I'm slogging my way through final grading for my summer course right now, while looking ahead to a brief break from email, blogs, et al. next week (so host feedback may be a bit sparse, for which I apologize; please talk among yourselves).
For many of us, one of the goals of summer is rejuvenation. But many of us have limited time to spend on that goal (and for some of us, it isn't even summer, or summer seems to have barely begun even as it's coming to an end, or we don't get the summer off anyway). So I'm thinking we might discuss what activities, time-consuming or not, we find rejuvenating. What do you do when you realize you're exhausted, and really need at least a brief break? What about if you have time for a longer one? How much time does it take to rejuvenate (or, to echo advice from last week, how much, and what kind of, leisure do you need to schedule on your calendar to be at your most productive)?
Or, on a somewhat related note, we could discuss the ideas for getting out of unproductive funks accumulating in a post and comment stream over at Grumpy Rumblings (many of the suggestions, at least at the time I'm posting this, seem to involve taking a break -- even an unplanned one -- as a "reset"/get back on track strategy).
Here's a reminder of the standard format for check-ins:
1. comment on the week's topic, when there is one
2. report your progress against last week's goals
3. analysis (optional): analyse what happened, what went well, what came
up to derail things, note what you learnt/want to change, ask any
questions of the rest of the group if you want some tips or suggestions
4. planning (optional): something about the coming week: what the
priorities are, what issues are going to present challenges, what the
framework for your goal-setting is
5. goals for the next week (or multi-week period until your next check-in)
Last week's goals:
allan wilson
(from week 7)
1. drink lots of water (I loved this one - I think I feel better)
2. finish conference talk post colleague critique
3. enjoy my life
4. do wildly overdue ethics app- added because of my comments below!!
1) plan food and exercise (and do it!)
2) send queries to writing group
3) write in the mornings
4) declutter 4x30min
5) spend time writing down to-do lists (GTD strategy)
Contingent Cassandra
Overall, get grades done and other activities at a stopping-point to allow for a week or so's vacation, including:
(1) get basics working on new phone
(2) make sure necessary bills are paid
(3) move (exercise/garden) at least a bit
(4) plan rest of summer
1) Start grant application and do electronic prep on CV system
2) Finish neglected paper's methods and discussion and figures
3) Reading project
4) Project report, doubles as outline for paper
Read one more article for the literature review.
Schedule one more doctor’s appointment and a trip to the dentist.
(Goals from Week 9)
1) Walk to and from institute location whenever it's safe enough to do so (i.e., not dark).
2) Write for at least 30 minutes per day on chapter draft.
3) Say no to socializing if I really don't want to do it.
4) Be a good listener during the training. Don't raise hands to make too many comments or questions.
5) Each evening, write lists of "intentions" for the following day so that I'm not just spinning wheels during any open times.
6) Enjoy and be grateful for this week of time during which I get to work on things that interest me.
1. stay relatively current with grading and comments on student assignments
2. write book review
3. make progress on Upcoming Article
1. Exercise daily.
2. Make list of things to do.
3. Don’t dawdle with household chores.
1. Finish writing talk for cancelled conference by Tuesday, send to PDF
go back to the gym at least twice and Bugge Spray the 'you should do
more!' voice firmly when it tries to make you do more than you plan -
regularity is more important than the overall amount of exercise this
3. do a pile of proofreading for one of my admin roles
4. continue with Smart Paper - rough out discussion points and figures
5. make a plan for grant writing
6. Bed before midnight without electronics! some nights
1. Make a planned routine of work time for the semester that gives
realistic space for teaching and supervision, but also dedicated TLQ
2. Read/notetake one article for Embodied article.
3. Make contact about P1 site permissions
4. Set up meeting with P1 collaborators.
a) Scary project: continue re-analysing data for conference
presentation and read new literature on project. Draft presentation and
research tool for phase 2.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data, write the next 1000 words and finish the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This
(goals from week 7)
1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before
I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have
been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and
captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that
article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this
(goals from week 7)
1) To revise Chapter 1 on the articles I have read recently.
2) To exercise for 3 minutes at least three times a day.
3) To have good sleep, and do not think that I should have worked instead. Sleep is important.
a. read 1 HA-related article per day every workday
b. freewrite for 15 minutes each day
c. 1 fun/excercise thing w/kids each day
d. 1 home/yard task each day (kids can help)
1. Book: revise introduction and first three chapters following advice
from awesome editor; read other chapters to know what she's thinking.
(Intro is a fair bit of work, so may not be finished, other three are in
fairly decent shape.)
2. Finish book proposal
3. Exercise in some way daily.
4. Do bibliography stuff
The purpose of the group is to provide support for people associated with the university world (academics of all shades, grad students, etc.) who find it difficult to prioritise things which are Important but not Urgent (in the Top Left Quadrant of a grid of same). Anyone can come play, just play nicely! We strive to "structure our days/in elegant ways" to make room for what really matters...
the grid

Friday, 24 July 2015
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Week 9 Check-In: productivity habits
Hello everyone, hope you've all had a productive week with some good self-care and fun fitting in as well, and that everyone's crises are settling down. Last week we mostly talked about what happens to TLQ when the Big Stuff of life comes along, so for this week, let's follow Cassandra's suggestion and talk about where we're up to and how we're going to adjust things for the rest of the summer. Amstr pointed us to this article on productivity, which listed seven ways to improve the amount you get done in the time you have, which gave these seven points
1. Use active verbs in your to-do list
We have 6 weeks to go in this group, which is enough time to achieve things, but probably also short enough to give most of us a "not enough time!" twitchy feeling, so it's probably a good point to both review our goals for the summer (especially given last week's topic) and to think about whether we want to try any new productivity habits - something from the list, some kind of self-care, having a dedicated writing time etc. - in the remaining time, or if you have an effective productivity habit to share with the rest of us!
