 pages of bureaucratise. There are bits that can be cannabalised, but it takes energy)
3) grading
4) finish writing last week of the new statistics teaching
5) declutter house a little more
6) spend a couple of hours on Christmas stuff (wrapping parcels to mail, cards)
7) eat well, exercise, sleep a lot, put self first
8) write every day to end of NaNoWriMo
9) plan out December travel, conference talk writing etc.
And for a later date:
10) make eye care appointment (don't think opticians like being coughed at from close quarters)
11) work through another revise and resubmit (we have until mid-December)
12) write one section and edit all sections of a grant, so it can go off to internal referees
13) draft my bits of the second Problem Child part one paper
14) comment in detail on last of the close to submission manuscripts
1. Write x 2 - 25 minutes as a start.
2. Move - try a new yoga class (Thursday night or Sunday)
3. Make the Christmas presents list
4. Decide and write down where I need preparation for next year to be before going on leave. Then plan backwards and consider delegation.
1. mark distance learning course assignments
2. create sample work for distance learning course assignments
3. mark 1st year information retrieval exercises
4. respond to distance learning student emails
5. hand crafted items
6. get out for a walk every day, building up to 3 miles by end of week.
1. Finish proofs. Have draft of index before I check in next Monday.
2. Get healthy. (Yes, it's just a cold. Right now I feel like death warmed over.)
3. Sleep. Start exercising slowly
4. Start reading
Work on NIH revision
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