Suggested check-in structure:
1) summer goal review
2) topic
3) last week's goals: reporting progress
4) analysis of last week and planning for next week
5) next week's goals
The rest of this post is summer goals (in summer colours so I hope you can read them) then last week's goals (in black).
allan wilson maintain exercising every week, preferably four times. that's the goal that skips most easily for me. submit three papers.
Amstr: 1) develop a strong writing habit, 2) start submitting to agents, 3) learn (again) to eat well, 4) finish job apps, 5) get prepped for freelancing to start in the fall.
Contingent Cassandra: make substantial progress on getting household & financial matters in better order, maintain and improve self-care: exercise (especially taking advantage of the pool while it's open), sleep, and good meals. maintain better connections/reconnect with friends and family.
ALL research, ALL the time!!! And READING. designate one day or afternoon each week to deal with all other stuff - admin, teaching, programme development etc. and try to keep it contained. I have at least 6 weeks of field work to do, so my summer weeks at home are fairly restricted anyway, I really want to make the most of the time I'm around.
1) Get rid of last 2 lingering thesis papers - either submit them or pull plugs on them (L1 and L2)
2) Write up almost finished new area project and submit (N1)
3) Write up preliminary report for huge project (H1)
4) Design and start next phase of huge project (H2)
5) Design student part of huge project (H3)
On the personal and reading front I'm going to designate a few habit-forming plans for the summer.
1) Read one new research paper every day
2) Do one fun adventure or new activity with child every weekend I'm home
3) Run or do something active every day
4) Cut most sugar and processed junk out of eating plans
Elizabeth:1) to move forward on the dissertation, which needs an updated literature review, and a rewritten introduction and first chapter, 2) to walk more, and 3) to eat better food mindfully.
1) Do work necessary for NEH Summer Institute that will be held in July (related to sabbatical project)
2) Draft introduction to PhD thesis (by July 1)
3) Revise two chapters of thesis (also by July 1)
4) Prepare article for journal submission (by August 28th)
5) Exercise (walks with dog, visits to fancy athletic club)
humming42 (amended week 4): Two book proposals and one article based on the third book topic (Em, Ala and Fem), and pay attention to falling-down-house
iwantzcatbocl: On a book deadline that I must finish it by June 30—I’ve blown through several deadlines for this project over the past year, so it is time for me to finally wrap it up. After that, I have two long languishing articles that need revision that I would like to complete for the end of August. I have a little bit of fieldwork to complete later this month. I also I have a mini-goal of actually planning each day (making a list in my special notebook), which always makes me feel like I have more time, but somehow I don’t do it! Would like to exercise daily (realistically—five days a week). Also would like to meditate for ten minutes a day
JaneB: Do All The Things!!! Progress goals of: one grant application (to make my head of department shut up, not in actual expectation of success), one paper's worth of progress with writing (might not be all on one paper), redesign of both Difficult Team Taught Second Year modules - and all of these things to be underpinned by a habit goal of reading research, working on figures or writing for a minimum of 1 hour a day, every "normal day", with the internet OFF. Self-care: to be in a better position for the new academic year which involves domestic decluttering, better sleep, eating and exercise patterns, plenty of 'mental health strategies' to hand, and something of a five year plan/exit plan so I have more of an anchor against the surges of AllTheRhetoricAndCrapola...
karenh: Key goals for the research/writing side are: for Project One (curatorial) to be prepared for the exhibition and a separate publication; Project Two is to get one of my old conference papers revised for submission as an article. On the self-care side, regular exercise and more reasonable bedtimes.
kjhaxton: 1. papers: gem stone paper, acronym paper
2. projects: ethics and research tool for scary project
3. planning: to work on papers and projects for 1 hour per day (week days), to spend 1/2 day a week getting next year's teaching in order, to restrict email to two 1/2 hour periods per week day.
4. personal: paint several rooms in the house, make curtains for dining room, print various pictures for competitions and our walls.
Let'sDoThis: My writing goals for this summer including finishing the article by June 8th (totally achievable) and finishing both books before my fall term begins (ummm ... maybe less achievable). Enjoy every minute with my long-awaited wee baby, and trying to get the house in order once and for all.
Matilda:1) to write two chapters of the book. 2) to write for 15 minutes everyday. 3) to exercise for 5 minutes everyday. 4) to eat better, less sweets.
1) get back to LC paper and submit it!
2) write a complete draft of HA paper for my real-life writing group, revise based on their comments, and submit also
3) wrap up teaching-related stuff asap (last class this coming Thursday) and be done with teaching until next semester
4) fit in premininary field work project
1. The book. I am completing a book ms. I have a draft of all the chapters, which are now almost fully revised at least a first time, for flow and repetition and overall argument. My goal is to send a ms. to a publisher for review by the end of the summer.
2. Other project: for my administrative role, I'm editing a collection of essays, and I have to get the proposal for that written, send invitations, and get in touch with the press.
3. House: I'm slowly decluttering and redecorating. I've got a plan for new furniture and a new seating arrangement in my living room, and I want to begin work on that.
4. Self care: one of the goals of the sabbatical was to get into good sleep and exercise patterns. I am now mostly getting 7 hours of sleep a night (my goal) and eating well. But my exercise life is erratic, and I always seem to have other things to do if a friend who is in town occasionally isn't around. So it's exercise that needs to be the new goal.
5. In the middle of the summer I have a 3 1/2 week trip to the UK, which is partly work (I must check footnotes) but also fun. I need to plan at least one week of real vacation. I've got a bunch of possibilities that I need to work out, including family visits to lovely places, visits to cities I've never visited, and time at the beach.
allan wilson (from week 7)1. drink lots of water (I loved this one - I think I feel better)
2. finish conference talk post colleague critique
3. enjoy my life
4. do wildly overdue ethics app- added because of my comments below!!
1) exercise 4x
2) plan food
3) examine job possibilities and feeeelings about them
4) work out help from other people to have writing time during the day
5) plan a writing retreat and plan anniversary weekend
Contingent Cassandra
1) Set phone-carrier switch in motion; check on other financial/household projects in progress; tackle other small financial/household matters as possible in between student communications & grading
2) Get at least a bit of exercise most days (walking, mulch-moving, and/or swimming; try to step this up a bit)
3) tough base w/ at least one family member (and maybe a couple of others; once I get the phone working, I intend to use my niece/nephews for texting practice, since one of the purposes of switching to a smart phone is being able to communicate with them in their native idiom, whatever it is this week)
5) work on tying up odds and ends of communications w/ members of my department, plans for the fall semester, etc., well enough to allow me to go incommunicado for a week or so after grades are in.
6) work on getting class DH site ready to go public/be presented if time (but if not, don't worry; this *will* become TRQ-er by late August, and I will find time to do it).
1) Field report
2) Revise Discussion and Methods for neglected paper that has been languishing on back-burner
3) Reading project
4) Run outside 4 times this week
Elizabeth (from week 7) 1) Back to the dissertation. Three days for an hour a day.
2) Take care of myself, both physically, and by allowing myself to mourn. I have the first two of four doctors’ appointments in the month of July this Wednesday.
1) Walk to and from institute location whenever it's safe enough to do so (i.e., not dark).
2) Write for at least 30 minutes per day on chapter draft.
3) Say no to socializing if I really don't want to do it.
4) Be a good listener during the training. Don't raise hands to make too many comments or questions.
5) Each evening, write lists of "intentions" for the following day so that I'm not just spinning wheels during any open times.
6) Enjoy and be grateful for this week of time during which I get to work on things that interest me.
humming42 (two week goals set week 7) 1) continue work on Upcoming Article
2) write book review
3) write proposal
4) finish revise & resubmit
5) submit old article to new journal (if coauthor agrees)
iwantzcatbocl (from week 7)
1. Serious book progress. Deadline is July 15. I don’t feel like breaking it down more than this at the moment.
2. Seems the only thing I can really do is to promise to go to Favorite Café daily and keep working.
3. Keep up exercise.
4. Sublet apartment?
1. get the poster finished and the talk cancelled for cancelled conference.
2. go back to the gym twice and Bugge Spray the 'you should do more!' voice firmly when it tries to make you do more than you plan - regularity is more important than the overall amount of exercise this week.
3. survive the various parties and trainings and being in the offices. Do not lean too heavily on chocolate or succumb to too many fatty-but-delicious university catering snacks, and follow GEWs example and don't talk too much!
4. look at Smart Paper and rough out the results section; don't fret about whether it needs more info yet.
5. write a blog post for Shared Professional Blog about the very very late paper that finally came out (25 years after the samples were collected...)
6. Bed before midnight without electronics!
Karenh (goals from week 7)
1) Knock off 2 tasks from P1 admin list
2) 30 min writing x3
3) read/note 2x article for P2; order in book that looks directly on topic
4)reinstate bedtime alarm, 4 x physic exercises.
kjhaxton (goals from week 7)
(a) Scary project: start re-analysing data for maybe conference presentation and read new literature on project.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data and start planning the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This (goals from week 7) 1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week.
Matilda (goals from week 7)
1) To revise Chapter 1 on the articles I have read recently.
2) To exercise for 3 minutes at least three times a day.
3) To have good sleep, and do not think that I should have worked instead. Sleep is important.
a. Read 1 more MA thesis for final grade
b. Read 5 HA-related articles
c. Freewrite about the article for 15 mins/day
d. Do some form of excercise each day (taking kids to park will count, too)
e. Start gratitude journal
1. Finish proposal for publisher
2. ILL stuff
3. Finish bibliography work.
4. Exercise or work in garden four days
1. Use active verbs in your to-do list
2. Say no to multitasking
3. Paint your workspace green
4. Add leisure time to your calendar5. Don’t plan a big project — plan a series of small tasks
6. Overestimate the time you need
7. Begin first, correct later
6. Overestimate the time you need
7. Begin first, correct later
Suggested check-in structure:
1) summer goal review
2) topic
3) last week's goals: reporting progress
4) analysis of last week and planning for next week
5) next week's goals
The rest of this post is summer goals (in summer colours so I hope you can read them) then last week's goals (in black).
allan wilson maintain exercising every week, preferably four times. that's the goal that skips most easily for me. submit three papers.
Amstr: 1) develop a strong writing habit, 2) start submitting to agents, 3) learn (again) to eat well, 4) finish job apps, 5) get prepped for freelancing to start in the fall.
Contingent Cassandra: make substantial progress on getting household & financial matters in better order, maintain and improve self-care: exercise (especially taking advantage of the pool while it's open), sleep, and good meals. maintain better connections/reconnect with friends and family.
ALL research, ALL the time!!! And READING. designate one day or afternoon each week to deal with all other stuff - admin, teaching, programme development etc. and try to keep it contained. I have at least 6 weeks of field work to do, so my summer weeks at home are fairly restricted anyway, I really want to make the most of the time I'm around.
1) Get rid of last 2 lingering thesis papers - either submit them or pull plugs on them (L1 and L2)
2) Write up almost finished new area project and submit (N1)
3) Write up preliminary report for huge project (H1)
4) Design and start next phase of huge project (H2)
5) Design student part of huge project (H3)
On the personal and reading front I'm going to designate a few habit-forming plans for the summer.
1) Read one new research paper every day
2) Do one fun adventure or new activity with child every weekend I'm home
3) Run or do something active every day
4) Cut most sugar and processed junk out of eating plans
Elizabeth:1) to move forward on the dissertation, which needs an updated literature review, and a rewritten introduction and first chapter, 2) to walk more, and 3) to eat better food mindfully.
1) Do work necessary for NEH Summer Institute that will be held in July (related to sabbatical project)
2) Draft introduction to PhD thesis (by July 1)
3) Revise two chapters of thesis (also by July 1)
4) Prepare article for journal submission (by August 28th)
5) Exercise (walks with dog, visits to fancy athletic club)
humming42 (amended week 4): Two book proposals and one article based on the third book topic (Em, Ala and Fem), and pay attention to falling-down-house
iwantzcatbocl: On a book deadline that I must finish it by June 30—I’ve blown through several deadlines for this project over the past year, so it is time for me to finally wrap it up. After that, I have two long languishing articles that need revision that I would like to complete for the end of August. I have a little bit of fieldwork to complete later this month. I also I have a mini-goal of actually planning each day (making a list in my special notebook), which always makes me feel like I have more time, but somehow I don’t do it! Would like to exercise daily (realistically—five days a week). Also would like to meditate for ten minutes a day
JaneB: Do All The Things!!! Progress goals of: one grant application (to make my head of department shut up, not in actual expectation of success), one paper's worth of progress with writing (might not be all on one paper), redesign of both Difficult Team Taught Second Year modules - and all of these things to be underpinned by a habit goal of reading research, working on figures or writing for a minimum of 1 hour a day, every "normal day", with the internet OFF. Self-care: to be in a better position for the new academic year which involves domestic decluttering, better sleep, eating and exercise patterns, plenty of 'mental health strategies' to hand, and something of a five year plan/exit plan so I have more of an anchor against the surges of AllTheRhetoricAndCrapola...
karenh: Key goals for the research/writing side are: for Project One (curatorial) to be prepared for the exhibition and a separate publication; Project Two is to get one of my old conference papers revised for submission as an article. On the self-care side, regular exercise and more reasonable bedtimes.
kjhaxton: 1. papers: gem stone paper, acronym paper
2. projects: ethics and research tool for scary project
3. planning: to work on papers and projects for 1 hour per day (week days), to spend 1/2 day a week getting next year's teaching in order, to restrict email to two 1/2 hour periods per week day.
4. personal: paint several rooms in the house, make curtains for dining room, print various pictures for competitions and our walls.
Let'sDoThis: My writing goals for this summer including finishing the article by June 8th (totally achievable) and finishing both books before my fall term begins (ummm ... maybe less achievable). Enjoy every minute with my long-awaited wee baby, and trying to get the house in order once and for all.
Matilda:1) to write two chapters of the book. 2) to write for 15 minutes everyday. 3) to exercise for 5 minutes everyday. 4) to eat better, less sweets.
1) get back to LC paper and submit it!
2) write a complete draft of HA paper for my real-life writing group, revise based on their comments, and submit also
3) wrap up teaching-related stuff asap (last class this coming Thursday) and be done with teaching until next semester
4) fit in premininary field work project
1. The book. I am completing a book ms. I have a draft of all the chapters, which are now almost fully revised at least a first time, for flow and repetition and overall argument. My goal is to send a ms. to a publisher for review by the end of the summer.
2. Other project: for my administrative role, I'm editing a collection of essays, and I have to get the proposal for that written, send invitations, and get in touch with the press.
3. House: I'm slowly decluttering and redecorating. I've got a plan for new furniture and a new seating arrangement in my living room, and I want to begin work on that.
4. Self care: one of the goals of the sabbatical was to get into good sleep and exercise patterns. I am now mostly getting 7 hours of sleep a night (my goal) and eating well. But my exercise life is erratic, and I always seem to have other things to do if a friend who is in town occasionally isn't around. So it's exercise that needs to be the new goal.
5. In the middle of the summer I have a 3 1/2 week trip to the UK, which is partly work (I must check footnotes) but also fun. I need to plan at least one week of real vacation. I've got a bunch of possibilities that I need to work out, including family visits to lovely places, visits to cities I've never visited, and time at the beach.
allan wilson (from week 7)1. drink lots of water (I loved this one - I think I feel better)
2. finish conference talk post colleague critique
3. enjoy my life
4. do wildly overdue ethics app- added because of my comments below!!
1) exercise 4x
2) plan food
3) examine job possibilities and feeeelings about them
4) work out help from other people to have writing time during the day
5) plan a writing retreat and plan anniversary weekend
Contingent Cassandra
1) Set phone-carrier switch in motion; check on other financial/household projects in progress; tackle other small financial/household matters as possible in between student communications & grading
2) Get at least a bit of exercise most days (walking, mulch-moving, and/or swimming; try to step this up a bit)
3) tough base w/ at least one family member (and maybe a couple of others; once I get the phone working, I intend to use my niece/nephews for texting practice, since one of the purposes of switching to a smart phone is being able to communicate with them in their native idiom, whatever it is this week)
5) work on tying up odds and ends of communications w/ members of my department, plans for the fall semester, etc., well enough to allow me to go incommunicado for a week or so after grades are in.
6) work on getting class DH site ready to go public/be presented if time (but if not, don't worry; this *will* become TRQ-er by late August, and I will find time to do it).
1) Field report
2) Revise Discussion and Methods for neglected paper that has been languishing on back-burner
3) Reading project
4) Run outside 4 times this week
Elizabeth (from week 7) 1) Back to the dissertation. Three days for an hour a day.
2) Take care of myself, both physically, and by allowing myself to mourn. I have the first two of four doctors’ appointments in the month of July this Wednesday.
1) Walk to and from institute location whenever it's safe enough to do so (i.e., not dark).
2) Write for at least 30 minutes per day on chapter draft.
3) Say no to socializing if I really don't want to do it.
4) Be a good listener during the training. Don't raise hands to make too many comments or questions.
5) Each evening, write lists of "intentions" for the following day so that I'm not just spinning wheels during any open times.
6) Enjoy and be grateful for this week of time during which I get to work on things that interest me.
humming42 (two week goals set week 7) 1) continue work on Upcoming Article
2) write book review
3) write proposal
4) finish revise & resubmit
5) submit old article to new journal (if coauthor agrees)
iwantzcatbocl (from week 7)
1. Serious book progress. Deadline is July 15. I don’t feel like breaking it down more than this at the moment.
2. Seems the only thing I can really do is to promise to go to Favorite Café daily and keep working.
3. Keep up exercise.
4. Sublet apartment?
1. get the poster finished and the talk cancelled for cancelled conference.
2. go back to the gym twice and Bugge Spray the 'you should do more!' voice firmly when it tries to make you do more than you plan - regularity is more important than the overall amount of exercise this week.
3. survive the various parties and trainings and being in the offices. Do not lean too heavily on chocolate or succumb to too many fatty-but-delicious university catering snacks, and follow GEWs example and don't talk too much!
4. look at Smart Paper and rough out the results section; don't fret about whether it needs more info yet.
5. write a blog post for Shared Professional Blog about the very very late paper that finally came out (25 years after the samples were collected...)
6. Bed before midnight without electronics!
Karenh (goals from week 7)
1) Knock off 2 tasks from P1 admin list
2) 30 min writing x3
3) read/note 2x article for P2; order in book that looks directly on topic
4)reinstate bedtime alarm, 4 x physic exercises.
kjhaxton (goals from week 7)
(a) Scary project: start re-analysing data for maybe conference presentation and read new literature on project.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data and start planning the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This (goals from week 7) 1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week.
Matilda (goals from week 7)
1) To revise Chapter 1 on the articles I have read recently.
2) To exercise for 3 minutes at least three times a day.
3) To have good sleep, and do not think that I should have worked instead. Sleep is important.
a. Read 1 more MA thesis for final grade
b. Read 5 HA-related articles
c. Freewrite about the article for 15 mins/day
d. Do some form of excercise each day (taking kids to park will count, too)
e. Start gratitude journal
1. Finish proposal for publisher
2. ILL stuff
3. Finish bibliography work.
4. Exercise or work in garden four days
Saturday, 11 July 2015
Week 8 Check-In
Apologies for late posting; I'm recovering from a week of student-draft conferences (which went fine, but was still exhausting. 'Tis the nature of the beast.)
I'm also not going to be very eloquent in framing a topic, I'm afraid, but I can think of two possibilities. Feel free to pick either, or start a conversation on something else:
--Several of last week's posts (and a morning spent singing hymns at the bedside of a longtime, but still relatively young, member of my church who is under hospice care) serve as reminders that sometimes life becomes terribly difficult: heartbreaking, unpredictable, exhausting, infuriating, all of the above. I'm thinking we might share experiences coping in such situations (while realizing that such experiences, and ways of surviving them, tend to be very individual/personal, so what works for one person doesn't always work for another). In particular, how (if at all) does one hold onto (or even define) TLQ goals, especially if crisis situations bring some combination of myriad TRQ tasks and a radically redefined set of priorities? Does one simply set existing TLQ goals aside for a while, in the name of reasonable expectations and self-care? Hold onto at least some TLQ activities as a bit of normalcy/continuity at a time of change and uncertainty? A bit of both? Does it depend on the situation?
--Amstr posted a link to a PBS article with productivity tips , including a reminder to use active verbs on to-do lists. That article also mentions that attempted multi-tasking undermines productivity, as does this story that I heard on NPR this morning. Maybe something in one of these articles will spur a thought about what's going wrong, or right, with your TLQ quest this summer, and how things might be adjusted to improve productivity during the rest of the summer (which is probably just about 1/2 over, at least in terms of this group's timetable, so maybe we should be doing a halfway check-in, but I'm going to end this here and get it up. Maybe a just-past-halfway checkin is the topic for next week).
Here's a reminder of the standard format for check-ins:
1. comment on the week's topic, when there is one
2. report your progress against last week's goals
3. analysis (optional): analyse what happened, what went well, what came up to derail things, note what you learnt/want to change, ask any questions of the rest of the group if you want some tips or suggestions
4. planning (optional): something about the coming week: what the priorities are, what issues are going to present challenges, what the framework for your goal-setting is
5. goals for the next week (or multi-week period until your next check-in)
Last week's goals:
allan wilson
(may or may not check in depending on internet availability)
1. drink lots of water (I loved this one - I think I feel better)
2. finish conference talk post colleague critique
3. enjoy my life
4. do wildly overdue ethics app- added because of my comments below!!
1) exercise 4x
2) get up at 6:15 every morning to write. Write from 6:30-7 at least.
3) make progress on Work-In-Progress 2 (WIP2)
4) take care of employment details (transcript requests, contact for I-9 protocol, maybe even cover letters)
Contingent Cassandra
1) Keep working on phone setup and at least check in on other financial/household projects as/if possible.
2) Get at least a bit of exercise most days (walking, mulch-moving, or swimming, as schedule allows)
3) Replace key tag so I can swim
4) tough base w/ family member
5) use time between conferences (if any) to work on DH website from class last spring, about which I'll be presenting at conferences this fall (this isn't on the official summer list, because it's one of those TLQ things that will eventually become TRQ and so get done, but it's worth getting a start on, and should combine with the conferences pretty well)
1) Negotiate return of hostage paper with ex-supervisor via phone call.
2) Start writing field report immediately so it is still fresh. (DO NOT postpone this!)
3) Send revised paper to friendly editor for advice.
4) Get caught up with all three student projects.
5) Restart reading project, YAY!
1) Back to the dissertation. Three days for an hour a day.
2) Take care of myself, both physically, and by allowing myself to mourn. I have the first two of four doctors’ appointments in the month of July this Wednesday.
1) Walk the dog everyday (I have been gaining weight since the semester ended, and I need to do a better job of getting moving, especially in the mornings)
2) Pay attention to food portions (I realize this is vague, but it helps me)
3) Write for at least four hours by Friday.
4) Read at least 75 more pages of institute reading list by Friday.
5) Figure out what books/reading materials to pack.
humming42 (goals for this week and next)
1) continue work on Upcoming Article
2) write book review
3) write proposal
4) finish revise & resubmit
5) submit old article to new journal (if coauthor agrees)
1. Serious book progress. Deadline is July 15. I don’t feel like breaking it down more than this at the moment.
2. Seems the only thing I can really do is to promise to go to Favorite Café daily and keep working.
3. Keep up exercise.
4. Sublet apartment?
(goals from week 7)
1) focus on Three Managable Things each day, one for work, one for my environment, one for my health and well-being - and I can use either/or items to appease my inner toddler if necessary, as discussed before!
2) nag the co-author of the very close to submission paper pair Crunchier and Crunchier's Little Brother - he promised them back last Tuesday, that's nearly a week ago...
(goals from week 7)
1) Knock off 2 tasks from P1 admin list
2) 30 min writing x3
3) read/note 2x article for P2; order in book that looks directly on topic
4)reinstate bedtime alarm, 4 x physic exercises.
(goals from week 7)
(a) Scary project: start re-analysing data for maybe conference presentation and read new literature on project.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data and start planning the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This
(goals from week 7)
1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week. 1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week.
1) To revise Chapter 1 on the articles I have read recently.
2) To exercise for 3 minutes at least three times a day.
3) To have good sleep, and do not think that I should have worked instead. Sleep is important.
(goals from week 7, aka moving week)
a. attend important meeting on Mon
b. read 1 more MA thesis (on Sun)
c. read 3 HA-related articles this week
d. take some excercise each day, not just sitting at home
(implicit) Survive what promises to be a difficult week
Goals from week 7:
1. Send off review
2. Send proposal to publisher
3. Start going through incredible ILL piles that make my office dangerous right now.
4. Bibliography stuff
5. Organizing tasks in former study, bedroom closet.
6. Exercise at least 4 times
I'm also not going to be very eloquent in framing a topic, I'm afraid, but I can think of two possibilities. Feel free to pick either, or start a conversation on something else:
--Several of last week's posts (and a morning spent singing hymns at the bedside of a longtime, but still relatively young, member of my church who is under hospice care) serve as reminders that sometimes life becomes terribly difficult: heartbreaking, unpredictable, exhausting, infuriating, all of the above. I'm thinking we might share experiences coping in such situations (while realizing that such experiences, and ways of surviving them, tend to be very individual/personal, so what works for one person doesn't always work for another). In particular, how (if at all) does one hold onto (or even define) TLQ goals, especially if crisis situations bring some combination of myriad TRQ tasks and a radically redefined set of priorities? Does one simply set existing TLQ goals aside for a while, in the name of reasonable expectations and self-care? Hold onto at least some TLQ activities as a bit of normalcy/continuity at a time of change and uncertainty? A bit of both? Does it depend on the situation?
--Amstr posted a link to a PBS article with productivity tips , including a reminder to use active verbs on to-do lists. That article also mentions that attempted multi-tasking undermines productivity, as does this story that I heard on NPR this morning. Maybe something in one of these articles will spur a thought about what's going wrong, or right, with your TLQ quest this summer, and how things might be adjusted to improve productivity during the rest of the summer (which is probably just about 1/2 over, at least in terms of this group's timetable, so maybe we should be doing a halfway check-in, but I'm going to end this here and get it up. Maybe a just-past-halfway checkin is the topic for next week).
Here's a reminder of the standard format for check-ins:
1. comment on the week's topic, when there is one
2. report your progress against last week's goals
3. analysis (optional): analyse what happened, what went well, what came up to derail things, note what you learnt/want to change, ask any questions of the rest of the group if you want some tips or suggestions
4. planning (optional): something about the coming week: what the priorities are, what issues are going to present challenges, what the framework for your goal-setting is
5. goals for the next week (or multi-week period until your next check-in)
Last week's goals:
allan wilson
(may or may not check in depending on internet availability)
1. drink lots of water (I loved this one - I think I feel better)
2. finish conference talk post colleague critique
3. enjoy my life
4. do wildly overdue ethics app- added because of my comments below!!
1) exercise 4x
2) get up at 6:15 every morning to write. Write from 6:30-7 at least.
3) make progress on Work-In-Progress 2 (WIP2)
4) take care of employment details (transcript requests, contact for I-9 protocol, maybe even cover letters)
Contingent Cassandra
1) Keep working on phone setup and at least check in on other financial/household projects as/if possible.
2) Get at least a bit of exercise most days (walking, mulch-moving, or swimming, as schedule allows)
3) Replace key tag so I can swim
4) tough base w/ family member
5) use time between conferences (if any) to work on DH website from class last spring, about which I'll be presenting at conferences this fall (this isn't on the official summer list, because it's one of those TLQ things that will eventually become TRQ and so get done, but it's worth getting a start on, and should combine with the conferences pretty well)
1) Negotiate return of hostage paper with ex-supervisor via phone call.
2) Start writing field report immediately so it is still fresh. (DO NOT postpone this!)
3) Send revised paper to friendly editor for advice.
4) Get caught up with all three student projects.
5) Restart reading project, YAY!
1) Back to the dissertation. Three days for an hour a day.
2) Take care of myself, both physically, and by allowing myself to mourn. I have the first two of four doctors’ appointments in the month of July this Wednesday.
1) Walk the dog everyday (I have been gaining weight since the semester ended, and I need to do a better job of getting moving, especially in the mornings)
2) Pay attention to food portions (I realize this is vague, but it helps me)
3) Write for at least four hours by Friday.
4) Read at least 75 more pages of institute reading list by Friday.
5) Figure out what books/reading materials to pack.
humming42 (goals for this week and next)
1) continue work on Upcoming Article
2) write book review
3) write proposal
4) finish revise & resubmit
5) submit old article to new journal (if coauthor agrees)
1. Serious book progress. Deadline is July 15. I don’t feel like breaking it down more than this at the moment.
2. Seems the only thing I can really do is to promise to go to Favorite Café daily and keep working.
3. Keep up exercise.
4. Sublet apartment?
(goals from week 7)
1) focus on Three Managable Things each day, one for work, one for my environment, one for my health and well-being - and I can use either/or items to appease my inner toddler if necessary, as discussed before!
2) nag the co-author of the very close to submission paper pair Crunchier and Crunchier's Little Brother - he promised them back last Tuesday, that's nearly a week ago...
(goals from week 7)
1) Knock off 2 tasks from P1 admin list
2) 30 min writing x3
3) read/note 2x article for P2; order in book that looks directly on topic
4)reinstate bedtime alarm, 4 x physic exercises.
(goals from week 7)
(a) Scary project: start re-analysing data for maybe conference presentation and read new literature on project.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data and start planning the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This
(goals from week 7)
1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week. 1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week.
1) To revise Chapter 1 on the articles I have read recently.
2) To exercise for 3 minutes at least three times a day.
3) To have good sleep, and do not think that I should have worked instead. Sleep is important.
(goals from week 7, aka moving week)
a. attend important meeting on Mon
b. read 1 more MA thesis (on Sun)
c. read 3 HA-related articles this week
d. take some excercise each day, not just sitting at home
(implicit) Survive what promises to be a difficult week
Goals from week 7:
1. Send off review
2. Send proposal to publisher
3. Start going through incredible ILL piles that make my office dangerous right now.
4. Bibliography stuff
5. Organizing tasks in former study, bedroom closet.
6. Exercise at least 4 times
Saturday, 4 July 2015
Week 7 check-in: you've negotiated, but now you have to actually TLQ
Hello everyone, and Happy Independence Day (aka fireworks everywhere day?) to our American members! I hope you all had a productive week. The UK is sweltering in a heatwave, which is causing much amusement in the rest of the world, I'm sure - here in The North, it was 28-29 degrees centigrade (80-85 F) multiple days last week, and humid, and our norm is about 18-20 (mid 60s F), so hardly hot by many peoples' standards - and it's definitely summer!
Last week our topic was about negotiating for time for TLQ stuff with other people in our lives, and a lot of replies identified that negotiating with ourselves was also a big part of the challenge - not just for people living alone, either. So I thought that this might merit exploring a bit more this week, especially as it links in with the problems of 'inner voices' we've talked about before under various guises.
Topic: You've successfully negotiated blocks of time for your TLQ work, and you are ready to start work - sitting in your favourite coffeeshop, at your desk or your kitchen table, refilled pen and fresh piece of paper or fully-functioning laptop ready to go. Things should be easy now, right? But this is often the hardest part of all, the reason the voices of TRQ and BRQ and even BLQ tasks win out - important stuff is hard, and it can be scary. After all, if you're too busy to try, you can't fail, right?
A previous iteration of the writing group addressed this via Dame Eleanor's Power-Writer Anti-Bugge spray, and what with all the ants and wasps and flies and gnats attracted by the picnics and sweaty walking-buffet mammals up here in the northern hemisphere, this seemed an appropriate time to dig it out again. So - to what 'little voice' in your head would you most like to apply The Dame's Bugge Spray? And have you any tips on how to power on past the doubts and achieve TLQ goals anyway?
Last week's goals:
allan wilson
1. Finish revision of CR
2. Prep talk
3. Exercise 3 times
4. Eat no more than one piece of junk a day
5. drink at least 4 glasses of water
1) exercise 4x
2) write 3x
3) agent/query progress
4) cover letters
5) nightly planning sessions
Contingent Cassandra
1) Do some follow-up on financial projects started last week; start process of switching to smartphone (purchased but not yet set up) and changing carriers.
2) Continue activity of some sort most days, most likely mulch-moving (I've given into the reality that this seems to be my physical activity for the moment; the mulch is available unusually late in the year, and will run out soon; in the meantime, it's valuable -- and free! -- raw material for several gardening projects, and the best partial solution I can find to a flooding problem).
3) Replace key tag I need to get into pool (which I somehow managed to lose off my keyring while -- what else -- moving mulch).
4) Follow up w/ family member
5) Take advantage of holiday weekend to relax a bit and detach briefly from online class, in preparation for a very busy teaching week (draft conferences) next week.
Daisy (carrying 3-week goals forward)
1) Work on writing projects at least 30 minutes every day
2) Keep up reading project
3) Make better field notes than last year because for the love of pete I wish I could go back and slap my former self silly for taking terrible notes!!!
Elizabeth (from week 4 - hoping all's well and you're just having too good a summer to need the group?)
1) Another of the critiques came in for the co-authored article, so I plan to work on those edits.
2) I’m only going to try for walking three times this week, as I still feel somewhat shaky.
3) Two recipes for healthy food, as I am still trying to fool the family into eating better.
1) Finish most of reading for Topic S and incorporate references into draft and write related sections.
2) Maybe: Drive to UC library that is about 90 minutes away in order to access databases and useful books
3) Make time for a couple of quality activities with my son
4) walk dog 3x
5) nightly planning (with discussions with Hubby)
1) Talk with book publisher, start to figure out how to pull this together.
2) Work on Upcoming Article
3) Finish book for review
4) Work on proposal for edited collection
1) Work on text for chapters 2, 3 and 4.
2) Finish chapter 2.
3) Get deep into chapter 3 (it is a long one).
4. Go to Favorite Café every day
3. exercise 4 times
4. make flight arrangements for flight at end of summer for big trip
5. prepare progress toward tenure letters (all of them, because they are due Friday!)
6. check in with TLQ group!
1) focus on Three Managable Things each day, one for work, one for my environment, one for my health and well-being - and I can use either/or items to appease my inner toddler if necessary, as discussed before!
2) nag the co-author of the very close to submission paper pair Crunchier and Crunchier's Little Brother - he promised them back last Tuesday, that's nearly a week ago...
1) Knock off 2 tasks from P1 admin list
2) 30 min writing x3
3) read/note 2x article for P2; order in book that looks directly on topic
4)reinstate bedtime alarm, 4 x physic exercises.
(a) Scary project: start re-analysing data for maybe conference presentation and read new literature on project.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data and start planning the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This
1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week.
Matilda (carried over from week 6)
1) To continue to revise Chapter 1.
2) To continue to read important articles relating to Chapter 1.
3) To exercise for 3 minutes after one working session (that is, 25 minutes)
4) To have less snacks, both day and night.
Mercy (moving week! Much empathy!)
a. attend important meeting on Mon
b. read 1 more MA thesis (on Sun)
c. read 3 HA-related articles this week
d. take some excercise each day, not just sitting at home
1. Send off review
2. Send proposal to publisher
3. Start going through incredible ILL piles that make my office dangerous right now.
4. Bibliography stuff
5. Organizing tasks in former study, bedroom closet.
6. Exercise at least 4 times
Last week our topic was about negotiating for time for TLQ stuff with other people in our lives, and a lot of replies identified that negotiating with ourselves was also a big part of the challenge - not just for people living alone, either. So I thought that this might merit exploring a bit more this week, especially as it links in with the problems of 'inner voices' we've talked about before under various guises.
Topic: You've successfully negotiated blocks of time for your TLQ work, and you are ready to start work - sitting in your favourite coffeeshop, at your desk or your kitchen table, refilled pen and fresh piece of paper or fully-functioning laptop ready to go. Things should be easy now, right? But this is often the hardest part of all, the reason the voices of TRQ and BRQ and even BLQ tasks win out - important stuff is hard, and it can be scary. After all, if you're too busy to try, you can't fail, right?
A previous iteration of the writing group addressed this via Dame Eleanor's Power-Writer Anti-Bugge spray, and what with all the ants and wasps and flies and gnats attracted by the picnics and sweaty walking-buffet mammals up here in the northern hemisphere, this seemed an appropriate time to dig it out again. So - to what 'little voice' in your head would you most like to apply The Dame's Bugge Spray? And have you any tips on how to power on past the doubts and achieve TLQ goals anyway?
Last week's goals:
allan wilson
1. Finish revision of CR
2. Prep talk
3. Exercise 3 times
4. Eat no more than one piece of junk a day
5. drink at least 4 glasses of water
1) exercise 4x
2) write 3x
3) agent/query progress
4) cover letters
5) nightly planning sessions
Contingent Cassandra
1) Do some follow-up on financial projects started last week; start process of switching to smartphone (purchased but not yet set up) and changing carriers.
2) Continue activity of some sort most days, most likely mulch-moving (I've given into the reality that this seems to be my physical activity for the moment; the mulch is available unusually late in the year, and will run out soon; in the meantime, it's valuable -- and free! -- raw material for several gardening projects, and the best partial solution I can find to a flooding problem).
3) Replace key tag I need to get into pool (which I somehow managed to lose off my keyring while -- what else -- moving mulch).
4) Follow up w/ family member
5) Take advantage of holiday weekend to relax a bit and detach briefly from online class, in preparation for a very busy teaching week (draft conferences) next week.
Daisy (carrying 3-week goals forward)
1) Work on writing projects at least 30 minutes every day
2) Keep up reading project
3) Make better field notes than last year because for the love of pete I wish I could go back and slap my former self silly for taking terrible notes!!!
Elizabeth (from week 4 - hoping all's well and you're just having too good a summer to need the group?)
1) Another of the critiques came in for the co-authored article, so I plan to work on those edits.
2) I’m only going to try for walking three times this week, as I still feel somewhat shaky.
3) Two recipes for healthy food, as I am still trying to fool the family into eating better.
1) Finish most of reading for Topic S and incorporate references into draft and write related sections.
2) Maybe: Drive to UC library that is about 90 minutes away in order to access databases and useful books
3) Make time for a couple of quality activities with my son
4) walk dog 3x
5) nightly planning (with discussions with Hubby)
1) Talk with book publisher, start to figure out how to pull this together.
2) Work on Upcoming Article
3) Finish book for review
4) Work on proposal for edited collection
1) Work on text for chapters 2, 3 and 4.
2) Finish chapter 2.
3) Get deep into chapter 3 (it is a long one).
4. Go to Favorite Café every day
3. exercise 4 times
4. make flight arrangements for flight at end of summer for big trip
5. prepare progress toward tenure letters (all of them, because they are due Friday!)
6. check in with TLQ group!
1) focus on Three Managable Things each day, one for work, one for my environment, one for my health and well-being - and I can use either/or items to appease my inner toddler if necessary, as discussed before!
2) nag the co-author of the very close to submission paper pair Crunchier and Crunchier's Little Brother - he promised them back last Tuesday, that's nearly a week ago...
1) Knock off 2 tasks from P1 admin list
2) 30 min writing x3
3) read/note 2x article for P2; order in book that looks directly on topic
4)reinstate bedtime alarm, 4 x physic exercises.
(a) Scary project: start re-analysing data for maybe conference presentation and read new literature on project.
(b) Gemstone Paper: play around with data and start planning the figures
(c) continue list making and cross off some small items from the various lists.
Let's Do This
1. Finish the article that I wanted to finish last week. Email it before I leave town for the holiday weekend. This gives me three days, ACK!.
2.Do the dreaded bills.
3. Fix the captioning and the video summaries on the two videos that have been uploaded thus far. This will ease me into finishing, uploading, and captioning the remaining videos next week, so I can get started on that article before my parents arrive on the 10th.
4. Pack for the weekend trip. Something I love to put on the list because then I can cross it off later!
5. Enjoy extra time with my daughter, who has a break from the gym this week.
Matilda (carried over from week 6)
1) To continue to revise Chapter 1.
2) To continue to read important articles relating to Chapter 1.
3) To exercise for 3 minutes after one working session (that is, 25 minutes)
4) To have less snacks, both day and night.
Mercy (moving week! Much empathy!)
a. attend important meeting on Mon
b. read 1 more MA thesis (on Sun)
c. read 3 HA-related articles this week
d. take some excercise each day, not just sitting at home
1. Send off review
2. Send proposal to publisher
3. Start going through incredible ILL piles that make my office dangerous right now.
4. Bibliography stuff
5. Organizing tasks in former study, bedroom closet.
6. Exercise at least 4 times
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